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A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), P1, and cosmid clone contig was constructed for the Werner syndrome (WRN) region of chromosome 8p12–p21 and used to clone a candidate gene forWRN.This region also possibly contains a familial breast cancer locus. The contig was initiated by isolating YACs for the glutathione reductase (GSR) gene and extended in either direction by walking techniques. Sequence-tagged site (STS) markers were generated from subclones of 2GSRYACs and used to identify P1 and cosmid clones. Additional STSs were generated from P1 and cosmid clones and from potential expressed sequences identified by cDNA selection and exon amplification methods. The final contig was assembled by typing 17 YACs, 20 P1 clones, and 109 cosmids for 54 STS markers. TheWRNregion could be spanned by 2 nonchimeric YACs covering approximately 1.4 Mb. A P1/cosmid contig was established covering the core 700–800 kb of theWRNregion. Fifteen new short tandem repeat polymorphisms and 2 biallelic polymorphic markers were identified and included as STSs in the contig. Analysis of these markers in Werner syndrome subjects demonstrates that the candidate WRN gene is in a region of linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

The class I region of the human histocompatibility complex is characterized by a high density of genes and pseudogenes and a complex structural organization. To elucidate the complete structure of the HLA-A/HLA-F region with a view to defining its contents in genes and pseudogenes, we developed a strategy of systematic sequencing. This report describes the establishment of a cosmid contig spanning most of the region and the analysis of a 37-kb sequence from one of the cosmids. Four new genes, organized with the HCG-V gene in a clustered structure, have been identified. Two of these contain a zinc finger motif characteristic of DNA-binding proteins. The former, a member of the C3HC4 protein family, is highly expressed in prostate and contains a B30-2-like sequence identified in several genes mapped within the class I region. The latter, which is ubiquitously expressed, is the human equivalent of the yeast polymerase I A12.2 subunit and of the murine tctex6 gene. Of the two other genes, one remains an anonymous gene with no particular feature, while the fourth, specifically expressed in testis, is the human equivalent of the murine tctex4 gene. This cluster, located in a region corresponding to a syntenic unit between mouse and human, appears to be highly conserved.  相似文献   

A young girl with a clinically moderate form of myotubular myopathy was found to carry a cytogenetically detectable deletion in Xq27-q28. The deletion had occurred de novo on the paternal X chromosome. It encompasses the fragile X (FRAXA) and Hunter syndrome (IDS) loci, and the DXS304 and DXS455 markers, in Xq27.3 and proximal Xq28. Other loci from the proximal half of Xq28 (DXS49, DXS256, DXS258, DXS305, and DXS497) were found intact. As the X-linked myotubular myopathy locus (MTM1) was previously mapped to Xq28 by linkage analysis, the present observation suggested that MTM1 is included in the deletion. However, a significant clinical phenotype is unexpected in a female MTM1 carrier. Analysis of inactive X-specific methylation at the androgen receptor gene showed that the deleted X chromosome was active in ~80% of leukocytes. Such unbalanced inactivation may account for the moderate MTM1 phenotype and for the mental retardation that later developed in the patient. This observation is discussed in relation to the hypothesis that a locus modulating X inactivation may lie in the region. Comparison of this deletion with that carried by a male patient with a severe Hunter syndrome phenotype but no myotubular myopathy, in light of recent linkage data on recombinant MTM1 families, led to a considerable refinement of the position of the MTM1 locus, to a region of ~600 kb, between DXS304 and DXS497.  相似文献   

A gene (NPH1) responsible for approximately 90% of the purely renal form of familial juvenile nephronophthisis, a progressive tubulo-interstitial kidney disorder, maps to human chromosome 2. We report the construction of a YAC-based contig spanning the critical NPH1 region and the flanking genetic markers. This physical map was integrated with a refined genetic map that restricted the NPH1 interval to about 2 cM; this interval corresponds in a maximum physical distance of 3.5 Mb. The entire contig covers 9 cM between the loci D2S135 and D2S121. The maximum physical distance between these two markers is approximately 11.3 Mb. Forty-five sequence-tagged sites, including six genes, have been located within this contig. PAX8, a member of the human paired box gene family, that is expressed in the developing kidney, was assigned outside the restricted NPH1 critical region and cannot therefore be regarded as a candidate gene. This set of overlapping clones represents a useful resource for further targeted development of genetic markers and for the characterization of candidate genes responsible for juvenile nephronophthisis.  相似文献   

A putative tumor suppressor locus involved in bladder cancer has been mapped to human chromosome 9q32–q33 and designated DBC1. Our previous microsatellite-based deletion mapping study indicated that DBC1 was localized between D9S1848 and AFMA239XA9. We have constructed an 840-kb sequence-ready contig composed of bacteriophage P1-derived artificial chromosomes (PACs), which encompasses DBC1. Clones were initially identified by screening a PAC library with markers localized to the region by physical mapping, and subsequently PAC end probes were used to complete the contig. This contig contains a minimum tiling path of six PAC clones between D9S1848 and AFMA239XA9. Three expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were mapped to the DBC1 region by screening 24 ESTs mapped to the surrounding area by radiation hybrids. One represented the gene for DBCCR1, a known candidate for DBC1, and the other two were novel. This contig and preliminary expression map form the basis for the identification of the bladder cancer tumor suppressor gene in this region.  相似文献   

The toxicity of available drugs for treatment of leishmaniasis, coupled with emerging drug resistance, make it urgent to find new therapies. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have a strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity with distinctive modes of action and are considered as promising therapeutic agents. The defensins, members of the large family of AMPs, are immunomodulatory molecules and important components of innate immune system. Human neutrophil peptide-1 (HNP-1), which is produced by neutrophils, is one of the most potent defensins. In this study, we described anti-parasitic activity of recombinant HNP-1 (rHNP-1) against Leishmania major promastigotes and amastigotes. Furthermore, we evaluated the immunomodulatory effect of rHNP-1 on parasite-infected neutrophils and how neutrophil apoptosis was affected. Our result showed that neutrophils isolated from healthy individuals were significantly delayed in the onset of apoptosis following rHNP-1 treatment. Moreover, there was a noteworthy increase in dying cells in rHNP-1- and/or CpG–treated neutrophils in comparison with untreated cells. There is a considerable increase in TNF-α production from rHNP-1-treated neutrophils and decreased level of TGF-β concentration, a response that should potentiate the immune system against parasite invasion. In addition, by using real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR), we showed that in vitro infectivity of Leishmania into neutrophils is significantly reduced following rHNP-1 treatment compared to untreated cells.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility (SI) in the Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae is controlled by the polymorphic S locus, which contains two separate genes encoding pollen and pistil determinants in SI interactions. The S-RNase gene encodes the pistil determinant, whereas the pollen determinant gene, named the pollen S gene, has not yet been identified. Here, we set out to construct an integrated genetic and physical map of the S locus of Petunia inflata and identify any additional genes located at this locus. We first conducted chromosome walking at the S2 locus using BAC clones that contained either S2-RNase or one of the nine markers tightly linked to the S locus. Ten separate contigs were constructed, which collectively spanned 4.4 Mb. To identify additional genes located at the S2 locus, a 328-kb region (part of an 881-kb BAC contig) containing S2-RNase was completely sequenced. Approximately 76% of the region contained repetitive sequences, including transposon-like sequences. Other than S2-RNase, an F-box gene, named PiSLF2 (S2-allele of P. inflata S-locus F-box gene), was the only predicted gene whose deduced amino acid sequence was similar to the sequences of known proteins in the database. Two different cDNA selection methods were used to identify additional genes in the 881-kb contig; 11 groups of cDNA clones were identified in addition to those for S2-RNase and PiSLF2. RT-PCR analysis of expression profiles and PCR analysis of BAC clones and genomic DNA confirmed that seven of these 11 newly identified genes were located in the 881-kb contig.  相似文献   

In the search for candidate genes for the tuberous sclerosis (TSC1) disease locus on chromosome 9q34, we have isolated an overlapping series of 22 plasmid and phage cDNA clones covering nearly 7 kb and with an open reading frame of 5070 bp encoding a protein of 1690 amino acids. The putative protein product is a member of the kinesin superfamily and is homologous to the mouse KIF1A and theCaenorhabditas elegansunc-104 genes. Both KIF1A and unc-104 function in the anterograde axonal transport of synaptic vesicles. The human homolog is therefore termed H-ATSV (axonal transporter of synaptic vesicles, HGMW-approved nomenclature ATSV) Screening of DNA from 107 tuberous sclerosis patients and 80 unaffected individuals with H-ATSV cDNA probes by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis/Southern blotting following digestion by rare-cutting methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes showed variant banding patterns in three patients with tuberous sclerosis. However, further analysis indicated that these variant fragments represent a rare polymorphism probably associated with methylation of clustered restriction sites. There is no evidence to support H-ATSV as a candidate gene for TSC1.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 9q is the most frequent genetic alteration in transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder, indicating the presence of one or more relevant tumor suppressor genes. We previously mapped one of these putative tumor suppressor loci to 9q32–q33 and localized the candidate region within a single YAC 840 kb in size. This locus has been designatedDBC1(for deleted in bladder cancer gene 1). We have identified a novel gene,DBCCR1,in this candidate region by searching for expressed sequence tags (ESTs) that map to YACs spanning the region. Database searching using the entireDBCCR1cDNA sequence identified several human ESTs and a few homologous mouse ESTs. However, the predicted 761-amino-acid sequence had no significant homology to known protein sequences. Mutation analysis of the coding region and Southern blot analysis detected neither somatic mutations nor gross genetic alterations in primary TCCs. AlthoughDBCCR1was expressed in multiple normal human tissues including urothelium, mRNA expression was absent in 5 of 10 (50%) bladder cancer cell lines. Methylation analysis of the CpG island at the 5′ region of the gene and the induction ofde novoexpression by a demethylating agent indicated that this island might be a frequent target for hypermethylation and that hypermethylation-based silencing of the gene occurs in TCC. These findings makeDBCCR1a good candidate forDBC1.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid procedure for sequencing long (40-kb) DNA fragments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Ahmed 《Gene》1987,61(3):363-372
A simple procedure has been developed for sequencing long (40-kb) DNA fragments by the dideoxy method. The fragment is cloned in the sequencing cosmid pAA113X by in vitro packaging, and subdivided by a series of overlapping IS1-promoted deletions. The deletions are isolated by positive selection for galactose resistance. Plasmids from several thousand galactose-resistant colonies are fractionated on an agarose gel, and DNA from each fraction is restricted with enzymes (such as SphI and SalI) to shorten each deletion from the opposite end. As a result, a series of short overlapping segments, spread across the entire length of the fragment, are fused to IS1. The plasmids are extracted by a rapid method, arranged according to size, and used for supercoil sequencing with an IS1 primer. Sequences of IS1-promoted deletions contain extensive overlaps that are connected further by restriction enzyme-generated deletions to give the complete 40-kb sequence.  相似文献   

A cytopathogenic agent was isolated in monkey kidney (MK) cell cultures from the stool specimen of a 3-month-old Filipina hospitalized with lower respiratory disease. The agent was designated the Drilon strain. It was characterized as an enterovirus on the basis of electron microscopic morphology, nucleic acid type (RNA), resistance to ether and acid (pH 3.0) treatments, stabilization by molar MgCl2 against heat inactivation, and buoyant density in CsCl. The strain caused mild febrile illness in experimentally inoculated cynomolgus monkeys, but not in suckling mice. In addition to its effect in primary MK cells, the virus was cytopathogenic in primary and secondary human amnion or embryonic lung cell cultures and in WI-38 or HEp-2 cell lines, but not in primary bovine kidney, primary porcine kidney, primary embryonic mouse or primary embryonic chick cell cultures. The Drilon strain was not neutralized by reference antisera against the known enterovirus serotypes, and the antiserum prepared with the Drilon strain did not neutralize any of the recognized prototype enterovirus strains. Although the patient's sera were not available, antibodies against the Drilon strain were prevalent in normal Filipinos and Indonesians, but not in Japanese people. The Drilon strain fulfilled the criteria of human enterovirus and is considered a candidate for designation as a new type.  相似文献   

We have constructed a 1-Mb contig in human chromosomal band 11p15.5, a region implicated in the etiology of several embryonal tumors, including Wilms tumor, and in Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome. Cosmid, P1, PAC, and BAC clones were characterized byNotI/SalI digestion and hybridized to a variety of probes to generate a detailed physical map that extends from D11S517 to L23MRP. Included in the map are the CARS, NAP2, p57/KIP2, KVLQT1, ASCL2, TH, INS, IGF2, H19, and L23MRP genes as well as end probes isolated from PACs. The TAPA1 gene, whose protein product can transmit an antiproliferative signal, was also localized in the contig. However, Northern blot analysis demonstrated that its expression did not correlate with tumorigenicity in G401 Wilms tumor hybrids, suggesting that TAPA1 is not responsible for the tumor suppression associated with 11p15.5. Genomic clones were used as probes in FISH analysis to map the breakpoints from three Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome patients and a rhabdoid tumor. Interestingly, each of the breakpoints disrupts the KVLQT1 gene, which is spread over a 400-kb region of the contig. Since 11p15.5 contains several genes with imprinted expression and one or more tumor suppressor genes, our contig and map provide a framework for characterizing this intriguing genetic environment.  相似文献   

Human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A10 has been identified as the major isoform involved in the biotransformation of a wide range of phenolic substrates, including native estrogens and their oxidized metabolites. Our recent studies point to the F(90)-M(91)-V(92)-F(93) amino acid motif of UGT1A10, which was identified using photoaffinity labeling followed by LC-MS/MS analysis, as a key determinant of the binding of phenolic substrates. In this report, we have evaluated the role of F(90), V(92), and F(93) in the recognition of estrogens by UGT1A10 using site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic studies using five mutants revealed that F(90) and F(93) are critical residues for the recognition of all estrogen substrates. The substitution of F(90) with alanine totally abolished the activity of this enzyme toward all the estrogens investigated. Overall, sequential removal for the aromatic ring (F to L) and of the hydrophobic chain (F to A and V to A) from amino acids 90, 92, and 93 effectively alters estrogen recognition. This demonstrates that individual features of the native and hydroxylated estrogens determine the specific binding properties of the compound within the binding site of the human UGT1A10 and the mutants. The resulting activities are completely abolished, unchanged, increased, or decreased depending on the structures of both the mutant and the substrate. The novel identification of UGT1A10 as the major isoform involved in the glucuronidation of all estrogens and the discovery of the importance of the FMVF motif in the binding of steroids will help to elucidate the molecular mechanism of glucuronidation, resulting in the design of more effective estrogen-based therapies.  相似文献   

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