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J Curran  D Kolakofsky 《Enzyme》1990,44(1-4):244-249
The Sendai virus P gene contains overlapping open reading frames (ORFs), and several unusual mechanisms are used to produce multiple proteins from all three ORFs of this gene. These include the use of a non-AUG start codon, leaky ribosomal scanning, what appears to be scanning-independent ribosomal initiation and/or ribosomal jumping, and a form of mRNA editing.  相似文献   

We have compared the sequence of the entire genomes of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) and human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I). Both the gag and pol genes show overall strong homologies indicating the close evolutionary relationship of the two retroviruses. However, a surface glycoprotein portion of the env gene shows no appreciable homology, which probably reflects a difference in their host ranges. The 3' end portion of the BLV genome (designated as pXBL) contains an unidentified long open reading frame that has a typical protein-coding property. The potential product of this open reading frame may be a glycoprotein of approximately 40 000 daltons. We note that its amino acid sequence shows low but appreciable homology, especially in its N-terminal quarter, to that of the HTLV-I counterpart (pX product), and we thus suggest that BLV pXBL and HTLV-I pX have diverged from a common ancestral gene. It is tentatively concluded that both the putative pXBL and pX products are respectively produced from a spliced mRNA.  相似文献   

The two promoters and the first 65 nucleotides of a gene related to the rrnB operon are localized in the coding sequence of the btuB gene.  相似文献   

Extensively overlapping reading frames in a second mammalian gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Kozak M 《EMBO reports》2001,2(9):768-769

Viruses employ various means to evade immune detection. Reduction of CD8(+) T cell epitopes is one of the common strategies used for this purpose. Hepatitis B virus (HBV), a member of the Hepadnaviridae family, has four open reading frames, with about 50% overlap between the genes they encode. We computed the CD8(+) T cell epitope density within HBV proteins and the mutations within the epitopes. Our results suggest that HBV accumulates escape mutations that reduce the number of epitopes. These mutations are not equally distributed among genes and reading frames. While the highly expressed core and X proteins are selected to have low epitope density, polymerase, which is expressed at low levels, does not undergo the same selection. In overlapping regions, mutations in one protein-coding sequence also affect the other protein-coding sequence. We show that mutations lead to the removal of epitopes in X and surface proteins even at the expense of the addition of epitopes in polymerase. The total escape mutation rate for overlapping regions is lower than that for nonoverlapping regions. The lower epitope replacement rate for overlapping regions slows the evolutionary escape rate of these regions but leads to the accumulation of mutations more robust in the transfer between hosts, such as mutations preventing proteasomal cleavage into epitopes.  相似文献   

B Berkhout  R A Kastelein  J van Duin 《Gene》1985,37(1-3):171-179
In overlapping reading frames of prokaryotic mRNA, the ribosome-binding site (RBS) of the downstream cistron is part of the coding sequence of the upstream message. We have examined whether the rate of translation in Escherichia coli can be sufficiently high to preclude the use of an RBS in initiation of protein synthesis when it is part of an actively decoded reading frame. The two sets of gene overlap present in the RNA phage MS2 are used as a model system. We find that translation of an upstream cistron can fully block initiation of protein synthesis at the overlapping RBS of the downstream cistron. Nonsense mutations in the upstream gene restore the translation of the downstream gene.  相似文献   

A model is presented for sequence evolution on the basis of which one can analyze combinations of noncoding, singly coding, and multiply coding regions of aligned homologous DNA sequences. It is a generalization of Kimura's (J. Mol. Evol. 16:111–120, 1980) and Li et al.'s (J. Mol. Evol. 36:96–99, 1985) transition-transversion models with selection on replacement substitutions.Based on a hierarchy of hypotheses, one will be able to estimate selection factors and transition and transversion distances for different combinations of regions ranging from many regions, each with their private set of parameters, to one set of parameters for all regions.The method is demonstrated on two aligned HIV I retroviruses. Correspondence to: J. Hein  相似文献   

Tat-specific cytotoxic T cells have previously been shown to exert positive Darwinian selection favoring amino acid replacements of an epitope of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The region of the tat gene encoding this epitope falls within a region of overlap between the tat and vpr reading frames, and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions in the tat reading frame were found to occur disproportionately in such a way as to cause synonymous changes in the vpr reading frame. Comparison of published complete SIV genomes showed Tat to be the least conserved at the amino acid level of nine proteins encoded by the virus, while Vpr was one of the most conserved. Numerous parallel amino acid changes occurred within the Tat epitope independently in different monkeys, and purifying selection on the vpr reading frame, by limiting acceptable nonsynonymous substitutions in the tat reading frame, evidently has enhanced the probability of parallel evolution.  相似文献   

Long Open Reading Frames (ORFs) in antisense DNA strands have been reported in the literature as being rare events. However, an extensive analysis of the GenBank database revealed that a substantial number of genes from several species contain an in-phase ORF in the antisense strand, that overlaps entirely the coding sequence of the sense strand, or even extends beyond. The findings described in this paper show that this is a frequent, non-random phenomenon, which is primarily dependent on codon usage, and to a lesser extent on gene size and GC content. Examination of the sequence database for several prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, demonstrates that coding sequences with in-phase, 100% overlapping antisense ORFs are present in every genome studied so far.  相似文献   

Viral RNA expression was studied by dot blot hybridization with polyadenylated RNAs extracted from a bovine (YR-1) and an ovine (YR-2) tumor cell clone. Both clones were derived from in vivo bovine leukemia virus-induced tumors. The probes used were either the bovine leukemia virus information or only the long open reading frame sequences. No viral RNA corresponding to the bovine leukemia virus long open reading frame region was detected in YR-2, and a very limited amount of bovine leukemia virus messages was unraveled in YR-1. These results strongly suggest that viral expression, even in the long open reading frame region, is not required to maintain transformation of at least some tumor cells.  相似文献   

Bovine leukemia virus, like its closest relatives the human T-cell leukemia virus types I and II, contains a 1.8-kilobase X region between the env gene and the 3' long terminal repeat. In this communication, we report the detection and characterization of a subgenomic mRNA from which this X region is presumably translated. This mRNA was produced by a complex splicing mechanism which resulted in juxtaposition of the 5' end of the env gene and the two overlapping X-region open reading frames. Translation of this mRNA could yield at least two distinct proteins depending on which initiation codon is used. Detection of the protein encoded by the BLV X-region long open reading frame has been reported (N. Sagata, J. Tsuzuku-Kawamura, M. Nagayoshi-Aida, F. Shimizu, K.-I. Imagawa, and Y. Ikawa, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 82:7879-7883, 1985). Using synthetic peptide antisera, we detected a protein encoded by the short open reading frame in virus-infected cells. The protein migrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels with an apparent molecular weight of 19,000. It is a nuclear phosphoprotein.  相似文献   

In order to understand the impact of overlapping reading frames on natural selection by host CD8+ T lymphocytes (CD8(+)-TL), we analyzed the pattern of nucleotide substitution in simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) genomes sampled from populations at time of death in 35 rhesus monkeys. Both the mean number of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions per nonsynonymous site (d(N)) and the mean number of synonymous nucleotide substitutions per synonymous site (d(S)) were elevated in overlap regions in comparison to non-overlap regions. Mean d(N) exceeded mean d(S) in CD8(+)-TL epitopes restricted by the host's class I major histocompatibility complex molecules. This pattern, which is indicative of positive Darwinian selection favoring amino acid changes in these epitopes, was seen in both overlap and non-overlap regions; but mean d(N) was particularly elevated in restricted CD8(+)-TL epitopes encoded in overlap regions. Amino acid changes from the inoculum were defined as parallel if the same amino acid change occurred at the same site independently in two or more monkeys, and a surprisingly high proportion (71.9%) of observed amino acid changes throughout the SIV genome occurred in parallel in different monkeys. The proportion of parallel changes in restricted epitopes encoded by overlapping reading frames was still higher (80%), supporting the hypothesis that the interaction of positive selection and overlapping reading frames enhances the probability of convergent or parallel amino acid change.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the phosphoprotein of the pneumovirus pneumonia virus of mice (PVM) has been cloned and sequenced. The gene is 903 nucleotides in length and contains a long open reading frame (ORF) capable of encoding a polypeptide of 295 amino acid residues. A smaller, second, overlapping ORF encoding a polypeptide 137 amino acids in length was also present. The large ORF directed the synthesis of a 39-kDa polypeptide and four additional polypeptides with masses of 37 kDa, 26 kDa, 23 kDa, and 16 kDa in vitro. The smaller polypeptides were generated by internal initiation on in-frame AUG initiation codons to generate carboxy co-terminal products. Western immunoblot analysis indicated that at least two of these proteins and several other related polypeptides are present in infected cells, and the possible origins of these are discussed. Western blot analysis using antiserum raised against a synthetic peptide and specific for the predicted second ORF product identified a polypeptide of 23 kDa in PVM-infected cells. The pattern of PVM P gene expression is unlike that of the closely related respiratory syncytial virus and is reminiscent of that of paramyxoviruses such as Sendai virus. This is the first example of a pneumovirus encoding multiple polypeptide products from a single mRNA in vivo.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of human foamy virus accessory reading frames.   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

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