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The assay system of chondroitin sulfate iron colloid (CSFe) was established to evaluate the reticuloendothelial system (RES) function in individual rabbits. In the multi-dose study of CSFe, CSFe was repeatedly administered to each individual rabbit with increasing doses (0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 6.0 mg/kg) at set intervals. Blood samples were serially collected after injection of CSFe and the concentration of CSFe in serum was directly measured as an iron concentration by modifying the previously described assay method [1] to minimize the sample volume. The clearance rate of CSFe at each injected dose was computed by the least-squares method and the double-reciprocal plotting of the doses against the phagocytic velocities by the Lineweaver-Burk method was obtained in each rabbit. The maximum phagocytic velocity (Vmax) and the CSFe concentration producing 1/2 Vmax (Kp) obtained in ten rabbits were 0.129 +/- 0.025 mg/kg per min and 0.417 +/- 0.121 mg/kg (mean +/- S.D.), respectively. The results obtained from this multi-dose study were comparable to our previous results obtained from the mean values of five groups given different doses [1]. The clearance rates of CSFe (0.6, 1.2, 6 mg/kg) decreased after the co-injection of 80 mg/kg of carbon colloid. The calculated Vmax and Kp in 29 rabbits were 0.125 mg/kg per min and 1.167 mg/kg. The Kp was apparently greater than that of the control (Vmax = 0.128 mg/kg per min, Kp = 0.421 mg/kg). Carbon colloid (80 mg/kg) was injected to six rabbits after the completion of the first multi-dose study of CSFe and then the second multi-dose study of CSFe was repeated after 24 h. No differences were found in Vmax and Kp between the two studies as were in the control group (10 rabbits) where saline was injected instead of carbon colloid. These results indicated that carbon colloid (80 mg/kg) gives a competitive and reversible inhibition on the RES. This multi-dose study of CSFe may be applicable for a bed-side analysis of the RES function in a patient.  相似文献   

The authors studied the effect of hydrocortisone (125 mg/kg) on blood clearance of colloidal carbon in vivo in adult female rats weighing 240-280 g. Administration of the hormone caused the depression of reticuloendothelial absorption function 2, 24 and 48 h after hormonal stimulation. The depression of the absorption ability was accompanied by a decrease in phagocytic activity of Kupffer cells, the major compartment of the reticuloendothelial system. No changes were recorded in the absorption ability of the reticuloendothelial cells after daily administration of hydrocortisone in a single dose of 12.5 mg/kg for 1, 2 and 3 weeks.  相似文献   



Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) are principal pericellular and extracellular components that form regulatory milieu involving numerous biological and pathophysiological phenomena. Diverse functions of CSPGs can be mainly attributed to structural variability of their polysaccharide moieties, chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans (CS-GAG). Comprehensive understanding of the regulatory mechanisms for CS biosynthesis and its catabolic processes is required in order to understand those functions.

Scope of review

Here, we focus on recent advances in the study of enzymatic regulatory pathways for CS biosynthesis including successive modification/degradation, distinct CS functions, and disease phenotypes that have been revealed by perturbation of the respective enzymes in vitro and in vivo.

Major conclusions

Fine-tuned machineries for CS production/degradation are crucial for the functional expression of CS chains in developmental and pathophysiological processes.

General significance

Control of enzymes responsible for CS biosynthesis/catabolism is a potential target for therapeutic intervention for the CS-associated disorders.  相似文献   

We compared the relative capacities of two over-sulfated glycosaminoglycans, heparin and chondroitin sulfate E, to alter the function of native properdin (nP) and activated properdin (aP) in the formation and stabilization of the amplification C3 convertase (C3b,Bb). Heparin was more active on a weight basis than chondroitin sulfate E in inhibiting the formation of C3b,Bb without or with nP, but had no influence on the decay of a pre-formed convertase, either unstabilized or stabilized with nP or aP. In contrast, chondroitin sulfate E was over 10-fold more active than heparin in preventing the formation of C3b,Bb in the presence of aP, and gave dose-related acceleration of decay of pre-formed C3b,Bb,aP but not of unstabilized or nP-stabilized pre-formed convertase. The inhibitory effect of both glycosaminoglycans on the formation of C3b,Bb in the presence of nP or aP was less when the number of C3b sites per target cell was increased. The preferential action of chondroitin sulfate E on the function of aP during the formation and decay of C3b,Bb,aP as compared to C3b,Bb,nP implies functional differences in the two forms of P even when they have been incorporated into C3b,Bb. The equal potency, when adjusted for uronic acid content, of chondroitin sulfate E proteoglycan isolated from the T cell-dependent, bone marrow-derived murine mast cell and of chondroitin sulfate E glycosaminoglycan from squid reveals that the linkage of the glycosaminoglycan to a peptide core does not diminish its regulatory action on the alternative complement pathway.  相似文献   

N-cadherin and beta1-integrins play decisive roles in morphogenesis and neurite extension and are often present on the same cell. Therefore, the function of these two types of adhesion systems must be coordinated in time and space to achieve the appropriate cell and tissue organization. We now show that interaction of the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan neurocan with its GalNAcPTase receptor coordinately inhibits both N-cadherin- and beta1-integrin-mediated adhesion and neurite outgrowth. Furthermore, the inhibitory activity is localized to an NH(2)-terminal fragment of neurocan containing an Ig loop and an HA-binding domain. The effect of neurocan on beta1-integrin function is dependent on a signal originating from the cadherin cytoplasmic domain, possibly mediated by the nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase Fer, indicating that cadherin and integrin engage in direct cross-talk. In the developing chick, neural retina neurocan is present in the inner plexiform layer from day 7 on, and the GalNAcPTase receptor becomes restricted to the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer (as well as the fiber layer), the two forming a sandwich. These data suggest that the coordinate inhibition of cadherin and integrin function on interaction of neurocan with its receptor may prevent cell and neurite migration across boundaries.  相似文献   

Production of chondroitin sulfate and chondroitin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The production of microbial polysaccharides has recently gained much interest because of their potential biotechnological applications. Several pathogenic bacteria are known to produce capsular polysaccharides, which provide a protection barrier towards harsh environmental conditions, and towards host defences in case of invasive infections. These capsules are often composed of glycosaminoglycan-like polymers. Glycosaminoglycans are essential structural components of the mammalian extracellular matrix and they have several applications in the medical, veterinary, pharmaceutical and cosmetic field because of their peculiar properties. Most of the commercially available glycosaminoglycans have so far been extracted from animal sources, and therefore the structural similarity of microbial capsular polysaccharides to these biomolecules makes these bacteria ideal candidates as non-animal sources of glycosaminoglycan-derived products. One example is hyaluronic acid which was formerly extracted from hen crests, but is nowadays produced via Streptococci fermentations. On the other hand, no large scale biotechnological production processes for heparin and chondrotin sulfate have been developed. The larger demand of these biopolymers compared to hyaluronic acid (tons vs kilograms), due to the higher titre in the final product (grams vs milligrams/dose), and the scarce scientific effort have hampered the successful development of fermentative processes. In this paper we present an overview of the diverse applications and production methods of chondroitin reported so far in literature with a specific focus on novel microbial biotechnological approaches.  相似文献   

Monolayer cultures of embryonic chick chondrocytes were incubated with 35SO42- in the presence and absence of 1.0 mM p-nitrophenyl-beta-d-xyloside for 2 days. The relative amounts of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan and free polysaccharide chains were measured following gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. Synthesis of beta-xyloside-initiated polysaccharide chains was accompanied by an apparent decrease in chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan production by the treated cultures. When levels of cartilage-specific core protein were determined by a radioimmunoassay, similar amounts of core protein were found in both beta-xyloside and control cultures, indicating that decreased synthesis of core protein is not responsible for the observed decrease in chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan production. Activity levels of the chain-initiating glycosyltransferases (UDP-D-xylose: core protein xylosyltransferase and UDP-D-galactose:D-xylose galactosyltransferase) as well as the extent of xylosylation of core protein were found to be similar in cell extracts from both culture types. Furthermore, beta-xylosides did not inhibit the xylosyltransferase reaction in cell-free studies. In contrast, the beta-xylosides effectively competed with several galactose acceptors, including an enzymatically synthesized xylosylated core protein acceptor, in the first galactosyltransferase reaction.  相似文献   

To study if by varying the particle size of a 99mTc albumin colloid preparation its relative bone marrow accumulation could be increased, it was separated by gel filtration and different fractions were injected into mice. Particles around and smaller than the peak size of the colloid, 31 nm, exhibited a higher bone marrow/liver-spleen uptake ratio than larger particles but the uptake ratio was similar to that of the unseparated colloid. An antimony sulphide colloid showed a similar particle size distribution, but the corresponding uptake ratio was half of the albumin colloid. This indicates that characteristics other than size determine the distribution of a colloid in the reticuloendothelial system.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been shown that a deficiency in ChGn-1 (chondroitin N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-1) reduced the numbers of CS (chondroitin sulfate) chains, leading to skeletal dysplasias in mice. Although these results indicate that ChGn-1 regulates the number of CS chains, the mechanism mediating this regulation is not clear. ChGn-1 is thought to initiate CS biosynthesis by transferring the first GalNAc (N-acetylgalactosamine) to the tetrasaccharide in the protein linkage region of CS. However, in vitro chondroitin polymerization does not occur on the non-reducing terminal GalNAc-linkage pentasaccharide structure. In the present study we show that several different heteromeric enzyme complexes composed of different combinations of four chondroitin synthase family members synthesized more CS chains when a GalNAc-linkage pentasaccharide structure with a non-reducing terminal 4-O-sulfation was the CS acceptor. In addition, C4ST-2 (chondroitin 4-O-sulfotransferase-2) efficiently transferred sulfate from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate to position 4 of non-reducing terminal GalNAc-linkage residues, and the number of CS chains was regulated by the expression levels of C4ST-2 and of ChGn-1. Taken together, the results of the present study indicate that C4ST-2 plays a key role in regulating levels of CS synthesized via ChGn-1.  相似文献   

魏练平  蒋立科 《生物学杂志》2007,24(6):55-57,36
硫酸软骨素是生物界广泛存在的酸性粘多糖,广泛存在于动物的器官软骨。以猪器官软骨为原料,采用碱提取和酶解相结合的方法提取硫酸软骨素,利用正交实验对碱提取过程中的温度,碱浓度以及提取时间等三个关键因素进行优化,并对硫酸软骨素成品的相关指标进行检测。正交实验结果表明,最佳的碱提取条件为:温度40℃、提取时间8h、碱提取浓度为0.15g/mL。在此条件下获得的碱提取液,通过酶解、脱色、醇沉、干燥,得到白色硫酸软骨素成品,总得率为20%,各项指标均符合国家部颁标准,达到出口要求。  相似文献   

The precipitation of tobacco mosaic virus by sodium chondroitin sulfate in an aqueous solution was investigated kinetically by means of turbidimetry. The virus solution became turbid after the addition of chondroitin sulfate. A threshold concentration of chondroitin, 1.33 mg/ml, was required for virus precipitation, irrespective of the virus concentration. The precipitation resulted from a mutual spatial exclusion phenomenon, leading to the separation of the virus as a crystalline phase. The dimension of chondroitin sulfate calculated at the threshold concentration agreed well with that obtained by other methods. The initial slopes and the aggregation half-times of the virus aggregates depended on both chondroitin and virus concentrations and the former increased with the increase in concentration of each. Above the threshold concentration of chondroitin sulfate, tobacco mosaic virus aggregation was a rapid-aggregation process and ended within 100 sec.  相似文献   

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