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Anabrus simplex is an economically significant crop pest in the western United States and is a model organism for studying the influence of sex role reversal on sperm allocation and utilization patterns and population genetics. We isolated seven polymorphic microsatellite loci in Anabrus simplex, and within population allele numbers ranged from 10 to 25. High polymorphism is not unusual for Orthopteran insects, although observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.24 to 0.91 and were lower than expected heterozygosities, suggesting null alleles. These microsatellites will greatly facilitate studies of postcopulatory reproductive isolation in nuptial gift‐giving insects and historical phylogenetics in the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

Climatic oscillations throughout the Pleistocene combined with geological and topographic complexity resulted in extreme habitat heterogeneity along the Atlantic coast of Brazil. Inferring how these historic landscape patterns have structured the current diversity of the region's biota is important both for our understanding of the factors promoting diversification, as well as the conservation of this biodiversity hotspot. Here we evaluate potential historical scenarios of diversification in the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil by investigating the population genetic structure of a frog endemic to the region. Using mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, we generated a Bayesian population-level phylogeny of the Thoropa miliaris species complex. We found deep genetic divergences among five geographically distinct clades. Southern clades were monophyletic and nested within paraphyletic northern clades. Analyses of historical demographic patterns suggest an overall north to south population expansion, likely associated with regional differences in habitat stability during the Pliocene and early Pleistocene. However, genetic structure among southern populations is less pronounced and likely represents more recent vicariant events resulting from Holocenic sea-level oscillations. Our analyses corroborate that the Atlantic Coastal Forest has been a biogeographically dynamic landscape and suggest that the high diversity of its fauna and flora resulted from a combination of climatic and geologic events from the Pliocene to the present.  相似文献   

A plant species' genetic population structure is the result of a complex combination of its life history, ecological preferences, position in the ecosystem and historical factors. As a result, many different statistical methods exist that measure different aspects of species' genetic structure. However, little is known about how these methods are interrelated and how they are related to a species' ecology and life history. In this study, we used the IntraBioDiv amplified fragment length polymorphisms data set from 27 high-alpine species to calculate eight genetic summary statistics that we jointly correlate to a set of six ecological and life-history traits. We found that there is a large amount of redundancy among the calculated summary statistics and that there is a significant association with the matrix of species traits. In a multivariate analysis, two main aspects of population structure were visible among the 27 species. The first aspect is related to the species' dispersal capacities and the second is most likely related to the species' postglacial recolonization of the Alps. Furthermore, we found that some summary statistics, most importantly Mantel's r and Jost's D, show different behaviour than expected based on theory. We therefore advise caution in drawing too strong conclusions from these statistics.  相似文献   

Nonrandom patterns of mating and dispersal create fine-scale genetic structure in natural populations — especially of social mammals — with important evolutionary and conservation genetic consequences. Such structure is well-characterized for typical mammalian societies; that is, societies where social group composition is stable, dispersal is male-biased, and males form permanent breeding associations in just one or a few social groups over the course of their lives. However, genetic structure is not well understood for social mammals that differ from this pattern, including elephants. In elephant societies, social groups fission and fuse, and males never form permanent breeding associations with female groups. Here, we combine 33 years of behavioural observations with genetic information for 545 African elephants ( Loxodonta africana ), to investigate how mating and dispersal behaviours structure genetic variation between social groups and across age classes. We found that, like most social mammals, female matrilocality in elephants creates co-ancestry within core social groups and significant genetic differentiation between groups (ΦST = 0.058). However, unlike typical social mammals, male elephants do not bias reproduction towards a limited subset of social groups, and instead breed randomly across the population. As a result, reproductively dominant males mediate gene flow between core groups, which creates cohorts of similar-aged paternal relatives across the population. Because poaching tends to eliminate the oldest elephants from populations, illegal hunting and poaching are likely to erode fine-scale genetic structure. We discuss our results and their evolutionary and conservation genetic implications in the context of other social mammals.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(15):3389-3397.e8
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It is now well established that Southern European peninsulas have been major glacial refugia for temperate species during Pleistocene climatic oscillations. However, substantial environmental changes occurred also within these peninsulas throughout the Pleistocene, raising questions about the role and interplay of various microevolutionary processes in shaping patterns of intraspecific diversity within these areas. Here, we investigate the patterns of genetic variation in the bank vole Myodes glareolus within the Italian peninsula. By using a panel of 13 microsatellite loci, we found more intraspecific variation than expected based on previous assessments. Indeed, both Bayesian and ordination‐based clustering analyses of variation recovered five main geographic/genetic clusters along the peninsula, with three clusters geographically restricted to the southern portion of the peninsula. This clustering is supported by previous evidences of some morphological distinctiveness among these populations. This pattern can be explained by a refugia‐within‐refugia scenario, with the occurrence of multiple sub‐refugia for the bank vole within the Italian peninsula, likely promoted by the major palaeo‐environmental changes which affected forested habitats within this area during the Pleistocene. Moreover, our results support a scenario whereby the high levels of intraspecific diversity observed within major Pleistocene refugia are better explained by dynamic microevolutionary processes occurred within these areas, rather than by long‐term demographic stability of refugial population. Finally, the narrow and isolated distribution of some of the identified lineages suggests the need for future assessments of their conservation and taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure in the presence of substantial dispersal provides a unique perspective on the evolution of reproductive isolation. We sampled Telmatherina antoniae, an endemic fish species, at 10 sites in Lake Matano, Indonesia. Significant genetic structure (FST = 0.03) was found, despite a migration rate of 10.2% and a mean dispersal distance of 13.6 km, estimated by genotype assignment. Neither dispersal distance nor direction differed from random expectations, indicative of no dispersal barrier in Lake Matano. However, Bayesian genotype cluster assignment identified a population structure consisting of four to six clusters that did not coincide with sample site distribution, but explained two to three times more genetic variance than sample site. The mechanism for continued isolation of those genetic clusters is unknown, but assortative mating and temporal isolation are obvious candidates. Our results resolve the apparent paradox of population genetic structure coupled with frequent dispersal, and highlight the importance of considering cryptic genetic structure.  相似文献   

Recent phylogeographical assessments have consistently shown that continental zooplankton display high levels of population subdivision, despite the high dispersal capacity of their diapausing propagules. As such, there is an apparent paradox between observed cosmopolitanism in the zooplankton that is associated with long-distance dispersal, and strong phylogeographical structures at a regional scale. Such population dynamics, far from migration-drift equilibrium, have been shown in the rotifer species complex Brachionus plicatilis, a group of over a dozen species inhabiting salt lakes and coastal lagoons worldwide. Here we present the mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of one of these species, Brachionus manjavacas, in the Iberian Peninsula, where it often co-occurs with the morphologically similar species B. plicatilis sensu stricto. We obtained sequences from 233 individuals from diapausing eggs and clonal cultures from 16 lakes in the Iberian Peninsula, and a Tunisian lake. Two strongly supported deep mitochondrial DNA clades were found (A and B). Phylogenetic and nested clade analysis showed that clade A has a strong phylogeographical structure, with a strong similarity of phylogeographical patterns between B. manjavacas clade A and B. plicatilis s.s. These include (i) signatures of allopatric fragmentation between central and southern populations, and (ii) range expansions in the Iberian Peninsula, both likely to have occurred during the Pleistocene. We find evidence for a glacial refugium in the Guadiana basin. Clades A and B co-occurred in several of these lakes because of range expansion and secondary contact between both clades. The co-occurrence between B. plicatilis s.s. and B. manjavacas is not recent, and both species might have experienced similar environmental challenges during the Pleistocene. The strong correlation of genetic and geographical distance found suggests that historical events can lead to such correlation, mirroring the effects of 'isolation by distance' in equilibrium populations.  相似文献   

Effects of habitat fragmentation on genetic diversity vary among species. This may be attributed to the interacting effects of species traits and landscape structure. While widely distributed and abundant species are often considered less susceptible to fragmentation, this may be different if they are small sized and show limited dispersal. Under intensive land use, habitat fragmentation may reach thresholds at which gene flow among populations of small-sized and dispersal-limited species becomes disrupted. Here, we studied the genetic diversity of two abundant and widespread bush crickets along a gradient of habitat fragmentation in an agricultural landscape. We applied traditional (G(ST), θ) and recently developed (G'ST', D) estimators of genetic differentiation on microsatellite data from each of twelve populations of the grassland species Metrioptera roeselii and the forest-edge species Pholidoptera griseoaptera to identify thresholds of habitat fragmentation below which genetic population structure is affected. Whereas the grassland species exhibited a uniform genetic structuring (G(ST) = 0.020-0.033; D = 0.085-0.149) along the whole fragmentation gradient, the forest-edge species' genetic differentiation increased significantly from D < 0.063 (G(ST) < 0.018) to D = 0.166 (G(ST) = 0.074), once the amount of suitable habitat dropped below a threshold of 20% and its proximity decreased substantially at the landscape scale. The influence of fragmentation on genetic differentiation was qualitatively unaffected by the choice of estimators of genetic differentiation but quantitatively underestimated by the traditional estimators. These results indicate that even for widespread species in modern agricultural landscapes fragmentation thresholds exist at which gene flow among suitable habitat patches becomes restricted.  相似文献   

Gammarus minus is an important component of surface spring and cave ecosystems throughout Appalachia, and is a useful indicator of the hydrology and gene flow in freshwater communities. Gammarus minus populations occupying large cave passages (> 2 km) are usually troglomorphic, having reduced eyes, fewer ommatidia, larger body size, longer antennae, and reduced pigmentation relative to surface populations. We surveyed five cave stream and 10 surface spring populations for DNA sequence variation in the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS-1) genes with an aim towards characterizing phylogeographical structure and comparing the nature of genetic variation in cave vs. surface populations. Although standing variation at both loci was rather low within populations, a significant degree of divergence and spatial structuring of populations was observed. Levels of genetic variation within cave and spring populations differed substantially, with caves harbouring significantly less variation at the COI locus than surface springs. Codon usage bias was significantly lower in caves, indicating that cave streams harbour smaller and/or more recently colonized populations. Overall these data indicate limited gene flow among populations and suggest that the cave populations sampled in this study are prone to bottlenecks, possibly due to larger temperature fluctuations and more frequent incidence of drought conditions associated with these particular cave habitats.  相似文献   

Phylogeography is often used to investigate the effects of glacial cycles on current genetic structure of various plant and animal species. This approach can also identify the number and location of glacial refugia as well as the recolonization routes from those refugia to the current locations. To identify the location of glacial refugia of the Yellow‐spotted mountain newt, Neurergus derjugini, we employed phylogeography patterns and genetic variability of this species by analyzing partial ND4 sequences (867 bp) of 67 specimens from 15 sampling localities from the whole species range in Iran and Iraq. Phylogenetic trees concordant with haplotype networks showed a clear genetic structure among populations as three groups corresponding to the populations in the north, center, and south. Evolutionary ages of clades north and south ranging from 0.15 to 0.17 Myr, while the oldest clade is the central clade, corresponding to 0.32 Myr. Bayesian skyline plots of population size change through time show a relatively slight increase until about 25 kyr (around the last glacial maximum) and a decline of population size about 2.5 kyr. The presence of geographically structured clades in north, center, and south sections of the species range signifies the disjunct populations that have emerged in three different refugium. This study illustrates the importance of the effect of previous glacial cycles in shaping the genetic structure of mountain species in the Zagros range. These areas are important in terms of long‐term species persistence and therefore valuable areas for conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Infectious disease has been shown to be a major cause of population declines in wild animals. However, there remains little empirical evidence on the genetic consequences of disease-mediated population declines, or how such perturbations might affect demographic processes such as dispersal. Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) has resulted in the rapid decline of the Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii, and threatens to cause extinction. Using 10 microsatellite DNA markers, we compared genetic diversity and structure before and after DFTD outbreaks in three Tasmanian devil populations to assess the genetic consequences of disease-induced population decline. We also used both genetic and demographic data to investigate dispersal patterns in Tasmanian devils along the east coast of Tasmania. We observed a significant increase in inbreeding (FIS pre/post-disease −0.030/0.012, P<0.05; relatedness pre/post-disease 0.011/0.038, P=0.06) in devil populations after just 2–3 generations of disease arrival, but no detectable change in genetic diversity. Furthermore, although there was no subdivision apparent among pre-disease populations (θ=0.005, 95% confidence interval (CI) −0.003 to 0.017), we found significant genetic differentiation among populations post-disease (θ=0.020, 0.010–0.027), apparently driven by a combination of selection and altered dispersal patterns of females in disease-affected populations. We also show that dispersal is male-biased in devils and that dispersal distances follow a typical leptokurtic distribution. Our results show that disease can result in genetic and demographic changes in host populations over few generations and short time scales. Ongoing management of Tasmanian devils must now attempt to maintain genetic variability in this species through actions designed to reverse the detrimental effects of inbreeding and subdivision in disease-affected populations.  相似文献   

Ecological and life history characteristics such as population size, dispersal pattern, and mating system mediate the influence of genetic drift and gene flow on population subdivision. Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) differ markedly in spawning location, population size and mating system. Based on these differences, we predicted that bull trout would have reduced genetic variation within and greater differentiation among populations compared with mountain whitefish. To test this hypothesis, we used microsatellite markers to determine patterns of genetic divergence for each species in the Clark Fork River, Montana, USA. As predicted, bull trout had a much greater proportion of genetic variation partitioned among populations than mountain whitefish. Among all sites, FST was seven times greater for bull trout (FST = 0.304 for bull trout, 0.042 for mountain whitefish. After removing genetically differentiated high mountain lake sites for each species FST, was 10 times greater for bull trout (FST = 0.176 for bull trout; FST = 0.018 for mountain whitefish). The same characteristics that affect dispersal patterns in these species also lead to predictions about the amount and scale of adaptive divergence among populations. We provide a theoretical framework that incorporates variation in ecological and life history factors, neutral divergence, and adaptive divergence to interpret how neutral and adaptive divergence might be correlates of ecological and life history factors.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal in a vagile carnivore, the American marten (Martes americana), was studied by comparing radio-tracking data and microsatellite genetic structure in two populations occupying contrasting habitats. The genetic differentiation determined among groups of individuals using F(ST) indices appeared to be weak in both landscapes, and showed no increase with geographical distance. Genetic structure investigated using pairwise genetic distances between individuals conversely showed a pattern of isolation by distance (IBD), but only in the population occurring in a homogeneous high-quality habitat, therefore showing the advantage of individual-based analyses in detecting within-population processes and local landscape effects. The telemetry study of juveniles revealed a leptokurtic distribution of dispersal distances in both populations, and estimates of the mean squared parent-offspring axial distance (sigma2) inferred both from the genetic pattern of IBD and from the radio-tracking survey showed that most juveniles make little contribution to gene flow.  相似文献   

石甜  莫忠妹  吴敏  赵财 《植物研究》2022,42(4):574-583
对我国14个地区的药食同源植物薤白(Allium macrostemon)的叶绿体基因片段(psbA-trnH、rps16和trnL-F)与核基因片段(ITS)进行测序分析,揭示薤白的遗传变异分布式样、单倍型地理分布格局,并推断其在第四纪冰期的避难所。结果表明:薤白叶绿体基因(cpDNA)遗传多样性低于核基因(nrDNA)遗传多样性(cpDNA:HT=0.868;nrDNA:HT=0.890)。cpDNA和nrDNA的分子变异分析(AMOVA)结果显示:薤白遗传变异主要发生在居群间(cpDNA:92.84%;nrDNA:98.40%),存在遗传分化(cpDNA:Nst=0.918,Gst=0.866,Fst=0.928;nrDNA:Nst=0.984,Gst=0.855,Fst=0.984),且Nst均大于Gst,表明该物种具有明显的谱系地理结构。在薤白居群中,共检测到11个叶绿体单倍型和14个nrDNA基因型;单倍型网络图及地理分布图表明,叶绿体单倍型H3、核DNA基因型H1频率最高,位于网络结构图的中心位置,可能为古老单倍型。此外,冰期避难所假说认为遗传多样性高、拥有古老单倍型和较多特有单倍型的区域可能是该物种的冰期避难所,因此推测薤白在第四纪冰期时可能在大盘山、天水和通化地区存在多个冰期避难所。这些分析可为类似草本植物的进化提供参考,丰富对东亚草本植物分子系统与生物地理学的认识。  相似文献   

Quantifying population genetic structure is fundamental to testing hypotheses regarding gene flow, population divergence and dynamics across large spatial scales. In species with highly mobile life‐history stages, where it is unclear whether such movements translate into effective dispersal among discrete philopatric breeding populations, this approach can be particularly effective. We used seven nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA (ND2) markers to quantify population genetic structure and variation across 20 populations (447 individuals) of one such species, the European Shag, spanning a large geographical range. Despite high breeding philopatry, rare cross‐sea movements and recognized subspecies, population genetic structure was weak across both microsatellites and mitochondrial markers. Furthermore, although isolation‐by‐distance was detected, microsatellite variation provided no evidence that open sea formed a complete barrier to effective dispersal. These data suggest that occasional long‐distance, cross‐sea movements translate into gene flow across a large spatial scale. Historical factors may also have shaped contemporary genetic structure: cluster analyses of microsatellite data identified three groups, comprising colonies at southern, mid‐ and northern latitudes, and similar structure was observed at mitochondrial loci. Only one private mitochondrial haplotype was found among subspecies, suggesting that this current taxonomic subdivision may not be mirrored by genetic isolation.  相似文献   

Understanding the biotic consequences of Pleistocene range shifts and fragmentation remains a fundamental goal in historical biogeography and evolutionary biology. Here, we combine species distribution models (SDM) from the present and two late Quaternary time periods with multilocus genetic data (mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites) to evaluate the effect of climate‐induced habitat shifts on population genetic structure in the Large‐blotched Ensatina (Ensatina eschscholtzii klauberi), a plethodontid salamander endemic to middle and high‐elevation conifer forest in the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges of southern California and northern Baja California. A composite SDM representing the range through time predicts two disjunct refugia, one in southern California encompassing the core of the species range and the other in the Sierra San Pedro Mártir of northern Baja California at the southern limit of the species range. Based on our spatial model, we would expect a pattern of high connectivity among populations within the northern refugium and, conversely, a pattern of isolation due to long‐term persistence of the Sierra San Pedro Mártir population. Our genetic results are consistent with these predictions based on the hypothetical refugia in that (i) historical measures of population connectivity among stable areas are correlated with gene flow estimates; and (ii) there is strong geographical structure between separate refugia. These results provide evidence for the role of recent climatic change in shaping patterns of population persistence and connectivity within the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges, an evolutionary hotspot.  相似文献   

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