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The role of leucine-47 in determining the structure and activity of human epidermal growth factor was examined using site-directed mutagenesis. Wild type protein and four variants in which Leu47 was replaced by valine, glutamate, aspartate and alanine were produced from yeast. 1H NMR experiments demonstrated that substitution of Leu47 had little effect on the protein structure. The observed reduction in receptor binding affinity caused by the substitutions could thus be attributed to perturbation of a residue directly involved in receptor interactions.  相似文献   

The isoleucine-23 residue of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) was substituted by a variety of amino acid residues and the receptor-binding activities of variant hEGFs were determined by the use of human KB cell. Tight receptor binding was found of variants with hydrophobic amino acid residues in position 23. The size of the isoleucine residue was nearly optimum for the receptor binding as compared with other hydrophobic residues. The structure analysis by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy showed that the substitution at position 23 only slightly affected the tertiary structure of hEGF. These indicate that the side chain of isoleucine residue in position 23, which is exposed on the protein surface, directly binds to a hydrophobic pocket of the receptor.  相似文献   

Wild-type murine epidermal growth factor (mEGF) and mutants with Leu47 replaced by serine and valine, respectively, have been produced by recombinant DNA methodology. A synthetic gene for mEGF was fused to the coding sequence for the signal peptide of the outer membrane protein A (ompA) of Escherichia coli in the secretion vector pIN-III-ompA3, and the recombinant plasmid was used to transform E. coli. Upon induction of gene expression, mEGF and the mutants was expressed and secreted into the periplasmic space. Purification of the wild-type Leu47-mEGF and the mutants was carried out by reversed-phase and anion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Amino acid analysis and Western blot analysis further confirmed the identities of the proteins. Specific activities for wild-type and mutant proteins were measured in both mEGF receptor binding and autophosphorylation assays. The recombinant mEGF has specific activities identical with that of mEGF purified from mouse submaxillary glands, while both mutants have reduced specific activities in both bioassays. The data demonstrate the importance of the highly conserved Leu47 residue in mEGF for full biological activity.  相似文献   

Photo-chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP)-NMR spectroscopy at 360 MHz has been used to investigate pH-induced conformational transitions in mouse epidermal growth factor. At about pH 9, all five tyrosine residues and both tryptophan residues are, to various extents, solvent-exposed, while the His-22 residue is buried in the protein matrix. Tyr-13 is the least exposed of the tyrosine residues and also the most immobilized. As the pH is decreased to 5.9, the tryptophan residues gradually become less exposed, while the Tyr-13 residue becomes internalized in the protein. These data suggest that the C-terminus and part of the N-terminal structural domain are affected by a conformational transition in mouse epidermal growth factor occurring between pH 6 and 8 via breakage of the His-22 inter-residue linkage. Above pH 9, a decreased photo-CIDNP effect is evident for both tryptophans and for Tyr-10 and Try-13; this information suggests that a second conformational change takes place at basic pH, which may simply be incipient denaturation.  相似文献   

Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR) spectroscopy was used to estimate the percent of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and ATP bound to hemoglobin in intact human erythrocytes at 37 degrees C. Binding was assessed by comparing the chemical shifts (delta) of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and of ATP observed in intact cells with the delta values of these organic phosphates determined in model solutions closely simulating intracellular conditions, in which percent binding was directly evaluated by membrane ultrafiltration. The results showed that the percent of bound 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in intact cells varied with pH, the state of oxygenation, and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentration. The values ranged from 33% in cells incubated with glucose in air at an intracellular pH of 7.2 to 100% in cells incubated with inosine in N2 at a pH of 6.75. At the same 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentration, a greater percentage of the compound appeared to be bound in erythrocytes than in the closely simulated model system. ATP was not significantly bound to hemoglobin under any condition examined, but appeared to be strongly complexed to Mg2+ inside the erythrocyte. The binding percentages for both 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and ATP in intact cells estimated by 31P NMR spectroscopy were lower than those calculated by others from individual association constants determined for the binding of different ligands to hemoglobin.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the mechanism of interaction between human epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptor, selected variants of EGF, differing by single amino acid substitutions, have been made by site-directed mutagenesis. The receptor affinity of these mutants was determined by a receptor binding competition assay, and the effects of the substitution on the structure of the protein were assessed by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Various substitutions of Arg-41 resulted in substantial reduction in receptor affinity of EGF whereas change of Tyr-13 did not affect binding to the receptor. The 1H resonances of all nonexchangeable protons of the Tyr-13----Leu, Arg-41----His, and Leu-47----Glu variants were assigned and compared in order to assess the structural integrity of these mutants, which possess very different spectral and biological properties. In the case of the Leu-47----Glu mutant, only minor localized spectral changes were observed, confirming that the tertiary structure of the protein is preserved upon mutation. In contrast, for both the Arg-41----His and Tyr-13----Leu variants, significant and strikingly similar spectra changes were observed for many residues located far away from the mutated residues. This implies that similar structural alterations have taken place in both proteins, an idea further supported by hydrogen-exchange experiments where the exchange rates of hydrogen-bonded amide protons for both the Tyr-13----Leu and the Arg-41----His mutants were found to be about 4 times faster than in the wild-type protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor protein kinase activity, estimated by the use of peptide substrates, was reduced by as much as 70% after the treatment of intact A431 human carcinoma cells with EGF. The apparent decrease in protein kinase activity was observed after immunoprecipitation of the receptor or after purification of the receptor by lectin chromatography. By the use of [35S]methionine, it was determined that the total amount of receptor obtained was the same whether or not cells were treated with EGF. EGF stimulated the purified receptor protein kinase activity in vitro; however, the EGF-stimulated activity of receptor from EGF-treated cells continued to be reduced by as much at 70% compared to the EGF-stimulated activity from untreated cells. The reduction in receptor protein kinase activity induced by EGF may represent a feedback mechanism by which responsiveness to the growth factor is regulated.  相似文献   

In our previous study, butein, a chalcone derivative, was found to be an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases and the inhibition was ATP-competitive. In this work, chalcone and seven chalcone derivatives were used to analyse the relationship between the structure of these compounds and their inhibition of tyrosine kinase activity. Three of chalcone derivatives, including butein, marein and phloretin, were found to have an ability to inhibit the tyrosine kinase activity of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in vitro. IC(50) was 8 microM for butein, 19 microM for marein and 25 microM for phloretin. The structural characterisations of these inhibitors suggest that the hydroxylations at C4 and C4' of these molecules may be required for them to act as EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The inhibition of EGF-induced EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation by butein was also observed in human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells, while marein and phloretin were inactive at the doses tested. Molecular modelling suggests that butein, marein and phloretin can be docked into the ATP binding pocket of EGFR. Hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interaction appear to be important in the binding of these inhibitors to EGFR.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein (SSB) is an essential protein to protect ssDNA and recruit specific ssDNA-processing proteins. Escherichia coli SSB forms a tetramer at neutral pH, comprising a structurally well-defined ssDNA binding domain (OB-domain) and a disordered C-terminal domain (C-domain) of ∼64 amino acid residues. The C-terminal eight-residue segment of SSB (C-peptide) has been shown to interact with the OB-domain, but crystal structures failed to reveal any electron density of the C-peptide. Here we show that SSB forms a monomer at pH 3.4, which is suitable for studies by high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The OB-domain retains its 3D structure in the monomer, and the C-peptide is shown by nuclear Overhauser effects and lanthanide-induced pseudocontact shifts to bind to the OB-domain at a site that harbors ssDNA in the crystal structure of the SSB–ssDNA complex. 15N relaxation data demonstrate high flexibility of the polypeptide segment linking the C-peptide to the OB-domain and somewhat increased flexibility of the C-peptide compared with the OB-domain, suggesting that the C-peptide either retains high mobility in the bound state or is in a fast equilibrium with an unbound state.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional solution structure of ascidian trypsin inhibitor (ATI), a 55 amino acid residue protein with four disulfide bridges, was determined by means of two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D NMR) spectroscopy. The resulting structure of ATI was characterized by an alpha-helical conformation in residues 35-42 and a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet in residues 22-26, 29-32, and 48-50. The presence of an alpha-helical conformation was predicted from the consensus sequences of the cystine-stabilized alpha-helical (CSH) motif, which is characterized by an alpha-helix structure in the Cys-X(1)-X(2)-X(3)-Cys portion (corresponding to residues 37-41), linking to the Cys-X-Cys portion (corresponding to residues 12-14) folded in an extended structure. The secondary structure and the overall folding of the main chain of ATI were very similar to those of the Kazal-type inhibitors, such as Japanese quail ovomucoid third domain (OMJPQ3) and leech-derived tryptase inhibitor form C (LDTI-C), although ATI does not show extensive sequence homology to these inhibitors except for a few amino acid residues and six of eight half-cystines. On the basis of these findings, we realign the amino acid sequences of representative Kazal-type inhibitors including ATI and discuss the unique structure of ATI with four disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

Four residues in the carboxy-terminal domain of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF), glutamate 40, glutamine 43, arginine 45, and aspartate 46 were targeted for site-directed mutagenesis to evaluate their potential role in epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor-ligand interaction. One or more mutations were generated at each of these sites and the altered recombinant hEGF gene products were purified and evaluated by radioreceptor competition binding assay. Charge-conservative replacement of glutamate 40 with aspartate resulted in a decrease in receptor binding affinity to 30% relative to wild-type hEGF. On the other hand, removal of the electrostatic charge by substitution of glutamate 40 with glutamine or alanine resulted in only a slightly greater decrease in receptor binding to 25% relative receptor affinity. The introduction of a positive charge upon substitution of glutamine 43 with lysine had no effect on receptor binding. The substitution of arginine 45 with lysine also showed no effect on receptor binding, unlike the absolute requirement observed for the arginine side-chain at position 41 [Engler DA, Campion SR, Hauser MR, Cook JS, Niyogi, SK: J Biol Chem 267:2274-2281, 1992]. Subsequent elimination of the positive charge of lysine 45 by reaction with potassium cyanate showed that the electrostatic property of the residue at this site, as well as that at lysine 28 and lysine 48, was not required for receptor-ligand association.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

D Kohda  F Inagaki 《Biochemistry》1992,31(47):11928-11939
The three-dimensional structures of epidermal growth factors (EGF) previously reported were all in acidic solutions (pH 2.0-3.2), at which pHs EGF cannot bind to the receptor. Here we studied the structure of mouse EGF at pH 6.8, where EGF is physiologically active, and compared it with the structure at pH 2.0 by CD and NMR. From pH dependence of CD spectra and a comparison between the chemical shifts of the proton resonances at pH 6.8 and 2.0, the conformations at two pHs were found to be nearly identical except for the C-terminal tail region. The three-dimensional structures at pH 6.8 and 2.0 were determined independently by a combination of two-dimensional 1H NMR and stimulated annealing calculations using the program XPLOR. The calculations were based on 261 distance constraints at pH 6.8 and 355 distance and 24 torsion angle constraints at pH 2.0. The conformational difference of the C-terminal domain (residues 33-50) was detected between the two structures, which were supported by CD and the chemical shift comparison. The positions of the side chains of Leu47, Arg48, Trp49, and Trp50 are changed probably by the effect of the deprotonation of Asp46. Considering the fact that Leu47 is essential in EGF binding to the receptor, this conformational difference may be important in receptor recognition.  相似文献   

The transmembrane precursor of the monkey (Mk) heparin-binding, epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (proHB-EGF) functions as a diphtheria toxin (DT) receptor, whereas the mouse (Ms) precursor does not. Previously, using chimeric Ms/Mk precursors, we have shown that DT resistance of cells bearing Ms proHB-EGF may be accounted for by several amino acid substitutions between residues 122 and 148 within the EGF-like domain and that Glu-141 is an important amino acid residue for DT binding. In this study, reciprocal site-directed mutagenesis was performed on the major non-conserved residues in the region of 122–148, alone or in combination, between Mk and Ms precursors to identify more precisely which amino acid residues are important for DT binding. Two approaches were used. The first, more traditional approach was to destroy DT sensitivity and binding of Mk proHB-EGF by substitution(s) with the corresponding Ms residue(s). From the single mutations, the greatest loss of DT sensitivity was observed with Mk/Glu-141His (approximately 4000-fold) and the next greatest with Mk/Ile-133Lys (approximately fourfold). The double mutations Mk/Leu-127Phe/Glu-141His, Mk/Ile-133Lys/Glu-141His and Mk/His-135Leu/Glu-141His resulted in complete toxin resistance (> 100 000-fold). The second approach, both novel and complementary, was to gain DT binding and sensitivity of Ms proHB-EGF by substitution(s) with the corresponding Mk residue(s). Surprisingly, the single mutation Ms/His-141Glu resulted in the gain of moderate DT sensitivity (> 260-fold). The double mutation Ms/Lys-133Ile/His-141Glu and the triple mutation Ms/Lys-133Ile/Leu-135His/His-141Glu resulted in a progressive gain in toxin sensitivity (> 4700-fold and > 16 000-fold respectively) and affinity. This triple mutant cell line is essentially as sensitive (IC50 = 3.1 ng ml?1) as the highly toxin-sensitive monkey Vero cell line (IC50 = 4 ng ml?1), indicating that these three Mk residues enable the Ms proHB-EGF to act as a fully functional DT receptor. Taken together, these results indicate that Glu-141 plays the most critical role in DT binding and sensitivity and that two additional amino acid residues, Ile-133 and His-135, also play significant roles.  相似文献   

Wilder PT  Varney KM  Weiss MB  Gitti RK  Weber DJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(15):5690-5702
The EF-hand calcium-binding protein S100B also binds one zinc ion per subunit with a relatively high affinity (K(d) approximately 90 nM) [Wilder et al., (2003) Biochemistry 42, 13410-13421]. In this study, the structural characterization of zinc binding to calcium-loaded S100B was examined using high-resolution NMR techniques, including structural characterization of this complex in solution at atomic resolution. As with other S100 protein structures, the quaternary structure of Zn(2+)-Ca(2+)-bound S100B was found to be dimeric with helices H1, H1', H4, and H4' forming an X-type four-helix bundle at the dimer interface. NMR data together with mutational analyses are consistent with Zn(2+) coordination arising from His-15 and His-25 of one S100B subunit and from His-85 and Glu-89 of the other subunit. The addition of Zn(2+) was also found to extend helices H4 and H4' three to four residues similar to what was previously observed with the binding of target proteins to S100B. Furthermore, a kink in helix 4 was observed in Zn(2+)-Ca(2+)-bound S100B that is not in Ca(2+)-bound S100B. These structural changes upon Zn(2+)-binding could explain the 5-fold increase in affinity that Zn(2+)-Ca(2+)-bound S100B has for peptide targets such as the TRTK peptide versus Ca(2+)-bound S100B. There are also changes in the relative positioning of the two EF-hand calcium-binding domains and the respective helices comprising these EF-hands. Changes in conformation such as these could contribute to the order of magnitude higher affinity that S100B has for calcium in the presence of Zn(2+).  相似文献   

Dimerization of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) leads to the activation of its tyrosine kinase. To elucidate whether dimerization is responsible for activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain or just plays a role in the stabilization of the active form, the activated status of wild-type EGFR moiety in the heterodimer with kinase activity-deficient mutant receptors was investigated. The kinase activity of the wild-type EGFR was partially activated by EGF in the heterodimer with intracellular domain deletion (sEGFR) or ATP binding-deficient mutant (K721A) EGFRs, while the wild-type EGFR in the heterodimer of wild-type and phosphate transfer activity-deficient mutant receptor D813N could be fully activated. After treatment with EGF, the ATP binding affinity and the V(max) of the wild-type EGFR increased. In the presence of sEGFR, a similar increase in the affinity for ATP was observed, but V(max) did not change. A two-step activation mechanism for EGFR was proposed: upon binding of EGF, the affinity for ATP increased and then, as a result of interaction between the neighboring tyrosine kinase domain, V(max) increased.  相似文献   

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