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Program development environments have enabled graphics processing units (GPUs) to become an attractive high performance computing platform for the scientific community. A commonly posed problem in computational biology is protein database searching for functional similarities. The most accurate algorithm for sequence alignments is Smith-Waterman (SW). However, due to its computational complexity and rapidly increasing database sizes, the process becomes more and more time consuming making cluster based systems more desirable. Therefore, scalable and highly parallel methods are necessary to make SW a viable solution for life science researchers. In this paper we evaluate how SW fits onto the target GPU architecture by exploring ways to map the program architecture on the processor architecture. We develop new techniques to reduce the memory footprint of the application while exploiting the memory hierarchy of the GPU. With this implementation, GSW, we overcome the on chip memory size constraint, achieving 23× speedup compared to a serial implementation. Results show that as the query length increases our speedup almost stays stable indicating the solid scalability of our approach. Additionally this is a first of a kind implementation which purely runs on the GPU instead of a CPU-GPU integrated environment, making our design suitable for porting onto a cluster of GPUs.  相似文献   

Graphics processors evolve rapidly and promise to support power-efficient, cost, differentiated price-performance, and scalable high performance computing. MapReduce is a well-known distributed programming model to ease the development of applications for large-scale data processing on a large number of commodity CPUs. When compared to CPUs, GPUs are an order of magnitude faster in terms of computation power and memory bandwidth, but they are harder to program. Although several studies have implemented the MapReduce model on GPUs, most of them are based on the single GPU model and bounded by a GPU memory with inefficient atomic operations. This paper focuses on the development of MGMR, a standalone MapReduce system that utilizes multiple GPUs to manage large-scale data processing beyond the GPU memory limitation, and also to eliminate serial atomic operations. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of MGMR in handling large data sets.  相似文献   

Tensor contractions are generalized multidimensional matrix multiplication operations that widely occur in quantum chemistry. Efficient execution of tensor contractions on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) requires several challenges to be addressed, including index permutation and small dimension-sizes reducing thread block utilization. Moreover, to apply the same optimizations to various expressions, we need a code generation tool. In this paper, we present our approach to automatically generate CUDA code to execute tensor contractions on GPUs, including management of data movement between CPU and GPU. To evaluate our tool, GPU-enabled code is generated for the most expensive contractions in CCSD(T), a key coupled cluster method, and incorporated into NWChem, a popular computational chemistry suite. For this method, we demonstrate speedup over a factor of 8.4 using one GPU as compared to one CPU core and over 2.6 when utilizing the entire system using hybrid CPU+GPU solution with 2 GPUs and 5 cores (instead of 7 cores per node). We further investigate tensor contraction code on a new series of GPUs, the Fermi GPUs, and provide several effective optimization algorithms. For the same computation of CCSD(T), on a cluster with Fermi GPUs, we achieve a speedup of 3.4 over a cluster with T10 GPUs. With a single Fermi GPU on each node, we achieve a speedup of 43 over the sequential CPU version.  相似文献   

General Purpose Graphic Processing Units (GPGPUs) constitute an inexpensive resource for computing-intensive applications that could exploit an intrinsic fine-grain parallelism. This paper presents the design and implementation in GPGPUs of an exact alignment tool for nucleotide sequences based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform. We compare this algorithm with state-of-the-art implementations of the same algorithm over standard CPUs, and considering the same conditions in terms of I/O. Excluding disk transfers, the implementation of the algorithm in GPUs shows a speedup larger than 12, when compared to CPU execution. This implementation exploits the parallelism by concurrently searching different sequences on the same reference search tree, maximizing memory locality and ensuring a symmetric access to the data. The paper describes the behavior of the algorithm in GPU, showing a good scalability in the performance, only limited by the size of the GPU inner memory.  相似文献   

With the continuous development of hardware and software, Graphics Processor Units (GPUs) have been used in the general-purpose computation field. They have emerged as a computational accelerator that dramatically reduces the application execution time with CPUs. To achieve high computing performance, a GPU typically includes hundreds of computing units. The high density of computing resource on a chip brings in high power consumption. Therefore power consumption has become one of the most important problems for the development of GPUs. This paper analyzes the energy consumption of parallel algorithms executed in GPUs and provides a method to evaluate the energy scalability for parallel algorithms. Then the parallel prefix sum is analyzed to illustrate the method for the energy conservation, and the energy scalability is experimentally evaluated using Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply (SpMV). The results show that the optimal number of blocks, memory choice and task scheduling are the important keys to balance the performance and the energy consumption of GPUs.  相似文献   

The graphics processing unit (GPU), which originally was used exclusively for visualization purposes, has evolved into an extremely powerful co-processor. In the meanwhile, through the development of elaborate interfaces, the GPU can be used to process data and deal with computationally intensive applications. The speed-up factors attained compared to the central processing unit (CPU) are dependent on the particular application, as the GPU architecture gives the best performance for algorithms that exhibit high data parallelism and high arithmetic intensity. Here, we evaluate the performance of the GPU on a number of common algorithms used for three-dimensional image processing. The algorithms were developed on a new software platform called "CUDA", which allows a direct translation from C code to the GPU. The implemented algorithms include spatial transformations, real-space and Fourier operations, as well as pattern recognition procedures, reconstruction algorithms and classification procedures. In our implementation, the direct porting of C code in the GPU achieves typical acceleration values in the order of 10-20 times compared to a state-of-the-art conventional processor, but they vary depending on the type of the algorithm. The gained speed-up comes with no additional costs, since the software runs on the GPU of the graphics card of common workstations.  相似文献   

Recent developments in modern computational accelerators like Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and coprocessors provide great opportunities for making scientific applications run faster than ever before. However, efficient parallelization of scientific code using new programming tools like CUDA requires a high level of expertise that is not available to many scientists. This, plus the fact that parallelized code is usually not portable to different architectures, creates major challenges for exploiting the full capabilities of modern computational accelerators. In this work, we sought to overcome these challenges by studying how to achieve both automated parallelization using OpenACC and enhanced portability using OpenCL. We applied our parallelization schemes using GPUs as well as Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) coprocessor to reduce the run time of wave propagation simulations. We used a well-established 2D cardiac action potential model as a specific case-study. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study auto-parallelization of 2D cardiac wave propagation simulations using OpenACC. Our results identify several approaches that provide substantial speedups. The OpenACC-generated GPU code achieved more than speedup above the sequential implementation and required the addition of only a few OpenACC pragmas to the code. An OpenCL implementation provided speedups on GPUs of at least faster than the sequential implementation and faster than a parallelized OpenMP implementation. An implementation of OpenMP on Intel MIC coprocessor provided speedups of with only a few code changes to the sequential implementation. We highlight that OpenACC provides an automatic, efficient, and portable approach to achieve parallelization of 2D cardiac wave simulations on GPUs. Our approach of using OpenACC, OpenCL, and OpenMP to parallelize this particular model on modern computational accelerators should be applicable to other computational models of wave propagation in multi-dimensional media.  相似文献   

The key to achieving high performance on a GPU-enhanced cluster is efficient exploitation of each GPU’s powerful computing capability. Moreover, rationally balancing the workload between CPUs and GPUs can release additional computing power, which arises from the CPUs. In this paper, we extend our earlier work on using a hybrid CPU-GPU cluster for real-world sedimentary basin simulation, by further improving the involved CUDA implementations. A thorough analysis of the achieved new performance is also carried out. By using 1024 GPUs and 12288 CPU cores together, our best CPU-GPU hybrid implementation is able to achieve a double-precision performance of 72.8 TFlops, in connection with simulations on a huge 131072×131072 mesh.  相似文献   

OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) is an approach to efficiently evaluate multidimensional data for business intelligence applications. OLAP contributes to business decision-making by identifying, extracting, and analyzing multidimensional data. The fundamental structure of OLAP is a data cube that enables users to interactively explore the distinct data dimensions. Processing depends on the complexity of queries, dimensionality, and growing size of the data cube. As data volumes keep on increasing and the demands by business users also increase, higher processing speed than ever is needed, as faster processing means faster decisions and more profit to industry. In this paper, we are proposing an Adaptive Hybrid OLAP Architecture that takes advantage of heterogeneous systems with GPUs and CPUs and leverages their different memory subsystems characteristics to minimize response time. Thus, our approach (a) exploits both types of hardware rather than using the CPU only as a frontend for GPU; (b) uses two different data formats (multidimensional cube and relational cube) to match the GPU and CPU memory access patterns and diverts queries adaptively to the best resource for solving the problem at hand; (c) exploits data locality of multidimensional OLAP on NUMA multicore systems through intelligent thread placement; and (d) guides its adaptation and choices by an architectural model that captures the memory access patterns and the underlying data characteristics. Results show an increase in performance by roughly four folds over the best known related approach. There is also the important economical factor. The proposed hybrid system costs only 10 % more than same system without GPU. With this small extra cost, the added GPU increases query processing by almost 2 times.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a new brute force algorithm for building the -Nearest Neighbor Graph (k-NNG). The k-NNG algorithm has many applications in areas such as machine learning, bio-informatics, and clustering analysis. While there are very efficient algorithms for data of low dimensions, for high dimensional data the brute force search is the best algorithm. There are two main parts to the algorithm: the first part is finding the distances between the input vectors, which may be formulated as a matrix multiplication problem; the second is the selection of the k-NNs for each of the query vectors. For the second part, we describe a novel graphics processing unit (GPU)-based multi-select algorithm based on quick sort. Our optimization makes clever use of warp voting functions available on the latest GPUs along with user-controlled cache. Benchmarks show significant improvement over state-of-the-art implementations of the k-NN search on GPUs.  相似文献   

The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) originally designed for rendering graphics and which is difficult to program for other tasks, has since evolved into a device suitable for general-purpose computations. As a result graphics hardware has become progressively more attractive yielding unprecedented performance at a relatively low cost. Thus, it is the ideal candidate to accelerate a wide variety of data parallel tasks in many fields such as in Machine Learning (ML). As problems become more and more demanding, parallel implementations of learning algorithms are crucial for a useful application. In particular, the implementation of Neural Networks (NNs) in GPUs can significantly reduce the long training times during the learning process. In this paper we present a GPU parallel implementation of the Back-Propagation (BP) and Multiple Back-Propagation (MBP) algorithms, and describe the GPU kernels needed for this task. The results obtained on well-known benchmarks show faster training times and improved performances as compared to the implementation in traditional hardware, due to maximized floating-point throughput and memory bandwidth. Moreover, a preliminary GPU based Autonomous Training System (ATS) is developed which aims at automatically finding high-quality NNs-based solutions for a given problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel patient-specific method of modelling pulmonary airflow using graphics processing unit (GPU) computation that can be applied in medical practice. To overcome the barriers imposed by computation speed, installation price and footprint to the application of computational fluid dynamics, we focused on GPU computation and the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The GPU computation and LBM are compatible due to the characteristics of the GPU. As the optimisation of data access is essential for the performance of the GPU computation, we developed an adaptive meshing method, in which an airway model is covered by isotropic subdomains consisting of a uniform Cartesian mesh. We found that 4(3) size subdomains gave the best performance. The code was also tested on a small GPU cluster to confirm its performance and applicability, as the price and footprint are reasonable for medical applications.  相似文献   

Han  KyungHyun  Lee  Wai-Kong  Hwang  Seong Oun 《Cluster computing》2022,25(1):433-450

Recently, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the U.S. had initiated a global-scale competition to standardize the lightweight authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) and hash function. Gimli is one of the Round 2 candidates that is designed to be efficiently implemented across various platforms, including hardware (VLSI and FPGA), microprocessors, and microcontrollers. However, the performance of Gimli in massively parallel architectures like Graphics Processing Units (GPU) is still unknown. A high performance Gimli implementation on GPU can be especially useful to Internet of Things (IoT) applications, wherein the gateway devices and cloud servers need to handle a massive number of communications protected by AEAD. In this paper, we show that with careful optimization, Gimli can be efficiently implemented in desktop and embedded GPU to achieve extremely high throughput. Our experiments show that the proposed Gimli implementation can achieve 661.44 KB/s (encryption), 892.24 KB/s (decryption), and 4344.46 KB/s (hashing) in state-of-the-art GPUs.


With the performance of central processing units (CPUs) having effectively reached a limit, parallel processing offers an alternative for applications with high computational demands. Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) are massively parallel processors that can execute simultaneously thousands of light-weight processes. In this study, we propose and implement a parallel GPU-based design of a popular method that is used for the analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). More specifically, we are concerned with a model-based approach for extracting tissue structural information from diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI data. DW-MRI offers, through tractography approaches, the only way to study brain structural connectivity, non-invasively and in-vivo. We parallelise the Bayesian inference framework for the ball & stick model, as it is implemented in the tractography toolbox of the popular FSL software package (University of Oxford). For our implementation, we utilise the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming model. We show that the parameter estimation, performed through Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), is accelerated by at least two orders of magnitude, when comparing a single GPU with the respective sequential single-core CPU version. We also illustrate similar speed-up factors (up to 120x) when comparing a multi-GPU with a multi-CPU implementation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel patient-specific method of modelling pulmonary airflow using graphics processing unit (GPU) computation that can be applied in medical practice. To overcome the barriers imposed by computation speed, installation price and footprint to the application of computational fluid dynamics, we focused on GPU computation and the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The GPU computation and LBM are compatible due to the characteristics of the GPU. As the optimisation of data access is essential for the performance of the GPU computation, we developed an adaptive meshing method, in which an airway model is covered by isotropic subdomains consisting of a uniform Cartesian mesh. We found that 43 size subdomains gave the best performance. The code was also tested on a small GPU cluster to confirm its performance and applicability, as the price and footprint are reasonable for medical applications.  相似文献   

Ren  Shanshan  Ahmed  Nauman  Bertels  Koen  Al-Ars  Zaid 《BMC genomics》2019,20(2):103-116

Pairwise sequence alignment is widely used in many biological tools and applications. Existing GPU accelerated implementations mainly focus on calculating optimal alignment score and omit identifying the optimal alignment itself. In GATK HaplotypeCaller (HC), the semi-global pairwise sequence alignment with traceback has so far been difficult to accelerate effectively on GPUs.


We first analyze the characteristics of the semi-global alignment with traceback in GATK HC and then propose a new algorithm that allows for retrieving the optimal alignment efficiently on GPUs. For the first stage, we choose intra-task parallelization model to calculate the position of the optimal alignment score and the backtracking matrix. Moreover, in the first stage, our GPU implementation also records the length of consecutive matches/mismatches in addition to lengths of consecutive insertions and deletions as in the CPU-based implementation. This helps efficiently retrieve the backtracking matrix to obtain the optimal alignment in the second stage.


Experimental results show that our alignment kernel with traceback is up to 80x and 14.14x faster than its CPU counterpart with synthetic datasets and real datasets, respectively. When integrated into GATK HC (alongside a GPU accelerated pair-HMMs forward kernel), the overall acceleration is 2.3x faster than the baseline GATK HC implementation, and 1.34x faster than the GATK HC implementation with the integrated GPU-based pair-HMMs forward algorithm. Although the methods proposed in this paper is to improve the performance of GATK HC, they can also be used in other pairwise alignments and applications.


The high-order schemes have attracted more and more attention in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. As a kind of high-order schemes, weighted compact nonlinear schemes (WCNSs) have been widely applied in large eddy simulations, direct numerical simulations etc. However, due to the computational complexity, WCNSs require high-performance platforms. In recent years, the highly parallel graphics processing unit (GPU) is rapidly gaining maturity as a powerful engine for high performance computer. In this paper, we present a high-order double-precision solver of the three-dimensional, compressible viscous flow using multi-block structured grids on GPU clusters. The solver utilizes the high-order WCNS scheme for space discretization and Jacobi iteration method for time discretization. In order to utilize the computational capability of CPU and GPU for the solver, we present a workload balancing model for distributing workload among CPUs and GPUs. And we design two strategies to overlap computations with communications. The performance analyses show that the single-GPU solver achieves about 8× speed-ups relative to a serial computation on a CPU core. The performance results validate the workload distribution scheme. The strong and weak scaling analyses show that GPU clusters offer a significant advantage in performance.  相似文献   

Vigelius M  Meyer B 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e33384
For many biological applications, a macroscopic (deterministic) treatment of reaction-drift-diffusion systems is insufficient. Instead, one has to properly handle the stochastic nature of the problem and generate true sample paths of the underlying probability distribution. Unfortunately, stochastic algorithms are computationally expensive and, in most cases, the large number of participating particles renders the relevant parameter regimes inaccessible. In an attempt to address this problem we present a genuine stochastic, multi-dimensional algorithm that solves the inhomogeneous, non-linear, drift-diffusion problem on a mesoscopic level. Our method improves on existing implementations in being multi-dimensional and handling inhomogeneous drift and diffusion. The algorithm is well suited for an implementation on data-parallel hardware architectures such as general-purpose graphics processing units (GPUs). We integrate the method into an operator-splitting approach that decouples chemical reactions from the spatial evolution. We demonstrate the validity and applicability of our algorithm with a comprehensive suite of standard test problems that also serve to quantify the numerical accuracy of the method. We provide a freely available, fully functional GPU implementation. Integration into Inchman, a user-friendly web service, that allows researchers to perform parallel simulations of reaction-drift-diffusion systems on GPU clusters is underway.  相似文献   

The increases in multi-core processor parallelism and in the flexibility of many-core accelerator processors, such as GPUs, have turned traditional SMP systems into hierarchical, heterogeneous computing environments. Fully exploiting these improvements in parallel system design remains an open problem. Moreover, most of the current tools for the development of parallel applications for hierarchical systems concentrate on the use of only a single processor type (e.g., accelerators) and do not coordinate several heterogeneous processors. Here, we show that making use of all of the heterogeneous computing resources can significantly improve application performance. Our approach, which consists of optimizing applications at run-time by efficiently coordinating application task execution on all available processing units is evaluated in the context of replicated dataflow applications. The proposed techniques were developed and implemented in an integrated run-time system targeting both intra- and inter-node parallelism. The experimental results with a real-world complex biomedical application show that our approach nearly doubles the performance of the GPU-only implementation on a distributed heterogeneous accelerator cluster.  相似文献   

Today Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are a largely underexploited resource on existing desktops and a possible cost-effective enhancement to high-performance systems. To date, most applications that exploit GPUs are specialized scientific applications. Little attention has been paid to harnessing these highly-parallel devices to support more generic functionality at the operating system or middleware level. This study starts from the hypothesis that generic middleware-level techniques that improve distributed system reliability or performance (such as content addressing, erasure coding, or data similarity detection) can be significantly accelerated using GPU support. We take a first step towards validating this hypothesis and we design StoreGPU, a library that accelerates a number of hashing-based middleware primitives popular in distributed storage system implementations. Our evaluation shows that StoreGPU enables up twenty five fold performance gains on synthetic benchmarks as well as on a high-level application: the online similarity detection between large data files.
Matei RipeanuEmail:

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