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Dicrocoelium antechini n. sp. is described from the bile ducts of Antechinus swainsonii and A. stuartii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) from New South Wales. The species differs from all others in the genus in that the caecal bifurcation is well posterior to the ventral sucker and testes. Athesmioides aiolos n. g., n. sp. is described from Rattus fuscipes and R. lutreolus from New South Wales and from R. norvegicus, R. lutreolus and Pseudomys higginsi from Tasmania (all Rodentia: Muridae). The genus Athesmioides is characterised by the presence of unilateral vitelline follicles and an undivided caecum. Platynosomum burrman n. sp. is described from Isoodon macrourus (Marsupialia: Peramelidae) from the Northern Territory. It differs from other species in a combination of characters regarding the shape of the forebody, the arrangement of the gonads, the disposition of the uterus and the size of the eggs. The taxonomic status of Platynosomum australiense (Sandars, 1958), Brachylecithum insulare Angel & Pearson, 1977 and Brachylecithum hydromyos Angel & Pearson, 1977 are summarised. Records are presented of undescribed dicrocoeliids from the marsupials Petaurus breviceps, Planigale maculata and Dasyurus hallucatus and the murids Rattus fuscipes and Melomys sp.  相似文献   

A new species of Steganoderma (Steganoderma) (Digenea: Zoogonidae) was found in the digestive tract of the southernmost, endemic and scale-less characid, Gymnocharacinus bergi, inhabiting thermal headwaters of the Valcheta Creek in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Steganoderma valchetensis n. sp. is included in the subgenus Steganoderma because of having a sessile ventral sucker and caeca reaching to the testes. This new species can be distinguished from other species of this genus on the basis of body-length, sucker-ratio, the length of the cirrus-sac, the morphology of the seminal vesicle and gonads, and the location of the vitelline follicles and genital pore. The taxonomic status of the species of Steganoderma, parasitising the freshwater fishes of Patagonia, in southern Argentina, and Chile, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Ogmogaster heptalineatus n.sp. is described from the Chilean sea lion Otaria flavescens. Distinct characteristics of the species are: presence of 7 longitudinal ridges on the ventral surface, cirrus armed with scales, testes and ovary deeply lobed and eggs circular with short polar filaments. This is the first report of the genus Ogmogaster from South America and the first report of Otaria flavescens as a host for this genus. ac]19820320  相似文献   

Inermicapsifer beveridgei n. sp. from Procavia capensis differs from all other species in the genus in having 150-174 testes per segment. The closest species is I. hyracis (Rudolphi, 1810) Janicki, 1919, with 75-120 testes. Hymenolepis vogeae Singh, 1956 and H. horrida (Linstow, 1901) Lühe, 1910, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Alloencotyllabe caranxi n. g., n. sp. is found in groups of 9–15 specimens attached close together to the lower pharyngeal plate of Caranx sp. It is characterized by having an elongate body, a prohaptor with large spines, an armed penis which lies in a pouch and a vaginal pouch guarded by two sets of glands. Encotyllabe kuwaitensis n. sp. is attached individually to the lower pharyngeal plate of Caranx sp. It is characterized by having an elongate body and tandem testes. E. spari is reported from the lower pharyngeal tooth plate of Plectorhynchus cinctus, P. pictus and P. schotaf. All fish hosts were caught in Kuwaiti waters in the Arabian Gulf. The subfamily Encotyllabinae is reviewed and the genus Neoencotyllabe is regarded as a genus inquirendum. The new genus is attached to the subfamily Encotyllabinae.  相似文献   

Macrouridophora halargyrea n. sp. (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae) is described from the gills of the morid teleost Halargyreus johnsonii caught off the Faroe Islands in the North-eastern Atlantic. This new species is differentiated from ten other species in the genus Macrouridophora Rubec & Dronen, in press, by its: specialised heart-shaped haptor distinctly set-off from the body proper; inverted orientation of the first three anterior pairs of clamps; distinct spinulation covering the isthmus and haptor; small body size; small numbers of testes; and host.  相似文献   

Two species of nematodes, Angiostoma coloaense n. sp. and Aulacnema monodelphis n. g., n. sp. (Angiostomatidae: Rhabditida) are described from terrestrial molluscs of Vietnam. Both species are characterised by a long bowl-shaped buccal cavity and typically angiostomatid male bursal alae, spicules and gubernaculum. The new genus, Aulacnema n. g., is erected for the first reported monodelphic angiostomatid. Angiostoma coloaense n. sp. can be distinguished from other species of Angiostoma Dujardin, 1845 by having a buccal cavity length greater than its width and the absence of tail spikes on both males and females.  相似文献   

Lecithophyllum kitrii n. sp. is described from Siganus punctatus and S. lineatus off Heron Island on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. It differs from most other species in the genus in its elongate pars prostatica and globular sinus-sac, and from all other species in having the seminal vesicle almost always entirely in the hindbody.  相似文献   

A new species of Cochliopodium isolated from freshwater at Arabia Lake in Lithonia, GA, USA is described based on light microscopic morphology, fine structure, and molecular genetic evidence. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp., previously labeled as “isolate Con1” in prior publications, has been shown to group within the genus Cochliopodium in our molecular phylogenetic analysis. Light microscopy and fine structure evidence indicates the new isolate not only shares characters of the genus but also unique distinctive features. Cochliopodium arabianum n. sp. is typically round when stationary; or oval to sometimes broadly flabellate or triangular in shape during locomotion, with average length of 35 μm and breadth of 51 μm. Fine structure evidence indicates C. arabianum n. sp. has tower‐like scales, lacking a terminal spine, sharing high similarity with its closest relative C. actinophorum. However, the scales of C. arabianum n. sp. are unique in height and the breadth of the base plate. Both morphological and molecular data, including SSU‐rDNA and COI, indicate that this new species falls in a clade sufficiently different from other species to suggest that it is a valid new species.  相似文献   

A new species of Allassogonoporus Olivier, 1938, from a naturally infected specimen of Dromiciops gliroides, is described. Adults of A. dromiciops n. sp. were recovered from the small intestine. This new species can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by having: the largest body and eggs, a lobed testes and ovary, a Y-shaped excretory vesicle and vitelline follicles beginning at the level of the posterior margin of the oral sucker. This is the first record of a species of Allassogonoporus in South America and the first record of a digenean parasitising D. gliroides.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus quadratidigitus n. sp. (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) is described from the gills, fins and skin of Thorogobius ephippiatus (Lowe) (leopard-spotted goby) from Portland Castle Bay, Dorset, UK. G. quadratidigitus n. sp. most closely resembles the species ofGyrodactyluspreviously described by Geets from Pomatoschistus microps(Krøyer) in the approximate shape and size of the attachment hooks but can be readily distinguished from other species of the genus by the distinctive square shape of the toe region of the marginal hook sickle, the anteriorly positioned cirrus bulb and the unusually short intestinal crura which extend only as far as the level of the testes.  相似文献   

Chitwoodius brasiliensis n.sp. is described from soil around plant roots in Vicosa, MG State, Brazil. It has a body 1.9 mm (1.6-2.5) long, odontostyle and odontophore 33 μm (31-37) and 34 μm (31-36) long, respectively, and males with spicules 59-61 μm long. Chitwoodius rusticulus n.sp. from Colombian rain forest differs from other species of the genus in having a weakly muscular anterior part of the oesophagus, a pore-like vulva, and an unsclerotized vagina. Vanderlindia venata n.sp. from lucerne soil in South Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, differs from the type and only other known species of its genus in having a smaller and less slender body (L = 3.34 mm [3.15-3.71], a = 50 [46-53]), odontostyle 2.3-2.5 times lip region width long, and stylet guiding ring located at 1.2-1.4 times lip region width from anterior end.  相似文献   

Macrosiagon deuvei n. sp., the second fossil representative of this extant genus of Ripiphoridae: Ripiphorinae: Macrosiagonini is described from the lowermost Eocene amber of Oise (France). The new species is compared with the extant species of the genus. Taxonomic position of other two fossil representatives of the family described from France by Perrichot et al. (2004) is discussed. The genus Paleoripiphorus Perrichot et al. 2004 is tentatively transferred from Ripiphorinae to Ripidiinae.  相似文献   

Coryphogonimus aglaos n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Prosthogonimidae) is described from the liver of the Australian bush rat, Rattus fuscipes (Rodentia: Muridae). The new genus is distinguished from other prosthogonimids by the possession of the following combination of characters: oral and ventral suckers well developed; caeca terminating in front of testes; genital pore opening dorsal to oral sucker; vitelline follicles restricted to caecal region; uterus extending posterior to testes; and uterus without an egg reservoir. A single specimen of an as yet undetermined Coryphogonimus species is recorded from the Australian water rat, Hydromys chrysogaster (Rodentia: Muridae). A new host, Sminthopsis macroura (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae), is recorded for Coelomotrema antechinomes. Attention is drawn to the apparent rarity of the six known mammal prosthogonimids.  相似文献   

Nomimoscolex semenasae n. sp. is described from the primitive fish Diplomystes viedmensis (Siluriformes) from the Patagonian region of Argentina. The new species is placed in Nomimoscolex because of the cortical position of the vitelline follicles, medullary position of the testes, ovary and uterus, and having a scolex with four uniloculate suckers. N. semenasae differs from all other species in the genus by the following combination of characters: (1) apical organ absent; (2) strobila acraspedote; (3) vagina anterior or posterior to cirrus-sac and lacking a sphincter; (4) testes in one irregular layer and in two fields connected anteriorly; (5) uterine stem cortical in immature proglottides, growing from cortical stem into medullary region in mature proglottides; (6) long uteroduct; and (7) presence of spiniform microtriches on all regions of the scolex, proliferation zone and immature proglottis. This is the first record of a proteocephalidean tapeworm in D. viedmensis and in the family Diplomystidae.  相似文献   

Cicesetrema unami n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Cryptogonimidae) is described from the intestine of the California halibut, Paralichthys californicus, from San Quintin Bay, Baja California, Mexico. The new genus is distinguished from other members of the Cryptogoniminae in having vitellaria that form asymmetric bunches of follicles and extend in lateral fields from the level of the ovary posteriad beyond the testes. In addition, the species in the new genus possess a subterminal, funnel-shaped oral sucker that is prominent when protruded but usually retracted in a fold at the anterior end.  相似文献   

A new trematode genus, Grammatorcynicola n. g. (Bucephalidae: Dolichoenterinae), and two new species, G. brayi n. sp. and G. nolani n. sp. from the intestines of the scombrids, Grammatorcynus bicarinatus and Gr. bilineatus respectively, are reported from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Grammatorcynicola n. g. is placed in the Dolichoenterinae, as the pharynx is in the anterior quarter of the body, the caecum is tube-like and extends to the posterior quarter of the body, the cirrus-sac is small relative to the size of the worm when compared with other bucephalids and the pars prostatica is curved. Grammatorcynicola n. g. differs from other dolichoenterine genera in having a simple sucker-like rhynchus, the ovary anterior to the testes and by not having a particularly thick cirrus-sac wall.  相似文献   

Onchobothrium malakhovi n. sp. was found in the spiral valve of the softnose skate Bathyraja (Arctoraja) sexoculata off the Simushir Island (Kuril Islands, Russia). The new species has bothridia with three loculi and no additional suckers on bothridia, single-toothed hooks unconnected by their bases, no spines at the bases of the hooks, dense matrix around the hook bases shaped as an unpaired butterfly wing, and a short and wide ovary. Onchobothrium malakhovi n. sp. differs from O. antarcticum and O. magnum in having a smaller total length, cirrus sac and ovary, smaller testes and eggs. Additionally, the new species differs from O. antarcticum by the absence of a vaginal sphincter and shorter bothridia; differs from O. magnum in having fewer proglottids and smaller vitelline follicles. It differs from O. farmeri, O. convolutum, and O. pseudouncinatum, by the absence of a small spine at the base of the hooks and the absence of accessory suckers on bothridia; from O. pseudouncinatum, additionally, by unconnected hooks; from O. schizacanthium, by the number of testes and by the presence of a postvaginal group of testes. Onchobothrium malakhovi n. sp. was placed among other members of the Onchoproteocephalidea with a high support based on the sequence data for the D1-D3 region of the 28S rDNA and cox1 gene. The phylogenetic position of the genus Onchobothrium sensu lato remains ambiguous. We suggest that Onchobothrium sensu lato is a complex genus containing at least two morphologically different groups of species. Onchobothrium farmer, O. convolutum, O. schizacanthium, and O. pseudouncinatum, for which there are no molecular genetic data, are considerably different morphologically from O. malakhovi n. sp., O. antarcticum, and O. magnum. A new genus might have to be established for the latter three species after the accumulation of genetic data.  相似文献   

A new species of Catatropis Oghner, 1905 from a freshwater Neotropical prosobranch snail, Heleobia hatcheri (Hydrobiidae), is described. Naturally infected snails were collected from Nahuel Huapí Lake in Andean Patagonia. The characteristics of the larval stages are also presented. Experimental adults were recovered from the distal region of the intestinal caeca of chicks and ducklings and natural adults from a wild duck Anas platyrhynchos. Adults of Catatropis hatcheri n. sp. can be distinguished from all other species of the genus in having 10–12 (11) ventral glands in each lateral row, the cirrus-sac extending back to between the first third and the middle of the body, the metraterm shorter than the cirrus-sac, a previtelline field of 1,258–1,544 (1,396), vitelline follicles reach back to the anterior border of the testes with some follicles extending slightly lateral to them, only external testicular margin lobed and genital pore in median line just posterior to the intestinal bifurcation. In addition, the eggs have one filament on each pole, the rediae contain one or two mature cercariae, and the cercariae are tri-oculate, with a long tail and encyst in the environment.  相似文献   

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