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Decreasing trends in atmospheric emissions and acidic deposition during the 1990s have resulted in chemical recovery from acidification in the sensitive surface water systems of southern Finland. Responses of perch and roach populations to the improved water quality were studied in 30 small lakes with the aid of water chemistry monitoring data gathered in 1987–2002 and the data collected from two consecutive periods of gillnet test fishing, 1985–1988 and 2001–2002. In the most acidified lakes, alkalinity and ANC have increased and sulphate and labile aluminium concentrations decreasæed markedly. The response of perch populations to the improved water quality is seen in improved reproduction success, indicated by a higher CPUE in numbers and a lower mean weight. The growth rate of perch has declined as the population density has increased. Roach populations have not recovered in the same way as perch, there being no major changes in NPUE or mean weight. Lower growth rates were, however, observed in the roach populations of all study lakes. The increased perch population density as an obstacle to the recovery of roach populations is discussed. Despite the chemical and biological recovery of the study lakes, the buffer capacity of many headwater lakes is low and the lakes will be sensitive to any increases in acidic deposition in the future.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and group size of roach Rutilus rutilus on foraging behaviour of perch Perca fluviatilis and R. rutilus were tested in two laboratory experiments. A temperature experiment with P. fluviatilis and R. rutilus in aquaria (with either one P. fluviatilis or two R. rutilus) was tested at five temperatures: 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20° C, and showed that P. fluviatilis had a lower swimming speed and capture rate than R. rutilus, especially at 4 and 8° C. The effect of group size was tested at four R. rutilus abundances: 0, 2, 4 and 6, all at 16° C, and revealed that swimming speed and capture rate of P. fluviatilis were lowest at the highest R. rutilus abundance, whereas R. rutilus was relatively unaffected. Perca fluviatilis occupied positions closer to the bottom than R. rutilus, especially when feeding, and this tendency was reinforced at the highest roach abundance.  相似文献   

The field data from four humic lakes suggested that water colour may have both direct and indirect effects on inter‐ and intra‐specific interactions of perch Perca fluviatilis and roach Rutilus rutilus. The results agree with suggestions that, compared with R. rutilus, P. fluviatilis may be an inferior forager on zooplankton in highly coloured water. As an indirect effect, water colour decreases the coverage of macrophytes and limits suitable littoral habitats, benefiting R. rutilus over P. fluviatilis. Perca fluviatilis benefiting from complex habitats does not have the advantage in macrophyte‐poor highly coloured water.  相似文献   

A total of 1255 roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) and 866 perch Perca fluviatilis (L.) from four interconnected lakes in Central Finland differing in trophic status and pollution level were studied for parasitic ergasilid copepods between August 1985 and December 1988. In addition, 109 whitefish ( Coregonus sp.) were studied from one of the lakes.
Four ergasilid species were found: (the prevalence and intensity/fish, respectively, for the whole material are given in parentheses) Ergasilus briani (16·9%, 0·5), Neoergasilus japonicus (15·6%, 0·4) and Paraergasilus longidigitus (2·1%, 0·02) on the roach and Ergasilus sieboldi (9·9%, 0·1) and P. longidigitus (4·9%, 0·05) on the perch. Logit analysis was used to assess the significance of the year, the lake and the season for the prevalence of infection. Generally, the prevalence of E. briani on roach depended on the season only, with higher prevalences in summer. That of E. sieboldi on perch was mainly dependent on the lake, being most frequent in the oligotrophic lake. Both lake, year and season affected the prevalence of N. japonicus in roach. The more complicated system for N. japonicus was explained by the long duration of its free-living stage, its loose attachment and different location on the host, being found on the fins whereas E. briani and E. sieboldi were on the gills.
All species were found throughout the year, and age had no clear influence on infection. The occurrence of egg-sacs and length distributions of the copepods suggest that there are two generations a year, e.g. an overwintering E. briani generation which produces offspring in June to attack the fish in July, and a second generation which attacks the fish from August onwards. Whitefish were not infected by these parasites, only one fish being found which carried a single individual of E. sieboldi.  相似文献   

Four small, acidified boreal lakes, all sustaining populations of perch Perca fluviatilis, roach Rutilus rutilus and pike Esox lucius, were studied in four successive years. Three lakes were moderately acidified (mean pH of 5·61-5·83), while the fourth was more acidic (mean pH of 5·16) and had a sparse population of R. rutilus. Perca fluviatilis density was higher in this lake (1004 ha(-1)) than in the other three (355-717 ha(-1)), where R. rutilus dominated in terms of numbers (981-2185 ha(-1)). Large, potentially predatory, P. fluviatilis were most abundant in the lake with clearest water, and these seemed to have a negative effect on P. fluviatilis density. Perca fluviatilis mean mass was negatively correlated with R. rutilus biomass and was highest in the most acidic lake with the sparse R. rutilus and the highest P. fluviatilis density. Perca fluviatilis mass correlated positively with pH in two lakes (with the highest fish biomass), suggesting that low pH affected P. fluviatilis mass negatively. Perca fluviatilis growth correlated positively with summer (July to August) air temperature in the lake with sparse R. rutilus, thus differing from P. fluviatilis and R. rutilus growth in the other three lakes. The mean age of P. fluviatilis was generally lower than that of R. rutilus and was lowest in the two lakes with the highest fish biomass, indicating that adult mortality was affected by density-induced factors.  相似文献   

The feeding rate of perch Perca fluviatilis showed high individual variation at low and moderate turbidities, when one individual had consumed more Daphnia pulex than any other fish, whereas no such variation in feeding efficiency was observed with roach Rutilus rutilus. There was a significant decrease in total consumption of D. pulex by P. fluviatilis with increasing turbidity, but no correlation was observed in the case of R. rutilus. The results suggest that the difference in the ontogeny of P. fluviatilis and R. rutilus may be detectable as behaviour‐related species‐specific trait differences in the early planktivorous feeding stage of the two common species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Local American eel stocks were studied by mark-recapture methods along 600m of tidal creeks in Great Sippewisset Marsh, Falmouth, Massachusetts, during summer 1979. The estimated stock density was 350 eels, equivalent to 875 fish ha-1, and movement of individual American eels over the five week study was usually less than 100 m. Large American eels were found to predominate in the wide marsh creeks whereas smaller American eels predominated in narrower creeks at the landward side of the marsh. Territoriality is suggested as a mechanism for maintaining differences in distribution of size classes and a limited home range.Senior author  相似文献   

In this study of 18 small boreal forest lakes, the effects of abiotic and biotic factors (roach Rutilus rutilus and pike Esox lucius) on various population variables of perch Perca fluviatilis were examined. As a single variable, the gillnet catch per unit effort (CPUE) of R. rutilus was negatively related to the mean mass of small (< 200 mm) and the growth rate of young (1–2 years) P. fluviatilis. The mean mass of large (≥ 200 mm) P. fluviatilis was the highest at intermediate CPUE of R. rutilus. Redundancy analysis including environmental factors and P. fluviatilis population variables suggested that ‘predation–productivity–humus' gradient affected P. fluviatilis populations by decreasing the CPUE and mean mass of small individuals but increasing these variables of large individuals. The CPUE of R. rutilus and lake area had a negative effect on small and a positive effect on large P. fluviatilis growth rate. In small boreal forest lakes, P. fluviatilis populations are affected by the partially opposite forces of competition by R. rutilus and predation by E. lucius, and the intensity of these interactions is regulated by several environmental factors.  相似文献   

The photoreceptors and eyes of four fish species commonly cohabiting Fennoscandian lakes with different light transmission properties were compared: pikeperch Sander lucioperca, pike Esox lucius, perch Perca fluviatilis and roach Rutilus rutilus. Each species was represented by individuals from a clear (greenish) and a humic (dark brown) lake in southern Finland: Lake Vesijärvi (LV; peak transmission around 570 nm) and Lake Tuusulanjärvi (LT; peak transmission around 630 nm). In the autumn, all species had almost purely A2-based visual pigments. Rod absorption spectra peaked at c.526 nm (S. lucioperca), c. 533 nm (E. lucius) and c. 540 nm (P. fluviatilis and R. rutilus), with no differences between the lakes. Esox lucius rods had remarkably long outer segments, 1.5–2.8-fold longer than those of the other species. All species possessed middle-wavelength-sensitive (MWS) and long-wavelength-sensitive (LWS) cone pigments in single, twin or double cones. Rutilus rutilus also had two types of short-wavelength sensitive (SWS) cones: UV-sensitive [SWS1] and blue-sensitive (SWS2) cones, although in the samples from LT no UV cones were found. No other within-species differences in photoreceptor cell complements, absorption spectra or morphologies were found between the lakes. However, E. lucius eyes had a significantly lower focal ratio in LT compared with LV, enhancing sensitivity at the expense of acuity in the dark-brown lake. Comparing species, S. lucioperca was estimated to have the highest visual sensitivity, at least two times higher than similar-sized E. lucius, thanks to the large relative size of the eye (pupil) and the presence of a reflecting tapetum behind the retina. High absolute sensitivity will give a competitive edge also in terms of short reaction times and long visual range.  相似文献   

The acute effects on perch and long‐term effects on whitefish were studied after liming one side of a lake [initial pH: 4.6–5.5; aluminium (Al): 29–54 μg L?1; Ca2+: 0.02–0.07 mmol L?1] that was divided into two parts with a plastic curtain. Some Al precipitation was observed on the gill surface of perch 1 day after liming; the concentration of plasma sodium of perch females in the limed side was also higher than in the acidic side. Nearly 6 months after liming, at the spawning time of whitefish, the plasma chloride concentration of whitefish in the limed side was higher and blood glucose concentration lower than in the acidic side. Four of five whitefish males from the limed side, but only one of five males and none of the five females from the acidic side, were ready to spawn. The growth of whitefish in the limed side was also more rapid. These changes illustrate that liming had no acute harmful effects on perch, and allowed whitefish to recover from acidity‐related physiological stress.  相似文献   

Changes of the bile acid composition were studied in bile of the vendace Coregonus albula L. and the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus L. under effect of sewers of an ore mining and processing plant, the main pollutin agents of the sewers being heavy metals. The revealed variability of the bile acid composition indicates different species-related sensitivity to the studied pollutants as well as a lower resistance of males as compared with females to this type of pollution. Mechanisms of effects of industrial sewers on the bile formation processes and a possibility of using parameters of the steroid lipid metabolism at evaluation of the state of water ecosystems are discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments showed that, of zooplanktivorous roach, rudd and perch, in the absence of any environmental structure roach were the most efficient feeders, but high densities of simulated submerged marcrophytes elevated perch to this position; rudd matched the performances of perch and roach only at intermediate structure densities. These changes in efficiency rankings with increased structure were the result of overall decreases in the performances of roach and rudd. Simulated water lilies and emergent reeds had their own influences on consumption rate. These effects were largely mediated through relationships between structure density and swimming speed; roach and rudd, not perch, showed reduced swimming speeds in the more structured environments. Observations of the routine behaviour of the fish suggest that their assessment of predation risk may be an important factor in determining their activity level and hence foraging strategy.  相似文献   

The present study determined the blood plasma osmolality and oxygen consumption of the perch Perca fluviatilis at different salinities (0, 10 and 15) and temperatures (5, 10 and 20° C). Blood plasma osmolality increased with salinity at all temperatures. Standard metabolic rate (SMR) increased with salinity at 10 and 20° C. Maximum metabolic rate (MMR) and aerobic scope was lowest at salinity of 15 at 5° C, yet at 20° C, they were lowest at a salinity of 0. A cost of osmoregulation (SMR at a salinity of 0 and 15 compared with SMR at a salinity of 10) could only be detected at a salinity of 15 at 20° C, where it was 28%. The results show that P. fluviatilis have capacity to osmoregulate in hyper‐osmotic environments. This contradicts previous studies and indicates intraspecific variability in osmoregulatory capabilities among P. fluviatilis populations or habitat origins. An apparent cost of osmoregulation (28%) at a salinity of 15 at 20° C indicates that the cost of osmoregulation in P. fluviatilis increases with temperature under hyperosmotic conditions and a power analysis showed that the cost of osmoregulation could be lower than 12·5% under other environmental conditions. The effect of salinity on MMR is possibly due to a reduction in gill permeability, initiated to reduce osmotic stress. An interaction between salinity and temperature on aerobic scope shows that high salinity habitats are energetically beneficial during warm periods (summer), whereas low salinity habitats are energetically beneficial during cold periods (winter). It is suggested, therefore, that the seasonal migrations of P. fluviatilis between brackish and fresh water is to select an environment that is optimal for metabolism and aerobic scope.  相似文献   

Common bream Abramis brama , roach Rutilus rutilus and their hybrids were collected in the Dobczyce Reservoir in southern Poland in 2006–2013 to study whether it is better for a hybrid individual to resemble and compete with one of its parents, or to minimize competition by having a distinctive phenotype. All hybrids were F1 crosses and originated predominantly (93·2%) from matings between female A. brama and male R. rutilus parents. In morphometric analyses, a newly defined coefficient, L 3 = 2·5 (body mass) (L S × body depth)?1, which enables forms with similar length–depth proportions but different length–mass relationships to be distinguished was used. Morphometric and meristic characteristics of the hybrids were intermediate in comparison with the parental species, with small but significant deviation towards R. rutilus in longitudinal body dimensions (trunk and tail length) and towards A. brama in body cross‐sectional shape (body depth and L 3 coefficient). This may result in a more R. rutilus like propulsion in hybrids and a more A. brama like ability to manoeuvre.  相似文献   

Gillet  C.  Dubois  J. P. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):409-415
The development of spawning in perch, pike and roach in Lake Geneva has been studied by means of artificial spawning substrates, laid at different depths, from 1984 to 1993. In Lake Geneva, perch spawned in May. A rise of surface water temperature up to 14 °C stimulated spawning activity while bad weather (surface temperature at 10 °C) induced a spread of the spawning period over more than one month. The spawning period was delayed in years when the mean width of perch egg-ribbons was the largest; this corresponded to the biggest females. At the beginning of the spawning period (early in May), perch preferentially chose a depth of 4 m to spawn. In contrast, at the end of the spawning period, maximum spawning intensity was observed at a depth of 12 m. This phenomenon was more pronounced when water temperature rose above 14 °C in the top 4 m while it remained below 12 °C at a depth of 12 m. Pike spawned at the end of April and at the beginning of May in Lake Geneva. They preferred spruce branches among the different spawning substrates that we tested in Lake Vouglans. When the water temperature increased at the surface of Lake Geneva, pike preferred to lay their eggs on substrates set at 3 m depth where the temperature was cooler than in the surface layer (10.5 °C vs 14 °C). Roach spawned during the last two weeks of May or during the first two weeks of June in Lake Geneva, depending on water temperature. Spawning had generally been spread over a week, but a sudden decrease of water temperature could slow spawning intensity. Roach were able to lay their eggs on natural or synthetic substrates, located 0.5 m below the surface near the shore as well as, at a distance of several hundred metres from the shore. The survival of eggs was always above 90% for perch and roach and generally above 70% for pike.  相似文献   

Individuals are constantly in competition with one another and, on both ecological and evolutionary timescales, processes act to reduce this competition and promote the gain of fitness advantages via diversification. Here we have investigated the genetic (AFLP) and morphological (geometric morphometrics) aspects of the littoral–pelagic axis, a commonly observed resource polymorphism in freshwater fishes of postglacial lakes. We found a large degree of variation in the genetic and morphological divergence between littoral and pelagic perch and roach across Swedish lakes. Although there was evidence of assortative mating (elevated kinship values) in both species, we could not find any significant coupling of morphology and genetic divergence. Instead, there was evidence that the extent of resource polymorphism may be largely caused by phenotypic plasticity. These results suggest that assortative mating, which can lead to genetically determined adaptive divergence, does occur in these species, particularly perch, but not according to genetically fixed morphological traits. The behavioural mechanisms facilitating associative mating need to be investigated to explore the interaction between phenotypic plasticity and adaptive genetic divergence and their roles in diversification. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 929–940.  相似文献   

Mass labelling techniques have great potential for the study of larval fish dynamics in closed habitats (lakes, ponds and flooded quarries). Different methods of mass labelling of bone tissue were tested: bathing in tetracycline solutions with or without osmotic shock, and modification of otolith microstria by temperature, photoperiod or feeding manipulations using different batches of eggs, eleuteroembryos, larvae and prefed fry of Coregonus lavaretus L. from Lake Leman. A short period of immersion with osmotic shock produced better results than longer bathing (6 to 18 h) in low concentration (400 mg 1–1) tetracycline solutions. At the eyed stage of eggs when otoliths appear, it is possible to use the immersion technique in a hyperosmotic solution (5 to 12% sodium chloride) with 1% tetracycline (as the Hydrochloride or Oxytetracycline). Optimal immersion times (maximal labelling with minimal mortality) were determined as follows: 10 to 15 minutes for eyed eggs, 3.5 min. for eggs just before hatching and eleuteroembryos, 1.5 min. for prefed larvae and less than 1 min. for fry of more than 20 mm total length. Microscopic examination of otoliths and caudal vertebrae from coregonid larvae and juveniles reared for two years has allowed us to determine the effectiveness and persistence of fluorescent tetracycline makers.  相似文献   

Synopsis Each year from 1976 to 1985 a part of the freshwater resident whitefish,Coregonus lavaretus, in Liavatn, south-western Norway, was displaced downstreams into the sea. In the sea, they seemed to die within a short period of time. The fish appeared to be flushed downstream by autumn freshets. In age and size, but not sex, the descenders seem representative of the fish in the lake. Females were the predominant sex in the river, whereas the sex ratio did not differ from unity in the lake. Young fish were fast-growing, but the growth rate levelled off at an age of 2 years and an asymptotic length of ∼30 cm. Males matured mainly at age 1+ and females at age 2+. The gonadosomatic index decreased with age, whereas the amount of energy allocated to gonadal tissue relative to somatic tissue increased with age  相似文献   

Vendace, Coregonus albula (L.), larvae reared in net enclosures anchored in the littoral zone of Lake Ylä-Enonvesi, eastern Finland, were observed for a period of 44 days in order to determine the effects of density on mortality, growth and feeding of the larvae. The ratio of newly-hatched fish to their food was regulated by controlling the number of fish stocked into the enclosures. Prey animals were expected to move freely in and out of the enclosures. The effect of nylon mesh (500 μm) on the penetration of zooplankters into the enclosures was negligible. The influence of possible starvation was determined by analysing the growth of the larvae, their Fulton condition factor, the instantaneous amount of food ingested, and the food composition in their guts. All these indicators were inversely correlated with larval density. Vendace larvae were found to be resistant to mortality from direct starvation. At all densities the survival rate was over 60%. At the time of complete yolk absorption, there was no increase in mortality.  相似文献   

The abundance of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and the relative abundance of zooplankton taxa were compared with the diet of bream, tench. perch and roach from two gravel pit lakes during May-July 1986 and 1987. Significant food preferences were demonstrated between species and between lakes. Chironomid pupae dominated the macroinvertebrate diet of perch, roach, ate predominantly either Spirogyra sp. (St Peters Lake) or Daphniu hyalina (Main Lake).
The Main Lake, bream fed largely upon chironomid larvae and the bivalve Sphuerium but in St Peters Lake they positively selected a variety of less abundant benthic invertebrate taxa. Bream switched from benthos to zooplankton in the Main Lake in 1986. Tench ate large numbers of Aselhs and showed positive selection of various macroinvertebrate prey in St Peters but ate D. hjulim in Main Lake. Tropic overlap for chironomids and other macroinvertebrate prey was demonstrated between perch, bream and tench, and potentially with wildfowl which used the gravel pits for breeding and wintering.  相似文献   

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