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Effects of the kappa-opioid receptor agonist U-50.488H (0.0, 0.6, 1.25, 2.5 mg/kg. s.c., 30 min) on behavior of the winner with repeated experience of victories and the losers with repeated experience of social defeat in 20 daily agonistic confrontations as well as the control mice were investigated in the tests estimating exploratory activity (open-field) and communication (partition test). Different effects of drug on behaviors of animals with different social story were shown in both tests. In the losers, all doses of U-50.488H had anxiolytic effect, increasing the communication in the partition test. In the winners, the drug induced an increase of aggressive motivation. The control mice were less sensitive to the treatment. In the open-field test, U-50.488H increased the locomotor and exploratory activity in high anxious losers. Winners significantly differed in their reaction to drug treatment in most behavioral forms in comparison with the controls and losers. It was concluded that kappa-opioid receptors are specifically involved into mechanisms of formation of aggressive or submissive types of behaviors under positive or negative social experience.  相似文献   

As a result of repeated experience of victories and defeats in mice of C57BL/6 line, submissive and aggressive types of behaviour were elaborated, the stabilization of which was accompanied by a change in serotonin and noradrenaline content in various parts of the brain, at least of two kinds. Nonspecific unindirected changes in transmitter' levels found in both groups of animals in comparison with the control, are apparently due to the experience of zoosocial contracts. Changes were also noted connected with specificity of the observed behaviour.  相似文献   

In addition to its common activating action, the DA system is involved in the functional specialization of the brain areas which participate in the expression of discrete behavioral components. The evidence for different levels of activity of the mesocortical DA system in aggressive and submissive mice were obtained. In C57BL/6J mice, confrontations produced simultaneous increase in the extracellular DA content and its release from the nerve terminals in the nucleus accumbens and frontal cortex, while an elevation of the HVA concentration in these structures was found only in submissive mice. After 20 encounters, the habituation of animals to the repeated stress exposures and conditioning developed. Activation of the DA metabolism (increase in the DOPAC level and DOPAC/DA ratio) in the hippocampus was observed only in aggressive mice after 20 days of confrontation, when the extinction of the information novelty leading to aggression had been already accomplished. Our findings suggest the predominance of the role of the mesolimbic DA system, in particular, of its mesoaccumbens link, in the extinction of the information novelty in aggressors. A role of the mesocortical DA system in realization of the submissive behavior patterns, stress reactions, conditioned defensive behavior, anxiety-related behavior, and in modulation of the anxiety response to social stimuli is considered.  相似文献   

The effects of haloperidol on retention of avoidance during its extinction in C57BL/6J mice were shown to depend on a behavioral stereotype (aggressive or submissive). In submissive mice, haloperidol (0.5 mg/kg) injected an hour before training stabilized retrieval of the conditioned reflex in repeated testings (up to 17 days) as compared to its fast extinction in control animals. In aggressive mice, on the contrary, haloperidol reduced the retention of the memory trace retrieval. It is suggested that divergent haloperidol effects on extinction of passive avoidance in mice with alternative behavioral strategies are determined by the features of organization of the mesolimbico-cortical dopaminergic system and emotional state, in particular, anxiety.  相似文献   

The male mice of two strains with experience of 2 or 10 defeats in intermale agonistic confrontations significantly differ in pattern of submissive behavior (balance of upright and sideways defensive postures, withdrawal, freezing, "on the back" posture). In mice with experience of 20 defeats genetic differences have not been found. The acquisition of consequent experience of defeats does not change the pattern of CBA mice submissive behavior, but significantly increases the share of immobile submissive postures in behavior of C57BL mice. Among submissive males of C57BL strain animals with more active strategy of behavior keep capability for aggressive response to weaker partner. The influence of genotype and previous social contact experience on formation of adaptive in experimental situation strategy of submissive behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

Upon induction with Newcastle disease virus, peritoneal macrophages derived from C57BL/6 mice produced ten times as much interferon as macrophages derived from BALB/c mice. This suggested that the alleles of theIf-1 locus are expressed in vitro by these cells. Further evidence for this was obtained by studying interferon production by peritoneal macrophages derived from seven recombinant inbred and one congenic line: in each case there was complete correlation between in vivo and in vitro phenotype: macrophages fromIf-1l mice were low producers in vitro, and macrophages fromIf-1 h mice were high producers in vitro.  相似文献   

It was shown that injections of NMDA receptor antagonist dizocilpine and neurosteroid dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and sequential injections of these substances had different effects on learning and extinction of passive avoidance in aggressive and submissive mice. In aggressive mice, dizocilpine impaired and DHEAS did not change learning and retention. However, being injected after dizocilpine, DHEAS blocked the defect of memory trace retrieval induced by dizocilpine. In submissive mice, dizocilpine impaired learning and prolonged extinction of the learned habit. Injection of DHEAS prolonged the extinction in a similar way. Under conditions of sequential injections, DHEAS did not change the suppressive effect of dizocilpine on learning and was not effective in prolongation of extinction.  相似文献   

Changes in in vitro testosterone production by Leydig cells induced by chorionic gonadotropin, dibutyryl-cAMP, and pregnenolone have been studied during postnatal development of four inbred mouse strains BALB/c, PT, CBA/Lac, and A/He, with contrast hormonal activity of testes in sexually mature males. The interlinear differences significantly change with age of the males by all studied indices indicating genotype-dependent formation of hormonal activity of Leydig cells during postnatal development. Coordinated interlinear variability between all indices of Leydig cells reactivity has been established for each studied period of postnatal development. Hence, we have established coordinated interlinear genetic variability of hormonal function of Leydig cells, which was confirmed by considerable changes in it during postnatal development at puberty. Definitive genotypic differences in hormonal activity of Leydig cells appeared by late pubertal and early postpubertal development (day 60) and coincided with termination of morphological differentiation of Leydig cells and appearance of the differentiated cell population.  相似文献   

Dependence of the passive avoidance retrieval on the duration of agonistic interactions was analyzed in C57BL/6J mice in procedures of extinction and amnesia during formation of aggressive and submissive behavioral stereotypes. The resistance to amnestic stimulation was lower in aggressive mice with 10-day experience of victories than in aggressive animals after 20 daily confrontations. Prolongation of extinction in aggressive mice and fast extinction in submissive animals did not depend on the number of agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

Changes in the aggressiveness of mice were studied after exposure thereof to 5, 10, 30, 60 and 100 Gy radiation. With doses of 5, 10 and 30 Gy no stable effect on the aggressive behaviour of mice was observed, while doses of 60 and 100 Gy suppressed it drastically. Stress at the time of exposure can enhance the antiaggressive effect of radiation.  相似文献   

In experiments on non-bred males of white rats, the effect was studied on their aggressive behaviour of intraventricular injections of brain-specific proteins of S-100 group, gamma-globuline fraction from the serum of rabbits immunized by proteines S-100 (gamma S-100) and non-immunized rabbits (gamma-SNK) as well as of angiotensin, bradikinin and saline. S-100 lowered intermales aggressivity and that connected with pain, and had phasic inhibitory effects on rats emotional reactivity. gamma S-100 increased the aggressivity connected with pain, did not affect the intermales aggressivity and phasically raised (as well as gamma-SNK) the emotional reactivity. gamma-SNK, angiotensin and bradikinin did not change these kinds of aggressivity. None of the administered agents influenced the level of rats predetary aggressivity.  相似文献   

The effect of activation of GABAA, benzodiazepine, and D2 dopamine receptors on extinction of passive avoidance and their dependence on the initial state of aggressive and submissive C57BL/6J mice were studied. It was found that in mice with the submissive stereotype of behavior produced by experience of defeats in daily agonistic confrontations, extinction of the conditioned reaction occurred faster than in control mice. The activation of D2 receptors by quinpirole and of benzodiazepine receptors by medasepam before training restored the retrieval of the memory trace. A prolongation of extinction was observed in aggressive mice in comparison with control and submissive animals, and activation of GABAA by muscimol and benzodiazepine receptors by medazepam led to acceleration of extinction. Activation of D2 receptors was ineffective. Thus, the difference in initial behavioral strategy determined both the development of extinction of the passive avoidance and variability of participation of D2, GABAA, and benzodiazepine receptors in the maintenance of availability of the memory trace to retrieval.  相似文献   

Male mice were castrated at 21–22 days of age. Intact and castrated mice were isolated to induce aggressive behavior. The incidence of fighting between paired nonisolated and isolated mice was measured at 3, 6, 12, and 23 weeks to determine the effect of time of isolation on aggressive behavior. After 3 weeks isolation, 90% of the intact isolated mice fought, but none of the castrate isolated mice fought. Aggressive behavior equivalent to that of intact isolated mice developed in the castrate mice after 23 weeks of isolation. These results suggest that the presence of gonadal androgen is important in expediting the onset of aggressive behavior in isolated mice, but its absence does not preclude its eventual development.  相似文献   

According to a previously proposed coping model (De Waal [1989] Zoo Biol. 1(suppl):141–148), gregarious primates will react to crowding by adjusting their behavior in order to limit the amount of aggression displayed. Depending on the duration of the crowding, this can be achieved by the use of different strategies. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) react to a medium‐term duration of spatial crowding by an active tension‐reduction mechanism whereby allogrooming markedly increases while aggression rises only slightly. Under comparable circumstances, a similar increase in grooming is found in bonobos (Pan paniscus). However, to test the coping model for bonobos, data on aggressive behavior during crowding are indispensable. This study provides such information by comparing the aggressive repertoire of a well‐established bonobo colony during a crowded period in winter with those that occurred during an uncrowded control period in summer. Given that during winter the aggression rate differed between food and nonfood contexts, we accounted for a potential effect of food context on aggression. During the crowded period, a significantly higher total frequency of aggression was found than during the control period. However, this increase was small in relation to the reduction in space when compared to similar experiments in other species. Together with observations of increased grooming under crowded conditions, our data confirm the hypothesis that bonobos cope with the increase in tension created by crowding (medium‐term duration) by applying a tension‐reduction strategy. Our data further show that although not all aggressive behaviors appear to be influenced by a high‐density condition, bonobos do not specifically limit their aggressive behaviors to mild, nonprovocative aggressions in a crowded environment. Zoo Biol 23:383–395, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Learning and retention of the spatial memory were studied in mice with alternative under conditions of various experimental protocols. Visible and hidden platform acquisition in a simple model of the water maze was similarly fast both in aggressive and submissive mice, but extinction differed. Retention of the platform location preference persisted in aggressive mice in four testing trials. In submissive mice, extiction of the spatial memory was accompanied with a prolongation of search with parallel production of episodes of "passive drift". Differences in spatial learning between aggressive and submissive mice were revealed in a water maze complicated with partitions. In this case, aggressors were able to learn the position of a hidden platform (in contrast to submissive mice with the dominant response of "passive drift"). During testing the response, aggressive mice longer retained the spatial preference without extinction.  相似文献   

In mice with aggressive and submissive behavioral stereotypes, passive avoidance retrieval in extinction and amnesia was shown to be differently dependent on the activation of D1 dopamine receptors. In extinction, agonist of D1 receptors SKF 38393 injected before training or on 12-th day of testing in a dose of 5 mg/kg impaired the retrieval of a conditioned habit in aggressive mice and improved the retrieval in submissive mice. The opposite effects of D1 receptor activation depending on stereotype were also observed in a procedure of amnesia. In aggressive mice, SKF 38393 essentially reduced the resistance to amnesic effects characteristic of this stereotype. In submissive mice, SKF 38393 attenuated the amnesic effect of a detention in a dangerous compartment and restored the amnesic memory trace. Possible mechanisms of selective involvement of D1 receptors in retention of memory trace of aversive stimuli during extinction and amnesia in mice with different stereotypes of behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

The experience of winning or loosing fights plays an important role in subsequent aggressive or submissive behaviors. In this study agonistic behavior of male mice was chosen to investigate learning mechanisms in the context of a biologically meaningful situation.An ICR mouse introduced into a group of five C57BL/6 mice was attacked by mice of high social status (Fighter, F), but not by lower ranking animals (Non-Fighter, NF). On this basis the following model was developed to study learning of submissive behavior. Day 1 (baseline trial): An ICR mouse was introduced to a single NF-C57 mouse. Few submissive behaviors (crouch) were observed in naive ICR mice upon contact with NF-C57 mice. Day 2 (learning trial): The same ICR mouse was defeated by an F-C57 mouse until it showed defensive upright posture upon approach. This criterion was reached after a mean latency of 3.5 min and after being exposed to a mean number of 14 bites. Day 3 (retest trial): The same pairs as on day 1 confronted each other. Without being attacked, the ICR mouse showed a significant increase of submissive behavior (crouch, defensive sideways and upright) upon mere contact with the NF-C57 mouse when compared to day 1 and to control mice on day 3. Controls, confronted on all three days with NF-C57 mice, showed no increase in submissive behaviors.The results are discussed in terms of acquisition, memory, retrieval and extinction of learned submissive behavior. It is suggested that the mechanisms underlying learning of submissive behavior include generalization of conditioning and specific extinction processes. The further use of the learning scheme to assess drug effects is illustrated.  相似文献   

Ethological procedures were used to study the effects of GABA-positive drugs on aggression in male albino mice kept in isolation (opponent test). The results revealed several variants of antiaggressive effects of the tested GAB Aergic drugs: 1) antiaggressive, re-socializing of GABAA agonists muscimol (0.125 and 0.5 mg/kg) and THIP (2.0 mg/kg), and GABAB agonist baclofen (2.5-10 mg/kg); 2) antiaggressive, sedative of GABAB agonists baclofen (12.5 mg/kg), phenibut (50-100 mg/kg), and inhibitor of GABA transamininase sodium valproate (100 mg/kg); 3) antiaggressive, anxiogenic for muscimol (1 mg/kg), THIP (5 mg/kg), and sodium valproate (25-50 mg/kg).  相似文献   

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