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Clonal growth of primary cultures of rabbit ear chondrocytes in a defined medium without serum or other undefined additives has been achieved. The clonal inoculum is a suspension of fully differentiated chondrocytes prepared by collagenase digestion of rabbit ear cartilage and used with no prior adaptation or selection in culture. When inoculated into medium MCDB 104 supplemented with 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor (FGF), 1 microgram/ml insulin, and 5 micrograms/ml of a lipid supplement previously developed for human fibroblasts, the isolated chondrocytes undergo clonal multiplication to form large colonies of epithelial-like cells. Colonies grown in the defined medium for 14 days accumulate at their centers refractile cartilage-like matrix that is stained by acidified Alcian green, although the amount is significantly less than with undefined additives. This system opens the way for detailed studies, in a defined background medium, of factors that regulate phenotypic expression of cartilage-like differentiated properties.  相似文献   

Early studies on the duration of mitotic stages and on metaphase-to-prophase ratios in a number of normal and neoplastic cells indicated that the process of mitosis becomes altered during the course of oncogenesis. However, the nature of these changes and their effects on each of the mitotic stages are still unclear. With the use of time lapse cinemicrography, we have compared the durations of mitotic stages of SV40/Wl-38 and SV40/Wl-26 cells to those of their normal counterparts and to other nontransformed human fibroblasts. We also examined the relative frequencies of the individual mitotic stages in fixed preparations of Wl-38 and SV40/Wl-38 cells. The data show that metaphase durations are increased in the transformed cells and as much as 3-4.7-fold in SV40/Wl-38 cells compared to Wl-38 and other nontransformed cells. Other stages are also prolonged though to lesser degrees. These findings suggest that increased metaphase/prophase ratios observed in many tumors are due to increases in duration of metaphase rather than to shorter prophases, and that increased mitotic indices commonly observed in malignant tumors and sometimes used as an index of growth rate are at least in part due to the prolongation of mitotic stages.  相似文献   

Characteristics of human chondrocyte cultures in completely defined medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Chondrocytes derived from normal human adult articular cartilage were established and maintained for over 5 months in a completely defined medium without the addition of serum or any other growth factors. At the end of 5 months, these cells were still metabolically active. The cells incorporated [3H]thymidine into DNA, incorporated [35S]sulfate into proteoglycans, and exhibited lysosomal enzyme activities. The35S-labeled proteoglycans isolated from the culture medium had elution profiles on high pressure liquid chromatography (HPCL) similar to those observed from proteoglycans from other mammalian sources. This self-contained growth competence may reflect a need produced by the unusual avascular and alymphatic character of articular cartilage. This research was supported, in part, by Grant AM22057 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of baby mouse kidney epithelial cells can grow without fibroblast overgrowth in a hormone-supplemented serum-free medium (Medium K-1) designed for an established kidney epithelial cell line, MDCK. The five supplements in Medium K-1 are insulin, transferrin, PGE1, T3, and hydrocortisone. Medium K-1 also supports the growth of kidney epithelial cell cultures from a number of animals, including man, without fibroblast overgrowth. Outgrowth of kidney epithelial cells from kidney explants was also observed with Medium K-1. Thus, the medium appears to be selective for epithelial cell growth. The physiological properties of primary cultures of baby mouse kidney epithelial cells were studied in detail. Baby mouse kidney epithelial cells grew at equal rates (0.5 doublings/day) in Medium K-1 and serum-supplemented medium. Medium K-1 also supported the formation of baby mouse kidney epithelial colonies at low cell densities. The dependence of baby mouse kidney epithelial colony formation upon the five factors in Medium K-1 was examined. These studies indicated that the formation of baby mouse kidney epithelial colonies in defined medium depended upon all the five supplements in Medium K-1, in a manner similar, although not identical, to MDCK colonies. Primary cultures of baby mouse kidney epithelial cells grown in Medium K-1 retained kidney cell-associated properties, including the ability to form multicellular domes, a phenomenon associated with transepithelial salt transport. Amiloride-sensitive Na+ uptake and the mucosal surface enzyme leucine aminopeptidase were also observed in baby mouse kidney cultures. Similar functions were observed in MDCK monolayers.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rabbit-kidney epithelial cells derived from purified proximal tubules were maintained without fibroblast overgrowth in a hormone-supplemented serum-free medium (Medium RK-1). A hormone- deletion study indicated that the primary cultures derived from purified rabbit proximal tubules required all of the three supplements in Medium RK-1 (insulin, transferrin, and hydrocortisone) for optimal growth but did not grow in response to EGF and T3. In contrast, the epithelial cells in primary cultures derived from an unpurified preparation of rabbit kidney tubules and glomeruli grew in response to EGF and T3, as well as insulin, transferrin, and hydrocortisone. These observations suggest that kidney epithelial cells derived from different segments of the nephron grow differently in response to hormones and growth factors. Differentiated functions of the primary cultures derived from proximal tubules were examined. Multicellular domes were observed, indicative of transepithelial solute transport by the monolayers. The proximal tubule cultures also accumulated alpha- methylglucoside (alpha-MG) against a concentration gradient. However, little or no alpha-MG accumulation was observed in the absence of Na+. Metabolic inhibitor studies also indicated that alpha-MG uptake by the primaries is an energy-dependent process, and depends upon the activity of the Na+/K+ ATPase. Phlorizin at 0.1 mM significantly inhibited 1 mM alpha-MG uptake whereas 0.1 mM phloretin did not have a significant inhibitory effect. Similar observations have been made concerning the Na+-dependent sugar-transport system located on the lumenal side of the proximal tubule, whereas the Na+-independent sugar transporter on the peritubular side is more sensitive to inhibition by phloretin than phlorizin. The cultures also exhibited PTH-sensitive cyclic AMP synthesis and brush-border enzymes typical of proximal cells. However, the activities of the enzymes leucine aminopeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase were lower in the cultures than in purified proximal-tubule preparations from which they are derived.  相似文献   

The uptake of labeled inorganic phosphate into primary rabbit kidney proximal tubule cells has been examined. Phosphate was accumulated into the primary proximal tubule cells against a concentration gradient. This accumulation was sensitive to inhibition by metabolic inhibitors. The dependence of phosphate uptake on the extracellular phosphate concentration was examined. Similarities were observed between primary proximal tubule cells and the LLC-PK1 cell line in these regards. These phosphate uptake data were then plotted on a Lineweaver-Burke plot. A nonlinear plot was obtained, which suggested that phosphate uptake occurs by means of a Na+ dependent, carrier mediated process, as well as by another Na+ independent mechanism. The pH dependence of phosphate uptake was also examined. Unlike previous observations with LLC-PK1 cells, optimal phosphate uptake occurred at pH 6.5. However, this difference between the two cell culture systems may possibly be explained by differences in uptake conditions. The dependence of phosphate uptake on the extracellular NaCl concentration was examined at three different pH values. The rate of phosphate uptake at pH 7.0 was observed to saturate at a lower NaCl concentration than at either pH 6.0 or pH 6.5. Furthermore, the optimal rate of phosphate uptake at pH 7.0 was observed to be higher than at the other two pH values studied when the NaCl concentration was below 120 mM. However, when the NaCl concentration was raised to 150 mM, optimal phosphate was observed to occur at pH 6.5 rather than at pH 7.0. These observations may be explained if the pH affects not only the rate of phosphate uptake but also the affinity of the phosphate uptake system for sodium. Phosphate uptake was also observed to be sensitive to several agents, Na2 X SO4 and NaSCN, which affect the membrane potential. As observed with phosphate uptake by LLC-PK1 (and renal brush border membrane vesicles), phosphate uptake was highly sensitive to inhibition by the phosphate analogue arsenate. Novel observations were that the phosphate analogue vanadate and its cellular metabolite vanadyl stimulated the initial rate of phosphate uptake.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in epiphyseal growth plate cartilage increases markedly during differentiation of the chondrocytes, and reaches high levels in the zone of hypertrophy where vascular penetration and provisional mineralization begin. A proteinaceous factor has been discovered in serum that stimulates the expression of AP in chicken growth plate chondrocytes when these cells are grown in serum-free media. Sera from a variety of vertebrate species (goat, fetal bovine, horse, human, and chicken) all contained detectable levels of the inducing activity. The chondrocyte AP-induction factor (CAP-IF) from fetal bovine serum was precipitated with ammonium sulfate between 33% and 50% saturation, and purified by dye-ligand affinity chromatography. The active fraction, which eluted from an Affi-Gel Blue column between 0.10 and 0.15 M NaCl, was further resolved on a QMA anion exchange column. The most active and almost homogeneous fraction contained primarily a 64.5 kDa protein; about 3 micrograms/ml medium induced 50% of the maximal level of AP induction. CAP-IF is stable to heat (100 degrees C for 3 min) and dithiothreitol (50 mM) treatment, and is only mildly inactivated by 2 h treatment with trypsin. CAP-IF caused no significant effect on cell division as measured by 3H-thymidine uptake. Time-course studies revealed that at least 18-24 h exposure of the chondrocytes to CAP-IF is required to produce major increases in AP activity. Longer exposure time generally further increases the response. Cycloheximide almost completely blocked the increase in AP activity, indicating that de novo protein synthesis is required for induction.  相似文献   

A synthetic medium, consisting of inorganic salts and any of a number of carbon sources, supported the aerobic growth of Paracoccus halodenitrificans when supplemented with thiamine. The same medium plus an appropriate nitrogenous oxide supported anaerobic growth when additionally supplemented with methionine. The observation that vitamin B12 or betaine replaced methionine suggested that P. halodenitrificans had a defect in the cobalamin-dependent pathway for methionine biosynthesis, as well as the inability to synthesize betaine when growing anaerobically.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to compare the development of organotypic cultures in defined medium versus nutrient containing serum and embryo extract (EE). Explant cultures of cerebellum with or without locus ceruleus were grown in the Maximow system and monitored in the living state and with histological stains. Thinner explants, fibronectin and a more frequent feeding schedule were required to overcome the growth differences encountered using a defined medium. The final medium formulation was arrived at by evaluation of living cultures and consisted of a basal medium (Dulbecco's minimal essential medium), a number of hormones and other supplements, and a final glucose concentration of 750 mg %. Using a Golgi stain and histofluorescence, it was shown that the three major types of neurons—Purkinje, deep nuclear, and locus ceruleus—developed similarly in the defined medium and in serum-EE cultures. Myelination occurred in virtually all cerebellar cultures in defined medium and the onset was earlier than in serum-EE cultures. These results indicate that differentiation of oligodendroglia and maturation of neurons occur in a defined medium. Elimination of thyroid hormone delayed the maturation of the cultures, both neurons and myelin, by 3–4 days. This project was supported by a grant from Supply and Services (Canada) and from the Department of Health and Welfare (Canada). The findings and opinions are the sole responsibility of the authors. EDITOR'S STATEMENT This article describes adaptations of serum-free cell culture methods previously developed by other laboratories to the organ culture of central nervous system tissues. Although it is difficult to develop reliable procedures for quantitative analyses in cultures of this type, organ cultures provide unique advantages in the study of development, regeneration and response to damage, organismal and cellular senescence and genetic abnormalities of the nervous system. Observations reported here regarding effects of thyroid hormone on cellular maturation in this culture system may be valuable in future studies in these areas.  相似文献   

Clonal evolution in human lymphoblast cultures.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We established lymphoblast cultures from normal females heterozygous for electrophoretic variants of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), and the X-linked markers have permitted us to look at evolution of these cell populations in culture. The established cultures were phenotypically heterozygous at onset, having both of the mosaic cell populations resulting from X chromosome inactivation. However, by the tenth subculture, the population of cells no longer reflected the heterozygous genotype in 50% of the cultures, as only a single G6PD isozyme was expressed. The ultimate cell composition seems to be influenced by the initial composition, by the nature of alleles at heterozygous X-linked loci that may provide a growth advantage (or disadvantage), as well as by stochastic events. Our results show that lymphoblast cultures may not reflect the X-linked phenotype of the cells from which they were derived. The fate of such cultures seems to be evolution toward clonal cell populations.  相似文献   

The hormones which support growth, in vitro, of normal, neonatal human foreskin fibroblasts were determined. Wheresas thrombin and hydrocortisone were major growth stimulants, platelet-derived growth factor was not. Human foreskin fibroblasts grew in a serum-free, biochemically defined medium consisting of epidermal growth factor (100 ng/ml), insulin (100 ng/ml), trasferrin (10 μg/ml), thrombin (1 μg/ml), ascorbic acid (10 μg/ml), and hydrocortisone (5 × 10?5M) in a 1:1 mixture of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium and Ham's F-12, supplemented with ovalbumin (1 mg/ml) and trace elements. The growth achieved was comparable to that achieved with 5% fetal bovine serum. Neither platelet-derived growth factor, fibroblst growth factor, nor somatomedin activity increased proliferation. This serum-free medium designated Defined Medium F, provides a biochemically defined system for growth and limited subcultivation of human foreskin fibroblasts in vitro.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) especially in combination with insulin and glucagon, has been shown to stimulate DNA synthesis in liver cells, both in the whole animal and in cell cultures. As a further development we have found that in primary monolayer cultures of freshly isolated adult rat liver parenchymal cells, in which contamination with nonparenchymal cells was negligible, DNA synthesis was substantially stimulated by these substances. In control cultures, incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA and labeling of nuclei in autoradiographs was low. The stimulation by EGF was enhanced by insulin and glucagon, whereas these hormones by themselves exhibited only limited activity. These observations were made in cultures of hepatocytes that were never exposed to serum, even during cell isolation and plating. Hence for stimulation of DNA synthesis under these conditions neither serum factors nor interactions with other types of cells or their products were required. The effects of glucagon were reproduced by substances that elevate intracellular concentration of cyclic-AMP, including cholera toxin, isoproterenol, and methylisobutylxanthine. These various substances, especially EGF, glucagon, or cyclic-AMP, altered the morphological characteristics of the cultures during early stages, promoting cellular spreading and aggregation.  相似文献   

The composition of a serum-free, completely chemically defined culture medium which supports active growth of dissociated neural-cells in culture is described. This serum-free medium can also be used to grow many types of human cell lines without modification. It is the first report which describes the development of a wholly chemically defined, synthetic culture medium for growth of neural cells.  相似文献   

The ommatidia in the ventral two-thirds of the compound eye of male Pieris rapae crucivora are not uniform. Each ommatidium contains nine photoreceptor cells. Four cells (R1-4) form the distal two-thirds of the rhabdom, four cells (R5-8) approximately occupy the proximal one-third of the rhabdom, and the ninth cell (R9) takes up a minor basal part of the rhabdom. The R5-8 photoreceptor cells contain clusters of reddish pigment adjacent to the rhabdom. From the position of the pigment clusters, three types of ommatidia can be identified: the trapezoidal (type I), square (type II), and rectangular type (type III). Microspectrophotometry with an epi-illumination microscope has revealed that the reflectance spectra of type I and type III ommatidia peak at 635 nm and those of type II ommatidia peak at 675 nm. The bandwith of the reflectance spectra is 40-50 nm. Type II ommatidia strongly fluoresce under ultra-violet and violet epi-illumination. The three types of ommatidia are randomly distributed. The ommatidial heterogeneity is presumably crucial for color discrimination.  相似文献   

Leduc A  Grenier D  Mayrand D 《Anaerobe》1996,2(4):257-261
Porphyromonas gingivalis is an asaccharolytic bacterium whose metabolism is dependent on the uptake of small peptides and amino acids. The aim of this work was to study the growth of P. gingivalis in a defined basal medium (DBM) supplemented with various sources of proteins. The strain 49417 as well as other virulent isolates could grow in DBM containing 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA). Cells cultivated under this condition showed a slightly modified protein profile, and expressed hemagglutinating as well as proteolytic activities. Other natural proteins under investigation could not support the growth in the DBM. On the other hand, the strain 33277 as well as other avirulent strains of P. gingivalis could not use BSA as a substrate. The ability of P. gingivalis to grow in DBM-BSA is not entirely dependent on its ability to degrade the protein substrate as strain 33277 was able to extensively hydrolyse the molecule. Differences in either metabolic enzymes or peptide transport mechanisms may explain the distinctive behavior between virulent and avirulent strains. Data from this work suggest a relationship between nutritional requirements and virulence of P. gingivalis in an animal model. The DBM-BSA may represent a more appropriate medium for studies on the physiology of P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

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