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Many prey species gather together to approach and harass their predators despite the associated risks. While mobbing, prey usually utter calls and previous experiments have demonstrated that mobbing calls can convey information about risk to conspecifics. However, the risk posed by predators also differs between predator categories. The ability to communicate predator category would be adaptive because it would allow other mobbers to adjust their risk taking. I tested this idea in Siberian jays Perisoreus infaustus, a group-living bird species, by exposing jay groups to mounts of three hawk and three owl species of varying risks. Groups immediately approached to mob the mount and uttered up to 14 different call types. Jays gave more calls when mobbing a more dangerous predator and when in the presence of kin. Five call types were predator-category-specific and jays uttered two hawk-specific and three owl-specific call types. Thus, this is one of the first studies to demonstrate that mobbing calls can simultaneously encode information about both predator category and the risk posed by a predator. Since antipredator calls of Siberian jays are known to specifically aim at reducing the risk to relatives, kin-based sociality could be an important factor in facilitating the evolution of predator-category-specific mobbing calls.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a fundamental process affecting the genetic structureof populations, speciation, and extinction. Nevertheless, ourunderstanding of the evolution of dispersal is limited by ourpaucity of knowledge on dispersal decisions at the individuallevel. We investigated the effect of interactions between residentsand juvenile dispersers on individual dispersal and settlementdecisions in Siberian jays (Perisoreus infaustus). In this group-livingbird species, some offspring remain on the parental territoryfor up to 3 years (retained juveniles) whereas other offspringdisperse within 2 months of fledging (dispersers). We foundthat retained juveniles constrained settlement decisions ofdispersers by aggressively chasing dispersers off their territory,resulting in dispersers continuing to disperse and settlingin groups without retained juveniles. Experimental removal ofmale breeders during the dispersal period also demonstratedthat dispersers were unable to settle in high-quality breedingopenings, which were instead filled by older nonbreeding residents.Rather, dispersers immigrated into groups without retained offspringwhere they became subordinate group members, queuing for a breedingopening. Also, they preferably settled in groups with shortqueues where no same-sex juveniles were present. Dispersal didnot inflict a cost to dispersers through increased mortality.However, the presence of immigrants was costly for breedersbecause it increased the rate of conflicts during the breedingseason which negatively affected nestling condition. These resultsdemonstrate that resident individuals constrain both dispersaland settlement decisions of dispersers. Social interactionsbetween residents and dispersers can thus be a key factor tounderstand the evolution of dispersal.  相似文献   

Signals relevant to different sets of receivers in different contexts create a conflict for signal design. A classic example is vocal alarm signals, often used both during intraspecific and interspecific interactions. How can signals alert individuals from a variety of other species in some contexts, while also maintaining efficient communication among conspecifics? We studied heterospecific responses to avian alarm signals that drive the formation of anti-predator groups but are also used during intraspecific interactions. In three species-rich communities in the western Himalayas, alarm signals vary drastically across species. We show that, independently of differences in their calls, birds respond strongly to the alarm signals of other species with which they co-occur and much more weakly to those of species with which they do not co-occur. These results suggest that previous exposure and learning maintain heterospecific responses in the face of widespread signal divergence. At an area where only two species regularly interact, one species'' calls incorporate the call of the other. We demonstrate experimentally that signal copying allows strong responses even without previous exposure and suggest that such hybrid calls may be especially favoured when pairwise interactions between species are strong.  相似文献   

Kevin R. Hopper 《Oikos》2001,93(3):470-476
Two of the main predators of dragonfly larvae, insectivorous fish in communities with fish and large dragonfly species in communities without fish, differ markedly in their mode of predation. In general, dragonfly species coexist successfully with one predator or the other, but larvae of the dragonfly Pachydiplax longipennis can coexist successfully with both. I examined the behavioral response of these larvae to a simulated predator attack to determine whether their response (1) differs between the two communities, and (2) is sensitive to waterborne cues about the type of predator present. I compared larvae from two different communities: fish ponds where insectivorous fish were the top predators, and fish-free ponds where large dragonflies were the top predators. Larvae from fish-free ponds actively moved away from an attack significantly more than did larvae from fish ponds, provided each was attacked in its native pond water. Larvae collected from a fish-free pond but then attacked in fish water moved less than did controls (larvae attacked in fish-free water). Likewise, larvae collected from a fish pond but attacked in fish-free water moved more than did controls (larvae attacked in fish water). Larvae attacked first in water from their native pond and then in water from the contrasting pond changed their response in the expected direction. These results indicate that escape behavior in P. longipennis differs between communities with different predator types and is sensitive to waterborne cues in a manner consistent with the mode of predation employed by each predator.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(18):4120-4126.e4
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How the microbiome interacts with hosts across evolutionary time is poorly understood. Data sets including many host species are required to conduct comparative analyses. Here, we analyzed 142 intestinal microbiome samples from 92 birds belonging to 74 species from Equatorial Guinea, using the 16S rRNA gene. Using four definitions for microbial taxonomic units (97%OTU, 99%OTU, 99%OTU with singletons removed, ASV), we conducted alpha and beta diversity analyses. We found that raw abundances and diversity varied between the data sets but relative patterns were largely consistent across data sets. Host taxonomy, diet and locality were significantly associated with microbiomes, at generally similar levels using three distance metrics. Phylogenetic comparative methods assessed the evolutionary relationship between the microbiome as a trait of a host species and the underlying bird phylogeny. Using multiple ways of defining “microbiome traits”, we found that a neutral Brownian motion model did not explain variation in microbiomes. Instead, we found a White Noise model (indicating little phylogenetic signal), was most likely. There was some support for the Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck model (that invokes selection), but the level of support was similar to that of a White Noise simulation, further supporting the White Noise model as the best explanation for the evolution of the microbiome as a trait of avian hosts. Our study demonstrated that both environment and evolution play a role in the gut microbiome and the relationship does not follow a neutral model; these biological results are qualitatively robust to analytical choices.  相似文献   

In a rapidly changing world, it is important to understand how environmental modifications by humans affect species behavior. This is not a simple task, since we need to deal with a multitude of species and the different external contexts that affect their behavior. Here, we investigate how interpatch short-distance movements of 73 common forest bird species can be predicted by forest cover and forest isolation. We modeled bird movement as a function of environmental covariates, species traits – body mass and feeding habit – and phylogenetic relationships using Joint Species Movement Models. We used field data collected in forest edges and open pastures of six 600 × 600 m plots in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot. We found that birds fly larger distances and visit more forest patches and remnant trees with decreasing forest cover. Increasing landscape isolation results in larger flight distances, and it increases the use of trees as stepping-stones for most species. Our results show that birds can adjust their behavior as a response to spatial modification in resource distribution and landscape connectivity. These adjusted behaviors can potentially contribute to ecosystem responses to habitat modification.  相似文献   

Animals often mimic dangerous or toxic species to deter predators; however, mimicry of such species may not always be possible and mimicry of benign species seems unlikely to confer anti-predator benefits. We reveal a system in which a bird mimics the alarm calls of harmless species to fool a predator 40 times its size and protect its offspring against attack. Our experiments revealed that brown thornbills (Acanthiza pusilla) mimic a chorus of other species'' aerial alarm calls, a cue of an Accipiter hawk in flight, when predators attack their nest. The absence of any flying predators in this context implies that these alarms convey deceptive information about the type of danger present. Experiments on the primary nest predators of thornbills, pied currawongs (Strepera graculina), revealed that the predators treat these alarms as if they themselves are threatened by flying hawks, either by scanning the sky for danger or fleeing, confirming a deceptive function. In turn, these distractions delay attack and provide thornbill nestlings with an opportunity to escape. This sophisticated defence strategy exploits the complex web of interactions among multiple species across several trophic levels, and in particular exploits a predator''s ability to eavesdrop on and respond appropriately to heterospecific alarm calls. Our findings demonstrate that prey can fool predators by deceptively mimicking alarm calls of harmless species, suggesting that defensive mimicry could be more widespread because of indirect effects on predators within a web of eavesdropping.  相似文献   

1. Interference between predator species frequently decreases predation rates, lowering the risk of predation for shared prey. However, such interference can also occur between conspecific predators. 2. Therefore, to understand the importance of predator biodiversity and the degree that predator species can be considered functionally interchangeable, we determined the degree of additivity and redundancy of predators in multiple- and single-species combinations. 3. We show that interference between two invasive species of predatory crabs, Carcinus maenas and Hemigrapsus sanguineus, reduced the risk of predation for shared amphipod prey, and had redundant per capita effects in most multiple- and single-species predator combinations. 4. However, when predator combinations with the potential for intraguild predation were examined, predator interference increased and predator redundancy decreased. 5. Our study indicates that trophic structure is important in determining how the effects of predator species combine and demonstrates the utility of determining the redundancy, as well as the additivity, of multiple predator species.  相似文献   

A password for species recognition in a brood-parasitic bird   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recognition of conspecifics is an essential precursor of sexual reproduction. Most mammals and birds learn salient features of their parents or siblings early in ontogeny and later recognize individuals whose phenotypes match the mental image (template) of relatives closely enough as conspecifics. However, the young of brood parasites are reared among heterospecifics, so social learning will yield inappropriate species recognition templates. Initially, it was inferred that conspecific recognition in brood parasites depended on genetically determined templates. More recently it was demonstrated that learning plays a critical role in the development of parasites' social preferences. Here we propose a mechanism that accommodates the interaction of learned and genetic components of recognition. We suggest that conspecific recognition is initiated when a young parasite encounters some unique species-specific signal or "password" (e.g. a vocalization, behaviour or other characteristic) that triggers learning of additional aspects of the password-giver's phenotype. We examined the possibility that nestlings of the obligately brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) could use a species-specific vocalization, the "chatter", as a password. We found that six-day-old nestlings responded (begged) significantly more frequently to playbacks of chatters than to other avian sounds and that two-month-old fledglings approached playbacks of chatters more quickly than vocalizations of heterospecifics. Free-living cowbird fledglings and adults also approached playbacks of chatters more often than control sounds. Passwords may be involved in the ontogeny of species recognition in brood parasites generally.  相似文献   

Summary The neotropical frogPhysalaemus pustulosus (Leptodactylidae) has a complex advertisement call and different call components perform different functions. The whine is a necessary and sufficient stimulus for species recognition. The chuck provides information about male body size that is used by females in mate choice (Ryan 1980, 1983), but the chuck must be combined with the species-identifying whine to elicit maximum behavioral responses from males and females. One of the important features of the whine in eliciting behavioral responses from both sexes is the direction of frequency modulation. This suggests that current models of species recognition in anurans based on a frequency filtering mechanism of the peripheral auditory system and selective responses to combinations of frequencies in the central nervous system are not sufficient to explain species recognition inP. pustulosus. Recent neurophysiological studies of the anuran torus semicircularis are discussed in terms of a mechanism for decoding frequency sweeps.  相似文献   

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