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Invasive species are increasingly becoming a policy priority. This has spurred researchers and managers to try to estimate the risk of invasion. Conceptually, invasions are dependent both on the receiving environment (invasibility) and on the ability to reach these new areas (propagule pressure). However, analyses of risk typically examine only one or the other. Here, we develop and apply a joint model of invasion risk that simultaneously incorporates invasibility and propagule pressure. We present arguments that the behaviour of these two elements of risk differs substantially--propagule pressure is a function of time, whereas invasibility is not--and therefore have different management implications. Further, we use the well-studied zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) to contrast predictions made using the joint model to those made by separate invasibility and propagule pressure models. We show that predictions of invasion progress as well as of the long-term invasion pattern are strongly affected by using a joint model.  相似文献   

To successfully colonize new habitats, organisms not only need to gain access to it, they also need to cope with the selective pressures imposed by the local biotic and abiotic conditions. The number of immigrants, the preadaptation to the local habitat and the presence of competitors are important factors determining the success of colonization. Here, using two experimental set-ups, we studied the effect of interspecific competition in combination with propagule pressure and preadaptation on the colonization success of new habitats. Our model system consisted of tomato plants (the novel habitat), the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae as our focal species and the red spider mite Tetranychus evansi as a competitor. Our results show that propagule pressure and preadaptation positively affect colonization success. More successful populations reach larger final population sizes either by having higher per capita growth rates (due to preadaptation effects) or by starting a population with a larger number of individuals. Although populations are more successful colonizing non-competitive environments than competitive ones, propagule pressure and preadaptation counteract the negative effects of competition, promoting colonization success. Our study shows the importance of propagule pressure and preadaptation for successful colonization of new habitats by providing the ability to cope with both the exigencies of new environments and the community context.  相似文献   

Aim To quantify the vulnerability of habitats to invasion by alien plants having accounted for the effects of propagule pressure, time and sampling effort. Location New Zealand. Methods We used spatial, temporal and habitat information taken from 9297 herbarium records of 301 alien plant species to examine the vulnerability of 11 terrestrial habitats to plant invasions. A null model that randomized species records across habitats was used to account for variation in sampling effort and to derive a relative measure of invasion based either on all records for a species or only its first record. The relative level of invasion was related to the average distance of each habitat from the nearest conurbation, which was used as a proxy for propagule pressure. The habitat in which a species was first recorded was compared to the habitats encountered for all records of that species to determine whether the initial habitat could predict subsequent habitat occupancy. Results Variation in sampling effort in space and time significantly masked the underlying vulnerability of habitats to plant invasions. Distance from the nearest conurbation had little effect on the relative level of invasion in each habitat, but the number of first records of each species significantly declined with increasing distance. While Urban, Streamside and Coastal habitats were over‐represented as sites of initial invasion, there was no evidence of major invasion hotspots from which alien plants might subsequently spread. Rather, the data suggest that certain habitats (especially Roadsides) readily accumulate alien plants from other habitats. Main conclusions Herbarium records combined with a suitable null model provide a powerful tool for assessing the relative vulnerability of habitats to plant invasion. The first records of alien plants tend to be found near conurbations, but this pattern disappears with subsequent spread. Regardless of the habitat where a species was first recorded, ultimately most alien plants spread to Roadside and Sparse habitats. This information suggests that such habitats may be useful targets for weed surveillance and monitoring.  相似文献   

Propagule pressure quantifies the inflow of individuals to a location and appears to be a key driver of invasion success. It is often defined as the average number of individuals introduced per time unit, or equivalently as the product of the average number of individuals introduced per introduction event (propagule size) and the frequency of introduction events (propagule frequency). Here we study how the influence of propagule size, frequency, and their product depends on the underlying ecological conditions. While previous studies have focused on introductions under environmental heterogeneity or a strong Allee effect, we examine a range of ecological scenarios that differ in the type of density dependence and in the sign of per capita growth rate. Our results indicate that the relative influence of propagule size and frequency depends mainly on the sign of per capita growth rate. Given a certain average number of individuals introduced per time unit, a high propagule frequency accelerates invasions under ecological scenarios with positive average per capita growth rate throughout the invasion process (‘easy’ scenarios). If per capita growth rate is negative throughout the invasion process (‘difficult’ scenarios) or if there is both an easy and a difficult stage (‘mixed scenarios’), a high propagule size leads to a faster invasion than a high propagule frequency. To explain this finding, we argue that for a fixed value of the product of propagule size and frequency, an increase in propagule size leads to an increase in demographic variance, which promotes invasion success in difficult and mixed but not in easy scenarios. However, we also show that in many of these cases, the product of propagule size and frequency still correlates more strongly with invasion success than either of the single components. Finally, we illustrate our approach with empirical examples from the literature.  相似文献   

Increasing empirical evidence indicates the number of released individuals (i.e. propagule pressure) and number of released species (i.e. colonization pressure) are key determinants of the number of species that successfully invade new habitats. In view of these relationships, and the possibility that ships transport whole communities of organisms, we collected 333 ballast water and sediment samples to investigate the relationship between propagule and colonization pressure for a variety of diverse taxonomic groups (diatoms, dinoflagellates and invertebrates). We also reviewed the scientific literature to compare the number of species transported by ships to those reported in nature. Here, we show that even though ships transport nearly entire local communities, a strong relationship between propagule and colonization pressure exists only for dinoflagellates. Our study provides evidence that colonization pressure of invertebrates and diatoms may fluctuate widely irrespective of propagule pressure. We suggest that the lack of correspondence is explained by reduced uptake of invertebrates into the transport vector and the sensitivity of invertebrates and diatoms to selective pressures during transportation. Selection during transportation is initially evident through decreases in propagule pressure, followed by decreased colonization pressure in the most sensitive taxa.  相似文献   

Intertidal and shallow subtidal boulder fields are relatively uncommon along the coast of New South Wales, Australia. Nevertheless, they provide habitat for a diverse suite of species, many of which are seldom found in other habitats. The types and abundances of animals found on or under boulders can be influenced by features of the boulders themselves, or by features of the substratum on which a boulder lies. Boulders can be colonized by larvae, or by adult or juvenile animals drifting in the water column or crawling up from the substratum. This experiment investigated the effect of an algal or sandy substratum on early stages of colonization of new boulders in two boulder fields by a suite of invertebrates, including gastropods, bivalves, chitons, polychaetes and insect larvae. Replicate times of three different periods (5, 18 and 38 days) tested for consistency of patterns of colonization at different times. Although the experiment was completed in a single season (within 2 months), there was considerable variation in patterns of abundances and diversity between replicate times. Thus, for each time in each period of a particular length, a different assemblage developed on the algal or sandy substratum in each boulder field. Despite this temporal variation, a few taxa showed some consistency of colonization among habitats, although most showed unpredictable patterns. The implications of these patterns of colonization for the creation or restoration of new intertidal and shallow subtidal boulder fields are discussed.  相似文献   

Subtidal seagrass habitats are prime candidates for the application of principles derived from landscape ecology. Although seagrass systems are relatively simple compared to their terrestrial counterparts in terms of species diversity and structural complexity, seagrasses do display variation in spatial patterns over a variety of scales. The presence of a moving water layer and its influence on faunal dispersal may be a distinguishing feature impacting ecological processes in the subtidal zone. Studying seagrass-dominated landscapes may provide a novel approach to investigating questions regarding self-similarity of spatial patterns, and offers a new perspective for analysing habitat change in a variety of marine environments.  相似文献   

Blackburn et al. (Biodiver Conserv 20:2189–2199, 2011) claim that a reanalysis of passerine introductions to New Zealand supports the propagule pressure hypothesis. The conclusions of Blackburn et al. (2011) are invalid for three reasons: First, the historical record is so flawed that there is no sound basis for identifying the mechanisms behind extinction following introduction, or whether species were successful because they were introduced in large numbers or were introduced in large numbers because earlier releases succeeded. Second, the GLIMMIX analysis of Blackburn et al. (2011) is biased in favor of the propagule pressure hypothesis. Third, the population viability analysis presented by Blackburn et al. (2011) is based on unjustified and questionable assumptions. It is likely that the outcome of passerine bird introductions to New Zealand depended on species characteristics, site characteristics, and human decisions more than on a simple summing of the numbers introduced.  相似文献   

Microalgal biofilms are sensitive to environmental conditions. Impacts of contaminants on assemblages of marine biofilm are often investigated in laboratories or in mesocosms. Such experiments are rarely representative of the effects of contaminants on biofilms under natural conditions. Studies in field situations, with enough power to detect impacts, are necessary to develop a better understanding of the effects of contaminants on ecological processes. Metals are a common contaminant of marine systems and can cause disturbances to assemblages. Using a new technique to experimentally deliver contaminants to microalgal assemblages, hypotheses were tested regarding the effects of zinc on microalgal biofilms growing on settlement panels in subtidal and intertidal habitats. PAM fluorometry was used to assess the amount and physiological state of biofilms on panels. Control panels deployed for 1 month in each habitat had significantly greater amounts of biofilm than those exposed to zinc. After deployment for 3 months, the results varied with location. The observed effects on the biofilm did not, however, cause significant changes in the macro-invertebrate assemblages that developed on the panels.  相似文献   

Microalgal biofilms are sensitive to environmental conditions. Impacts of contaminants on assemblages of marine biofilm are often investigated in laboratories or in mesocosms. Such experiments are rarely representative of the effects of contaminants on biofilms under natural conditions. Studies in field situations, with enough power to detect impacts, are necessary to develop a better understanding of the effects of contaminants on ecological processes. Metals are a common contaminant of marine systems and can cause disturbances to assemblages. Using a new technique to experimentally deliver contaminants to microalgal assemblages, hypotheses were tested regarding the effects of zinc on microalgal biofilms growing on settlement panels in subtidal and intertidal habitats. PAM fluorometry was used to assess the amount and physiological state of biofilms on panels. Control panels deployed for 1 month in each habitat had significantly greater amounts of biofilm than those exposed to zinc. After deployment for 3 months, the results varied with location. The observed effects on the biofilm did not, however, cause significant changes in the macro-invertebrate assemblages that developed on the panels.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic vectors have moved marine species around the world leading to increased invasions and expanded species'' ranges. The biotic resistance hypothesis of Elton (in The ecology of invasions by animals and plants, 1958) predicts that more diverse communities should have greater resistance to invasions, but experiments have been equivocal. We hypothesized that species richness interacts with other factors to determine experimental outcomes. We manipulated species richness, species composition (native and introduced) and availability of bare space in invertebrate assemblages in a marina in Monterey, CA. Increased species richness significantly interacted with both initial cover of native species and of all organisms to collectively decrease recruitment. Although native species decreased recruitment, introduced species had a similar effect, and we concluded that biotic resistance is conferred by total species richness. We suggest that contradictory conclusions in previous studies about the role of diversity in regulating invasions reflect uncontrolled variables in those experiments that modified the effect of species richness. Our results suggest that patches of low diversity and abundance may facilitate invasions, and that such patches, once colonized by non-indigenous species, can resist both native and non-indigenous species recruitment.  相似文献   

The role of propagule pressure in explaining species invasions   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Human-mediated species invasions are a significant component of current global environmental change. There is every indication that the rate at which locations are accumulating non-native species is accelerating as free trade and globalization advance. Thus, the need to incorporate predictive models in the assessment of invasion risk has become acute. However, finding elements of the invasion process that provide consistent explanatory power has proved elusive. Here, we propose propagule pressure as a key element to understanding why some introduced populations fail to establish whereas others succeed. In the process, we illustrate how the study of propagule pressure can provide an opportunity to tie together disparate research agendas within invasion ecology.  相似文献   

Tzetlin  A. B.  Mokievsky  V. O.  Melnikov  A. N.  Saphonov  M. V.  Simdyanov  T. G.  Ivanov  I. E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,355(1-3):91-100
The fauna, associated with Laminaria and other largebrown macroalgae was studied by using SCUBA anddredging in two different types of underwater habitatsof the White Sea.In shallow water fjords and bays, with a depth of nomore than 30–40 m, detached kelp (mainly Laminaria saccharina, L. digitata and Alaria esculenta) formed large accumulations. One ofthese benthic accumulations, which has existed morethan 20 years, was studied. It covers about2000 m2, and is about 2 m thick. The upper layerof the accumulation of fronds is characterized by highturbulence and is well aerated. The lower layer ischaracterized by anoxic conditions. Mats of sulphurbacteria were not observed, although fronds in themiddle layer were covered by layers of cyanobacteria.About 50 species of macroinvertebrates were found,mainly species that are normally associated withliving kelp, such as the detritivorous species Ophiura robusta and Gammarus oceanicus, and fewspecies that are specific inhabitants of organic-richbiotopes in the White Sea such as Capitellacapitata, Ophryotrocha irinae and Nebaliabipes. It was remarkable that in the shallow waterbasins of the White Sea, the process of decompositionof brown algae in the sublittoral takes place withoutsea urchins, and no other macrofaunal form plays anecological role in the mechanical breakdown of theplant substratum, even not in the large accumulationsof detached kelp.Along the open rocky shoreline, communities associatedwith dead detached kelp were situated at a depth of60–90 m, 40–50 m below the belt of living kelp. Inthis deep zone, no macroinvertebrates typical of thekelp community in the photic zone were found. Duringthe passage from the shoreline to the deeper benthiccommunity, where sea urchins were dominant, all plantdebris became fragmented. These deeper benthiccommunities appeared to be the zone for decompositionof the detached kelp.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of marine and non-marine organisms rarely overlap, but the mechanisms underlying this distinction are often unknown. Here, we predicted three major ocean-to-land transitions in the evolutionary history of Flavobacteriaceae, a family known for polysaccharide and peptide degradation. These unidirectional transitions were associated with repeated losses of marine signature genes and repeated gains of non-marine adaptive genes. This included various Na+-dependent transporters, osmolyte transporters and glycoside hydrolases (GH) for sulfated polysaccharide utilization in marine descendants, and in non-marine descendants genes for utilizing the land plant material pectin and genes facilitating terrestrial host interactions. The K+ scavenging ATPase was repeatedly gained whereas the corresponding low-affinity transporter repeatedly lost upon transitions, reflecting K+ ions are less available to non-marine bacteria. Strikingly, the central metabolism Na+-translocating NADH: quinone dehydrogenase gene was repeatedly gained in marine descendants, whereas the H+-translocating counterpart was repeatedly gained in non-marine lineages. Furthermore, GH genes were depleted in isolates colonizing animal hosts but abundant in bacteria inhabiting other non-marine niches; thus relative abundances of GH versus peptidase genes among Flavobacteriaceae lineages were inconsistent with the marine versus non-marine dichotomy. We suggest that phylogenomic analyses can cast novel light on mechanisms explaining the distribution and ecology of key microbiome components.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages on two inshore rocky subtidal sites on the west coast of Scotland, were studied using diver visual surveys on a monthly basis between September 1995 and December 1999. A total of 17 689 fishes and 26 species were recorded from the two sites, Saulmore Point (056°27'N; 005°24'W) near Oban and Davy's Rock (055°46'N; 004°53'W) on the Isle of Great Cumbrae. The gobiid Thorogobius eppiphiatus , dominated the Saulmore Point site; six fish species accounted for >93% of total abundance at that site. At Davy's Rock four species contributed at least 93% of total fish abundance, and the dominant species was the labrid Ctenolabrus rupestris . Total abundance of the dominant species displayed a clear seasonal trend, and this was significantly related to recorded daily average seawater temperature. A maximum abundance of 4.9 fishes m−2 was recorded in November 1998 at Davy's Rock and 2.5 fishes m−2 at Saulmore Point in October 1998. Multivariate analysis indicated a degree of variation in assemblage structure between winter and summer at both sites. A number of species showed some degree of interannual variation, in particular the gobiid Gobiusculus flavescens whose abundance increased by over 300 times over a 5 month period in 1998. Correlation analysis showed that variation in annual winter seawater temperature could act as an indicator of interannual variation in abundance of some of the dominant species utilizing rocky subtidal habitats.  相似文献   

Francisco Barros   《Acta Oecologica》2005,27(3):211-223
It was proposed that predation could explain differences in the structure of the benthic macrofaunal assemblages in subtidal sandy sediments close to compared with those far from rocky reefs. This hypothesis was tested using experimental exclusion cages and partial cages at two sites at two distances at two different rocky reefs. Undisturbed uncaged assemblages of macrofauna close to the rocky reefs were generally different from those in the partial cages and full cages. However, caging artifacts could not be detected and there were no strong correlations between the macrofauna and the proportions of different grain size and organic content. The structure of the macrofaunal assemblages close to the rocky reefs was, nevertheless, different from those far from the reefs and the sediments were finer far from than close to the rocky reefs. The results indicated that factors other than predation or grain size caused the differences in the macrofauna. For the spatial and temporal scales used in this study, it was clear that, although predation maybe intense, on its own it cannot explain the differences in the structure of the assemblages close and far from rocky reefs. The importance of adequate replication on caging experiments is discussed and it is suggested that alternative ways need to be found to test predictions about the influence of predation on soft sediment benthic assemblages.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(3-4):467-474
Background: Propagule production and dispersal largely determine the distribution and potential migration ability of alpine plant species. Variation in reproductive success caused by year-to-year variation in climate may critically influence these processes.

Aims: To obtain estimates for the propagule rain in high-alpine plant communities and detect potential dispersal events from lower elevations.

Methods: The magnitude and composition of the propagule rain was studied in different plant communities along an elevation gradient from the upper alpine to subnival zone. Propagules were trapped at eight elevations from 2760 to 3070 m a.s.l. for three years from July to September 2003–2005. Vascular plant species and their cover were recorded in an area with a radius of 10 m surrounding the traps.

Results: A five- to 10-fold higher propagule rain was observed in 2003, a year with an exceptionally hot summer, compared to 2004 and 2005. Propagule and species numbers varied highly among years and community types. Few propagules of non-local origin were recorded in any year.

Conclusions: Extremely hot summers are likely to greatly magnify the propagule rain size of species in alpine habitats. Such ‘mast years’ may contribute to enhanced and accelerated vegetation changes in alpine habitats in the absence of limiting factors.  相似文献   

Sculpin fishes of the North American Pacific Coast provide an ideal opportunity to examine whether adaptive morphological character shifts have facilitated occupation of novel habitat types because of their well‐described phylogeny and ecology. In this group, the basal‐rooted species primarily occupy the subtidal habitat, whereas the species in the most distal clades are found in the intertidal. We tested multiple evolutionary models to determine whether changes in body size and changes in number of scales are adaptive for habitat use in sculpins. Based on a statistically robust, highly resolved molecular phylogeny of 26 species of sculpins, in combination with morphometric and habitat affinity data, our analyses show that an adaptive model based on habitat use best explains changes in body size and number of scales. The habitat model was statistically supported over models of neutral evolution, stabilizing selection across all habitats, and three clade‐based models. We suggest that loss of scales and reduction of body size in the intertidal may facilitate cutaneous breathing in air when tidepools become hypoxic during low tides. This study demonstrates how the combined use of phylogenetic, ecological and statistical approaches helps to identify traits that are likely adaptive to novel habitats.  相似文献   

Abernethy  V.J.  Willby  N.J. 《Plant Ecology》1999,140(2):177-190
This study used germination methods to examine the density, species composition and functional composition of propagule banks in a series of riverine wetland aquatic habitats subject to varying degrees of hydrological and management-related disturbance. Under permanent inundation (the conditions prevailing at most sites during the growing season) propagule germination and species richness was low, with floodplain perennials and helophytes particularly affected. Densities of floodplain annuals were largely maintained through continued germination of a few flooding tolerant species. On damp mud (conditions associated with hydrological instability) total seedling number and species richness increased significantly, but species richness of germinating hydrophytes declined. Mean seedling density at 0–0.1m depth was 15450 ± 4400 m–2, reaching a maximum (162 050 m–2) in temporary backwaters. Annual (e.g., Lindernia dubia, Cyperus fuscus) and facultative ruderal species (e.g., Lythrum salicaria and Alisma plantago-aquatica) predominated. Vertical zonation of the propagule bank was weakly developed. The numbers of individuals and species germinating varied significantly between sites. The seasonal, most intensely disturbed sites (temporary backwaters) supported a numerically large, species-rich propagule bank based on floodplain annuals, while the permanent, less disturbed sites (ditches and an oxbow pond) had a small, species-poor propagule bank composed of hydrophytes and helophytes supplemented by allochthonous seed inputs. Sites intermediate on the gradient had a propagule bank dominated by facultative amphibious, ruderal hydrophytes. The composition of the seed bank and the established vegetation was most similar at the heavily disturbed sites where the seed bank was maintained by vigorously fruiting annuals and supplemented by inputs from temporary habitats upstream. At permanent sites much of the propagule bank composition could be accounted for by inputs of floodborne seed from the immediately adjacent floodplain. The established vegetation at such sites appeared to be maintained mainly by vegetative propagation with recruitment from the propagule bank likely only after severe disturbance. The potential contribution of functionally diverse propagule banks to sucessional processes within fluvially dynamic floodplain aquatic habitats is emphasised.  相似文献   

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