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Decay of the hypervalent muscle pigment ferrylmyoglobin, formed by activation of metmyoglobin by hydrogen peroxide, was found, when studied by a combination of ESR and UV/VIS spectroscopy in aqueous solution at physiological pH, to proceed by parallel second- and first-order kinetics. At pH below 6.5 a sharp ESR signal (g = 2.003) with an increasing intensity for decreasing pH were observed in solutions frozen in liquid nitrogen, and a broad signal (g = 2.005) was seen throughout the studied pH range also in frozen solutions. The g = 2.005 signal is suggested to arise from an intermediate formed in an intramolecular rate-determining electron-transfer in ferrylmyoglobin, whereas the g = 2.003 signal is caused by a radical formed in a proton-assisted electron-transfer initiating the specific acid-catalysed autoreduction.  相似文献   

We report fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements of the translational diffusion coefficient of various probe particles in dilute and semidilute aqueous poly(vinyl alcohol) solutions. The range of sizes of the particles (fluorescent molecules, proteins, and polymers) was chosen to explore various length scales of the polymer solutions as defined by the polymer-polymer correlation length. For particles larger than the correlation length, we find that the diffusion coefficient, D, decreases exponentially with the polymer concentration. This can be explained by an exponential increase in the solution viscosity, consistent with the Stokes-Einstein equation. For probes on the order of the correlation length, the decrease of the diffusion coefficient cannot be accounted for by the Stokes-Einstein equation, but can be fit by a stretched exponential, D approximately exp(-alphacn), where we find n = 0.73-0.84 and alpha is related to the probe size. These results are in accord with a diffusion model of Langevin and Rondelez (Polymer 1978, 19, 1875), where these values of n indicate a good solvent quality.  相似文献   

F E Evans  R H Sarma 《Biopolymers》1974,13(10):2117-2132
Proton magnetic resonance spectra of 5′AMP were taken in the concentration range of 0.001–2.2M. The concentration profiles of all the nonexchangeable protons were determined. The data for 5′AMP was compared to those of adenine, adenosine, and poly(A). Theoretically computed isoshielding lines of the adenine moiety were used to qualitatively predict a preferred stacking geometry of 5′AMP in aqueous solution. It is concluded that 5′AMP at pH 8 forms multistacked aggregates at high concentration levels and that a preferred orientation is such that the bases are aligned face to back with considerable, though less than 100%, base overlap; and that the ribose moieties of adjacent molecules are near one another with the phosphate groups well separated. Mn(II) ion binding studies show that the stacks are not restricted to one unique orientation type. Specific evidence is given showing that base-stacking orientations in the solid state may in some cases be considerably different from that in aqueous solution, due in part to numerous hydrogen bonding differences, and this is shown to be the case for base-stacked adenosine. In the case of 5′AMP the stacking orientations between the solid and liquid states are also different, except in this comparison the solid-state structure carries a positive charge.  相似文献   

Fluorescence spectros copy and light scattering have been used to investigate the physicochemical behaviour of protoporphyrin IX in aqueous solutions. In the alkaline range large micelles are formed with a hydrodynamic radius of 130 nm and a molecular mass of 5.0 x 10(7) Da. The micelles are fluorescent with an emission maximum at 620 nm. A pH lowering caused quenching of the micelle fluorescence. On a collision encounter these micelles will disintegrate and they are reformed by nucleation of collision fragments. From measurements of the fluorescence intensity of the micelles versus total concentration an equilibrium constant of 4.0 x 10(6) M(-1) was found for this collision-nucleation process. In the pH range between 6 and 3 another micelle type of twice the size of those in the alkaline range was stable with respect to the solute. These micelles have free base porphyrin fluorescence with an emission maximum at 634 nm. A lowering of the pH below unity causes disintegration of these micelles and monomer fluorescence from the protoporphyrin dication was observed.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering has been used to construct fusion proteins of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase and tryptophan-based tags, expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, to increase the partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems. The separation systems were composed of thermoseparating polymers (random copolymers of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, EOPO) and detergents (C(12)EO(n)). In this study, the fluorescence behaviour of the peptide-tagged protein, free peptide tag and tryptophan was investigated. The tryptophan-tagged proteins, cutinase-(WP)(4) and cutinase-TGGSGG-(WP)(4), showed emission spectra similar to the free peptides and tryptophan, indicating solvent exposure of the tag. The influence of polymers and detergents on the fluorescence of tagged proteins was examined. When peptides and tagged proteins were exposed to polymer, a slight blue shift of the emission maximum was observed. Larger blue shifts of the emission maximum were observed when C(12)EO(n) detergents were utilised. The results correlate with aqueous two-phase partitioning where addition of C(12)EO(n) detergents results in more extreme partitioning compared to systems containing only polymers. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements of the EOPO copolymers were carried out, showing that the polymers did not aggregate at concentrations used in aqueous two-phase systems. Quenching of fluorescence with iodide for both proteins and peptide tags was studied. Plots according to the Stern-Volmer equation resulted in a linear fit, indicating exposed tryptophan residues for both free peptides and fusion proteins. The quenching constants were similar for both tagged protein and free peptide tag. The fluorescence results indicated that the tryptophan residues in the tag were exposed to the solvent and could interact with detergents and polymers in the two-phase systems.  相似文献   

Hashimoto S  Takeuchi H 《Biochemistry》2006,45(32):9660-9667
Ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy has been used to characterize the structure and hydrogen bonding state of the distal histidine (His42) in horseradish peroxidase (HRP) complexed with carbon monoxide (HRP-CO). The HRP-CO - HRP UVRR difference spectrum in D(2)O solution at pD 7.0 shows two positive peaks at 1408 and 1388 cm(-)(1), which are ascribable to medium-to-weak and strong hydrogen bonding states, respectively, of the protonated imidazolium side chain of His42 in HRP-CO. Both His42 peaks decrease in intensity with increase of pD with a midpoint of transition at pD 8.8, indicating that the pK(a) of His42 in HRP-CO is 8.8. The CO ligand exhibits two C-O stretching Raman peaks at 1932 and 1902 cm(-)(1), the latter of which diminishes at alkaline pD and is assignable to a strong hydrogen-bonded state. It is most probable that the imidazolium side chain of His42 forms a strong hydrogen bond with CO, giving a His42 peak at 1388 cm(-)(1) and a CO peak at 1902 cm(-)(1), in one conformer. The other hydrogen bonding state of His42, giving the 1408 cm(-)(1) peak, is ascribed to another conformer forming a medium-to-weak hydrogen bond with a water molecule in the distal cavity. The present finding that His42 can act as a strong proton donor to CO and decrease the CO bond order is consistent with the role of His42 as a general acid to cleave the O-O bond of hydrogen peroxide, a specific oxidizing agent, in the catalytic cycle of HRP.  相似文献   

We have studied the ATP-induced allosteric structural transition of GroEL using small angle X-ray scattering and fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with a stopped-flow technique. With X-ray scattering one can clearly distinguish the three allosteric states of GroEL, and the kinetics of the transition of GroEL induced by 85 microM ATP have been observed directly by stopped-flow X-ray scattering for the first time. The rate constant has been found to be 3-5s(-1) at 5 degrees C, indicating that this process corresponds to the second phase of the ATP-induced kinetics of tryptophan-inserted GroEL measured by stopped-flow fluorescence. Based on the ATP concentration dependence of the fluorescence kinetics, we conclude that the first phase represents bimolecular non-cooperative binding of ATP to GroEL with a bimolecular rate constant of 5.8 x 10(5)M(-1)s(-1) at 25 degrees C. Considering the electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged GroEL (-18 of the net charge per monomer at pH 7.5) and ATP, the rate constant is consistent with a diffusion-controlled bimolecular process. The ATP-induced fluorescence kinetics (the first and second phases) at various ATP concentrations (< 400 microM) occur before ATP hydrolysis by GroEL takes place and are well explained by a kinetic allosteric model, which is a combination of the conventional transition state theory and the Monod-Wyman-Changeux model, and we have successfully evaluated the equilibrium and kinetic parameters of the allosteric transition, including the binding constant of ATP in the transition state of GroEL.  相似文献   

Diffusion of molecules in the crowded and charged interior of the cell has long been of interest for understanding cellular processes. Here, we introduce a model system of hindered diffusion that includes both crowding and binding. In particular, we obtained the diffusivity of the positively charged protein, ribonuclease A (RNase), in solutions of dextrans of various charges (binding) and concentrations (crowding), as well as combinations of both, in a buffer of physiological ionic strength. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, we observed that the diffusivity of RNase was unaffected by the presence of positively charged or neutral dextrans in the dilute regime but was affected by crowding at higher polymer concentrations. Conversely, protein diffusivity was significantly reduced by negatively charged dextrans, even at 0.4 μM (0.02% w/v) dextran. The diffusivity of RNase decreased with increasing concentrations of negative dextran, and the amount of bound RNase increased until it reached a plateau of ∼80% bound RNase. High salt concentrations were used to establish the electrostatic nature of the binding. Binding of RNase to the negatively charged dextrans was further confirmed by ultrafiltration.  相似文献   

The hydration of uncomplexed RNase T1 was investigated by NMR spectroscopy at pH 5.5 and 313 K. Two-dimensional heteronuclear NOE and ROE difference experiments were employed to determine the spatial proximity and the residence times of water molecules at distinct sites of the protein. Backbone carbonyl oxygens involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonds to water molecules were identified based on1 J coupling constants. These coupling constants were determined from 2D-H(CA)CO and 15N-HSQC experiments with selective decoupling of the 13CC nuclei during the t1 evolution time. Our results support the existence of a chain of water molecules with increased residence times in the interior of the protein which is observed in several crystal structures with different inhibitor molecules and serves as a space filler between the -helix and the central -sheet. The analysis of1 JNC' coupling constants demonstrates that some of the water molecules seen in crystal structures are not involved in hydrogen bonds to backbone carbonyls as suggested by crystal structures. This is especially true for a water molecule, which is probably hydrogen bonded by the protonated carboxylate group of D76 and the hydroxyl group of T93 in solution, and for a water molecule, which was reported to connect four different amino acid residues in the core of the protein by intermolecular hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

The thermal unfolding pathway for dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (LipDH) isolated from Bacillus stearothermophilus was investigated focusing on the transient intermediate state characterized through time-resolved fluorescence studies. The decrease in ellipticity in the far UV region in the CD spectrum, the fluorescence spectral change of Trp-91 and FAD, and the thermal enzymatic inactivation curve consistently demonstrated that LipDH unfolded irreversibly on heat treatment at higher than 65 degrees C. LipDH took a transient intermediate state during the thermal unfolding process which could refold back into the native state. In this state, the internal rotation of FAD was activated in the polypeptide cage and correspondingly LipDH showed a peculiar conformation. The transient intermediate state of LipDH characterized in time-resolved fluorescence depolarization studies showed very similar properties to the molten-globule state, which has been confirmed in many studies on protein folding.  相似文献   

MARCKS-related protein (MRP) is a peripheral membrane protein whose binding to membranes is mediated by the N-terminal myristoyl moiety and a central, highly basic effector domain. MRP mediates cross-talk between protein kinase C and calmodulin and is thought to link the actin cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. Since MRP contains no tryptophan residues, we mutated a phenylalanine in the effector domain to tryptophan (MRP F93W) and used fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor binding of the protein to phospholipid vesicles. We report in detail the evaluation procedure necessary to extract quantitative information from the raw data. The spectra of MRP F93W obtained in the presence of increasing amounts of lipid crossed at an isosbestic point, indicating a simple transition between two states: free and membrane-bound protein. The change in fluorescence toward values typical of a more hydrophobic environment was used to quantify membrane binding. The partition coefficient agreed well with values obtained previously by other methods. To study the interaction of the N-terminus of MRP with membranes, a tryptophan residue was also introduced at position 4 (MRP S4W). Our data suggest that only the myristoylated N-terminus interacted with liposomes. These results demonstrate the versatility of site-directed incorporation of tryptophan residues to study protein-membrane interactions.  相似文献   

O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase, a homo-dimeric enzyme from Salmonella typhimurium, covalently binds one pyridoxal 5'-phosphate molecule per subunit as a fluorescent coenzyme. Different tautomers of the Schiff base between the coenzyme and lysine 41 generate structured absorption and fluorescence spectra upon one-photon excitation. We investigated the protein population heterogeneity by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and lifetime techniques upon two-photon excitation. We sampled the fluorescence intensity from a small number of molecules (approximately 10) and analyzed the distribution of photon counts to separately determine the number and the fluorescence brightness of excited protein molecules. The changes in the average number of molecules and in the fluorescence brightness with the excitation wavelength indicate the presence of at least two fluorescent species, with two-photon excitation maxima at 660 and 800 nm. These species have been identified as the enolimine and ketoenamine tautomers of the protein-coenzyme internal aldimine. Their relative abundance is estimated to be 4:1, whereas the ratio of their two-photon cross sections is reversed with respect to the single-photon excitation case. Consistent results are obtained from the measurement of the lifetime decays, which are sensitive to the excited-state heterogeneity. At least two components were detected, with lifetimes of approximately 2.5 and 0.5 ns. The lifetimes are very close to the values measured in bulk solutions upon one-photon excitation and attributed to the ketoenamine tautomer and to a dipolar species formed upon proton dissociation in the excited state.  相似文献   

Concentrated Aqueous Protein Systems, Proton Relaxation Times, Slow Chemical Exchange In this paper we present proton spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) relaxation times measured vs. concentration, temperature, pulse interval (tauCPMG) as well as 1H NMR spectral measurements in a wide range of concentrations of bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions. The anomalous relaxation behaviour of the water protons, similar to that observed in mammalian lenses, was found in the two most concentrated solutions (44% and 46%). The functional dependence of the spin-spin relaxation time vs. tauCPMG pulse interval and the values of the motional activation parameters obtained from the temperature dependencies of spin-lattice relaxation times suggest that the water molecule mobility is reduced in these systems. The slow exchange process on the T2 time scale is proposed to explain the obtained data. The proton spectral measurements support the hypothesis of a slow exchange mechanism in the highest concentrated solutions. From the analysis of the shape of the proton spectra the mean exchange times between bound and bulk water proton groups (tauex) have been estimated for the range of the highest concentrations (30%-46%). The obtained values are of the order of milliseconds assuring that the slow exchange condition is fulfilled in the most concentrated samples.  相似文献   

N-Tyr-MIF-1 (Tyr-Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2) is an endogenous brain peptide with multiple effects on animal behavior. However, there have been no studies on the conformation of this tetrapeptide. In this report, we studied the conformation of N-Tyr-MIF-1 in aqueous solution by conventional one-dimensional and two-dimensional (COSY and NOESY) 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 300 MHz. A complete set of assignments for the resolved resonances and approximate assignments for the overlapping resonances were made. The results demonstrate that N-Tyr-MIF-1 is in slow exchange between two conformers, most likely determined by the cis and trans states of the proline residue. The minor conformation represents 30 +/- 3% of the population over the temperature range from 3 degrees to 73 degrees. In the major conformation, the tyrosine aromatic ring appears to be close enough to interact directly with the proline pyrrolidine ring, as indicated by a strong temperature dependence of the proline C beta H, C delta H and C delta H' chemical shifts. In contrast, this interaction of the tyrosine and proline rings is not present in the minor conformation.  相似文献   

1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of 1 - (II) and 3-deazaadenosines (III) together with adenosine (I) in dimethylsulfoxide have been examined. Features of coupling constants indicate that the furanose rings of I, II, and III have similar conformational preferences and that conformations about the 4′-C–5′-C bond are preferentially gauche-gauche. Nuclear Overhauser effect and spin-lattice relaxation-time measurements demonstrate that II predominantly adopts the syn-conformation similar to that of I, whereas that of III has a greater anti (freely rotating) component. The results suggest that the syn-conformation in II as well as I is stabilized presumably through a hydrogen bond between the 3-N and 5′-hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

Detergent (pentaoxyethylene octyl ether, C(8)E(5))-induced conformational changes of Humicola lanuginosa lipase (HLL) were investigated by stationary and time-resolved fluorescence intensity and anisotropy measurements. Activation of HLL is characterized by opening of a surface loop (the "lid") residing directly over the enzyme active site. The interaction of HLL with C(8)E(5) increases fluorescence intensities, prolongs fluorescence lifetimes, and decreases the values of steady-state anisotropy, residual anisotropy, and the short rotational correlation time. Based on these data, we propose the following model. Already below critical micellar concentration (CMC) the detergent can intercalate into the active site accommodating cleft, while the lid remains closed. Occupation of the cleft by C(8)E(5) also blocks the entry of the monomeric substrate, and inhibition of catalytic activity at [C(8)E(5)] less than or equal to CMC is evident. At a threshold concentration close to CMC the cooperativity of the hydrophobicity-driven binding of C(8)E(5) to the lipase increases because of an increase in the number of C(8)E(5) molecules present in the premicellar nucleates on the hydrophobic surface of HLL. These aggregates contacting the lipase should have long enough residence times to allow the lid to open completely and expose the hydrophobic cleft. Concomitantly, the cleft becomes filled with C(8)E(5) and the "open" conformation of HLL becomes stable.  相似文献   

Circular birefringence (CB, or optical rotation) and linear birefringence (LB) were measured for gellan gum aqueous solutions with and without salt to examine the gelling system in the helical structure as well as in the orientation. It was found that gelling samples with salt show nonzero LB values, whereas LB is zero for the samples without salt even in the gel state. This difference can be explained by the thermal deformation of the system containing anisotropic aggregations of helices formed with the shielding effect of the added salt on the intramolecular and intermolecular electrostatic repulsions. Considering that the presence of LB in the system affects the estimation of CB, we developed an original procedure of the CB measurement to eliminate the contribution of LB. It was shown that our methods for eliminating the contribution of LB can improve the CB measurement for the gellan gum gel. The temperature dependence of [alpha] for the samples with salt in the gel state is quite different from that for the samples without salt, suggesting that the aggregates of helices in the samples containing a high concentration of salt form a supramolecular structure that contributes to CB.  相似文献   

Aqueous solution of thymine (5 X 10(-4) M, buffered at pH 7.0) was irradiated with 60Co gamma-rays under four different atmospheric conditions. In the presence of t-BuOH-N2, there was little increase in the fluorescence intensity as was previously reported in the radiolysis of cytosine. Under O2 there was also no significant increase differing from the case of cytosine. The fluorescence intensity was found to increase appreciably under N2O but it was less under N2 indicating that OH radical is mainly responsible for the formation of the highly fluorescent products. However, the fluorescence yields under these conditions were much lower in thymine radiolysis than cytosine radiolysis.  相似文献   

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