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We have mapped the mouse protein tyrosine phosphatase ? (PTP?, gene symbolPtpre) gene to the distal region of chromosome 7 by linkage analysis using two sets of multilocus genetic crosses. The humanPTP? gene (gene symbolPTPRE) was mapped to chromosome 10q26 by fluorescencein situhybridization. We have previously documented the existence of two isoforms ofPTP?—a transmembranal, receptor-type isoform and a shorter, cytoplasmic one. Both isoforms have been suggested to arise from a single gene through the use of alternative promoters and 5′ exons. The identification of a singlePTP? locus in both organisms is consistent with this suggestion.  相似文献   

We mapped expressed tagged sequences (ESTs) corresponding to two human dynein heavy chain genes: β heavy chain of the outer dynein arm and heavy chain isotype 1B (DYH1B), by using somatic cell hybrids and radiation hybrid panels. The EST for the β heavy chain of the outer dynein arm mapped to chromosome region 7p15, and the EST for DYH1B mapped to 11q13.5. Two loci for nonsyndromic forms of deafness, DFNA5 and DFNA11, have previously been mapped to these two chromosomal regions. Including the gene for the axonemal light chain, hp28, we have mapped three different dynein genes near loci for different forms of nonsyndromic deafness. The hypothesis that mutations in some dynein genes are associated with nonsyndromic deafness should now be tested.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the linkage of a genetic locus (designated "HBM") in the human genome to a phenotype of very high spinal bone density, using a single extended pedigree. We measured spinal bone-mineral density, spinal Z(BMD), and collected blood from 22 members of this kindred. DNA was genotyped on an Applied Biosystems model 377 (ABI PRISM Linkage Mapping Sets; Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems), by use of fluorescence-based marker sets that included 345 markers. Both two-point and multipoint linkage analyses were performed, by use of affected/unaffected and quantitative-trait models. Spinal Z(BMD) for affected individuals (N = 12) of the kindred was 5.54 +/- 1.40; and for unaffected individuals (N = 16) it was 0.41 +/- 0.81. The trait was present in affected individuals 18-86 years of age, suggesting that HBM influences peak bone mass. The only region of linkage was to a series of markers on chromosome 11 (11q12-13). The highest LOD score (5.21) obtained in two-point analysis, when a quantitative-trait model was used, was at D11S987. Multipoint analysis using a quantitative-trait model confirmed the linkage, with a LOD score of 5.74 near marker D11S987. HBM demonstrates the utility of spinal Z(BMD) as a quantitative bone phenotype that can be used for linkage analysis. Osteoporosis pseudoglioma syndrome also has been mapped to this region of chromosome 11. Identification of the causal gene for both traits will be required for determination of whether a single gene with different alleles that determine a wide range of peak bone densities exists in this region.  相似文献   

CD45-AP is a recently identified phosphorylated protein that specifically associates with the leukocyte-specific transmembrane glycoprotein CD45. The gene for CD45-AP,Ptprcap(protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type c polypeptide associated protein), was mapped in mouse by typing the progeny of two multilocus crosses using the mouse CD45-AP cDNA as a Southern hybridization probe. The CD45-AP gene mapped to the centromeric region of Chr 19 proximal to the genesFth, Cd5,andPcna-rs.The gene for the human CD45-AP homologue,PTPRCAP,was localized to chromosome band 11q13.1–q13.3 by fluorescencein situhybridization using human genomic CD45-AP DNA as a hybridization probe. The genetic mapping of thePtprcap/PTPRCAPgenes extends the previously defined synteny conservation of various genes that have been assigned to these regions of the mouse and the human chromosomes.  相似文献   

We report the mapping of the human and mouse genes encoding SEK1 (SAPK/ERK kinase-1), a newly identified protein kinase that is a potent physiological activator of the stress-activated protein kinases. The human SERK1 gene was assigned to human chromosome 17 using genomic DNAs from human–rodent somatic cell hybrid lines. A specific human PCR product was observed solely in the somatic cell line containing human chromosome 17. The mouseSerk1gene was mapped to chromosome 11, closely linked toD11Mit4,using genomic DNAs from a (C57BL/6J ×Mus spretus)F1×M. spretusbackcross.  相似文献   

The human and mouse genes for the neuropeptide Y4receptor have been isolated, sequenced, and shown to contain no introns within the coding region of the gene. Nonisotopicin situhybridization and interspecific mouse backcross mapping have localized the genes to human chromosome 10q11.2 and mouse chromosome 14. Five nucleotide variants, which do not alter the protein sequence, have been identified within the coding region of the human receptor gene. The human Y4subtype is most closely related to the Y1-receptor subtype (42%), suggesting that it evolved from an ancestral Y1-like receptor via an RNA-mediated transpositional event.  相似文献   

The BRCA1 gene is in large part responsible for hereditary human breast and ovarian cancer. Here we report the isolation of the murineBrca1homologue cDNA clones. In addition, we identified genomic P1 clones that contain most, if not all, of the mouseBrca1locus. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the mouse and human coding regions are 75% identical at the nucleotide level while the predicted amino acid identity is only 58%. A DNA sequence variant in theBrca1locus was identified and used to map this gene on a (Mus m. musculusCzech II × C57BL/KsJ)F1 × C57BL/KsJ intersubspecific backcross to distal mouse chromosome 11. The mapping of this gene to a region highly syntenic with human chromosome 17, coupled with Southern and Northern analyses, confirms that we isolated the murineBrca1homologue rather than a related RING finger gene. The isolation of the mouseBrca1homologue will facilitate the creation of mouse models for germline BRCA1 defects.  相似文献   

We have performed linkage analysis in eight families with rod monochromacy, an autosomal recessively inherited condition with complete color blindness. Significant linkage was found with markers located at the pericentromeric region of chromosome 2. A maximum lod score of 5.36 was obtained for marker D2S2333 at θ = 0.00. Mapping of meiotic breakpoints localized the disease gene between markers D2S2187 and D2S2229. Homozygosity for a number of subsequent markers indicating identity by descent was found in two families and provides evidence for a further refinement of the locus proximal to D2S373. This defines an interval of ≈3 cM covering theACHM2locus for rod monochromacy. Radiation hybrid mapping of theCNGA3gene encoding the α-subunit of the cGMP gated cation channel in human cone photoreceptors resulted in a maximum lod score of 16.1 with marker D2S2311 combined with a calculated physical distance of 6.19cR10,000. Screening of the CEPH YAC library and subsequent STS mapping indicated the physical order cen–D2S2222–D2S2175–(D2S2187/D2S2311)–qtel ofmarkers on 2q11 and showed that theCNGA3gene maps most closely to D2S2187 and D2S2311. These data indicate that theCNGA3gene maps within the critical interval of theACHM2locus for rod monochromacy and thus is a candidate gene for this disease.  相似文献   

Frequent deletions and loss of heterozygosity in a segment of chromosome 13 (13q14) in cases of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) have suggested that this malignancy is caused by inactivation of an unknown tumor suppressor gene located in this region. Toward the identification of the putative CLL tumor suppressor, we have constructed a high-resolution physical map of YAC, PAC, and cosmid contigs covering 600 kb of the 13q14 genomic region. In addition to densely positioned genetic markers and STSs, this map was further annotated by localization of 32 transcribed sequences (ESTs) using a combination of exon trapping, direct cDNA selection, sample sequencing of cosmids and PACs, and homology searches. On the basis of these mapping data, allelic loss analyses at 13q14 using CLL tumor samples allowed narrowing of the genomic segment encompassing the putative CLL gene to <300 kb. Twenty-three ESTs located within this minimally deleted region are candidate exons for the CLL-associated tumor suppressor gene.  相似文献   

Thromboxane synthase (TS) catalyzes the conversion of the prostaglandin endoperoxide into thromboxane A2 (TxA2), a potent vasoconstrictor and inducer of platelet aggregation. In concert with prostacyclin TxA2 plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of hemostasis. Deficiency of platelet TS activity has been shown to result in bleeding disorders. The potent effect of TxA2 on platelet function and vascular activity suggests a possible involvement of TS in normal and pathophysiological conditions such as cardiovascular disease. To aid in establishing the correlation of TS to disease states, we localized the human TS gene (TBXAS1) to chromosome 7q34-q35 using dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

Aldose reductase (alditol:NAD(P)+ 1-oxidoreductase; EC (AR) catalyzes the reduction of several aldehydes, including that of glucose, to the corresponding sugar alcohol. Using a complementary DNA clone encoding human AR, we mapped the gene sequences to human chromosomes 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, and 18 by somatic cell hybridization. By in situ hybridization analysis, sequences were localized to human chromosomes 1q32-q42, 3p12, 7q31-q35, 9q22, 11p14-p15, and 13q14-q21. As a putative functional AR gene has been mapped to chromosome 7 and a putative pseudogene to chromosome 3, the sequences on the other seven chromosomes may represent other active genes, non-aldose reductase homologous sequences, or pseudogenes.  相似文献   

The transgene-induced mutation 9257 and the spontaneous mutation twirler cause craniofacial and inner ear malformations and are located on mouse chromosome 18 near the ataxia locusax.To map the human homolog of 9257, a probe from the transgene insertion site was used to screen a human genomic library. Analysis of a cross-hybridizing human clone identified a 3-kb conserved sequence block that does not appear to contain protein coding sequence. Analysis of somatic cell hybrid panels assigned the human locus to 18q11. The polymorphic microsatellite markers D18S1001 and D18S1002 were isolated from the human locus and mapped by linkage analysis using the CEPH pedigrees. The 9257 locus maps close to the centromeres of human chromosome 18q and mouse chromosome 18 at the proximal end of a conserved linkage group. To evaluate the role of this locus in human craniofacial disorders, linkage to D18S1002 was tested in 11 families with autosomal dominant nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate and 3 families with autosomal dominant cleft palate only. Obligatory recombinants were observed in 8 of the families, and negative lod scores from the other families indicated that these disorders are not linked to the chromosome 18 loci.  相似文献   

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