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The increase in extractable RNA during the initial germination stages of castor bean was measured, for both the embryonic axis and the storage endsperm. The extractable rRNA increased between 24 and 72 h after initial imbibition in the embryo and 48–72 h in the endosperm. The mRNA species present over the first 6 days of germination were identified by the products from in vitro translation. The mRNA from dry seeds gave predominantly low molecular weight polypeptide products. Between 0.5 and 1 h of initial imbibition new mRNA species were detectable and the qualitative changes were largely complete by 8 h, some 16 h–40 h before the detectable quantitative changes. Despite the large variations in enzyme activity occurring 48 h–192 h after imbibition, the mRNA species qualitatively varied very little, after this initial change, up to 144 h after imbibition. In the light of this large, early, qualitative change in mRNA, the possible importance of long-lived mRNA in seed germination is discussed.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - TMV tobacco mosaic virus - DEP diethyl pyrocarbonate - MDL message-dependent reticulocyte lysate - TCA trichloroacetic acid - MW molecular weight - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary Dry thin sections (300–500 nm thick) of shock-frozen, freeze-dried and embedded epiphyseal growth plates from the proximal tibia of guinea pigs were cut longitudinally from the plate. Dark round bodies (ø<0.5 m) were observed using the scanning transmission mode of the electron microscope initially directly in the vicinity of the chondrocytes. They gradually spread out in the direction of the metaphysis to the center of the longitudinal septum and represent most probably the matrix vesicles. By use of a microscan of 0.25×0.25 m the element-concentrations of these bodies were measured. The measurements started on those bodies that could be clearly recognized and were extended to a length of 30–40 m in the metaphyseal direction. To obtain approximate quantitative results the registered CaK and PK x-ray counts were directly compared with counts of fully mineralized regions, the Ca and P contents of which are known. Ca as well as P could be detected in the first visible vesicle-like structures (Ca0.2%, P0.4%) and increased steeply in the metaphyseal direction, amounting to approximately 6% Ca and 3% P. These results may lead to the conclusion that Pi becomes split from phosphate esters and transformed into the matrix vesicles already in a very early stage of enrichment. Incorporation of Ca may be coupled with this process.The authors express their thanks to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support  相似文献   

Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray ionization-Quadrupole-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF–MS) is a powerful lipidomic tool. In this study, we developed a UPLC/Q-TOF–MS based method to investigate the lipid metabolomic changes in different growth phases of Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima. The data classification and biomarker selection were carried out by using multivariate statistical analysis, including principal components analysis (PCA), projection to latent structures with discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), and orthogonal projection to latent structures with discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). We discovered that the intercellular lipid metabolites were significantly different among exponential, early stationary and late stationary phases. Thirty-one lipid molecules were selected and identified as putative biomarkers, including free fatty acid, Harderoporphyrin, phosphatidylglycerol, 1,2-diacyglycerl-3-O-4′-(N,N-trimethy)-homoserine, triacylglycerol, cholesterol, sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, lyso-sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, digalactosyldiacylglycerol and lyso-digalactosyldiacylglycerol. These lipids have been shown previously to function in energy storage, membrane stability and photosynthesis efficiency during the growth of diatoms. Further analysis on the putative biomarkers demonstrated that nitrate starvation played critical role in the transition from exponential phase to stationary phase in N. closterium. This study is the first one to explore the lipidomic changes of microalgae in different growth phases, which promotes better understanding of their physiology and ecology.  相似文献   

The histological features of the area postrema (AP) of mink brains of both sexes were investigated at different ages and physiological conditions with light and electron microscopy. The mink AP was a twin-winged structure located at the dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata and consisted of neurons, glial cells, and both continuous and fenestrated capillaries enmeshed in a rich neuropil. The ventricular surface of the mink AP was covered by a single layer of tanycytes except at its most caudal part that was covered by a basal membrane derived from the pia mater. Supraependymal cells and intraventricular axons were also a common finding over the apical poles of tanycytes. However, our study demonstrates that the mink AP acquires the above general features at an advanced postnatal time and that, once fully developed, it undergoes morphological changes that can be directly linked to the aging process and sexual activity of the animals.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis was made of the capture and subsequent penetration of nematodes by the nematophagous fungusArthrobotrys oligospora using different electron-microscopical techniques. Capture of nematodes by this fungus occurred on complex hyphal structures (traps) and was effectuated by an adhesive coating, present on these trap cells. The adhesive layer was largely fibrillar in nature and was absent on cells of normal hyphae. Following capture, penetration hyphae were formed at those sites where the trap cell wall was anchored to the nematode cuticle by the adhesive. New walls of these hyphae were formed underneath the original trap cell walls, which were partly hydrolysed to allow growth and development of the penetration tubes through the adhesive coating towards the cuticle. Our observations indicated that the cuticle of the nematode was subsequently penetrated by the penetration tubes by mechanical means. After penetration a large infection bulb was formed from which trophic hyphae arose. Cytochemical experiments indicated that the sites of penetration of the cuticle were intensely stained for acid phosphatase activity. At later stages of infection activity of this enzyme was present throughout the nematode contents; the enzyme was most probably secreted by complex membranous structures associated with the cytoplasmic membrane of the infection bulb and the trophic hyphae.  相似文献   

Growth and metabolic activity of underground shoots of a long-rhizome perennial herbaceous species yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) were studied. The active growth of rhizomes and the formation of new meristematic zones were observed during the second half of the growing season after termination of aboveground shoot growth. In this period, underground shoots had a rather high rate of respiration (1.3 mg CO2/(g dry wt h)), a considerable content of nonstructural carbohydrates (15% of dry weight), and the elevated activities of IAA, cytokinins, and ABA. In autumn, the rate of respiration of underground shoots decreased to 1.0 mg CO2/(g dry wt h), soluble sugars accumulated, the ratio between unsaturated and saturated fatty acids rose as well as the ratios GA/ABA and cytokinins/ABA. Temperature optimum for the rhizome growth lay in the range of low and moderate above-zero temperatures (5–20°C), and the freezing point of water in the apices of under-ground shoots was about ?10°C. It is concluded that rhizome quiescence predominantly depends on low temperatures and is not associated with the accumulation of growth inhibitors. In the course of plant preparation to winter, morphogenetic transformations in underground shoots depend on changes in the hormonal balance directed in favor of growth hormones and relatively high respiratory activity in the apical zones of the rhizomes.  相似文献   

Ozone exposure during growth affects the feeding value of rice shoots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rising tropospheric ozone concentrations have been observed in many Asian countries in recent years. Ozone pollution reduces the yield of agricultural crops but may also affect crop quality. This study aimed at estimating the effect of ozone exposure on feeding quality of rice shoots for ruminant herbivores. Rice plants from two genotypes differing in ozone tolerance were exposed to ozone at a concentration of 120 nl/l for 18 days, and feeding value was determined by chemical analyses and in vitro incubation in rumen fluid. Rice biomass was reduced by an average of 24% in the ozone treatment as compared to the control. Moreover, ozone exposure affected various feed quality parameters. Crude protein content was lower in ozone treated plants (P<0.05). Potential gas production during the in vitro incubation for 96 h also dropped (P<0.01) due to ozone treatment, indicating reduced digestibility of the plant materials. This was explained with an increase in the antinutritive components lignin (P<0.05) and phenolics (P<0.001) due to ozone exposure. An ozone tolerant genotype exhibited a more pronounced increase in phenolics, suggesting that this may constitute a stress defense mechanism. Our results suggest that ozone may affect the feeding value of cereal straws and calls for further research in this direction.  相似文献   

Fruit‐set involves a series of physiological and morphological changes that are well described for tomato and Arabidopsis, but largely unknown for sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum). The aim of this paper is to investigate whether mechanisms of fruit‐set observed in Arabidopsis and tomato are also applicable to C. annuum. To do this, we accurately timed the physiological and morphological changes in a post‐pollinated and un‐pollinated ovary. A vascular connection between ovule and replum was observed in fertilized ovaries that undergo fruit development, and this connection was absent in unfertilized ovaries that abort. This indicates that vascular connection between ovule and replum is an early indicator for successful fruit development after pollination and fertilization. Evaluation of histological changes in the carpel of a fertilized and unfertilized ovary indicated that increase in cell number and cell diameter both contribute to early fruit growth. Cell division contributes more during early fruit growth while cell expansion contributes more at later stages of fruit growth in C. annuum. The simultaneous occurrence of a peak in auxin concentration and a strong increase in cell diameter in the carpel of seeded fruits suggest that indole‐3‐acetic acid stimulates a major increase in cell diameter at later stages of fruit growth. The series of physiological and morphological events observed during fruit‐set in C. annuum are similar to what has been reported for tomato and Arabidopsis. This indicates that tomato and Arabidopsis are suitable model plants to understand details of fruit‐set mechanisms in C. annuum.  相似文献   

Respiration and heat production in the shoots of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) were studied at the beginning of growth after breaking bud dormancy by means of transfer of the shoots to indoor conditions (November–April) and upon natural sprouting in spring (May). The buds released from dormancy at the beginning of winter sprouted slower and showed lower respiratory activity than the buds that started growing in May. In May, cytochrome respiratory pathway in sprouting buds was 1.3 times more active than energetically ineffective alternative pathway, whereas activity of cytochrome pathway in December was 1.4 times lower as compared with the alternative. In November–December, the rate of heat evolution by the buds was 3–5 times lower than in April–May. In case of early breaking of bud dormancy, the share of respiration energy dissipated as heat was 30% on average. In the buds whose growth was induced later, the value of this parameter was twice as much. The ratio between heat evolution and respiration depended on temperature. High temperature more intensely activated heat evolution than respiration, which caused a decrease in the level of metabolic energy available for growth. In the temperature range of 5–15°C characteristic of the beginning of vegetation, the share of respiration energy dissipated as heat was 2–3 times lower than at 20–30°C, which reflects a great adaptability of V. myrtillus to climatic conditions of the region. Our data suggest that progression through a full cycle of winter dormancy is physiologically important for shoot growth. Early dormancy release brought about changes in respiration and energy balance of the shoots in the initial stage of extra-bud growth.  相似文献   

Hyphal fusion during initial stages of trap formation by Arthrobotrys oligospora was studied by video-enhanced contrast and electron microscopy. Trap initials grew perpendicularly to the parent hypha, then curved around and anastomosed with a peg that developed on the hypha. Trap initials usually developed 40–140 m apart while the anastomosis occurred 20–25 m from the initial. Vigorous cytoplasmic movements in trap initials and developed traps corresponded to intense staining with fluorescein diacetate (FDA) of these cells. In addition, bundles of microfilaments were seen in developing loops of traps. On fusion organelle migration took place from the tip cell of the trap into the peg. Later on a septum was formed at the site of fusion.  相似文献   

Structural changes occurring during atresia in sheep ovarian follicles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The structural changes that characterize primary, secondary and tertiary atresia in sheep Graafian follicles have been studied by means of histological, histochemical and ultrastructural techniques.In primary atresia vacuoles representing swollen endoplasmic reticulum are prominent along the antral border together with disorganized granulosa cells containing pyknotic nuclei. Phagocytic cells, which increase in number as atresia progresses, were seen within the membrana granulosa and are considered to be transformed granulosa cells. Even in follicles classified as nonatretic, a few antral vacuoles and occasional pyknotic nuclei are present.During secondary atresia there is a large increase in the number of cells with pyknotic nuclei; many of these nuclei had been extruded and had fused to form the characteristic Feulgen-positive atretic bodies found along the edge of the antral cavity. These bodies usually have a diameter of up to 15 m but occasionally reached as much as 400 m. A second area of degeneration is frequently present in the membrana granulosa, two or three cell layers from the basal lamina, and it is at this level that exfoliation of granulosa cells occurs in tertiary atresia. In contrast to the membrana granulosa, there are during secondary atresia, only slight indications of degeneration in the cumulus.In tertiary atresia the membrana granulosa is highly disorganized; the atretic bodies are often fewer in number than at earlier stages. The basal lamina remains essentially intact. It is at this stage that the first clear signs of degeneration occur in the theca interna. Despite some disintegration of the cumulus, the integrity of the oocyte is maintained and its nucleus remains vesicular.Changes in the thecal microcirculation may play a key role in atresia: adjacent to the basal lamina of non-atretic follicles, there is a well-developed capillary network which is significantly reduced as atresia progresses.The authors are greatly indebted to Dr. H.M. Dott and Mr. G.C. Foster for carrying out the analysis with the Quantimet image analysing computer. The skilled technical assistance of Mrs. Linda Collins is also gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

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