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1. The effects of treatment with thyroid hormone (tri-iodothyronine) and of neonatal thyroidectomy on the cerebral metabolism of [U-14C]leucine were investigated during the period of functional maturation of the rat brain extending from 9 to 25 days after birth. 2. Age-dependent changes in the labelling of brain constituents under normal conditions appear to depend on changes in the availability of blood-borne [14C]leucine resulting from differential rates of growth of body and brain; but developmental changes in the pool size of free leucine and in the rates of protein synthesis and oxidation of leucine are also involved. 3. Treatment with thyroid hormone had no significant effect on the conversion of leucine carbon into proteins and lipids; and the age-dependent changes in the concentration and specific radioactivity of leucine were similar to controls. On the other hand there was an acceleration in the conversion of leucine carbon into amino acids associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle. These observations indicate that leucine oxidation was the process mainly affected. 4. The specific radioactivity of glutamine relative to that of glutamate was used as an index of metabolic compartmentation in brain tissue. Treatment with thyroid hormone advanced the development of metabolic compartmentation. 5. Neonatal thyroidectomy led to a marked decrease in the conversion of leucine carbon into proteins and lipids and to a significant increase in the amount of 14C combined in the amino acids associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The age-dependent increase in the glutamate/glutamine specific-radioactivity ratio was strongly retarded. 6. The increased conversion of leucine carbon into cerebral amino acids applied to glutamate and aspartate, but not to glutamine and γ-aminobutyrate. This observation facilitated the understanding of the effects of thyroid deprivation on brain metabolism and provided new evidence for the allocation of morphological structures to the metabolic compartments in brain tissue. 7. In contrast with the marked effects of the thyroid state on metabolic compartmentation, it had relatively little effect on the developmental changes in the concentration of amino acids in the brain. 8. The rate of conversion of leucine carbon into the `cycle amino acids' both under normal conditions and in thyroid deficiency indicated a special metabolic relationship between glutamate and aspartate on the one hand, and glutamine and γ-aminobutyrate on the other.  相似文献   

The first indication of 'metabolic compartmentation' in brain was the demonstration that glutamine after intracisternal [14C]glutamate administration is formed from a compartment of the glutamate pool that comprises at most one-fifth of the total glutamate content in the brain. This pool, which was designated 'the small compartment,' is now known to be made up predominantly or exclusively of astrocytes, which accumulate glutamate avidly and express glutamine synthetase activity, whereas this enzyme is absent from neurons, which eventually were established to constitute 'the large compartment.' During the following decades, the metabolic compartment concept was refined, aided by emerging studies of energy metabolism and glutamate uptake in cellularly homogenous preparations and by the histochemical observations that the two key enzymes glutamine synthetase and pyruvate carboxylase are active in astrocytes but absent in neurons. It is, however, only during the last few years that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, assisted by previously obtained knowledge of metabolic pathways, has allowed accurate determination in the human brain in situ of actual metabolic fluxes through the neuronal tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, the glial, presumably mainly astrocytic, TCA cycle, pyruvate carboxylation, and the 'glutamate-glutamine cycle,' connecting neuronal and astrocytic metabolism. Astrocytes account for 20% of oxidative metabolism of glucose in the human brain cortex and accumulate the bulk of neuronally released transmitter glutamate, part of which is rapidly converted to glutamine and returned to neurons in the glutamate-glutamine cycle. However, one-third of released transmitter glutamate is replaced by de novo synthesis of glutamate from glucose in astrocytes, suggesting that at steady state a corresponding amount of glutamate is oxidatively degraded. Net degradation of glutamate may not always equal its net production from glucose and enhanced glutamatergic activity, occurring during different types of cerebral stimulation, including the establishment of memory, may be associated with increased de novo synthesis of glutamate. This process may contribute to a larger increase in glucose utilization rate than in rate of oxygen consumption during brain activation. The energy yield in astrocytes from glutamate formation is strongly dependent upon the fate of the generated glutamate.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of 13N-labeled ammonia in rat brain.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
13N-labeled ammonia was used to study the cerebral uptake and metabolism of ammonia in conscious rats. After infusion of physiological concentrations of [13N]ammonia for 10 min via one internal carotid artery, the relative specific activities of glutamate, glutamine (alpha-amino), and glutamine (amide) in brain were approximately 1:5:400, respectively. The data are consistent with the concept that ammonia, entering the brain from the blood, is metabolized in a small pool of glutamate that is both rapidly turning over and distinct from a larger tissue glutamate pool (Berl, S., Takagaki, G., Clarke, D.D., and Waelsch, H. (1962) J. Biol. Chem. 237, 2562-2569). Analysis of 13N-metabolites, after infusion of [13N]ammonia into one lateral cerebral ventricle, indicated that ammonia entering the brain from the cerebrospinal fluid is also metabolized in a small glutamate pool. Pretreatment of rats with methionine sulfoximine led to a decrease in the label present in brain glutamine (amide) following carotid artery infusion of [13N]ammonia. On the other hand, 13N activity in brain glutamate was greater than that in the alpha-amino group of glutamine, i.e. following methionine sulfoximine treatment the expected precursor-product relationship was observed, indicating that the two pools of glutamate in the brain were no longer metabolically distinct. The amount of label recovered in the right cerebral hemisphere, 5 s after a rapid bolus injection of [13N]ammonia via the right common carotid artery, was found to be independent of ammonia concentration within the bolus over a 1000-fold range. This finding indicates that ammonia enters the brain from the blood largely by diffusion. In normal rats that were killed by a freeze-blowing technique 5 s after injection of an [13N]ammonia bolus, approximately 60% of the label recovered in brain had already been incorporated into glutamine, indicating that the t1/2 for conversion of ammonia to glutamine in the small pool is in the range of 1 to 3 s or less. The data emphasize the importance of the small pool glutamine synthetase as a metabolic trap for the detoxification of blood-borne and endogenously produced brain ammonia. The possibility that the astrocytes represent the anatomical site of the small pool is considered.  相似文献   

Seizures were induced in rats by intraperitoneal injection of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ, 70 mg/kg), followed, 30 min later, by injection of [1-13C]glucose and [1,2-13C]acetate. Analyses of extracts from cortex, subcortex and cerebellum were performed using 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy and HPLC. It could be shown that PTZ affected different brain regions differently. The total amounts of glutamate, glutamine, GABA, aspartate and taurine were decreased in the cerebellum and unchanged in the other brain regions. GABAergic neurones in the cortex and subcortex were not affected, whereas those in the cerebellum showed a pronounced decrease of GABA synthesis. However, glutamatergic neurones in all brain regions showed a decrease in glutamate labelling and in addition a decreased turnover in cerebellum. It could be shown that this decrease was in the metabolic pool of glutamate whereas release of glutamate was unaffected since glutamine labelling from glutamate was unchanged. Aspartate turnover was also decreased in all brain regions. Changes in astrocyte metabolism were not detected, indicating that PTZ had no effect on astrocyte metabolism in the early postictal stage.  相似文献   

1. Prompted by the finding of markedly differing specific radioactivities of tissue alanine and lactate in isolated rat hearts perfused with [1-14C]pyruvate, a more detailed study on the cytosolic subcompartmentalization of pyruvate was undertaken. Isolated rat hearts were perfused by the once-through Langendorff technique under metabolic and isotopic steady-state conditions but with various routes of radioactive label influx, and the specific radioactivities of pyruvate, lactate and alanine were determined. An enzymic method was devised to determine the specific radioactivity of C-1 of pyruvate. 2. Label introduction as [1-14C]pyruvate resulted in a higher specific radioactivity of tissue alanine and mitochondrial pyruvate than of lactate, and a higher specific radioactivity of perfusate lactate than of tissue lactate. Label introduction as [1-14C]lactate resulted in a roughly similar isotope dilution into the tissue and perfusate pyruvate and the tissue alanine. Label introduction as [3,4-14C]glucose resulted in the same specific radioactivity of tissue lactate and alanine and a roughly similar specific radioactivity of mitochondrial pyruvate. 3. The results can be reconciled with a metabolic model containing two cytosolic functional pyruvate pools. One pool (I) communicates more closely with the glycolytic system, whereas the other (II) communicates with extracellular pyruvate and intracellular alanine. Pool II is in close connection with intramitochondrial pyruvate. The physical identity of the cytosolic subcompartments of pyruvate is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Specific glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1,6-diphosphatase activity were found to be biochemically compartmentalized in four parts of the brain in nine nutritionally important fishes. 2. Glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1,6-diphosphatase activity were highest in the cerebrum and lowest in the cerebellum. 3. Piscivorous fishes had the highest gluconeogenic enzyme content, followed by catfishes and major carps. 4. After the liver and muscles, the various parts of the brain play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. 5. A direct relationship between the stage of evolution and elevation of gluconeogenic enzyme levels was observed. 6. It is evident from the results and the discussion that evolution modifies the biochemical organization of fishes in general and of their brain in particular.  相似文献   

Studies on catalase compartmentation in digitonin-treated rat hepatocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cellular compartmentation of catalase was studied in digitonin-permeabilized rat hepatocytes. A biphasic dose-response curve was observed for the unmasking of catalase activity by digitonin in latency studies. About 40-60% of the total catalase activity was seen in the range of 5-200 microM digitonin compared to 13% free activity in control preparations without digitonin. The free catalase activity began to increase again above 300 micron digitonin, and all latency was lost around 500 microM and above. These results indicate that there exists in rat hepatocytes catalase with two levels of crypticity to digitonin, only one of which was seen in a mixed organelle preparation containing peroxisomes.  相似文献   

The history of the development of the ideas and research of organized metabolic systems during last three decades is shortly reviewed. The cell cytoplasm is crowded with solutes, soluble macromolecules such as enzymes, nucleic acids, structural proteins and membranes. The high protein density within the large compartments of the cells predominantly determines the major characteristics of cellular environment such as viscosity, diffusion and inhomogeneity. The fact that the solvent viscosity of cytoplasm is not substantially different from the water is explained by intracellular structural heterogeneity: the intrinsic macromolecular density is relatively low within the interstitial voids in the cell because many soluble enzymes are apparently integral parts of the insoluble cytomatrix and are not distributed homogeneously. The molecular crowding and sieving restrict the mobility of very large solutes, binding severely restrict the mobility of smaller solutes. One of consequence of molecular crowding and hindered diffusion is the need to compartmentalize metabolic pathway to overcome diffusive barriers. Although the movement of small molecules is slowed down in the cytoplasm, the metabolism can successfully proceed and even be facilitated by metabolite channeling which directly transfers the intermediate from one enzyme to an adjacent enzyme without the need of free aqueous-phase diffusion. The enhanced probability for intermediates to be transferred from one active site to the other by sequential enzymes requires stable or transient interactions of the relevant enzymes, which associate physically in non-dissociable, static multienzyme complexes--metabolones, particles containing enzymes of a part or whole metabolic systems. Therefore, within the living cell the metabolism depends on the structural organization of enzymes forming microcompartments. Since cells contain many compartments and microenvironments, the measurement of the concentration of metabolites in whole cells or tissues gives an average cellular concentration and not that which is actually sensed by the active site of a specific enzyme. Thus, the microcompartmentation could provide a mechanism which can control metabolic pathways. Independently and in parallel to the developments described above, the ideas of compartmentation came into existence from the necessity to explain important physiological phenomena, in particular in heart research and in cardiac electrophysiology. These phenomena demonstrated the physiological importance of the biophysical and biochemical mechanisms described in this review.  相似文献   

In rat hindlimbs perfused with [1-14C]pyruvate and 5 mM-dichloroacetate, the calculated apparent rate of pyruvate decarboxylation was decreased with increasing perfusate pyruvate concentrations. However, in the absence of dichloroacetate the apparent rate of decarboxylation increased under these conditions. Dichloroacetate enhanced [1-14C]pyruvate uptake, but decreased the specific radioactivity of effluent lactate. Glycogen metabolism remained unaffected. The results were not consistent with a common pyruvate pool, but provide evidence for the compartmentation of pyruvate metabolism.  相似文献   

A peptide of 6,700–8,000 daltons has been isolated from an ethanolic KOH digest of bovine ligamentum nuchae elastin by a combination of ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration techniques. The peptide is non-polar and is composed almost entirely of glycine, valine, and proline (or hydroxyproline) in the ratio 2:2:1. Edman degradation of the first 17 residues gave the sequence: NH2-Gly-Phe-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly-Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly-Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly-Val. These results suggest that the peptide is made up of repeating pentapeptide units with the sequence: Pro-Gly-Val-Gly-Val.  相似文献   

Using 31P-NMR studies we have observed that 1. 2-Deoxyglucose leads into the brain in vivo and in superfused cortical slices in vitro to a maximum concentration at between 45 and 60 min, when 80% of the material is in the phosphorylated form. 2. The phosphorylated DOG6P disappears from the n.m.r. spectra with a half-life of ca 130 min. 3. Two resonances of DOG6P are observed in the actively metabolising tissue, whereas only one is visible in deproteinised tissue extracts. This suggests that the DOG6P is in two separate compartments which differ in pH. 4. Compartmentation between mitochondria, nerve endings and cytoplasm was concluded to be unlikely from subcellular fractionation studies, but the possibility of compartmentation between neurones and glia could not be so clearly assessed.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the brain has developed from the theory that it is one continuous cell to the knowledge that there are many brain cells originally termed neurons and, furthermore to the discovery of glial cells and their multiple functions. Thus, an increasing complexity was unraveled and we have not reached a complete understanding of the phenomenon which comprises the compartmentation of metabolic pathways and metabolites. This is an important principle needed to fully understand the metabolic processes of the brain. At the cellular level this concept is well established whereas intracellular compartmentation has yet to be explored. Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for analysis of isotopomer composition combined with quantification of amino acid contents it is possible to construct models that describe intracellular compartmentation. Results of studies of cultures of astrocytes and neurons incubated in media containing [U- 13C]glutamate in the presence or absence of thiopental may be used to propose an intracellular three compartment model of mitochondrial function. Due to the experimental paradigm only certain aspects of metabolism can be described. The present model consists of compartments assigned to CO(2) production, glutamate synthesis from ketoglutarate and finally synthesis of a four-carbon metabolite which is shuttled between compartments. It is likely that metabolism may be far more complex than this and we are only beginning to glimpse some aspects of compartmentation at the cellular level.  相似文献   

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