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Feather mites are highly specialized plumage and skin ectoparasites that are variously adapted for inhabiting certain microhabitats on a bird's body. Different feather mite taxa of higher (familial) rank adapted to the same microhabitats display similar main morphological adaptations even if they are rather distantly related to one another. Hypotheses on the evolution of general adaptations in morphology of feather mites during colonization and establishment in different microhabitats are presented. According to recent data, feather mites are a paraphyletic group consisting of three superfamilies: Analgoidea, Pterolichoidea and Freyanoidea. We present our view on the general feather mite phylogeny course at the familial rank for the Analgoidea by means of cladistic analysis. Co-speciation of parasites with their hosts is postulated as a main factor driving feather mite evolution. Examples are given of non-coevolutionary events, for example recolonization from one host species onto another, extinction and multiple speciation.  相似文献   

Locally adapted parasites have higher infectivity and/or fitness on sympatric than on allopatric hosts. We tested local adaptation of a holoparasitic plant, Cuscuta europaea, to its host plant, Urtica dioica. We infected hosts from five sites with holoparasites from the same five sites and measured local adaptation in terms of infectivity and parasite performance (biomass) in a reciprocal cross‐infection experiment. The virulence of the parasite did not differ between sympatric and allopatric hosts. Overall, parasites had higher infectivity on sympatric hosts but infectivity and parasite performance varied among populations. Parasites from one of the populations showed local adaptation in terms of performance, whereas parasites from one of the populations had higher infectivity on allopatric hosts compared with sympatric hosts. This among‐population variation may be explained by random variation in parasite adaptation to host populations or by time‐lagged co‐evolutionary oscillations that lead to fluctuations in the level of local adaptation.  相似文献   

Biologists commonly assume that parasites are locally adapted since they have shorter generation times and higher fecundity than their hosts, and therefore evolve faster in the arms race against the host's defences. As a result, parasites should be better able to infect hosts within their local population than hosts from other allopatric populations. However, recent mathematical modelling has demonstrated that when hosts have higher migration rates than parasites, hosts may diversify their genes faster than parasites and thus parasites may become locally maladapted. This new model was tested on the Canarian endemic lizard and its blood parasite (haemogregarine genus). In this host–parasite system, hosts migrate more than parasites since lizard offspring typically disperse from their natal site soon after hatching and without any contact with their parents who are potential carriers of the intermediate vector of the blood parasite (a mite). Results of cross-infection among three lizard populations showed that parasites were better at infecting individuals from allopatric populations than individuals from their sympatric population. This suggests that, in this host–parasite system, the parasites are locally maladapted to their host.  相似文献   

Feather mites (Astigmata) are specialized parasites living on the plumage and skin of birds. The paper presents data on infestation of some passerines (Passeriformes) by feather mites in the south of Western Siberia (Omsk and Tyumen Provinces). We found 24 species of feather mites belonging to the families Analgidae, Dermoglyphidae, Pteronyssidae, Trouessartiidae, and Proctophyllodidae on 16 bird species. Among them, 19 species are common parasites of the passerine birds examined; five species were detected on atypical hosts. Ten mite species were recorded for the first time on the passerine species examined. Analysis of the distribution of abundant and common mite species on their hosts has demonstrated that the majority of the bird parasites possess a specific distribution pattern in the host plumage with preference for certain feather types. We have also obtained new data on host associations of several mite species.  相似文献   

ISMAEL GALVÁN  & JUAN J. SANZ 《Ibis》2006,148(4):687-697
Plumicolous feather mites are ectosymbiotic organisms that live on bird feathers. Despite their abundance and prevalence among birds, the ecology of the interaction between these organisms and their hosts is poorly known. As feather mites feed on oil that birds spread from their uropygial gland, it has been hypothesized, but never tested, that the number of feather mites increases with the size of the uropygial gland of their hosts. In this study the number of feather mites is considered with respect to uropygial gland size in a breeding population of Great Tits Parus major in order to test this hypothesis. As predicted, the number of feather mites correlated positively with the uropygial gland size of their hosts, showing for the first time that uropygial gland size can explain the variance in feather mite load among conspecifics. Previous studies relating feather mite load to plumage colour have suggested that feather mites may be parasitic or neutral. To confirm this, the yellowness of breast feathers was also assessed. However, the results ran in the opposite direction to that expected, showing a positive correlation between mite load and plumage yellowness, which suggests that further work is needed to give clear evidence for a specific nature of feather mites. However, Great Tits with higher mite loads had lower hatching and breeding success, which may support the idea that feather mites are parasites, although this effect must be taken with caution because it was only found in males. Age or sex effects were not found on the number of feather mites, and it is proposed that hormonal levels may not be sufficient to explain the variation in feather mite loads. Interestingly, a positive correlation was detected between uropygial gland size and plumage brightness, which could be a novel factor to take into account in studies of plumage colour.  相似文献   

Host specificity in parasites can be explained by spatial isolation from other potential hosts or by specialization and speciation of specific parasite species. The first assertion is based on allopatric speciation, the latter on differential lifetime reproductive success on different available hosts. We investigated the host specificity and cophylogenetic histories of four sympatric European bat species of the genus Myotis and their ectoparasitic wing mites of the genus Spinturnix. We sampled >40 parasite specimens from each bat species and reconstructed their phylogenetic COI trees to assess host specificity. To test for cospeciation, we compared host and parasite trees for congruencies in tree topologies. Corresponding divergence events in host and parasite trees were dated using the molecular clock approach. We found two species of wing mites to be host specific and one species to occur on two unrelated hosts. Host specificity cannot be explained by isolation of host species, because we found individual parasites on other species than their native hosts. Furthermore, we found no evidence for cospeciation, but for one host switch and one sorting event. Host‐specific wing mites were several million years younger than their hosts. Speciation of hosts did not cause speciation in their respective parasites, but we found that diversification of recent host lineages coincided with a lineage split in some parasites.  相似文献   

A process of infecting the chaffinch nestlings Fringilla coelebs with three analgoid feather mites, Analges passerinus L., 1758, Monojoubertia microphylla (Robin, 1877), and Pteronyssoides striatus (Robin, 1977), commonly occurred on this bird species was investigated. 15 nests contained totally 65 nestlings, from 2 to 6 individuals in a brood, have been examined from the day of hatching till 11th day. Observations were held in the neighbourhood of the bird banding station "Rybachy" (Russia, Kaliningrad Province) in June of 1982. Number of mites on alive nestlings taken temporarily from their nest was counted by means of binocular lens under the magnification x12.5 and x25. The nestlings receive the mites from the chaffinch female during the night time, when the female sits together with the young birds and heats them. In the condition of this prolonged direct contact the mites migrate from the female onto the nestlings. As it was shown in our study of seasonal dynamics of mites on the chaffinch (Mironov, 2000), the chaffinch female only gives its mites to young generation and looses about three quarter of its mite micropopulation during the nesting period (June), hile in the chaffinch males the number of mites continues to increase during all summer. The infections with three feather mite species happen in the second part of the nestling's stay in the nest. The starting time of this process, its intensity, and sex and age structure of mite micropopulations on the nestlings just before their leaving the nest are different in the mite species examined. These peculiarities of feather mite species are determined by the biology of examined species, and first of all by their morphological characteristic and specialisation to different microhabitats, i.e. certain structural zones of plumage. Pteronyssoides striatus (Pteronyssidae) is rather typical mite specialised to feathers with vanes. In adult birds with completely developed plumage this species occupies the ventral surface of the big upper coverts of primary flight feathers. This species appears on the chaffinch nestlings in a significant number on 7th day. The mites occupy the basal parts of primary flight feathers represented in that moment by the rods only. They sit on practically open and smooth surface of this microhabitat, which is uncommon for them, because the vanes of the big upper coverts are not yet open and also represented by thin rods. During the period of the last 5 days (from 7 to 11th day) the mean number of mites per one nestling increases from 2.3 +/- 0.5 to 17.1 +/- 1.8 mites. Just before the day, when the nestling leave the nest, the tritonymphs absolutely predominate (82.4%) in the micropopulation of P. striatus. Analges passerinus (Analgidae) is specialised to live in the friable layer formed by numerous not-engaged thread barbles of the down feathers and basal parts of the body covert feathers. Mites have special hooks on legs used for hard attaching to the barbles and for fast moving in the friable layer of feathers. On the chaffinch nestlings, these mites appear usually on 8th day, when the rod-like body covert feathers begin to open on apices and form short brushes; however some individuals occur on the skin of nestlings even on 6th day. The mean number of mites per nestling on the 11th day reaches 16.5 +/- 1.4 individuals. The micropopulation of A. passerinus is represented on the nestlings mainly by the females (45.5%), tritonymphs (23.6%) and males (11.5%). Monojobertia microphylla (Proctophyllodidae) is a typical dweller of feathers with large vanes. Mites of this species commonly occupy the ventral surface of primary and secondary flight feathers and also respective big upper covert feathers of wings. M. microphylla appears on the nestlings in a significant number (7.1 +/- 1.2 mites) on 9th day, only when the primary flight feathers already have short vanes about 10 mm in length. In next three days the number of mites increases very fast and reaches on 11th day 60.3 +/- 5.7 mites per nestling. In the micropopulation of this species, the tritonymphs count 38.3%, and the quota of males and females is 25.3% each. The migration of this species goes most intensively, than in two other species. An analitic selection of logistic curves shows, that the increasing of mite number during the process of infection with three mite species may be most adequately described by the sigmoid curves with clearly recognizable levels of saturation, which can be theoretically reached. Indeed, the number of mite individuals being able to migrate onto the nestlings is limited by their number on a respective chaffinch female. In a contrast, the increasing of plumage indices, for instance the length of flight feathers, has almost linear character during the period of observation. The beginning of mite migration is determined by the development of respective microhabitats in the plumage of nestlings, or at least by the development of certain structure elements of plumage, where mites are able to attach for a while, before that moment, when the nestlings will develop the plumage completely and begin to fly. In three mite species examined, the process of infection was performed by older stages, namely by the imago and/or tritonymphs. This can be explained by two reasons. On the one hand, the older stages are most active in their movement, resistible and able to survive successfully on new host individuals. On the other hand, the older stage are ready for the reproduction or will be ready after one moulting. The older stages of mites can quickly create a large and self-supporting micropopulations on the birds, therefore this strategy ensures a successful subsequent existence of the parasite species. In cases, when mites (A. passerinus, M. microphylla) migrate into the respective microhabitats structurally corresponding to their normal microhabitats on adult birds, the micropopulations of these mite species include a significant or dominant quota of females and males. When the normal microhabitat is not yet formed, feather mites migrate into neighboring structure elements of plumage, where they can survive and wait for the development of normal microhabitat, to which they are well adapted. Therefore, in the case of P. striatus, its micropopulations on the chaffinch nestlings are represented mainly by the tritonymphs.  相似文献   

Virulence, the negative impact of parasites on their hosts, typically increases with parasite dose. Parasites and hosts often compete for host resources and more parasites will consume more resources. Depending on the mechanism of competition, increasing host resources can benefit the host. Additional resources can also be harmful when the parasites are the main beneficiaries. Then, the parasites will thrive and virulence increases. While parasite dose is often easy to manipulate, it is less trivial to experimentally scale host resources. Here, we study a system with external host resources that can be easily manipulated: Nicrophorus burying beetles reproduce on vertebrate carcasses, with larger carcasses yielding more beetle offspring. Phoretic Poecilochirus mites reproduce alongside the beetles and reduce beetle fitness. The negative effect of mites could be due to competition for the carrion between beetle and mite offspring. We manipulated mite dose and carcass size to better understand the competition between the symbionts. We found that mite dose itself was not a strong predictor of virulence. Instead, the number of mite offspring determined beetle fitness. At larger doses, there was strong competition among adult parental mites as well as mite offspring. While increasing the carcass size increased both host and parasite fitness, it did surprisingly little to alleviate the negative effect that mites had on beetles. Instead, relative virulence was stronger on large carcasses, indicating that the parasites appropriate more of the additional resources. Our results demonstrate an ecological influence on the selection of parasites on their hosts and suggest that virulence can be dose-independent in principle.  相似文献   

Sennertia mites live as inquilines in the nests of carpenter bees and disperse as deutonymphs on newly emerged adult bees. Because their life cycle is tightly linked to that of the host bees, Sennertia may diverge in response to speciation in the hosts. However, the majority of Sennertia species are associated with several closely related carpenter bees, suggesting that host speciation may not be reflected in mite genetic structure. Here we investigate the extent of host-associated genetic differentiation in two Sennertia mites (S. alfkeni and S. japonica) that share four closely related, strictly allopatric large carpenter bees (Xylocopa). Analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene in Sennertia unexpectedly indicates that the two species represent morphological variants of a single species, and they collectively group into four distinct, allopatric clades that are uniquely associated with a single Xylocopa host. An exception is the mites associated with X. amamensis of the northernmost populations, which have genotypes typical of those associated with neighboring X. appendiculatacircumvolans. Additional analysis using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) further corroborates the presence of four mite clades but contrary to the COI data, suggests that the mites of the southernmost population of X. appendiculatacircumvolans have genetic profiles typical of those associated with X. amamensis. These results indicate that some mites have undergone secondary host switch after the formation of the four mite lineages and further experienced mitochondrial introgression during period of lineage coexistence. Overall, our results strongly urge reappraisal of deutonymph-based mite taxonomy and illuminate the importance of host-associated divergence during incipient stage of speciation in chaetodactylid mites. Furthermore, the occurrence of host switch and introgression between genetically differentiated mites entails that two host species have co-occurred in the past, thus providing a unique source of evidence for migration and competitive exclusion between the presently allopatric Xylocopa hosts.  相似文献   

Recent climate change has affected the phenology of numerous species, and such differential changes may affect host–parasite interactions. Using information on vectors (louseflies, mosquitoes, blackflies) and parasites (tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa, the lousefly Ornithomyia avicularia, a chewing louse Brueelia sp., two species of feather mites Trouessartia crucifera and Trouessartia appendiculata, and two species of blood parasites Leucozytozoon whitworthi and Haemoproteus prognei) of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica collected during 1971–2008, I analyzed temporal changes in emergence and abundance, relationships with climatic conditions, and changes in the fitness impact of parasites on their hosts. Temperature and rainfall during the summer breeding season of the host increased during the study. The intensity of infestation by mites decreased, but increased for the lousefly during 1982–2008. The prevalence of two species of blood parasites increased during 1988–2008. The timing of first mass emergence of mosquitoes and blackflies advanced. These temporal changes in phenology and abundance of parasites and vectors could be linked to changes in temperature, but less so to changes in precipitation. Parasites had fitness consequences for hosts because intensity of the mite and the chewing louse was significantly associated with delayed breeding of the host, while a greater abundance of feather mites was associated with earlier breeding. Reproductive success of the host decreased with increasing abundance of the chewing louse. The temporal decrease in mite abundance was associated with advanced breeding of the host, while the increase in abundance of the lousefly was associated with earlier breeding. Virulence by the tropical fowl mite decreased with increasing temperature, independent of confounding factors. These findings suggest that climate change affects parasite species differently, hence altering the composition of the parasite community, and that climate change causes changes in the virulence of parasites. Because the changing phenology of different species of parasites had both positive and negative effects on their hosts, and because the abundance of some parasites increased, while that of other decreased, there was no consistent temporal change in host fitness during 1971–2008.  相似文献   

We used phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome b sequences of malaria parasites and their avian hosts to assess the coevolutionary relationships between host and parasite lineages. Many lineages of avian malaria parasites have broad host distributions, which tend to obscure cospeciation events. The hosts of a single parasite or of closely related parasites were nonetheless most frequently recovered from members of the same host taxonomic family, more so than expected by chance. However, global assessments of the relationship between parasite and host phylogenetic trees, using Component and ParaFit, failed to detect significant cospeciation. The event-based approach employed by TreeFitter revealed significant cospeciation and duplication with certain cost assignments for these events, but host switching was consistently more prominent in matching the parasite tree to the host tree. The absence of a global cospeciation signal despite conservative host distribution most likely reflects relatively frequent acquisition of new hosts by individual parasite lineages. Understanding these processes will require a more refined species concept for malaria parasites and more extensive sampling of parasite distributions across hosts. If parasites can disperse between allopatric host populations through alternative hosts, cospeciation may not have a strong influence on the architecture of host-parasite relationships. Rather, parasite speciation may happen more often in conjunction with the acquisition of new hosts followed by divergent selection between host lineages in sympatry. Detailed studies of the phylogeographic distributions of hosts and parasites are needed to characterize these events.  相似文献   

Larval water mites are parasites of various insect species. The main aim of the present study was to analyse the host range of spring dwelling water mites. The investigation focuses on seven spring sites in Luxembourg. Some 24 water mite species were recorded either from the benthos or as parasites attached to flying insects captured in emergence traps. For 20 mite species 35 host species from four Nematocera (Diptera) families were recorded. About 80% of the host species and over 90% of the host individuals were Chironomidae, the others were Limoniidae, Dixidae and Simuliidae. For all water mite species recorded we present the observed host spectrum and/or potential hosts as well as the intensity of parasitism and the phenology of the mites. For 10 mite species the hosts were previously unknown. For another ten species the known host spectrum can be confirmed and extended. The host spectrum ranged from one host species (e.g. for Sperchon insignis) to at least 10 host species (for Sperchon thienemanni, Ljania bipapillata), but the effective host range could not be definitively estimated due to the lack of corresponding data. The hypothesised host preference of the water mites, of which most are strictly confined to spring habitats, for similarly spring-preferring hosts could not be proven. The mean intensity of parasitism was highest for Thyas palustris (10.8 larvae/host) and lowest for Sperchon insignis and Hygrobates norvegicus (1.2 larvae per host for each). The hydryphantid mite Thyas palustris occurred at maximal intensity (41 larvae per host) and the two abdominal parasites Ljania bipapillata and Arrenurus fontinalis showed higher mean intensities than the thoracic parasites did. Larval water mites parasitising chironomids did not exhibit a preference for host sex. The phenology of the larval mite species was varied, some species were only present in samples early in the year and others exclusively in the summer. Another species showed two peaks of occurrence, springtime/early summer and late summer/autumn. In conclusion, the water mite larvae in the studied springs showed differences in host spectra and phenology but there are no clear evidences in both for host partitioning. Maybe, the relative low species diversity of water mites in individual springs and the low inter-specific competition for suitable hosts in combination with the high host abundances and species richness makes springs such favourable habitats for the mites.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of all seven known species of Cecidophyopsis mites (Acari: Eriophyidae) with Ribes hosts have been inferred from ribosomal DNA sequences. This analysis found groups of closely related mites. The five gall-forming species, four of which are monophagous and one which has two hosts, were found in two groups. Another group consisted of the two non gall-forming species, one of which has two hosts, while the other is monophagous. The molecular phylogeny of their known Ribes host plants was calculated using the equivalent ribosomal regions as the mites. The structure of the two trees (mites vs hosts) was clearly different, implying that mite speciation did not closely follow speciation events in the plant hosts. Instead, the three groups of Ribes-infesting Cecidophyopsis mites have derived from a common galling ancestor millions of years ago. Each mite group has recently diversified onto different primary hosts. One group of mites has also lost the galling habit. The results have implications for host range changes and the durability of mite-resistance genes in cultivated Ribes.  相似文献   

The co-evolution between hosts and parasites has long been recognized as a fundamental driver of macro-evolutionary patterns of diversification. The effect of co-differentiation on parasite diversification is, however, often confounded by underlying geographic patterns of host distribution. In order to disentangle the confounding effects of allopatric versus host speciation, the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene was sequenced in seventy individuals of the parasitic nematode genus Heligmosomoides sampled in the six Apodemus mice species common in the western Palearctic region. The nuclear internal transcribed spacers (ITS) 1 and 2 were also sequenced in fifteen parasites to confirm the mitochondrial data. All lineages differentiated according to a geographic pattern and independently from the sampled host species. This suggests that host speciation did not involve concurrent parasite speciation. However, the geographic distribution range of some parasite lineages mirrors that of A. sylvaticus lineages in SW Europe, and that of A. flavicollis lineages in the Balkans and in the Middle East. Thus, regional co-differentiation likely occurred between the parasite and the two sister Apodemus hosts in different parts of their distribution range. We suggest that differences in regional abundances of A. sylvaticus and A. flavicollis are responsible for generating this pattern of regional co-differentiation. This study highlights the importance of integrating both geography and biogeographic information from potential hosts to better understand their parasite phylogeography.  相似文献   

Feather mites are arthropods that live on or in the feathers of birds, and are among the commonest avian ectosymbionts. However, the nature of the ecological interaction between feather mites and birds remains unclear, some studies reporting negative effects of feather mites on their hosts and others reporting positive or no effects. Here we use a large dataset comprising 20 189 measurements taken from 83 species of birds collected during 22 yr in 151 localities from seven countries in Europe and North Africa to explore the correlation between feather mite abundance and body condition of their hosts. We predicted that, if wing‐dwelling feather mites are parasites, a negative correlation with host body condition should be found, while a mutualistic interaction should yield positive correlation. Although negative relationships between feather mite abundance and host body condition were found in a few species of birds, the sign of the correlation was positive in most bird species (69%). The overall effect size was only slightly positive (r =0.066). The effect of feather mite abundance explained <10% of variance in body condition in most species (87%). Results suggest that feather mites are not parasites of birds, but rather that they hold a commensalistic relationship where feather mites may benefit from feeding on uropygial gland secretions of their hosts and birds do not seem to obtain a great benefit from the presence of feather mites.  相似文献   

Specificity of partners in host-parasite system is one of its main characteristics. Unfortunately this term has different senses in scientific literature. In everyday practice one judges an extent of host specificity of a parasite mainly by indices of its occurrence and abundance on different host species. An occurrence of parasites in nature reflects general result of complex eco-physiological interrelationships between partners in hostparasite system. Specificity of parasites in a choice of hosts may depend on a belonging of the latter to certain taxa (phylogenetic specificity), or on biotic and abiotic factors (ecological specificity). In arthropods, the phylogentic specificity and coevolution are characteristic to a greater extent for permanent hosts (lice, Mallophaga, cheyletoid and feather mites). A coevolutionaryphylogenesis is disturbed by transfers of parasites onto new hosts, by different rates of speciation in filial lines or by an extinction of several parasite taxa. In temporary parasites different forms of ecological specificity are prevalent. A host specificity is expressed to the lesser extent in mosquitoes, horseflies and in other blood-sucking Diptera. In temporary parasites with a long-term feeding (ticks) coevolutionary sequences are relatively rare, because this parasites had to adapt not only to a life on host, but also to a lesser stable environment. In some nest-burrow bloodsuckers (fleas, gamasid mites and argasid ticks) the ecological specificity is shown no by their relations with certain host species, but by an associations with habitats occupied by hosts (burrow, nests, caves). In relation with a high dynamics of host-parasite system, a specificity of its partners is comparative and it is kept up only under specific ecological conditions.  相似文献   

In some taxa of Hymenoptera, fungi, red algae and mistletoe, parasites and their hosts are either sibling species or at least closely related (Emery's rule). Three evolutionary mechanisms have been proposed for this phenomenon: (i) intraspecific parasitism is followed by sympatric speciation; (ii) allopatric speciation is followed by secondary sympatry and the subsequent parasitism of one sibling species by the other; and (iii) allopatric speciation of a species with intraspecific parasitism is followed by secondary sympatry, in which one species becomes an obligate parasite of the other. Mechanisms (i) and (ii) are problematic, while mechanism (iii) has not, to our knowledge, been analysed quantitatively. In this paper, we develop a model for single- and two-species evolutionary stable strategies (ESSs) to examine the basis for Emery's rule and to determine whether mechanism (iii) is consistent with ESS reasoning. In secondary sympatry after allopatric speciation, the system's evolution depends on the relative abundances of the two sibling species and on the proportional damage wrought by parasites of each species on non-parasitic members of the other. Depending on these interspecific effects, either the rarer or the commoner species may become the parasite and the levels of within-species parasitism need not determine which evolves to obligate parasitism.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis is based on the assumption that parasites must genetically match their hosts to infect them successfully. If the parasites fail, they are assumed to be killed by the host's immune system. Here, we tested this using sympatric (mostly susceptible) and allopatric (mostly resistant) populations of a freshwater snail and its trematode parasite. We determined whether parasites which do not infect are either killed or passed through the host's digestive tract and remain infectious. Our results show that parasites do not get a second chance: they either infect or are killed by the host. The results suggest strong selection against parasites that are not adapted to local host genotypes.  相似文献   

Cryptic species complexes are common among parasites, which tend to have large populations and are subject to rapid evolution. Such complexes may arise through host-parasite co-evolution and/or host switching. For parasites that reproduce directly on their host, there might be increased opportunities for sympatric speciation, either by exploiting different hosts or different micro-habitats within the same host. The genus Gyrodactylus is a specious group of viviparous monogeneans. These ectoparasites transfer between teleosts during social contact and cause significant host mortality. Their impact on the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), an iconic evolutionary and ecological model species, is well established and yet the population genetics and phylogenetics of these parasites remains understudied. Using mtDNA sequencing of the host and its parasites, we provide evidence of cryptic speciation in Gyrodactylus bullatarudis, G. poeciliae and G. turnbulli. For the COII gene, genetic divergence of lineages within each parasite species ranged between 5.7 and 17.2%, which is typical of the divergence observed between described species in this genus. Different lineages of G. turnbulli and G. poeciliae appear geographically isolated, which could imply allopatric speciation. In addition, for G. poeciliae, co-evolution with a different host species cannot be discarded due to its host range. This parasite was originally described on P. caucana, but for the first time here it is also recorded on the guppy. The two cryptic lineages of G. bullatarudis showed considerable geographic overlap. G. bullatarudis has a known wide host range and it can also utilize a killifish (Anablepsoides hartii) as a temporary host. This killifish is capable of migrating overland and it could act as a transmission vector between otherwise isolated populations. Additional genetic markers are needed to confirm the presence of these cryptic Gyrodactylus species complexes, potentially leading to more in-depth genetic, ecological and evolutionary analyses on this multi-host-parasite system.  相似文献   

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