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Roots of actinorhizal plants can develop nitrogen-fixing nodules with actinomycetic bacteria of the genus Frankia. We aimed to know if unrestricted growth of roots in pots could influence the pattern of nodule development that we had previously observed for Discaria trinervis growing in pouches. Growth pouches, although being a space saving device convenient for the analysis of nodule development, do restrict root growth. Thus, the pattern of root nodule development was analysed in actinorhizal D. trinervis growing in pots with inert substrates. Inoculation of axenic seedlings growing in perlite resulted in clustering of nodules in a defined region of the taproot and upper lateral roots. When surface sterilized seeds were sown in pots containing vermiculite that had been previously inoculated with Frankia cells, nodules were again concentrated in defined portions of the main and lateral roots. Potted plants developed comparable numbers of nodules with respect to plants grown in pouches. However, a significant proportion of nodules appeared in lateral roots. As it was first inferred from field grown plants, these results confirm that D. trinervis plants growing in pots display the same autoregulatory mechanism for nodule formation that was previously observed in growth pouches.  相似文献   

Ethylene is produced by plants in response to a wide variety of environmental signals and mediates several developmental processes in higher plants. We investigated whether ethylene has a regulatory function in nodulation in the actinorhizal symbiosis between Discaria trinervis and Frankia BCU110501. Roots of axenic D. trinervis seedlings showed aberrant growth and reduced elongation rate in the presence of ethylene donors [i.e. 2-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC) and 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (CEPA)] in growth pouches. By contrast, inhibitors of ethylene synthesis (aminoethoxyvinylglycine, AVG) or perception (Ag+) did not modify root growth. This indicates that the development of D. trinervis roots is sensitive to elevated ethylene levels in the absence of symbiotic Frankia . The drastic response to higher ethylene levels did not result in a systemic impairment of root nodule development. Nodulation occurred in seedlings inoculated with Frankia BCU110501 in the presence of ethylene donors or inhibitors. Overall, the ability of the seedlings to shut down nodule formation in the younger portions of the root (i.e. to autoregulate nodulation) was not significantly impaired by a modification of endogenous ethylene levels. In contrast, we detected subtle changes in the nodulation pattern of the taproots. As a result of exposing the roots to CEPA, less nodules developed in older portions of the taproot. In line with this observation, AVG or Ag+ caused the opposite effect, i.e. a slight increase in nodulation of the mature regions of the taproot. These results suggest that ethylene is involved in modulating the susceptibility for nodulation of the basal portion of D. trinervis seedling roots.  相似文献   

The time course of initiation and development of root nodules was investigated in the South American actinorhizal shrub Discaria trinervis (Rhamnaceae). A local strain of Frankia (BCU110501) which was isolated from D. trinervis nodules, was used as inoculum. Inoculated seedlings were periodically studied under the light microscope after clearing with aqueous NaClO. In parallel, semithin and ultrathin sections were analysed by light and electron microscopy. Infection by Frankia BCU110501 involved intercellular penetration among epidermal and cortical root cells. Nodule primordia were detected from 6 d after inoculation, while bacteria were progressing through intercellular spaces of the outer layers of cortical cells. Invasion of host cells by the symbiont occurred 7–9 d after inoculation, and hypertrophy of the primordium cells was associated with Frankia penetration. Root hairs were not deformed during the early events of nodule formation. From 13 to 16 d after inoculation, the proximal cellular zone of the primordia behaved differently from the other tissues after NaClO treatment and remained darkly pigmented. At the same time, differentiation of Frankia vesicles started to occur inside already infected cells. By 16 d after inoculation, spherical vesicles of BCU110501 were homogeneously distributed in the host cells. These vesicles were septate and surrounded by void space. Frankia spores or sporangia were not observed in the nodule tissue. This study has clarified the mode of Frankia penetration in D. trinervis , one of the Rhamnaceae which also includes Ceanothus . The events involved in infection, nodule induction, host-cell infection and vesicle differentiation have been characterized and identified as time-segregated developmental processes in the ontogeny of D. trinervis root nodules.  相似文献   

Ri T-DNA transformed roots have been used effectively in studying the interaction between various plant hosts and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. We investigated the in vitro monoxenic symbiosis between the AM fungus Glomus intraradices and transformed soybean roots (TSRs). Comparisons were made between TSR system and plants of the same genotype. The extraradical fungal structures generated in vitro culture showed normal development. Straight runner hyphae branched into short simple branched absorbing structures and spores were initiated. AM symbiosis was confirmed by the presence of arbuscules and vesicles in cortical cells of the TSRs. The frequency of intraradical colonization in TSRs was higher than in plants grown in soil, whereas the intensity values of intraradical colonization in TSR cultures were similar to those in whole plants. These results show that TSR cultures were able to support the growth and characteristic development of G. intraradices.  相似文献   

Valverde  Claudio  Wall  Luis Gabriel 《Plant and Soil》2003,254(1):139-153
Asparagine was found to be the main N compound exported from Discaria trinervis nodules. Aspartate (Asp), glutamate (Glu), alanine (Ala) and serine (Ser) were also detected in root xylem sap, but at lower concentrations. A comparable picture is found in nodulated alfalfa. We hypothesized that a similar set of enzymes for Asn synthesis was present in D. trinervis nodules. We demonstrate the expression of most of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of Asn from NH+ 4 and oxoacids, in nodules – but not in roots – of fully symbiotic D. trinervis. By complementation of enzyme assays (A) and immunodetection (I) we detected glutamane-synthetase (GSA, I), Asp-aminotransferase (AATA), malate-dehydrogenase (MDHA, I, at least two isoforms), Glu-dehydrogenase (GDHA), Glu-synthase (GOGATI) and Asn-synthetase (ASI). PEP-carboxylase (PEPC) activity was not detected. We previously shown that N acts as a negative regulator of nodulation and nodule growth, while P is a strong stimulator for nodule growth. We present data on the regulation of nodule N metabolism by altering, during 4 weeks, the availability of N, P and light in symbiotic D. trinervis. NH4NO3 (2 mM) induced inactivation and degradation of nodule GS, MDH and AS, but activation of GDH and AAT; the amount of nitrogenase components was not affected. A 10-fold increase in P supply did not greatly affect activity and amount of enzymes, suggesting that N metabolism is not P-limited in nodules. On the other hand, suppression of P supply induced an important reduction of nodule GS, GOGAT, MDH and AS protein levels, although nitrogenase was not affected. GDH was the only measured activity that was stimulated by limiting P supply. Shading plants did result in complete degradation of nitrogenase and partial degradation of GS, AS and nodule-specific MDH isoform, but GDH and AAT were activated. These results are discussed in connection with the regulation of nodulation and nodule growth in D. trinervis.  相似文献   

Human activity, and in particular industrial activity, has altered natural environments. Here we present an experimental approach adapted to study the actinorhizal symbiosis in alder trees and shrubs submitted to abiotic stress. We measured the impact of exogenous nitrogen on the establishment of the alder symbiosis with Frankia sp., and its primary function; nitrogen fixation. Results showed our version of the growth pouch method was functional, and corroborated the gradual inhibition of symbiosis in the presence of increasing exogenous nitrogen concentrations. In mountain alder (Alnus viridis ssp. crispa) there was a gradual and suppressive effect of nitrogen on the relative number or root nodules, while in black alder (Alnus glutinosa) results suggested a threshold effect at 45 ppm N. Shoot to root biomass ratios were increased in the presence of the microsymbiont, and this effect was generally maintained even in the presence of heavy metals (As, Se or V). Alders and the actinorhizal symbiosis were not heavily affected by the presence of heavy metals, confirming potential applications in soil rehabilitation, however the distribution of metals in plant tissues sometimes changed when high levels of metals were present. A. glutinosa plants exposed to high levels of As significantly increased the allocation of As to roots (≈90%), while those exposed to high levels of Se rose their aerial tissue Se allocation to roughly 86%. A. glutinosa plants exposed to high V levels did not change behavior: V was in all cases preferentially accumulated in underground tissues (≥90%). Our results detail the use of a high-throughput approach to study the plasticity of the actinorhizal symbiosis in the presence of fluctuating nitrogen and metal conditions. These methods are transposable to numerous actinorhizal studies in both fundamental and applied research.  相似文献   

Green Hydra is used as a classical example for explaining symbiosis in schools as well as an excellent research model. Indeed the cosmopolitan green Hydra (Hydra viridissima) provides a potent experimental framework to investigate the symbiotic relationships between a complex eumetazoan organism and a unicellular photoautotrophic green algae named Chlorella. Chlorella populates a single somatic cell type, the gastrodermal myoepithelial cells (also named digestive cells) and the oocyte at the time of sexual reproduction. This symbiotic relationship is stable, well-determined and provides biological advantages to the algal symbionts, but also to green Hydra over the related non-symbiotic Hydra i.e. brown hydra. These advantages likely result from the bidirectional flow of metabolites between the host and the symbiont. Moreover genetic flow through horizontal gene transfer might also participate in the establishment of these selective advantages. However, these relationships between the host and the symbionts may be more complex. Thus, Jolley and Smith showed that the reproductive rate of the algae increases dramatically outside of Hydra cells, although this endosymbiont isolation is debated. Recently it became possible to keep different species of endosymbionts isolated from green Hydra in stable and permanent cultures and compare them to free-living Chlorella species. Future studies testing metabolic relationships and genetic flow should help elucidate the mechanisms that support the maintenance of symbiosis in a eumetazoan species.  相似文献   

Opa-typing: a high-resolution tool for studying the epidemiology of gonorrhoea   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A single gonococcus possesses a family of 11 distinct and highly variable opa genes. The extensive variation and rapid evolution of the opa gene repertoire has been exploited to provide a high-resolution typing method for studies of the short-term transmission of gonorrhoea. The 11 opa genes are amplified with a single pair of primers by the polymerase chain reaction, digested with frequently-cutting restriction enzymes, and the fragments are fractionated on polyacrylamide to provide an opa-type. The method appeared to be highly discriminatory as the opa-types of gonococci, isolated world-wide over the last 30 years, were all different. Opa-typing discriminated between isolates of the same auxotype/serovar class. Similarly, there were 41 opa-types among 43 consecutive isolates from a sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic. The two pairs of isolates from this clinic that gave the same opa-types were identical by other criteria and may have been from unsuspected sexual contacts. With one minor exception, identical opa-types were obtained from gonococci recovered from known sexual contacts. These results suggest that variation in the family of 11 opa genes evolves so rapidly that the opa-types of gonococci are distinguishable, unless the isolates are from sexual contacts or a short chain of disease transmission. The identification of gonococci with identical opa-types is therefore believed to be a good indicator that the individuals from which they were recovered were sexual partners, or part of a short chain of disease transmission.  相似文献   

Standard approaches for measuring adhesion strength of fouling organisms use barnacles, tubeworms or oysters settled and grown in the field or laboratory, to a measurable size. These approaches suffer from the vagaries of larval supply, settlement behavior, predation, disturbance and environmental stress. Procedures for reattaching barnacles to experimental surfaces are reported. When procedures are followed, adhesion strength measurements on silicone substrata after 2 weeks are comparable to those obtained using standard methods. Hydrophilic surfaces require reattachment for 2-4 weeks. The adhesion strength of barnacles in reattachment assays was positively correlated to results obtained from field testing a series of experimental polysiloxane fouling-release coatings (r = 0.89). The reattachment method allows for precise barnacle orientation, enabling the use of small surfaces and the potential for automation. The method enables down-selection of coatings from combinatorial approaches to manageable levels for definitive field testing. Reattachment can be used with coatings that combine antifouling and fouling-release technologies.  相似文献   

Pteris vittata can tolerate very high soil arsenic concentration and rapidly accumulates the metalloid in its fronds. However, its tolerance to arsenic has not been completely explored. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi colonize the root of most terrestrial plants, including ferns. Mycorrhizae are known to affect plant responses in many ways: improving plant nutrition, promoting plant tolerance or resistance to pathogens, drought, salinity and heavy metal stresses. It has been observed that plants growing on arsenic polluted soils are usually mycorrhizal and that AM fungi enhance arsenic tolerance in a number of plant species. The aim of the present work was to study the effects of the AM fungus Glomus mosseae on P. vittata plants treated with arsenic using a proteomic approach. Image analysis showed that 37 spots were differently affected (21 identified). Arsenic treatment affected the expression of 14 spots (12 up-regulated and 2 down-regulated), while in presence of G. mosseae modulated 3 spots (1 up-regulated and 2 down-regulated). G. mosseae, in absence of arsenic, modulated 17 spots (13 up-regulated and 4 down-regulated). Arsenic stress was observed even in an arsenic tolerant plant as P. vittata and a protective effect of AM symbiosis toward arsenic stress was observed.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, hairy root research for the production of important secondary metabolites has received a lot of attention. The addition of knowledge to overcome the limiting culture parameters of the regulation of the metabolic pathway by specific molecules and the development of novel tools for metabolic engineering now offer new possibilities to improve the hairy root technique for the production of metabolites. Furthermore, engineering hairy roots for the production of animal proteins of therapeutic interest in confined and controlled in vitro conditions is seen as one of the exciting spin-offs of the technology. Recent progress made in the scale-up of the hairy root cultures has paved the way for industrial exploitation of this system. This review highlights some of the significant progress made in the past three years and discusses the potential implications of that research.  相似文献   

Protecting the confidentiality of genetic research data is an important aspect of genetic research that has been discussed in various forums. Research data must be protected to prevent discrimination and its use in litigation. The certificate of confidentiality was created to protect the subjects of alcohol- and drug-abuse studies, who may be engaging in illegal activities. As revised in 1988, the certificate protects investigators engaging in other kinds of studies from being compelled to reveal information about subjects. Because the certificate protects information that could damage a subject's financial or social standing or employability, it is an appropriate tool to use to maintain the confidentiality of genetic data. The Department of Health and Human Services issues the certificates; the procedure for applying for a certificate of confidentiality is presented.  相似文献   

A transformation protocol, based on co-inoculation with two strains of Agrobacterium, Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404 and A. rhizogenes 15834 containing a binary vector with the GUS gene, was established for the induction of transgenic hairy roots from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) explants. It resulted in marked improvement in the formation of hairy roots and the integration of the binary vector T-DNA into the host genome. Of 250 inoculated sugar beet hypocotyls, 84% yielded hairy roots 5–7 days after inoculation, of which 70% were co-transformed with the binary vector T-DNA. To determine stable expression of alien genes in hairy roots, the nematode resistance gene Hs1 pro-1 was used as a reporter gene. In addition, molecular marker analysis was applied to monitor stable incorporation of a translocation from the wild beet B. procumbens. The molecular analysis and the nematode (Heterodera schachtii) resistance test in vitro demonstrated that the genomic structure and the expression of the Hs1 pro-1 -mediated nematode resistance were well-maintained in all hairy root cultures even after repeated sub-culture. Received: 25 November 1997 / Revision received: 26 May 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

The essentiality of boron (B) for nitrogen fixation in heterocystous cyanobacteria and rhizobial symbioses has been widely established. However, nothing is known about the possible involvement of the micronutrient in actinorhizal symbioses. Therefore, the effect of boron (B) deficiency on the establishment of the Discaria trinervis-Frankia BCU110501 symbiosis was investigated. Nodulation was diminished in B-deficient D. trinervis or in plants inoculated with Frankia grown in the absence of B. These poorly nodulated plants showed a reduction of shoot and root weight and small size. Because depletion of the micronutrient during growth of the actinomycete altered the infection capacity of Frankia , we also studied growth, structure and nitrogen fixation of free-living Frankia BCU110501. Growth was delayed in B-deficient BAP media (+N cultures), and completely inhibited in B-deprived N-free BAP media (–N cultures), suggesting that B is required to enhance growth of Frankia and essential for the development of nitrogen fixing activity. Ultrastructural study of B-deficient cells showed an alteration of filament walls both in +N and especially in –N cultures, indicating a possible role of the microelement in the maintenance of these structures. Moreover, the stability of vesicle envelopes was impaired in the absence of B and, hence, nitrogenase occurrence and nitrogen fixation were totally absent. The results show that B is required for both partners to establish an effective symbiosis.  相似文献   

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