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常用杀虫杀螨剂对腐食酪螨的毒力测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用药膜法和玻片浸渍法分别测定了14种常用杀虫杀螨剂对腐食酪螨雌成螨和卵的毒力。结果表明:各药剂对雌成螨都有一定作用,但对卵没有杀伤效果。其中,对雌成螨毒力最高的为杀螨多,LC50为0.2568 mg.L-1;毒力最低的为敌敌畏,LC50为320.4793 mg.L-1。  相似文献   


The predacious mite Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez completed its life-span when fed on eggs and crawlers of the Florida red scale Chrysomphalus ficus Ashmead and the white date scale Parlatoria blanchardi (Targioni). The development was faster when individuals were maintained on eggs and crawlers of C. ficus, compared with both stages of P. blanchardi. The average number of eggs/female/day was 2.5 and 1.1 on eggs and crawlers of C. ficus, respectively. Eggs and crawlers of P. blanchardi were an unsuitable food for egg laying for A. exsertus. Life table parameters showed that A. exsertus preferred eggs of C. ficus to the crawlers as prey. The population of the predator feeding on eggs and crawlers of Florida red scale multiplied 45 and 7 times in a generation time of 23 and 20.5 days, respectively. Under these conditions, the intrinsic rate of increase (r m) was (0.17 and 0.098) individuals/female/day on eggs and crawlers of C. ficus, while the finite rate of increase (λ) was (1.18 and 1.11) on both stages of C. ficus.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of the predatory mite, Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) (Acari: Phytoseiidae), to the field rates of seven commercial insecticides was evaluated in laboratory bioassays. In direct treatments with lufenuron, novaluron, pyrifluquinazon, and sulfoxaflor, 82–88% of N. californicus adult females survived 168 h after exposure. Females exposed to these four insecticides produced 14–19% fewer eggs compared to females in the control group. Eclosion of eggs deposited by treated females was not affected. The percentage of eggs that hatched and larval survival following direct exposure to these four insecticides were not seriously reduced. A total of 72–82% of immature N. californicus survived on leaf discs with residues of lufenuron, novaluron, pyrifluquinazon, and sulfoxaflor matured to adults. Emamectin benzoate, lepimectin and spirotetramat were highly toxic to both N. californicus adult females and larvae. Based on these results, lufenuron, novaluron, pyrifluquinazon and sulfoxaflor are promising candidates for use in integrated pest management programs where N. californicus is a major natural enemy.  相似文献   

The biology and life table parameters of Agistemus industani Gonzalez, A. cyprius Gonzalez, and A. floridanus Gonzalez (Acari: Stigmaeidae) were studied under laboratory conditions using two food sources: Panonychus citri (McGregor) eggs or ice plant, Malephora crocea (Jacquin) Schwantes pollen at 25 degrees C. The larval, protonymph, deutonymph, and adult stages of A. industani fed on citrus red mite eggs. All active stages of A. industani, except the larva, fed on all P. citri stages and the larval stage could not feed on P. citri adults. All immature stages of A. industani fed on M. crocea pollen. Agistemus cyprius larvae fed on P. citri eggs and larvae or ice plant pollen. The nymphal stages fed on P. citri eggs, larvae, and protonymphs but not deutonymphs or adults while A. cyprius deutonymphs and adults fed on all P. citri stages. Adult and nymphal stages of A. cyprius fed on ice plant pollen and successfully completed their development while A. floridanus did not. Agistemus floridanus larvae fed only on P. citri eggs, while the other stages fed on P. citri eggs, larvae, and protonymphs. The developmental times from egg to adult for A. industani and A. cyprius when fed M. crocea pollen were 11.3 and 13.4 days, respectively. Agistemus floridanus was unable to complete its life cycle on a diet of only M. crocea pollen. Agistemus industani, A. cyprius, and A. floridanus completed development from egg to adult in 11.7, 13.8, and 10.8 days, respectively, when fed P. citri eggs. The intrinsic rate of increase (r(m)) values for A. cyprius and A. industani were 0.0311 and 0.1201 per day on the pollen diet. The net reproductive rate (Ro) was 3.58 for A. cyprius and 10.07 for A. industani with generation times (T) of 45.2 and 35.1 days, respectively, on the ice plant pollen diet. The r(m) values for A. cyprius, A. floridanus, and A. industani on the P. citri egg only diet were: 0.0562, 0.1001, and 0.1031 per day, respectively. The Ro values for each species fed P. citri eggs only were: 6.36, 7.90, and 18.70 for A. cyprius, A. floridanus, and A. industani and the generation times (T) for each of the three species were: 35.2, 29.9 and 37.8 days, respectively.  相似文献   

In order to aid the integration of biological and chemical controls for the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), this study evaluated the relative toxicity of five insecticides to the leaf miner predator Macrolophus basicornis (Stal) (Hemiptera: Miridae). The insecticides evaluated were teflubenzuron, abamectin, chlorantraniliprole, chlorfenapyr, and cartap hydrochloride, all of which are recommended for control of T. absoluta in Brazil. Nymphs and adults of M. basicornis were exposed to tomato leaves treated with the insecticides, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The overall mortality caused by the products in both situations was recorded, and the survival of congeneric groups was analysed using the Weibull model. The persistence of the insecticides was also evaluated and they were categorised into toxicity classes proposed by the International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC) based on predator mortality and persistence. Abamectin and chlorfenapyr were toxic to M. basicornis nymphs and adults in all bioassays. Cartap hydrochloride was slightly harmful to adults in laboratory assays, but harmful to nymphs, and moderately harmful under greenhouse conditions. Chlorantraniliprole and teflubenzuron were harmless in most assays, except when nymphs were exposed in the laboratory, where they were moderately and slightly harmful, respectively. Chlorantraniliprole and teflubenzuron should be preferred insecticides for use in tomato leaf miner IPM programmes that aim to conserve M. basicornis populations.  相似文献   

Cannibalism (intraspecific predation) on conspecific eggs was investigated in the predatory stigmaeid mite, Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez in the absence of eggs of Tetranychus urticae Koch (no-choice tests) and presence of three densities of prey eggs simultaneously (choice tests) in the laboratory. Data show that cannibalism occurs in immatures and adult females of the predator, which successfully developed and reproduced on conspecific eggs as an alternative prey in the absence of prey eggs. In no-choice tests, cannibalism rate on conspecific eggs by A. exsertus stages was significantly lower than the predation rate on T. urticae eggs. The predatory mite exhibited a marked decline in oviposition rate when preyed on conspecific eggs compared with feeding on prey eggs. The developmental duration and longevity of A. exsertus females were significantly longer 1.9 and 1.7 times, respectively, when fed on conspecific eggs than feeding on T. urticae eggs. The propensity of the predator towards cannibalism depends on the prey density, when T. urticae eggs and conspecific eggs are present simultaneously. Provision of increased densities of prey eggs significantly decreased cannibalism and predation by A. exsertus stages, which fed generally less on conspecific eggs than on T. urticae eggs in choice tests. The oviposition rate of the predator increased significantly, as the egg density of the prey increased. The developmental period and longevity of A. exsertus females showed significantly gradual shortness with increasing egg density of the prey.  相似文献   

为评价杀螨剂对二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch的毒力和对少毛钝绥螨Proprioseiopsis asetus Chant的安全性,本文采用叶片喷雾法测定了4种田间常用杀螨剂对少毛钝绥螨和二斑叶螨的毒力,并分析比较了4种杀螨剂对少毛钝绥螨和二斑叶螨的选择毒力。试验结果表明,4种杀螨剂对少毛钝绥螨雌成螨和二斑叶螨雌成螨的毒力选择指数大小依次为:联苯肼酯(10.1261)>阿维菌素(5.4664)>哒螨灵(3.5293)>克螨特(2.3615)。联苯肼酯对少毛钝绥螨的毒力选择指数最高,具有中度正向选择性,即联苯肼酯对少毛钝绥螨的毒力明显低于其对二斑叶螨的毒力。阿维菌素、哒螨灵、克螨特对少毛钝绥螨和二斑叶螨的毒力选择指数也都大于1,但都小于10,即这3种杀螨剂对少毛钝绥螨和二斑叶螨都有较低的正向选择性。4种杀螨剂常规使用浓度下对少毛钝绥螨雌成螨的安全系数大小依次为:联苯肼酯>阿维菌素>哒螨灵>克螨特。联苯肼酯的安全系数为16.8935~24.4025,阿维菌素的安全系数为5.5782~22.3127,均大于5,表示联苯肼酯和阿维菌素在推荐使用浓度的低浓度情况下,对少毛钝绥螨的安全性高。而15%哒螨灵乳油和73%克螨特乳油的安全系数仅1.1709~1.7564和1.0523~1.5807,在推荐使用浓度的低浓度情况下,对少毛钝绥螨的安全性一般。因此建议在生产中应用少毛钝绥螨进行生物防治时,可优先选用联苯肼酯和阿维菌素配合使用,而不建议使用哒螨灵和克螨特。  相似文献   

Pyralid moths, Ephestia kuehniella and Plodia interpunctella, are prevalent stored product pests. The insecticides are the main tool to control these moths in the stores. The data describing the response of these moths to insecticides are scarce. The lethal effect of the organophosphate, pyrethroid, and halogenated-pyrrole on moths larvae were compared in laboratory test. The hypothesis was that the very polyphagous P. interpunctella would have generally higher insecticide tolerance than that of the stenophagous E. kuehniella. Different insecticide concentrations were applied onto the inner surface of glass tube vials. Ten larvae of 14 or 21 d old of E. kuehniella and 7 or 14 d old of P. interpunctella were used by treatment. The larval mortality was checked after 24 h of exposure. The mortality was significantly influenced by age of larvae and the groups of chemicals. No differences among the efficacies of the tested formulations with identical active compounds were found, except significant different mortality of E. kuehniella on deltamethrin formulations. A comparison of analytical standards showed that P. interpunctella was less susceptible to the active ingredient pirimiphos-methyl than E. kuehniella, while E. kuehniella was less susceptible to deltamethrin than P. interpunctella. No differences between the two species were observed for chlorfenapyr. We therefore rejected the hypothesis that polyphagy/stenophagy can be a general predictor of insecticide tolerance in the two tested storage moths. The most important finding for effective use was that the young larvae of both species were more susceptible to tested insecticides than older larvae.  相似文献   

  1. A mathematical model was constructed describing population dynamics of the arrowhead scale, Unaspis yanonensis Kuwana. The population occurrence patterns simulated by the model from 1971 to 1976 were relatively consistent with the actual findings in the field.
  2. The effects of control tactics for this pest were examined on the basis of the model.
  3. Effective timing of insecticide (petroleum oil and organophosphorous insecticide) application was indicated to be 40 days after the initial appearance of 1st-instar nymphs in both the 1st and 2nd generations of the host.
  4. The number of overwintering adult females in May of the next year (i.e., the starting point of the next year's population) decreased linearly with the increment in the degree of insecticide coverage. The pest populations were expected to be kept to low densities by petroleum oil sprays alone for the 1st generation when overall, complete coverage was accomplished.
  5. Examination of the effects of two introduced parasitoids, Aphytis yanonensis and Coccobius fulvus, showed that they were able to control the scale population by themselves when more than 70% parasitism was achieved. When petroleum oil was applied to overwintering adults (termed winter petroleum oil) at the degree of coverage of 0.8, host populations were reduced by ca. 60% parasitism. When the winter petroleum oil was combined either with additional petroleum oil 40 days after the initial appearance of 1st-instar nymphs of the 1st generation or with an organophosphorous insecticide 40 days after the initial appearance of 1st-instar nymphs of the 2nd generation (degree of coverage=0.8 in each case), 40% parasitism led the reduction of the pest population.
  6. The most desirable control program was considered to be one in which winter petroleum oil was used every year and additional petroleum oil or an organophosphorous insecticide was also used in those years when host density was high.

Abstract  The recent arrival of lettuce aphid ( Nasonovia ribis-nigri (Mosley) ) in Australia has resulted in a pesticide-based protection program based upon seedling drenches of imidacloprid being promoted by many advisory agencies and accepted by growers as the only option available. This has caused concern about potential for incompatibility with existing integrated pest management programs for other pests in lettuce. Two neonicotinoid insecticides, imidacloprid (Confidor 200SC) and thiamethoxam (Actara), were applied to lettuce seedlings by drenching. A model aphid ( Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) ), used because N. ribis-nigri was not present in mainland Australia at that time, was periodically released onto the seedlings over 10 weeks. The effects of imidacloprid and thiamethoxam on larvae of predatory brown lacewings ( Micromus tasmaniae (Walker) ) which fed on the aphids were measured over 10 weeks by bioassay. Imidacloprid applied at a rate of 11 mL active ingredient (ai) per 1000 seedlings and thiamethoxam applied at 0.5 g ai per 1000 seedlings were highly toxic to M. tasmaniae that consumed aphids from the seedlings for up to 4 weeks after application. A 1/10 rate of imidacloprid (1.1 mL ai per 1000 seedlings) caused moderate toxicity for 3 weeks, and was then harmless to M. tasmaniae . Thiamethoxam and the high rate of imidacloprid caused almost complete mortality of aphids for about 6 weeks after application, and the low rate of imidacloprid displayed similarly high activity for about 3 weeks.  相似文献   

To create plots with differential levels ofEuseius, malathion sprays, highly toxic to phytoseiids but of low toxicity to citrus red mite,Panonychus citri (CRM), and citrus thrips,Scirtothrips citri, were applied to blocks of Valencia oranges for three seasons (1984, 1985 and 1986) and Eureka lemons for one season (1985). Releases ofEuseius spp. were made in plots within the treated blocks. In 1984, CRM populations were highest in the treated/no release plot, lowest in the untreated and intermediate in the treated/Euseius stipulatus-release plot. In 1985, CRM populations were high in all plots in the oranges (including theE. tularensis release) except theE. stipulatus-release plot, and in all plots in the lemons except the untreated.Euseius releases in the lemons had no effect, apparently because they were followed by very hot weather. In 1986, CRM was very low in all plots.Euseius stipulatus became the dominant phytoseiid species even in theE. tularensis-release plots after a few weeks, indicating that this species colonized more readily and spread to other trees more rapidly than didE. tularensis. The results support the hypothesis thatE. stipulatus is an important mortality factor contributing to CRM control at low levels.Euseius stipulatus also may have a negative impact on the citrus rust mite,Phyllocoptruta oleivora. Citrus thrips populations were low during the entire study period and did not differ significantly between plots.  相似文献   

The spread of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), has resulted in the world‐wide destabilization of established integrated pest management programs for many crops. It is hypothesized that frequent exposure to insecticides in intensive agriculture selected for resistant populations, which allowed invasive populations in the eastern USA to overcome biotic resistance from the native community of species. Research conducted in Florida to understand the role of biotic factors in limiting the abundance of the western flower thrips is reviewed. Orius spp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) are effective predators that suppress populations of thrips on crop and non‐crop hosts in southern and northern Florida. Orius are more effective predators of the western flower thrips than the native flower thrips, F. tritici (Fitch) and F. bispinosa (Morgan). The native species are competitors of the western flower thrips. Excessive fertilization and the use of broad‐spectrum insecticides in crop fields further enhances populations of the western flower thrips. Interactions with native species clearly limit the abundance of western flower thrips in Florida, but populations are abundant in fertilized crop fields where application of insecticides excludes predators and competitor species.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to collect baseline information for implementing an acaricide resistance management program of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) to hexythiazox in Brazilian citrus groves. The egg susceptibility of B. phoenicis to hexythiazox was measured by a direct contact bioassay. The estimated LC50 for the S strain was 0.89 mg hexythiazox L(-1) of water (95% FL 0.75-1.03). After hexythiazox selection of a field-collected population associated with intense hexythiazox use, a resistance ratio greater than 10,000-fold was detected. Results from a survey revealed a great variability in the frequency of resistance in populations of B. phoenicis collected from citrus groves located in the State of S?o Paulo. No relationship was observed between the intensity of hexythiazox use and the frequency of resistance. Studies on dynamics of resistance showed that the resistance of B. phoenicis to hexythiazox is stable under laboratory conditions. Therefore, there is an urgent need to implement resistance management of B. phoenicis to hexythiazox in order to prolong its effective use in Brazilian citrus groves.  相似文献   

为明确植物性杀螨活性物质东莨菪内酯与双脱甲氧基姜黄素对朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus雌成螨毒力的温度效应, 采用玻片浸渍法测定了两者不同温度下的杀螨活性。结果表明: 在8~26℃的温度范围内, 东莨菪内酯和双脱甲氧基姜黄素对朱砂叶螨雌成螨的毒力呈正温度系数; 在26~34℃的温度范围内两者对朱砂叶螨雌成螨的毒力呈负温度系数。其中26℃下东莨菪内酯和双脱甲氧基姜黄素表现出较好杀螨活性, 处理后48 h的致死中浓度(LC50)分别为0.1884和0.3376 mg/mL; 23℃下的毒力次之。致死中浓度(y)与温度(x)关系的拟合方程为: 东莨菪内酯: y1= 0.006x12-0.278x1+3.403; 双脱甲氧基姜黄素: y2=0.007x22-0.354x2+4.826。对y求最小值得出, 东莨菪内酯和双脱甲氧基姜黄素对朱砂叶螨雌成螨的最高毒力温度分别为23.2℃和25.3℃, LC50分别为0.1828和0.3504 mg/mL。据此认为, 在一定的温度范围内, 随着温度的升高, 这两种植物性杀螨活性物质对朱砂叶螨的毒力与温度先呈正相关, 到达最佳毒力温度后再呈负相关。  相似文献   

Sublethal effects of Thymus vulgaris were investigated on life-table parameters of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) in the laboratory conditions at 25?±?1?°C, 70?±?10% RH and a 14:10?h (L:D) photoperiod. Bioassay was conducted to assess the effect of different concentrations of T. vulgaris essential oil on two-spotted spider mite. LC50 and LC20 of T. vulgaris on T. urticae were calculated as 18.86 and 6.24?μl/litre air for 24?h after treatment. In the sublethal effects, after 24?h exposure to LC50 concentration, mortality, fecundity and longevity of the females that survived from treatment were determined. Results showed that T. vulgaris caused significant reductions in fecundity and longevity of adults. Life-table assay indicated that the intrinsic rate of increase (r m), net reproductive rate (R 0), finite rate of increase (λ), mean generation time (T), significantly reduced in treated females compared to control. These results suggest that T. vulgaris could be incorporated in integrated pest management programmes of T. urticae.  相似文献   

Humidification can suppress water loss from an organism and has great potential for improving the cold storage of short‐lived arthropods, such as predatory mites. The effectiveness of humidity‐controlled cold storage was recently verified for Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) females but was not examined for males. Combining both males and females in one storage protocol might increase the predator population because it would enhance the opportunity for multiple mating, which is necessary for females to maximize their egg production. Newly emerged adult males were stored at an air temperature of 5°C and relative humidity (RH) of 100% or 80%. The median survival time (LT50) was 32 days at 100% RH and 14 days at 80% RH; the survival curves differed significantly. Males stored at 100% RH for 0, 10, 20 and 30 days were introduced to virgin females for mating at 25°C to evaluate their reproductive ability. The pre‐oviposition period was significantly prolonged in the females mated with males stored for ≥20 days. No negative effects of storage were observed on the oviposition period, total number of eggs or net reproduction rate (R0) in the females mated with males stored for ≤20 days or on the mean generation time (T) for those stored for 30 days. A slight decrease in the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was observed in the females mated with males stored for ≥20 days. Our storage method can preserve N. californicus males for 20 days with only a minor reduction in their survival and reproductive ability.  相似文献   

The relation between some biological aspects of the predatory mite, Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez and nymph densities of Tetranychus urticae Koch was studied in the laboratory. Predation and oviposition of A. exsertus showed Holling's Type II functional and numerical responses to changes in prey density. The total predation by A. exsertus females initially averaged 79.42 nymphs/female at 2 prey nymphs/day, significantly increased to a maximum average of 208.92 nymphs/female at 10 nymphs/day and gradually decreased to 90.92 nymphs/female at 30 prey items/day. Similarly, the predator significantly deposited total averages of 14.75, 76.42 and 34.33 eggs/female at 2, 10 and 30 nymph densities/day, respectively. The preoviposition and oviposition periods as well as longevity of A. exsertus significantly shortened with increasing prey densities.  相似文献   

The striped lynx spider, Oxyopes salticus Hentz, is found in high abundances in agricultural fields where it forages on many agricultural pests. Pesticides are applied to these fields and can therefore impact these natural pest predators. Researchers have examined the effects of a number of pesticides on this spider and other pest predators, but many of these studies only examine how these pesticides affect mortality. More recently, researchers have begun to examine the sublethal effects of these chemicals. We examined both the lethal and sublethal effects of three common pesticides with the active ingredients bifenthrin, carbaryl and malathion. We found that only malathion significantly reduced the post‐exposure lifespan of these spiders; however, each pesticide had sublethal effects on behaviour. Exposure to malathion reduced jumping, likely an important foraging and escape behaviour. Spiders exposed to bifenthrin spent increased time grooming, which can reduce the time spent performing other important behaviours. Finally, spiders that were exposed to carbaryl surprisingly increased their prey capture rate. We show here that pesticides can not only directly affect the lifespan of the striped lynx spider but that each pesticide can cause different sublethal effects that likely impact the survival and ecology of these important pest predators.  相似文献   

Abstract A greater understanding of the relative impact of insecticide use on non‐target species is critical for the incorporation of natural enemies into integrated pest management strategies. Here we use a small‐plot field trial to examine the relative impact of an insecticide on herbivores and predators found in soybean (Glycine max L.), and to highlight the issues associated with calculating impact factors from these studies. The pyrethroid insecticide (Deltamethrin) caused a significant reduction in invertebrate abundance in the treated plots, and populations did not recover to pre‐treatment levels even 20 days after spraying. To assess the relative impact of the spray on arthropods we first examined the mean difference in abundance in each plot before and after spraying. All herbivores decreased in abundance in the sprayed plots but increased in the control plots after spraying. Most predators (excluding hemipterans) showed a decrease in the control plots but a proportionally greater decrease in the sprayed plots. Next we examined the corrected percentage population reduction calculated using Abbott's formula. All predators (including Araneae) experienced a greater reduction (mean 87% ± 3.54 SE) than herbivores (mean 56% ± 4.37 SE) and Araneae alone (mean 71% ± 8.12 SE). The range in values across the plots varied and made categorising overall impact subjective for some taxa. Despite the constraints associated with small‐plot trials, by using a combination of impact factors and examining community‐level response across time, we did get some indication of the likely impact of this insecticide if used in a commercial situation.  相似文献   

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