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The genetic control of tolerance to NaCl (0.7 MPa, 9.8 g/l) was studied in six durum wheat accessions from the world collection of the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry. Analysis of F1, F2, and F3 of the crosses between tolerant forms and a in accessions k-17227 and k-10930susceptible tester has demonstrated that a high salt tolerance is determined by one dominant gene; in accession k-46660, by three independent dominant genes; and in accessions k-15305 and k-41884, by single genes without dominance effect. Potential allelism of the salt tolerance genes has been studied for the accessions with monogenically determined salt tolerance, and either identity or tight linkage of the genes determining salt tolerance of accessions k-15305 and k-41884 has been demonstrated. Provisional designations Tsa1, Tsa2, and Tsa3 are proposed for the genetic factors determining salt tolerance of accessions k-10930, k-17227, and k-15305, respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among 49 wheat varieties (37 durum and 12 bread wheat) was assayed using 32 microsatellites representing 34 loci covering almost the whole wheat genome. The polymorphic information content (PIC) across the tested loci ranged from 0 to 0.88 with average values of 0.57 and 0.65 for durum and bread wheat respectively. B-genome had the highest mean number of alleles (10.91) followed by A genome (8.3) whereas D genome had the lowest number (4.73). The correlation between PIC and allele number was significant in all genome groups accounting for 0.87, 074 and 0.84 for A, B and D genomes respectively, and over all genomes, the correlation was higher in tetraploid (0.8) than in hexaploid wheat varieties (0.5). The cluster analysis discriminated all varieties and clearly divided the two ploidy levels into two separate clusters that reflect the differences in genetic diversity within each cluster. This study demonstrates that microsatellites markers have unique advantages compared to other molecular and biochemical fingerprinting techniques in revealing the genetic diversity in Syrian wheat varieties that is crucial for wheat improvement.  相似文献   

Final grain dry weight, a component of yield in wheat, is dependent on the duration and the rate of grain filling. The purpose of the study was to compare the grain filling patterns between common wheat, (Triticum aestivum L.), and durum wheat, (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum), and investigate relationships among grain filling parameters, yield components and the yield itself. The most important variables in differentiating among grain filling curves were final grain dry weight (W) for common wheat genotypes and grain filling rate (R) for durum wheat genotypes; however, in all cases the sets of variables important in differentiating among grain filling curves were extended to either two or all three parameters. Furthermore, in one out of three environmental conditions and for both groups of genotypes, the most important parameter in the set was grain filling duration (T). It indicates significant impact of environmental conditions on dry matter accumulation and the mutual effect of grain filling duration and its rate on the final grain dry weight. The medium early anthesis date could be associated with further grain weight and yield improvements in wheat. Grain filling of earlier genotypes occurs in more temperate environments, which provides enough time for gradual grain fill and avoids the extremes of temperature and the stress of dry conditions.  相似文献   

Wheat stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, can cause significant yield losses. To combat the disease, breeders have deployed resistance genes both individually and in combinations to increase resistance durability. A new race, TTKSK (Ug99), identified in Uganda in 1999 is virulent on most of the resistance genes currently deployed, and is rapidly spreading to other regions of the world. It is therefore important to identify, map, and deploy resistance genes that are still effective against TTKSK. One of these resistance genes, Sr13, was previously assigned to the long arm of chromosome 6A, but its precise map location was not known. In this study, the genome location of Sr13 was determined in four tetraploid wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum) mapping populations involving the TTKSK resistant varieties Kronos, Kofa, Medora and Sceptre. Our results showed that resistance was linked to common molecular markers in all four populations, suggesting that these durum lines carry the same resistance gene. Based on its chromosome location and infection types against different races of stem rust, this gene is postulated to be Sr13. Sr13 was mapped within a 1.2–2.8 cM interval (depending on the mapping population) between EST markers CD926040 and BE471213, which corresponds to a 285-kb region in rice chromosome 2, and a 3.1-Mb region in Brachypodium chromosome 3. These maps will be the foundation for developing high-density maps, identifying diagnostic markers, and positional cloning of Sr13.  相似文献   

Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum, 2n = 4x = 28, genomes AB) is an economically important cereal used as the raw material to make pasta and semolina. In this paper we present the construction and characterization of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of tetraploid durum wheat cv. Langdon. This variety was selected because of the availability of substitution lines that facilitate the assignment of BACs to the A and B genome. The selected Langdon line has a 30-cM segment of chromosome 6BS from T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides carrying a gene for high grain protein content, the target of a positional cloning effort in our laboratory. A total of 516,096 clones were organized in 1,344 384-well plates and blotted on 28 high-density filters. Ninety-eight percent of these clones had wheat DNA inserts (0.3% chloroplast DNA, 1.4% empty clones and 0.3% empty wells). The average insert size of 500 randomly selected BAC clones was 131 kb, resulting in a coverage of 5.1-fold genome equivalents for each of the two genomes, and a 99.4% probability of recovering any gene from each of the two genomes of durum wheat. Six known copy-number probes were used to validate this theoretical coverage and gave an estimated coverage of 5.8-fold genome equivalents. Screening of the library with 11 probes related to grain storage proteins and starch biosynthesis showed that the library contains several clones for each of these genes, confirming the value of the library in characterizing the organization of these important gene families. In addition, characterization of fingerprints from colinear BACs from the A and B genomes showed a large differentiation between the A and B genomes. This library will be a useful tool for evolutionary studies in one of the best characterized polyploid systems and a source of valuable genes for wheat. Clones and high-density filters can be requested at Communicated by P. LangridgeThe first two authors contributed equally to the investigation  相似文献   

The puroindoline genes (Pina and Pinb) are the functional components of the common or bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain hardness locus that are responsible for kernel texture. In this study, four puroindoline b-2 variants were physically mapped using nulli-tetrosomic lines of bread wheat cultivar Chinese Spring and substitution lines of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) cultivar Langdon. Results indicated that Pinb-2v1 was on 7D of Chinese Spring, Pinb-2v2 on 7B of Chinese Spring, Pinb-2v3 on 7B of Chinese Spring and Langdon, and Pinb-2v4 on 7A of Chinese Spring and Langdon. A new puroindoline b-2 variant, designated Pinb-2v5, was identified at the puroindoline b-2 locus of durum wheat cultivar Langdon, with a difference of only five single nucelotide polymorphisms compared with Pinb-2v4. Sequencing results indicated that, in comparison with the Pinb-2v3 sequence (AM99733 and GQ496618 with one base-pair modification of G to T at 6th position, designated Pinb-2v3a) in bread wheat cultivar Witchta, the coding region of Pinb-2v3 in 12 durum wheat cultivars had a single nucleotide change from T to C at the 311th position, resulting in a corresponding amino acid change from valine to alanine at the 104th position. This new allele was designated Pinb-2v3b. The study of puroindoline b-2 gene polymorphism in CIMMYT and Italian durum wheat germplasm and discovery of a novel puroindoline b-2 variant could provide useful information for further understanding the molecular and genetic basis of kernel hardness and illustrating gene duplication events in wheat.  相似文献   

A number of isolines of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) differ in their translocation of Cd. In the field, the high isolines accumulate twice the Cd in leaves and grain when compared to the low isolines. The hypothesis that differential accumulation of Cd is associated with differential production of organic acids was tested by measuring Cd content in tissues, Cd partitioning within the root, and organic acids in tissues. In solution culture, the high and low isolines of W9261-BG did not differ in any of the variables measured. Within W9260-BC, the low isoline had half the Cd in its shoot, 30% more tightly bound Cd in the root and higher concentrations of fumaric, malic, and succinic acids in the root compared to the high isoline. Differential Cd accumulation may be linked to differential adsorption and retention of Cd in the roots of the low Cd-accumulating isolines, possibly via chelation with organic acids.  相似文献   

An efficient genotype independent, in vitro regeneration system was developed for nine popular Indian wheat cultivars, three each of Triticum aestivum L. viz., CPAN1676, HD2329 and PBW343, Triticum durum Desf. viz., PDW215, PDW233 and WH896, and Triticum dicoccum Schrank. Schubl. viz., DDK1001, DDK1025 and DDK1029, by manipulating the concentration and time of exposure to the growth regulator, thidiazuron (TDZ). A total of 18 (for immature inflorescence and embryo explant) and six (for mature embryo explant) different combinations of growth regulators were tried for callusing and regeneration, respectively. Media combination with low concentration of TDZ (2.2 μM) in combination to auxin and/or cytokinin (depending upon culture stage), was found to be effective for immature and mature explants. Compact, nodular and highly embryogenic calli were obtained by using immature embryo, immature inflorescence and mature embryo explants, and regeneration frequency up to 25 shoots/explant with an overall 80% regeneration was achieved. Comparable regeneration frequency was achieved for mature embryo explants. No separate hormone combination for rooting was required and plantlets ready to transfer to soil could be obtained in a short period of 8–10 weeks. This protocol can be used for raising transgenic plants for functional genomics analysis of agronomically important traits in the three species of wheat.  相似文献   

Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) is one of the main species of cultivated wheat. In arid and semi-arid areas, salinity stress reduces durum wheat productivity. This study used 26 durum wheat accessions from semi-arid regions in Tunisia to analyze plant tolerance to salt stress. Salt stress was experimentally applied by regularly submerging pots in NaCl solution. The salt tolerance trait index (STTI) and salt tolerance index (STI) of various growth parameters were used as criteria to select for salt tolerance. Analysis of genetic relationships was carried out to determine the genetic distance between durum wheat accessions. Based on simple sequence repeats analysis, a molecular marker for salt stress resistance in durum wheat was developed. Salt-treated plants had reduced morphological traits compared to control plants. Most STTIs in all genotypes were below 100 %. Based on STI, 8 accessions were found to be salt-resistant, 16 were salt-moderate, two were salt-susceptible. Analysis of the genetic relationships among 28 Tunisian durum wheat accessions revealed that landraces of the same nominal type are closely related. Of the 94 SSR primers investigated, three were selected and used to design sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) primers. One SCAR primer pair, KUCMB_Xgwm403_2, produced a 207 bp band that was present in salt-resistant durum wheat lines but absent in salt-susceptible lines. The results suggest that KUCMB_Xgwm403_2 could be a potential genetic tag for salt-tolerant durum wheats.  相似文献   

Aegilops speltoides is an important genetic resource for wheat improvement and has high levels of heat tolerance. A heat-tolerant accession of Ae. speltoides pau3809 was crossed with Triticum durum cv. PDW274, and BC2F4-6 backcross introgression lines (BILs) were developed, phenotyped for important physiological traits, genotyped using SSR markers and used for mapping the QTL governing heat tolerance component traits. A set of 90 BILs was selected from preliminary evaluation of a broader set of 262 BILs under heat stress. Phenotyping was conducted for physiological traits such as cell membrane thermostability, chlorophyll content, acquired thermotolerance, canopy temperature and stay green. Much variation for these traits was observed in random as well as selected sets of BILs, and comparison of the BILs with the recurrent parent showed improvement for these traits under normal as well as heat stress conditions, indicating that introgressions from Ae. speltoides might have led to the improvement in the heat tolerance potential of the BILs. Introgression profiling of the 90 BILs using SSR markers identified Ae. speltoides introgression on all the 14 chromosomes with introgressions observed on A as well as B genome chromosomes. QTL mapping identified loci for various heat tolerance component traits on chromosomes 2B, 3A, 3B, 5A, 5B and 7A at significant LOD scores and with phenotypic contributions varying from 11.1 to 28.7 % for different traits. The heat-tolerant BILs and QTL reported in the present study form a potential resource that can be used for wheat germplasm enhancement for heat stress tolerance.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to produce doubled haploid plants from durum wheat through gynogenesis using unpollinated ovary culture of three local Tunisian genotypes (Jenah Khotifa, Hmira, Azizi) and three improved cultivars (Karim, Khiar, Razzek). A total of 12,000 unpollinated ovaries were cultured in this study. Spikes were either pretreated at 4°C for 14 days or at 4°C in a mannitol solution (0.3 M) for 7 days. Induction was performed using two media. We showed that ovary development, callus and plantlet regeneration was influenced significantly by genotype and growth conditions. The highest regeneration frequency was obtained when the microspore population was in the late mononucleate to binucleate stage. Our results suggested that the cold pretreatment for 14 days was more efficient than the cold treatment in a mannitol solution. Furthermore, the addition of 2,4-D, vitamins and glutamine, and the use of maltose as sugar source in media improved the ovary culture. When the unpollinated ovaries were cultured under the conditions found to be optimal in the present study, a total of 84 plants were produced, all green and haploid. The best levels for regenerated plants were obtained with the cultivars Khiar (3.5%), Hmira (3.1%) and Karim (1.5%). Fertile doubled haploid plants were obtained by colchicine treatment. This result represents a modern tool for breeders to produce durum wheat homozygous lines in a few months.  相似文献   

The English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (Fabricius), is one of the most important insect pests causing substantial yield losses in wheat production in China and other grain-growing areas in the world. The efficient utilization of wheat genes for resistance to English grain aphid (EGA) provides an efficient, economic and environmentally sound approach to reduce the yield losses. In the present study, the wheat line C273 (Triticum durum AABB, 2n = 4x = 28), is resistant to EGA in greenhouse and field tests. To identify the resistance gene, designated RA-1 temporarily, C273 was crossed with susceptible genotype Poland 305 (T. polonicum, AABB, 2n = 4x = 28). The F1, F2 and F2:3 lines were tested with EGA in the field and greenhouse. The results indicated that RA-1 is a single dominant gene, closely linked to the microsatellite markers (SSR) Xwmc179, Xwmc553 and Xwmc201 on chromosome 6AL at genetic distances of 3.47, 4.73 and 7.57 cM, respectively. The three SSR markers will be valuable in marker-assisted selection for resistance to EGA as well as for cloning this gene in the future.  相似文献   

The hybridoiogical analysis was provided on several durum wheat genotypes with utilizing three F2 populations developed from the crossing between parental forms that differed in the invariable malt-zone triplet on elecirophoretic spectrum of α-amylase. Three components of this zone are controlled by three genes with an independent way of inheritance: one of them is located on the 6B or 5B chromosome, and two genes are located on the chromosomes of A subgenome. The article is published in the original.  相似文献   

Allelic diversity at five gliadin-coding gene loci has been studied in the most important spring durum wheat cultivars released in Russia and former Soviet republics in the 20th century (66 cultivars). Seven, 5, 8, 13, and 2 allelic variants of blocks of gliadin components controlled by the loci Gli-A1 d , Gli-B1 d , Gli-A2 d , Gli-B2 d , and Gli-B5 d , respectively, have been identified. The allelic diversity did not exhibit a consistent trend during the period studied. Nei’s diversity index (H) was 0.68 in the period from 1929 to 1950, increased to 0.70 in 1951–1980, and decreased to 0.58 after the year 1981. It has been found that the most frequent alleles in this collection are relatively rare in other regions of the world, which suggests unique ways of the formation of the diversity of durum wheat cultivars in the former Soviet Union. The efficiency of electrophoresis of storage proteins as a method for identification of durum wheat cultivars by the gliadin electrophoretic pattern has been estimated.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the major abiotic stresses restricting the yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Breeding wheat varieties with drought tolerance is an effective and durable way to fight against drought. Here we reported introduction of AtHDG11 into wheat via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and analyzed the morphological and physiological characteristics of T2 generation transgenic lines under drought stress. With drought treatment for 30 days, transgenic plants showed significantly improved drought tolerance. Compared with controls, the transgenic lines displayed lower stomatal density, lower water loss rate, more proline accumulation and increased activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase. Without irrigation after booting stage, the photosynthetic parameters, such as net photosynthesis rate, water use efficiency and efficiency of excitation energy, were increased in transgenic lines, while transpiration rate was decreased. Moreover, the kernel yield of transgenic lines was also improved under drought condition. Taken together, our data demonstrate that AtHDG11 has great potential in genetic improvement of drought tolerance of wheat.  相似文献   

OsGW7 (also known as OsGL7) is homologous to the Arabidopsis thaliana gene that encodes LONGIFOLIA protein, which regulates cell elongation, and is involved in regulating grain length in rice. However, our knowledge on its ortholog in wheat, TaGW7, is limited. In this study, we identified and mapped TaGW7 in wheat, characterized its nucleotide and protein structures, predicted the cis-elements of its promoter, and analysed its expression patterns. The GW7 orthologs in barley (HvGW7), rice (OsGW7), and Brachypodium distachyon (BdGW7) were also identified for comparative analyses. TaGW7 mapped onto the short arms of group 2 chromosomes (2AS, 2BS, and 2DS). Multiple alignments indicated GW7 possesses five exons and four introns in all but two of the species analysed. An exon–intron junction composed of introns 3–4 and exons 4–5 was highly conserved. GW7 has a conserved domain (DUF 4378) and two neighbouring low complexity regions. GW7 was mainly expressed in wheat spikes and stems, in barley seedling crowns, and in rice anthers and embryo-sacs during early development. Drought and heat significantly increased and decreased GW7 expression in wheat, respectively. In barley, GW7 was significantly down-regulated in paleae and awns but up-regulated in seeds under drought treatment and down-regulated under Fusarium and stem rust inoculation. In rice, OsGW7 expression differed significantly under drought treatments. Collectively, these results provide insights into GW7 structure and expression in wheat, barley and rice. The GW7 sequence structure and expression data are the foundation for manipulating GW7 and uncovering its roles in plants.  相似文献   

The study is a continuation of investigation of prolamins in brown rust-resistant introgressive lines of common wheat, produced with participation of Triticum timopheeevi Zhuk. [1]. Two wheat lines with a substitution of the Glu-1 loci of T. timopheevi were identified. Line 684 had high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits encoded by 1Ax, as well as by 1Ay gene, which was silent in commercial lines. It was demonstrated that line 684 could serve as a source of the Glu-A t 1 locus. Line 186 carried the Glu-B1/Glu-G1 substitution. Comparative analysis of storage proteins from the introgression lines of common wheat Triticum aestivum L. with those from parental forms demonstrated polymorphism among the lines, resulted from natural varietal polymorphism, and introgression of the Glu-3 and Gli-1 loci from the genome of T. timopheevi.  相似文献   

AFLP analysis of 144 samples of tetraploid wheat species, including cultivars and landraces of Triticum durum from Azerbaijan, was conducted. We obtained 249 fragments, 189 (76%) of which were polymorphic. The Dice genetic similarity index ranged from 0.67 to 0.99. Principal coordinate analysis revealed clear differences between the group of wheat with AuAuBB genome and the group of wheat with AbAbGG genome. Within the group of wheat with AuAuBB genome, differentiation was less pronounced, and this group was not divided into separate subclusters. It was shown that the Azerbaijani varieties of durum wheat were fairly similar to each other and with other species of Triticum durum.  相似文献   

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