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通过田间试验研究了含硝化抑制剂DMPP复合肥对日光温室芹菜生长和品质的影响. 结果表明,与普通复合肥相比,一次基施DMPP复合肥67.5和54.0 kg·hm-2 氮处理分别使芹菜增产5.78%和10.14%; DMPP复合肥可降低芹菜可食部分硝酸盐含量,提高Vc、游离氨基酸、可溶性糖及氮、磷含量. 与分次施用相比,适当减少DMPP复合肥施用次数和用量可提高芹菜产量并改善其品质,降低生产成本.DMPP复合肥在施入土壤中后具有显著的硝化抑制作用,延缓了菜地土壤铵态氮向硝态氮的转化,降低了氮素向水体迁移的风险.芹菜收获后土壤中全氮、铵态氮、硝态氮残留较多,有利于保持地力.  相似文献   

理想的生物标志物是实现阿尔茨海默病(AD)早期精确诊断和预测疾病发展的重要前提。新版AD 诊断标准从临床无症状期到 痴呆阶段的区分也有赖于生物标志物的应用。介绍目前临床应用的AD 生物标志物及其在药物研发中的应用,重点对AD 血液生物标志 物研究的现状和瓶颈进行综述。  相似文献   

微生物标志物在土壤污染生态学研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微生物标志物已被广泛用于土壤污染生态毒理学诊断和土壤污染的预防与修复效果的评价.本文综述了在土壤污染生态学研究中广泛应用的微生物标志物及相关技术,介绍了常用的土壤酶活性测定方法.同时,着重阐述了近几年发展起来的PCR-DGGE和PLFA技术及其应用进展和优缺点.建议实践中应联合使用多种方法,综合不同技术和方法的优势,确保评价的科学性.  相似文献   

生物标志物在微生物鉴定和检测中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析化学技术的进步促进了分析微生物学的发展,开辟了微生物鉴定和检测的新途径。检测微生物中的某些生物标志物往往可以快速、准确地鉴定和检测微生物,在临床检验、环境监测、食品卫生和防生物恐怖中有广泛的应用前景。生物标志物的种类繁多,分析技术和方法多种多样,本文就其种类、应用和发展前景做一综述。  相似文献   

前列腺炎是男性泌尿系统的常见疾病,由于前列腺炎存在病因和发病机制复杂,导致临床症状表现多种、药物治疗缺乏特异性和复发率较高等问题,因此前列腺炎的诊断、治疗和预后判断标准一直是临床关注的焦点。目前还没有诊断前列腺炎的"金标准",而生物标志物的检测有助于临床诊断、治疗和预后诊断,本文检索近年相关,对敏感性较高和特异性较好的一些前列腺炎生物标志物(细胞因子和趋化因子等)及今后研究的侧重点进行综述,从而为前列腺炎的诊断、分型治疗和预后观察提供依据。  相似文献   

生物标志物是环境和地质体中记载着原始生物母质分子结构信息的有机化合物, 其含量可以指征特定生物来源对天然有机质的相对贡献, 其组成和同位素信息还可以记录有机质的转化及环境信息。与传统元素及组分分析相比, 生物标志物为研究天然有机质的来源、动态变化和转化特征提供了具有高度专一性和灵敏度的工具, 因此, 近年来被广泛地应用于生态学和生物地球化学研究中。特别是, 与生态系统观测以及控制实验相结合, 生物标志物在揭示微生物的活性与碳源变化、土壤有机碳的稳定机制及其对全球变化的响应等方面显示了广阔的应用前景。近些年开发的生物标志物单体同位素分析也在生态系统碳氮周转与食物网研究等方面显示了巨大的研究潜力。基于此, 该文综述了生态系统研究中常用的生物标志物的种类、分析方法和应用方向, 总结了生物标志物研究目前存在的问题, 并对未来的研究方向进行了展望, 旨在为使用生物标志物的生态学和环境科学研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

钙网蛋白在水产动物中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钙网蛋白(calreticulin,CRT)不仅是一种主要存在于内质网和肌浆网的可溶性Ca2+结合蛋白,而且在温度、氧气等胁迫、病原以及寄生虫感染等情况下都对细胞起到重要的保护作用。首先解析钙网蛋白的类型、结构与分布,其次分析钙网蛋白在调节细胞内Ca2+平衡、参与机体免疫反应、影响细胞凋亡与血管形成等过程中的生理功能,最后分析钙网蛋白在鱼类、虾类及贝类中的研究。综合分析发现,钙网蛋白可能作为水产养殖中一种分子生物标志物进而反应水产动物的生理状态。  相似文献   

赵慧  沈逸 《生命科学》2021,(5):611-620
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是一种常见的神经退行性疾病,以胞外淀粉样蛋白(amyloid-β,Aβ)沉积和胞内神经纤维缠结为主要病理特征.AD发病机理尚未完全探明,并且缺乏有效的早期临床诊断方法,AD患者往往在轻度认知障碍(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)和痴...  相似文献   

翁幼竹  方永强  张玉生 《生态学杂志》2013,24(11):3318-3324
溶酶体(lysosome)是真核细胞内重要的细胞器.近年来随着对溶酶体结构和功能研究的深入,溶酶体被认为是亚细胞水平上的有毒物质的靶点,在国外已广泛应用于海洋污染监测.本文概述了溶酶体标志酶、溶酶体 自噬系统和溶酶体膜的生物学特性,在此基础上介绍了利用溶酶体检测技术进行海洋污染监测的原理和方法.双壳贝类消化腺和鱼类肝脏最适于作为溶酶体检测的敏感器官;采用溶酶体膜稳定性测定(LMS)、溶酶体中性红保留时间测定(NRRT)、溶酶体形态测量(MM)、溶酶体标志酶免疫组化测定(Ih)和电镜(EM)观察等技术,能够指示海洋污染状况,因此溶酶体可作为生物标志物监测海洋环境污染.文中还分析了溶酶体检测的优缺点以及应注意问题,对其应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

目前,对阿尔茨海默病(AD)的诊断和治疗还存在一定的局限性和困难,临床上筛选出敏感性和特异性高的生物标志物有助于对AD的诊断和鉴别诊断,本文就与淀粉样变过程、胆固醇代谢过程及氧化应激过程的标志物的研究现状及其对临床的价值作一综述。  相似文献   

表面活性剂CTAC和STAB对四尾栅藻的毒性效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室内培养法考察了十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)和十八烷基三甲基溴化铵(STAB)对四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda)的生长状况、蛋白质含量、叶绿素含量、脂质过氧化丙二醛(MDA)含量以及超氧化歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响,分析了CTAC和STAB对四尾栅藻的毒性机理。结果表明:CTAC和STAB对四尾栅藻的生长抑制效应受浓度和时间的影响显著,STAB对四尾栅藻的毒性大于CTAC,且CTAC和STAB作用4d内,藻种蛋白质、叶绿素含量以及SOD酶活性均先上升后下降,MDA含量下降。根据5种指标变化与CTAC(或STAB)之间呈现的浓度-效应关系和时间-效应关系推测,表面活性剂对藻细胞的最初攻击点是通过改变其细胞膜膜脂分子的水溶性,破坏四尾栅藻的细胞膜;表面活性剂通过刺激细胞产生活性氧自由基引起脂质及其他生物大分子的氧化损伤可能是其对四尾栅藻产生毒害效应的主要机制。  相似文献   

In coastal streams throughout the north Pacific region, spawning salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) subsidize terrestrial communities with their nutrients and carcasses. We document the previously unreported composition and ecology of terrestrial invertebrates using salmon carcasses in forest habitats from two high salmon density watersheds in coastal British Columbia. From experimental placement of 186 carcasses, terrestrial Diptera-dominated salmon carcass decay (85.5% of carcasses). Overall, we recorded over 60 species from salmon carcasses, including saprophagous Diptera and Coleoptera (15 spp.), dipteran predators (eight spp.) and parasitoids (four spp.), and opportunistic predators, scavengers, and detritivores (24 spp.). Using stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon, we reconstruct the dietary niches of select species relative to salmon muscle tissue and previously sampled non-salmon feeding invertebrate species. From comparisons across seasons, sampling locations and larval and adult life stages, we find evidence for a diet of salmon tissue in flies (Calliphora terraenovae and Dryomyza anilis), and beetles (Nicrophorus investigator and Anthobium fimetarium). The parasitic wasps Alysia alticola and Atractodes sp. had the highest levels of enrichment of all species, representing their larval diet of fly larvae that have fed on salmon carcasses 1 year prior to adult wasp sampling. Temporal and spatial isotopic variation in insect indicator species varies by species mobility and the pathway of salmon nutrient uptake. Cataloguing these associations may be useful for developing indices of intact salmon runs, bear foraging, and subsequent nutrient transfer in coastal watersheds.  相似文献   

Components and processes in the aquatic microbial loop are compared with the composition and functioning of the soil microbial loop. Relative to their bacterial and/or fungal food sources, many of the soil water-film fauna (e.g., protozoa, nematodes) are conspicuous by low biomasses and high turnover rates of carbon and mineral nutrients. Comparisons with production and turnover rates of aerial (pore-inhabiting) fauna are made, and the highly patchy nature of soil microhabitats is shown to be similar to that of aquatic (marine) habitats.  相似文献   

Antioxidant and detoxifying fish enzymes as biomarkers of river pollution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The activity of several antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes, superoxide dismutase SOD , GSH peroxidase GSHPx , GSSG reductase GSR and GSH S transferase GST , the contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances TBARS , and the SOD and GST isoenzyme patterns were studied in the livers of chubs Leuciscus cephalus from reference river areas and polluted urban sites. Livers of polluted fish contained higher concentrations of transition metals, especially copper and iron. Total GSHPx activity was 1.8 fold higher in the polluted fish than in reference animals, while the SOD and GSR activities and the TBARS content were not significantly changed. Three new SOD isoforms pI 4.45, 5.1, 5.2 and a higher intensity of the band pI 4.2 were observed after isoelectrofocusing of polluted fish extracts. Total GST activity was higher in fish from polluted areas. The GST isoenzyme pattern was studied using subunit specific substrates DCNB, EPNP, EA, NPB, NBC and by Western blot using antibodies specific to rat GST subunits 1, 8 Alpha class , 3 Mu class and 7 Pi class . Reference and polluted fish lacked cross reactivity towards Alpha class GSTs. Reference fish displayed weaker cross reactivity towards CST 7 and 2.3 fold lower activity with EA, while higher cross reaction with GST 3 was observed in polluted fish.  相似文献   

The activity of several antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes, superoxide dismutase SOD, GSH peroxidase GSHPx, GSSG reductase GSR and GSH S transferase GST, the contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances TBARS, and the SOD and GST isoenzyme patterns were studied in the livers of chubs Leuciscus cephalus from reference river areas and polluted urban sites. Livers of polluted fish contained higher concentrations of transition metals, especially copper and iron. Total GSHPx activity was 1.8 fold higher in the polluted fish than in reference animals, while the SOD and GSR activities and the TBARS content were not significantly changed. Three new SOD isoforms pI 4.45, 5.1, 5.2 and a higher intensity of the band pI 4.2 were observed after isoelectrofocusing of polluted fish extracts. Total GST activity was higher in fish from polluted areas. The GST isoenzyme pattern was studied using subunit specific substrates DCNB, EPNP, EA, NPB, NBC and by Western blot using antibodies specific to rat GST subunits 1, 8 Alpha class, 3 Mu class and 7 Pi class. Reference and polluted fish lacked cross reactivity towards Alpha class GSTs. Reference fish displayed weaker cross reactivity towards CST 7 and 2.3 fold lower activity with EA, while higher cross reaction with GST 3 was observed in polluted fish.  相似文献   

快速城市化和工业化进程造成了一系列大气污染问题,亟需在宏观尺度上解析大气污染时空分布规律。景观生态学关注格局与过程耦合,景观"源汇"理论可对应解析大气污染物的源与汇效应,将景观生态学的理论与方法引入大气污染研究中已成为解决当前区域发展与大气污染权衡的有效途径。从景观生态学视角辨识了景观与大气污染物的源汇关系,系统梳理了景观格局与大气污染的定量关系,指出当前景观格局指标仍需进一步完善以表征大气污染时空分布特征,而高质量大气污染物时空数据的缺乏是限制景观格局与大气污染过程耦合分析的重要因素,拓展应用景观"源汇"理论,定量解析景观格局对大气污染的源汇效应,同时进一步研发遥感反演技术,实现大气污染物分布格局的精细刻画,将为区域景观规划提供重要支撑。强化大气污染研究中的景观生态学分析途径,将有助于深化景观生态学格局与过程耦合研究体系,也将为景观可持续管理提供有力的科学支撑。  相似文献   

In the present paper we identify biodiversity hotspots of endemic terrestrial invertebrates in southern Greece, using four different criteria and five taxonomic groups. The hotspots identification procedure was facilitated by the use of the MapInfoPro G.I.S. software. We mapped the known distribution of 424 endemic species on a digital map of southern Greece in 548 10 × 10 km2 grids. The total number of registrations (records per grid) is 3826 in 465 grids. Registrations are unevenly distributed in the five sub-regions of the study area, a fact that results from both the unequal collecting effort applied in each sub-region and their different levels of endemism. We first identified the hotspots for each individual taxonomic group, and then for the total species pool. Finally, we analyzed the species saturation pattern in order to find the minimum number of grids needed for the inclusion of 85% of the total number of species. The most important hotspots are mostly at the higher mountains of the study area, especially on Taygetos and Idi Mts. We also give a brief evaluation of the performance of the four criteria used in the case of endemic species analyses.  相似文献   

The concept of taxonomic sufficiency (identifying organisms only to a level of taxonomic resolution sufficient to satisfy the objectives of a study) has received little attention in ecological studies of terrestrial invertebrate assemblages. Here we critically evaluate three approaches to taxonomic sufficiency: the use of morphospecies, genera and functional groups. The objective was to compare estimates of richness (α diversity) and turnover (β diversity) of ant assemblages generated by these data with estimates produced using data for ant species. Ground-active ants were sampled using pitfall trapping within three habitat types: a eucalypt plantation, woodland regrowth patches and the surrounding grassland at a study site in the upper Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Comparisons of assemblage richness and turnover among taxonomic data sets and habitats and after different data transformations used univariate (simple correlation and ANOVA ) and multivariate (Mantel tests, ANOSIM and SSHMDS ) techniques. Our study found: (i) morphospecies and genus richness was highly correlated with species richness over the study area; (ii) ordination scatterplots using species, morphospecies and genus data revealed similar patterns of site separation for the three habitats; (iii) the results were very similar using untransformed, log transformed and binary data; (iv) functional group ordinations separated all three habitat types for untransformed abundance data; and (v) estimates of species turnover were highly correlated with estimates of morphospecies and genus turnover. These results are discussed in relation to future monitoring of ant community structure.  相似文献   

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