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The processes of symbiotic germination and seedling development were analysed in the myco-heterotrophic orchid Corallorhiza trifida , seeds of which were buried in 'packets' either adjacent to or at varying distances from adult plants in defined communities of ectomycorrhizal tree species. Germination occurred within eight months of burial under Betula – Alnus and within seven months under Salix repens . It was always associated with penetration of the suspensor by a clamp-forming mycorrhizal fungus. Four distinct developmental stages were defined and the rates of transition through these stages were plotted. There was no evidence of a relationship between extent of germination or rate of development and the presence of naturally distributed plants of C. trifida at the spatial scale of 1 m. The best germination and the most rapid rate of development of C. trifida seedlings occurred in a Salix repens community located at a considerable distance from any extant C. trifida population. Determination of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) RFLPs and of gene sequences of the fungi involved in symbiotic germination and growth of C. trifida , revealed them to belong exclusively to the Thelephora – Tomentella complex of the Thelephoraceae. These fungi are known also to be ectomycorrhizal associates of trees. It is hypothesized that the rate of growth of the C. trifida seedlings is determined by the ability of the fungal symbionts to transfer carbon from their ectomycorrhizal co-associates.  相似文献   

Seedlings of the myco-heterotrophic orchid Corallorhiza trifida which had been germinated in the field in mesh bags developed hyphal links and mycorrhizas with Betula pendula and Salix repens , but not with Pinus sylvestris , when transplanted into soil microcosms. The fungus connecting the myco-heterotroph to Betula and Salix formed endomycorrhiza in the orchid with typical pelotons, but formed ectomycorrhizas with the autotrophs. The orchid plants, when linked to Betula and Salix by fungal hyphae, gained 6–14% in weight over 25–28 wk. In microcosms supporting P. sylvestris , and in control microcosms which lacked autotrophs, the Corallorhiza plants lost 13% of their weight over the same period. In the course of the 28-wk experimental period new Corallorhiza seedlings, in addition to those added as part of the experiment, appeared in the microcosms containing Salix and Betula but not in the Pinus microcosms. Shoots of Betula and Salix plants grown in association with Corallorhiza were fed with 14CO2, and the movement of the isotope was subsequently traced by a combination of digital autoradiography and tissue oxidation. Direct transfer of C from both autotrophs to the myco-heterotroph occurred in all cases where the associates had become connected by a shared fungal symbiont. Orchid seedlings lacking these hyphal connections, introduced to the microcosms as controls immediately before isotope feeding, failed to assimilate significant amounts of C. The results provide the first experimental confirmation that growth of Corallorhiza trifida can be sustained by supply of C received directly from an autotrophic partner through linked fungal mycelia.  相似文献   

Several achlorophyllous orchids associate with ectomycorrhizal hymenomycetes deriving carbon from surrounding trees for the plant. However, this has not been shown for achlorophyllous orchids associating with species of Rhizoctonia, a complex of basal lineages of hymenomycetes that are the most common orchid partners. We analysed Neottia nidus-avis, an achlorophyllous orchid symbiotic with a Rhizoctonia, to identify its symbionts by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing. Analysis of 61 root systems from 23 French populations showed that N. nidus-avis associates highly specifically with a group of species of Sebacinaceae. Their diversity emphasizes the need for further investigations in the Sebacinaceae systematics. Sebacinoid ITS sequences were often identical within orchid populations and a trend to regional variation in symbionts was observed. Using ITS and intergenic spacer (IGS) polymorphism, we showed that each root system harboured a single species, but that several genets colonized it. However, no polymorphism of these markers was found among portions of each root: this is consistent with the putative mode of entry of the fungus, i.e. from the rhizome into roots but not repeatedly from the soil. In addition, ectomycorrhizae were always found within the N. nidus-avis root systems: 120 of the 144 ectomycorrhizae typed by ITS sequencing were colonized by a sebacinoid fungus identical in ITS sequence to the respective orchid symbiont (even for the IGS polymorphism in some cases). Because sebacinoids were demonstrated recently to be ectomycorrhizal, the orchid is likely to derive its resources from surrounding trees, a mycorrhizal cheating strategy similar to other myco-heterotrophic plants studied to date.  相似文献   

In plant species that rely on mycorrhizal symbioses for germination and seedling establishment, seedling recruitment and temporal changes in abundance can be expected to depend on fungal community composition and local environmental conditions. However, disentangling the precise factors that determine recruitment success in species that critically rely on mycorrhizal fungi represents a major challenge. In this study, we used seed germination experiments, 454 amplicon pyrosequencing and assessment of soil conditions to investigate the factors driving changes in local abundance in 28 populations of the orchid Neottia ovata. Comparison of population sizes measured in 2003 and 2013 showed that nearly 60% of the studied populations had declined in size (average growth rate across all populations: ?0.01). Investigation of the mycorrhizal fungi in both the roots and soil revealed a total of 68 species of putatively mycorrhizal fungi, 21 of which occurred exclusively in roots, 25 that occurred solely in soil and 22 that were observed in both the soil and roots. Seed germination was limited and significantly and positively related to soil moisture content and soil pH, but not to fungal community composition. Large populations or populations with high population growth rates showed significantly higher germination than small populations or populations declining in size, but no significant relationships were found between population size or growth and mycorrhizal diversity. Overall, these results indicate that temporal changes in abundance were related to the ability of seeds to germinate, but at the same time they provided limited evidence that variation in fungal communities played an important role in determining population dynamics.  相似文献   

Plant‐derived smoke and smoke‐isolated compounds stimulate germination in seeds from over 80 genera. It has also been reported that smoke affects overall plant vigour and has a stimulatory effect on pollen growth. The effect of smoke on orchid seeds, however, has not been assessed. In South Africa, orchid seeds from several genera may be exposed to smoke when they are released from their seedpods. It is therefore possible that smoke may affect their germination and growth. Therefore, the effects of smoke [applied as smoke‐water (SW)] and two smoke‐derived compounds, karrikinolide (KAR1) and trimethylbutenolide (TMB), were investigated on the germination and growth of orchid seeds in vitro. The effect of SW, KAR1 and TMB were investigated on the endangered epiphytic orchid, Ansellia africana, which is indigenous to tropical areas of Africa. Smoke‐water, KAR1 and TMB were infused in half‐strength MS medium. The number of germinated seeds and number of seeds and protocorm bodies to reach predetermined developmental stages were recorded on a weekly basis using a dissecting microscope for a 13‐week period. Infusing SW 1:250 (v:v) into half‐strength MS medium significantly increased the germination rate index (GRI) and the development rate index (DRI) of the A. africana seeds. All the SW treatments significantly increased the number of large protocorm bodies at the final stage of development. Infusing KAR1 into the growing medium had no significant effect on germination or development of the seeds. The TMB treatment, however, significantly reduced the GRI and DRI of A. africana seeds.  相似文献   

李绍锋  王国红  饶佳媚  杨民和 《生态学报》2015,35(21):7011-7022
内生真菌是一类共生于植物体内,能够不同程度影响宿主植物生态适应性和竞争能力的微生物。分析内生真菌在豚草种子中的分布、种群结构,以及内生真菌发酵液对种子发芽和幼苗生长的作用。结果显示:发生于6个地区的豚草种子均能分离获得内生真菌,分离率在19%—92.63%之间,不同地区之间差异极显著(P0.01)。内生真菌主要存在于种子的总苞部位,分离率达到65.52%。发生于福建省长乐市松下镇的豚草种带内生真菌种群包含5个属,以链格孢属(Alternaria)真菌为优势菌群,占82.26%;其次为镰孢属(Fusarium)真菌,占9.68%;其它3个属的真菌发生较少,均低于5%。内生真菌主要以水平传播方式在豚草不同世代之间传播。供试的7个内生真菌菌株的发酵液均不同程度地抑制豚草种子发芽,降低幼苗地上部高度、根长度、根数量和总生物量,但不同菌株发酵液之间抑制程度差异明显,显示不同菌株对豚草种子发芽和幼苗生长产生不同的影响。内生真菌发酵液处理后的种子仍然保持较高程度的活力;不同内生真菌发酵液处理后,有活力的种子维持在50%—87.5%之间,均高于(或等于)清水处理的种子,说明内生真菌代谢产物只是抑制种子的发芽,但并不导致种子的腐烂和死亡。这些研究结果初步显示种子携带的内生真菌可能在豚草入侵生物学中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

Cypripedium macranthos is a wild orchid that is becoming endangered. Efficient methods for its propagation from seed, which is indispensable for conservation, production and breeding, have not been reported. The effects of sodium and calcium hypochlorite, pre‐chilling and cytokinins on the germination of seeds of Cypripedium macranthos Swartz were examined. The duration of treatment with a solution of hypochlorite prior to sowing was one of the critical factors that affected germination. Approximately 70% of seeds that had been treated with either a solution of NaClO that contained 0.5% available chlorine for 60 min or with one of Ca(ClO)2 with 3.2% available chlorine for 7 h, germinated after 3 months of culture at 20°C, subsequent to 2 months chilling at 4°C. Chilling seeds at 4°C prior to culture at 20°C was another factor that stimulated germination. Even chilling for 2 weeks had a promotive effect on germination, and chilling for 2 months enhanced it most effectively: the frequency of germination was 67% after 3 months of culture at 20°C. However, the promotive effects of chilling on germination were reduced by holding seeds at 20°C for 3 and 6 weeks prior to chilling treatment. Germination of 58‐70% was achieved by the addition of 1 µ M cytokinin to the medium, while the frequency was only 17% in cytokinin‐free medium. We report a reproducible and efficient method for enhancing seed germination of C. macranthos , which involves treatment with hypochlorite prior to sowing, and the combination of chilling at 4°C prior to germination and exposure to a cytokinin.  相似文献   

Germination percentage of Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.f.) Hunt & Summerh. (Orchidaceae) was increased by illuminating surface-sterilized, rinsed and incubated seeds with white light in 16 h photoperiods. Optimal exposures (10–14 days) raised germination from 40 to 75%. Longer light treatments resulted in reduced germination percentage and smaller seedlings. Only about 2% of the seeds could actually germinate in photoperiods; the germination of the rest was delayed by initial light and required about 14 days in constant darkness. Interruption of this darkness period with two consecutive photoperiods increased the germination percentage when the interruption occurred before day 8, but not when occurring later than that.  相似文献   

Plant Lipid-Transfer Proteins (LTPs) exhibit the ability to reversibly bind/transport lipids in vitro. LTPs have been involved in diverse physiological processes but conclusive evidence on their role has only been presented for a few members, none of them related to seed physiology. Arabidopsis seeds rely on storage oil breakdown to supply carbon skeletons and energy for seedling growth. Here, Arabidopsis ltp3 mutant was analyzed for its ability to germinate and for seedling establishment. Ltp3 showed delayed germination and reduced germination frequency. Seedling growth appeared reduced in the mutant but this growth restriction was rescued by the addition of an exogenous carbon supply, suggesting a defective oil mobilization. Lipid breakdown analysis during seedling growth revealed a differential profile in the mutant compared to the wild type. The involvement of LTP3 in germination and seedling growth and its relationship with the lipid transfer ability of this protein is discussed.  相似文献   

Seed germination time course and seedling development mechanisms of Clintonia udensis Trautv. et Mey. (Uvulariaceae) were investigated under experimental condition. Seed germination tests were carried out under four thermal regimes, i. e. 10, 15, 20, and 25°C, after seeds were harvested, and stored at 5°C in wet conditions for 6 months under light‐exposed or shaded conditions. Approximately 63% of all seeds produced had the potential to germinate beyond 4 years and 6 months. The developmental process after germination continued for over 2 years. Phase I: the radicle first breaks through the seed coat 2 years after fructification. Phase II: the radicle becomes much larger with a hypocotyle. Phase III: part of the cotyledon elongates over 20 mm. Phase IV: the plumule further develops in two steps, i. e. the plumule is first formed, while cotyledon is disappearing, and then the plumule appears with second and third radicles, growing with cotyledon.  相似文献   

A family of six genes encoding acyl‐CoA‐binding proteins (ACBPs), ACBP1–ACBP6, has been characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this study, we demonstrate that ACBP1 promotes abscisic acid (ABA) signaling during germination and seedling development. ACBP1 was induced by ABA, and transgenic Arabidopsis ACBP1‐over‐expressors showed increased sensitivity to ABA during germination and seedling development, whereas the acbp1 mutant showed decreased ABA sensitivity during these processes. Subsequent RNA assays showed that ACBP1 over‐production in 12‐day‐old seedlings up‐regulated the expression of PHOSPHOLIPASE Dα1 (PLDα1) and three ABA/stress‐responsive genes: ABA‐RESPONSIVE ELEMENT BINDING PROTEIN1 (AREB1), RESPONSE TO DESICCATION29A (RD29A) and bHLH‐TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR MYC2 (MYC2). The expression of AREB1 and PLDα1 was suppressed in the acbp1 mutant in comparison with the wild type following ABA treatment. PLDα1 has been reported to promote ABA signal transduction by producing phosphatidic acid, an important lipid messenger in ABA signaling. Using lipid profiling, seeds and 12‐day‐old seedlings of ACBP1‐over‐expressing lines were shown to accumulate more phosphatidic acid after ABA treatment, in contrast to lower phosphatidic acid in the acbp1 mutant. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays indicated that ACBP1 interacts with PLDα1 at the plasma membrane. Their interaction was further confirmed by yeast two‐hybrid analysis. As recombinant ACBP1 binds phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylcholine, ACBP1 probably promotes PLDα1 action. Taken together, these results suggest that ACBP1 participates in ABA‐mediated seed germination and seedling development.  相似文献   

The breeding system of the terrestrial orchid Eulophia alta was investigated in south Florida where it has previously been reported as an auto‐pollinated species. The effect of breeding system on seed viability and germinability and seedling development was also investigated. Incidences of spontaneous autogamy in E. alta were rare at the study site, resulting in only 7.1% of observed flowers forming capsules. In addition, hand pollination resulted in significantly greater capsule formation when flowers were subjected to induced autogamy (46.4%), artificial geitonogamy (64.3%) and xenogamy at both short (pollen source 10–100 m away; 42.9%) and long (pollen source > 10 km away; 67.9%) distances. Pollen source had little effect on seed viability and germinability or seedling growth rates. However, seed resulting from spontaneous autogamy developed more slowly than seed originating from the other treatments. These data indicate that spontaneous autogamy is rare in E. alta and that naturally forming capsules may be the result of unobserved pollination events. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 78–88.  相似文献   

Procedures for asymbiotic seed germination and seedling acclimatization were developed for Bletia purpurea, a threatened North America native terrestrial orchid. Six asymbiotic orchid seed germination media (Knudson C, PhytoTechnology Orchid Seed Sowing Medium, Malmgren Modified Terrestrial Orchid Medium, Vacin &; Went Modified Orchid Medium, ½-strengh Murashige &; Skoog, and BM-1 Terrestrial Orchid Medium) were examined for their effectiveness in promoting seed germination and protocorm development of B. purpurea in either a 0/24 h or 16/8 h L/D photoperiod. Germination occurred regardless of medium or photoperiod treatment. However, advanced seedling development (Stage 6) only occurred on Vacin &; Went Modified Orchid Medium in the 16/8 h L/D photoperiod. Further effects of photoperiod on in vitro seedling development were also examined. Shoot length, leaf width, root number and length, and fresh weight and dry weight in the 16/8 h L/D photoperiod were all significantly different when compared to the 8/16 h and 12/12 L/D photoperiods. In vitro seedlings were readily acclimatized to greenhouse conditions. Seedlings showed high survival all potting media. Seedlings acclimatized in Fafard Mix 4 potting medium developed significantly longer roots. Corm formation occurred regardless of potting media used.  相似文献   

The ex situ conservation of biodiversity is an essential tool for environmental protection interventions. Germination studies of seeds that belong to endangered species are essential for ex situ conservation strategies. In this study, we investigate the germination responses of three high-altitude endemic and vulnerable species (Leontopodium nivale, Pinguicula fiorii and Soldanella minima subsp. samnitica). Specifically we identified potential dormancy mechanisms by investigating the responses of germination percentage and rate to different concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3), by performing a general linear model. L. nivale reached a germination percentage of 98.0 ± 2.0% (mean ± SE) under control conditions (20°C; 12/12 photoperiod; no GA3 addition). P. fiorii showed the highest germination percentage (78.0 ± 2.0%) in the treatment with GA3 500 ppm. S. minima subsp. samnitica did not show sensitivity to GA3 but responded positively to cold stratification (6 month at 5°C) with a germination percentage of 90 ± 6%. This study made it possible to acquire important information on the germination process of threatened and rare endemic taxa.  相似文献   

The expression of the genes for two types of myrosinase (EC, designated MA and MB, during embryo and seedling development was investigated in Sinapis alba L. by in-situ and RNA slot-blot analyses. The expression of MA and MB genes followed similar temporal profiles during embryogenesis, but MB mRNA was present in considerably higher amounts than MA mRNA. In the embryo, both MA and MB genes are activated in cotyledons and axis. The MB genes are preferentially expressed in the cotyledons whereas MA genes are preferentially expressed in the axis. In the developing seedling, MA mRNA was not present in the organs investigated. By contrast, MB mRNA was found in appreciable amounts in hypocotyls, cotyledons and developing leaves. The MB genes seem to be activated preferentially in tissues undergoing rapid cell division and — or cell expansion.Abbreviations DAP days after pollination - MA, MB A type, B type myrosinases in Sinapis alba Anna-Stina Höglund (Uppsala Genetic Center) is gratefully acknowledged for valuable discussion, Anders Gobl (Department of Immunology, Uppsala University) for kindly advice with the labeling of probes and Qingzhu Zhai (Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University) for help with seed harvest. This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council for Forestry and Agriculture.  相似文献   

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