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The National University of Ireland in Galway established a Master in Science (MSc.) program in medical physics in 2002. The course was designed to be 90 ECTS1 credits and of one calendar year duration. From the outset the MSc. was designed to be part of an overall medical physics training program. MSc. programs are now widely used as part of the training and education of medical physicists. There is however paucity of data on the effectiveness of such courses and the purpose of the study reported here is to provide information on one particular MSc. course in medical physics. This is relevant to medical physicists who are involved in the development and running of medical physics training programs. The study used as methodology the Kirkpatrick levels of professional training. It was conducted through an online survey, both from students who graduated from the course and from students who were in the process of completing the course.The survey proved to be an effective way to determine attributes of modules such as learning outcomes, knowledge imparted, quality of teaching materials and others. The survey proved to be remarkably able to demonstrate interventions in the individual course modules. Although the course was shown to be effective in the imparting of the knowledge required to become a qualified medical physicist several areas for improvement were identified. These are mainly in the areas of increased practical experience and in course delivery.  相似文献   

医用生物物理学是研究生命物质的物理性质,生命过程的物理和物理化学规律以及物理因素对生物系统作用机制的科学,是物理学和生物学相结合而产生的一门边缘学科。在促进物理学和生命科学进步方面都显现出强大的生命力和推动力。基于医用生物物理学发展和我校学科建设发展的现实需要,本文讨论了我校建设医用生物物理学必修课或者选修课的必要性,并从本课程和学校学生特点两个方面考虑,对该课程建设的内容进行了初步的整合。旨在对教学内容进行整合、优化,增加一些新概念、新知识及前沿动态,把新旧知识联系到了一起,教会学生如何应用基础知识解决问题的方法以及缓解目前学时少、内容多这一矛盾。  相似文献   

Several strategies directed toward increasing the participation of minority students in physics and biophysics are presented. Since the number of minority students entering college with an interest in science and mathematics must be increased if we expect to see more students graduating in science, several programs aimed at increasing the level of instruction of physics and biology in urban middle schools and high schools are outlined. We also describe approaches designed to increase the retention of science major during the freshman core physics course where many potential science majors are lost. Increasing the number of minority students at the PhD level will rely increasingly on partnerships between research universities and historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and several programs already in effect are given as examples of such linkages.  相似文献   

在高等农业院校的生科类和动科类等专业,动物学是大学生入学后首次接触到的专业基础课。随着高校扩招、课程小型化和学分制教学改革的逐步推进和实施,新生的专业思想不稳定、师资力量不足、学时数锐减、学习方法待改进等问题较为突出,提出了"双管齐下、温故知新、层层递进、系统内化"的十六字教学方法的改进建议。  相似文献   

A Garg  R Buckman  Y Kason 《CMAJ》1997,156(8):1159-1164
PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: To teach medical students to break bad news to patients and their families empathically and competently. SETTING: Seven teaching hospitals affiliated with the University of Toronto since 1987. PARTICIPANTS: All medical students in their third preclinical year. PROGRAM: The course presents a 6-point protocol to guide students in breaking bad news and comprises 2 half-day (3-hour) teaching sessions. Each session incorporates a video presentation, a discussion period and small-group teaching, consisting of exercises followed by 4 different role-playing scenarios conducted with the use of standardized patients. The course was evaluated through 2 questionnaires, 1 administered before and 1 after the course, which measured changes in the students'' attitude and strategy. Questionnaires were administered during 5 of the years since the course was started. A total of 914 precourse and 503 postcourse questionnaires were completed, of which 359 matched pairs of precourse and postcourse questionnaires were analysed to study any changes due to the course. OUTCOMES: Precourse questionnaires showed that 68% of the students had thought about the task of breaking bad news often or very often. Of the 56% of students who had seen clinicians performing this task, 75% felt that they had seen good examples. The proportion of the students who had a plan for how to conduct such an interview rose from 49% before the course to 92% after it, and the proportion who felt they might be reasonably competent in breaking bad news rose from 23% before the course to 74% after it. CONCLUSIONS: The subject of breaking bad news is important to medical students, and it is practicable to design a course to teach the basic techniques involved. Most students perceive such a course as enjoyable and useful and find that it increases their sense of competence and their ability to formulate a strategy for such situations.  相似文献   

A complete course of respiratory physiology suitable for first-year medical and graduate students has been placed on the Web for our own students and for other educational institutions. There are several reasons for doing this. The first is that the modern-day student uses a variety of options for acquiring knowledge. These include attending lectures, reading texts, iPod downloads, and surfing the internet. This Web-based course is another option that may be preferable for some students. A second reason is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for some medical schools to find faculty members who are willing and able to teach the principles of respiratory physiology. This is a potentially serious problem because a sound knowledge of respiratory physiology will always be necessary for the intelligent practice of medicine. Schools with limited faculty may find it useful to use these Web-based lectures followed by a discussion session with students. Another reason is that some schools have moved away from systematic lectures to case-based discussions, with the possibility that students will not be exposed to some of the principles of respiratory physiology. The hope is that this comprehensive course of lectures will help students to assimilate this important material as the medical school curriculum continues to expand at a rapid rate.  相似文献   

卢颖 《微生物学通报》2010,37(7):1061-1064
医学微生物学是医学院校各专业的一门重要基础课程,也是一门较难讲解的课程,针对留学生尤为如此。针对我校留学生在医学微生物学教学中出现的问题,在如何克服语言障碍、选择教材和教学内容、优化教学方法与手段、严格教学管理和考核制度等方面我们做了诸多尝试,现将我们的一些体会和经验与各位同仁共同探讨,以期提高留学生医学微生物学教学水平。  相似文献   

The mechanics of breathing has always been a difficult topic for some medical and graduate students. The subject is very quantitative and contains a number of concepts that some students have trouble with, including physical principles such as pressure, flow, volume, resistance, elasticity, and compliance. Apparently, present-day students find the subject more difficult than students of 20 years ago. A possible reason for this is that the teaching of elementary physics in high school and college is now given less emphasis, whereas other topics, such as molecular biology, receive a great deal of attention. Another factor may be that many of us grew up building radios and other such devices, whereas modern students tend to plug in an electronic unit with little idea of its function. Some examples of misconceptions of present-day students who have taken our course are given. To help the weaker students, we now include a primer at the beginning of our handout for the course that covers simple physical principles. Examples of some of the most difficult concepts for students are given.  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变,预防医学已经成为现代医疗体系的重要组成部分,在提高公共卫生健康水平方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。为了更好地开展预防医学工作,预防医学专业学员不仅要掌握牢固的预防医学专业知识,更要具备丰富的临床医学知识。针对预防医学专业本科学员的临床课程教学,我校经过多年的探索与改革,已经积累了丰富经验,教学质量较高;但现阶段仍然存在着一些问题。本文分析我校预防医学专业本科学员临床课程的教学现状及存在的主要问题,并提出建议;从而为进一步提高预防医学专业本科学员的临床课程教学质量提供依据。  相似文献   

Regarding such an important issue as our origin, as well as the origin of all biological diversity, it is surprising to realize that evolution still faces drawbacks in keeping its deserved notability as a unifying theory in biology. This does not happen because evolutionism lacks validity as a scientific theory, but rather because of several misconceptions regarding evolutionary biology that were and continue to be found in elementary and secondary education. Furthermore, mistaken evolutionary ideas also affect some philosophical and social issues. The aim of the present study was to evaluate knowledge about evolution among freshman students from distinct majoring areas at Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste do Paraná (UNICENTRO), Brazil. The research was carried out based on a ten-question questionnaire about evolution with distinct levels of difficulty, comprising the most observed misconceptions. In this study, 231 students attending classes in biological sciences (morning and evening schedule), exact sciences (agronomy, physics, chemistry, and math), and human sciences (history, geography, and pedagogy) were interviewed. The total average of right answers was 48.8%, and the highest average per course obtained was 58.7% from the students attending biological sciences (evening schedule). Although evolutionary biology and ecology are supposed to represent teaching guide issues according to the recommendations of the National Curricular Parameters for the Secondary School, the data obtained suggest that the evidence for evolution, the role of natural selection and random events, as well as the sources of variation, must be better focused at schools.  相似文献   

Innovative approaches are needed to teach medical students effective and compassionate communication with seriously ill patients. We describe two such educational experiences in the Yale Medical School curriculum for third-year medical students: 1) Communicating Difficult News Workshop and 2) Ward-Based End-of-Life Care Assignment. These two programs address educational needs to teach important clinical communication and assessment skills to medical students that previously were not consistently or explicitly addressed in the curriculum. The two learning programs share a number of educational approaches driven by the learning objectives, the students' development, and clinical realities. Common educational features include: experiential learning, the Biopsychosocial Model, patient-centered communication, integration into clinical clerkships, structured skill-based learning, self-reflection, and self-care. These shared features - as well as some differences - are explored in this paper in order to illustrate key issues in designing and implementing medical student education in these areas.  相似文献   

As we all know, the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded in the field of Chronobiology. This was received with great excitement by all those who study different aspects of Biological Rhythms. In this brief essay, I would like to address the question, how shall we proceed after such great accomplishment from our esteemed colleagues? The short answer is, of course, keep up with the good work! There are plenty of unsolved questions beyond unravelling the molecular circadian clock. My choice of imperative topic is to teach circadian physiology at medical schools. Here, I suggest the term Chronostasis, to refer to the concept of timing physiological processes. The use of such concept will help medical students to understand physiology and medicine in circadian perspective to foster translational chronobiology in the short term.  相似文献   

精品课程是国家教育部关于高等学校教学质量和教学改革工程的重要内容,是衡量高等学校教学质量和人才培养质量的标杆之一,精品课程建设在高等医学教学工作中具有重要的地位。法医病理学是一门应用学科,是法医学专业的主干课程,法医病理学教材中部分内容单调、枯燥,在教学中紧靠教材上知识,很难调动起学生的热情。传统教学方法虽然可以系统讲解基本理论知识,但属灌输式教学,不利于发挥学生的主观能动性和培养学生的思维。采用案例教学法,以学生为中心,理论联系实践,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,有组于学生实践能力的培养,提高了法医病理学教学质量,值得推广及应用。  相似文献   

生物化学是一门基础课程,其课程体系严谨,理论知识较难,更新速度很快,新知识、新技术层出不穷。对开设了生物化学课程的物理专业学生来讲,他们化学基础差,有机化学知识的相对缺乏,掌握好该课程还存在一定的难度。从教材的选择、教学内容的优化和更新、课堂研讨的开展、考试形式的优化等方面对物理专业《生物化学》选修课进行了教学改革探讨,将对拓宽学生专业视野、提升学生的综合素质及创新能力、培养跨学科综合性人才起到积极作用。  相似文献   

We designed and evaluated an innovative computer-aided-learning environment based on the on-line integration of computer controlled medical diagnostic devices and a medical information system for use in the preclinical medical physics education of medical students. Our learning system simulates the actual clinical environment in a hospital or primary care unit. It uses a commercial medical information system for on-line storage and processing of clinical type data acquired during physics laboratory classes. Every student adopts two roles, the role of ‘patient’ and the role of ‘physician’. As a ‘physician’ the student operates the medical devices to clinically assess ‘patient’ colleagues and records all results in an electronic ‘patient’ record. We also introduced an innovative approach to the use of supportive education materials, based on the methods of adaptive e-learning. A survey of student feedback is included and statistically evaluated.The results from the student feedback confirm the positive response of the latter to this novel implementation of medical physics and informatics in preclinical education. This approach not only significantly improves learning of medical physics and informatics skills but has the added advantage that it facilitates students’ transition from preclinical to clinical subjects.  相似文献   

Medical physics has been an indispensable and strategic stakeholder in the delivery of radiological services to the healthcare system of Ghana. The practice has immensely supported radiation oncology and medical imaging facilities over the years, while the locally established training programme continues to produce human resource to feed these facilities. The training programme has grown to receive students from other African countries in addition to local students. Ghana has been recognised by the International Atomic Energy Agency as Regional Designated Centre for Academic Training of Medical Physicists in Africa. The Ghana Society for Medical Physics collaborates with the School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences of the University of Ghana to ensure that training offered to medical physicists meet international standards, making them clinically qualified. The Society has also worked together with other bodies for the passage of the Health Profession’s Regulatory Bodies Act, giving legal backing to the practice of medical physics and other allied health professions in Ghana. The country has participated in a number of International Atomic Energy Agency’s projects on medical physics and has benefited from its training courses, fellowships and workshops, as well as those of other agencies such as International Organization for Medical Physics. This has placed Ghana’s medical physicists in good position to practice competently and improve healthcare.  相似文献   

Early integration of research education into medical curricula is crucial for evidence-based practice. Yet, many medical students are graduating with no research experience due to the lack of such integration in their medical school programs. The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of a peer-organized, extra-curricular research methodology course on the attitudes of medical students towards research and future academic careers. Twenty one medical students who participated in a peer-organized research course were enrolled in three focus group discussions to explore their experiences, perceptions and attitudes towards research after the course. Discussions were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide, and were transcribed and thematically analyzed for major and minor themes identification. Our findings indicate that students’ perceptions of research changed after the course from being difficult initially to becoming possible. Participants felt that their research skills and critical thinking were enhanced and that they would develop research proposals and abstracts successfully. Students praised the peer-assisted teaching approach as being successful in enhancing the learning environment and filling the curricular gap. In conclusion, peer-organized extra-curricular research courses may be a useful option to promote research interest and skills of medical students when gaps in research education in medical curricula exist.  相似文献   

Hakan Isik 《Science activities》2018,55(3-4):149-155
Lab activities have been innovated and progressed to fulfill the purpose that students need to experience physics concepts through hands-on and minds-on interactions. However, student-centered and conceptual activities in physics labs are challenged with time and material constraints that degrades the merits of the learning environment. This study adopts a pedagogical design, “learning by preparing to teach”, to address the challenges with conducting a satisfactory number of activities in physics labs and therefore promoting student hands-on and minds-on experiences with the activities. Eight activities covering the conceptual variables of thermal conduction in a two-hour lab session were studied by freshmen students at a university. To implement the pedagogical design, the students were arranged into the learning and teaching groups that paved way to a lab design that student was first learners and then teachers. Lab activities were configured that each group studied a certain set of activities. Upon completing the activities, members of the learning groups were designated to the teaching groups in which students cooperated to achieve conceptual objectives of the lab. The results showed that a usual lab duration becomes effective to cover numerous activities.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to conduct a short-term international course on translational physiology for medical students from Wright State University and the University of Iowa. The goals were to 1) provide students with an exposure to the academic, cultural, and medical environments in Brazil; 2) promote awareness of the global medical community; and 3) provide an academic course focused on translational physiology. An evaluation of the students was conducted to determine whether such a short-term course might be useful in the medical curriculum. The 2-wk course was held in the summer of 2005 at the University of S?o Paulo School of Medicine in Ribeir?o Preto, Brazil, for 23 American students. The program included presentations of basic and clinical topics, meetings with medical students, and clinical presentations. The program finished with student attendance at a scientific meeting sponsored by the Brazilian Society of Hypertension. Student surveys evaluated issues related to perceived treatment, Brazilian medical school environment, culture and personal attributes, and career aspirations. The international Medical Sciences Translational Physiology course for medical students provided a brief, but intense, experience. It gave students a picture of the medical environment in Brazil and an appreciation for the differences and similarities in cultures. Most students reported that it was a positive experience that would be beneficial to their careers. In conclusion, a short-term international course provides an efficient means for medical students to experience aspects of global medical science.  相似文献   

Most early evolutionary thinkers came from medicine, yet evolution has had a checkered history in medical education. It is only in the last few decades that serious efforts have begun to be made to integrate evolutionary biology into the medical curriculum. However, it is not clear when, where (independently or as part of preclinical or clinical teaching courses) and, most importantly, how should medical students learn the basic principles of evolutionary biology applied to medicine, known today as evolutionary or Darwinian medicine. Most clinicians are ill-prepared to teach evolutionary biology and most evolutionary biologists ill-equipped to formulate clinical examples. Yet, if evolutionary science is to have impact on clinical thought, then teaching material that embeds evolution within the clinical framework must be developed. In this paper, we use two clinical case studies to demonstrate how such may be used to teach evolutionary medicine to medical students in a way that is approachable as well as informative and relevant.  相似文献   

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