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There are 370 000 kilometres of roads in Great Britain, mostly bordered by a verge that is potential habitat for small mammals. The present study assessed the importance of road verges as small mammal habitat and investigated the influence of some key features on rodent abundance. Five rodent and three shrew species were live‐trapped on 14 road verges in late summer 1994 and nine verges in autumn 1996 in north Cambridgeshire, UK. On average, between three and four species were captured per verge. Bank Voles Clethrionomys glareolus, Wood Mice Apodemus sylvaticus and Field Voles Microtus agrestis were the most abundant species, with mean densities of 45.5, 40.2 and 29.5 animals km–1 in summer and 52.8, 181.9 and 47.2 animals km–1 in autumn. Numbers varied between verges and this was significantly correlated with particular features on the verge. Bank Vole and Field Vole numbers showed a significant positive correlation with the dimensions of hedges and the width of the tall grass area, respectively. Wood Mice were also more numerous on verges with big hedges but the relationship between mouse abundance and verge structure was complex. The number of mice in 1994 was positively and significantly correlated with hedge features and with the width of the short grass sightline, whereas, in autumn 1996, they were only significantly correlated with total verge width (positive association) and ditch width (negative association).  相似文献   

Small mammal species are abundant and common throughout Europe and often utilise areas that are subject to agricultural land use. Arable farmland is an example of a frequently disturbed habitat, and this study questioned how such disturbance affected the two most common species in the region; one a habitat generalist and one a habitat specialist. We confirmed the prediction that wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus, a habitat generalist) would make use of a variety of habitats and that bank voles (Myodes glareolus, a habitat specialist) would make greater use of the more stable portions of the study site. We surveyed the study site intensively in order to test whether there was continuity in the spatial arrangement of individuals of both species, given the strategy employed. The spatial arrangement of wood mice varied with season but remained stable for bank voles. We found no association, positive or negative, between the spatial distributions of the two species, suggesting that spatial competitive exclusion did not occur. This work provides further insight into how these small mammal species are affected by agricultural disturbance and predictions can be made about how the species will respond under CAP Reform greening practices.  相似文献   

Road construction creates new habitats for a variety of species. In intensive farming landscapes, road verges may be the only suitable habitat for rodents. However, little attention has been paid to other road-related landscape elements (RRLEs), such as excavation slopes or the central islands of roundabouts, and their importance in a rodent territory. This study investigated all types of RRLE in terms of rodent abundances and habitat quality. RRLEs were compared with the semi-natural elements of the studied landscape using a capture-mark-recapture protocol. Four species and 3154 individuals were captured over a period of four months. Relative abundance and habitat quality were higher in RRLEs than in semi-natural elements. Mapping of the landscape showed that 86% of crop fields are accessible to Microtus arvalis (and almost 100% for Apodemus sylvaticus) from road verges. Our results highlight the importance of road verges and all other RRLEs in the conservation of species diversity in intensive farming landscapes.  相似文献   

The effect of habitat components (vegetation density at two levels, litter, logs and roads) on the distribution of small mammals was assessed in adjacent areas of native forest and Pinus taeda plantation in north-eastern New South Wales. Rattus fuscipes was associated with structural complexity in native forest but not in pine plantation where it was found on downslope areas. R. rattus was associated with windrows in the pine plantation, R. lutreolus with areas devoid of a shrub layer in the pine plantation, Antechinus stuartii with logs and Melomys cervinipes with habitat components associated with rainforest areas. Road crossing by small mammals was inversely related to road width; roads severely restricted or stopped the movement of small mammals even when the road consisted of a long-unused and partly overgrown track.  相似文献   

The immigration and colonization of small mammals into a small depopulated wooded area surrounded by meadows was monitored by live-trapping and then compared with the same processes in an open forest following removal trapping. Rate of recolonization was lower in the depopulated woods than in the continuous forest. Bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus , predominated the small mammal communities before removal; however, after removal the percentage of bank voles decreased and species diversity increased. When comparing the bank voles from the wooded area with the continuous forest, we found a higher percentage of sexually active animals, the lack of reproducing females and slightly lower body weights. Based on these characteristics the bank voles that recolonized the small woods were regarded as dispersers. The meadow belt surrounding the depopulated wood acted as a "filter" which stopped some bank voles and allowed others to pass through, and also "selected" different species crossing it according to their mobility. Some effects of such habitat barriers on the functioning of metapopulations are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of weather on habitat use by small mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summer habitat use by three species of forest small mammals was determined using tracking stations Nocturnal weather influenced habitat selection by deer mice and woodland jumping mice but not by red-backed voles Deer mice used all habitats equally on clear nights but were most active in mixed forest on cloudy, rainless nights and most active in a coniferous habitat on rainy nights Jumping mice were most active in mixed forest on clear and rainy nights but shifted to coniferous forest on cloudy dry nights Red-backed voles were most active in the coniferous habitat regardless of weather Microhabitat references within habitats reflected the same preferences as habitat selection Microhabitat selection by jumping mice also changes with weather The mechanism most likely responsible for the observed habitat selection changes is changing insect abundance associated with cloud cover and rainfall  相似文献   

Small mammals in a high-altitude grassland area close to Mexico City were studied. Populations of 10 species were censused using live traps in 48 sample quadrats. Within each quadrat, vegetation characterization, including complete floristic listings, cover values for species and layers and values of habitat modification, were assessed. Habitats were described according to plant communities identified using ordination and classification methods. Nine different plant communities were obtained. Densities and abundance of all small mammal species were calculated for each of the habitats classified. Peromyscus alsloni was the most abundant species in all habitats, reaching maximum densities of 55 ha−1 in pine forest with dense ground and herb layer. Peromyscus melanotis also occurred in all habitats but at lower densities (maximum 29 ha−1). Reithrodontomys megalotis was found in all habitats except in tall dense grassland. Densities for this species were generally low (1-9 ha−1) but reached 19 ha−1 in short dense grassland. All other species were largely absent from 4–8 habitats and showed very low densities (0.75–4 ha−1). The densities of the more abundant species were largely correlated with more open habitats and higher indices of habitat modification. Lower altitude grassland habitats have a greater abundance of small mammals and a higher species richness than the medium and higher altitude, physiognomically more complex habitats. Species richness was highest in tall pine-alder forest with a species-rich, dense herb layer and lowest in pine forest with dense ground and herb layers. Species richness was positively correlated with overall small mammal density.  相似文献   

Burrowing and foraging of semi‐fossorial rodents can affect species distribution and composition. Ground squirrels dig large burrow systems for refuge from predators and temperature extremes. Burrowing and foraging around burrows by squirrels may affect habitat and resource distributions for other organisms. We examined the impact of Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris) on vegetation, small mammals and beetles during winter and summer in grasslands on the edge of the Namib Desert. At each burrow system and paired control site without burrows, we estimated plant cover and height using quadrats (N = 8 paired sites), small mammal abundance and species richness using mark‐recapture techniques (N = 8 paired sites) and beetle abundance and species richness using pitfall traps (N = 6 paired sites, winter only). Squirrel burrowing and foraging activities resulted in lower plant cover and height, higher small mammal abundance and lower beetle abundance and species richness. Squirrels also reduced more plant cover in winter compared to summer, but had no effect on small mammal species richness. Furthermore, plant cover and height were higher in summer, whereas small mammal abundance and species richness were higher in winter. Our results suggest that Cape ground squirrels are important ecosystem engineers that influence plant and animal communities in the Namib Desert grasslands.  相似文献   

Demography and habitat selection of small mammals on Zomba Plateau, Malawi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small mammals were studied in tow montane grassland-forest areas on Zomba Plateau (1900m), Malawi, in 1984–85. Seasonal changes in numbers, age-structure and reproduction are given for the three commonest species. Mus triton (36%), Praomys delectorum (29%), and Lophuromys flavopunctatus (19%). Total population numbers for L. flavopunctatus and P. delectorum were lowest at the end of the dry season, and highest at the end of the wet season; reproduction is seasonal, and most young are born in the wet season. Mus triton did not exhibit such large fluctuations in numbers, and reproduced in both wet and early dry seasons. Each species was found in several habitats, but L. flavopunctatus showed a strong preference for unburnt grasslands, M. triton for burnt grasslands, and P. delectorum for forest and tangle habitats. Each species had a different population survival rate, and few individuals survived for more than 5–6 months. Trapped-revealed home ranges were about 3100 m2 for L. flavopunctatus , and 2700 m2 for M. triton . Monthly changes in grass biomass, cover and height were recorded and related to the numbers of small mammals. General features of the small mammals of African mountains, based on data from the Drakensberg, Ethiopia and this study. are presented.  相似文献   

Populations of ship rats (Rattus rattus), Norway rats (R. norvegicus), feral house mice (Mus musculus), stoats (Mustela erminea), weasels (M. nivalis), and ferrets (M. furo) were sampled with killtraps every three months from November 1982 to November 1987 in logged and unlogged native forest and in exotic plantations of various ages at Pureora Forest Park, central North Island. Mice (n=522 collected) were fewest in unlogged native forest, more abundant in road edge cutover forest, and most abundant in a young (5-10 year old) plantation. Traps catching most mice were set in dense ground cover under a low, sparse canopy. Ship rats (n=1793) were absent from the young plantation, present but not abundant in older exotic forest, and abundant in all native forest regardless of logging history. Traps set on warmer, steeper sites caught most ship rats, and those set in early successional habitats caught fewest. There was a marked reciprocal relationship between the distributions of ship rats and of mice: the proportion of mice in the total catch of rodents decreased significantly at the least, disturbed forest sites (P <0.001). Most (81%) Norway rats (n=43) were caught in a single trap in unlogged native forest on the bank of a stream. Stoats (n=57) were most abundant in the older exotic plantations; weasels (n=16) in the young plantation and along road edges in native forest; and ferrets (n=11) in unlogged native forest. Hedgehogs (n=290) were common in unlogged native forest far from any roads and also in older exotic forest. Our data suggest that selective logging and conversion to exotics have different effects on each of the six species we monitored. We hypothesise that (1) selective logging is likely to stimulate temporary increases in the numbers of mice and weasels, but not rats or stoats, and (2) after conversion to exotic forest, mice and occasionally weasels will be abundant at first but will gradually be replaced by ship rats and stoats as the forest matures.  相似文献   

There is renewed focus on the ecological determinants of animal metabolism and recent comparative analyses support the physiological expectation that the field metabolic rate (FMR) of homeotherms should increase with declining ambient temperature. However, sustained elevation of FMR during prolonged, seasonal cold could be prevented by intrinsic limits constraining FMR to some multiple of basal metabolic rate (BMR) or extrinsic limits on resource abundance. We analysed previous measures of mammalian FMR and BMR to establish the effect of ambient temperature on both traits and found no support for intrinsic limitation. We also measured the FMR of a northern population of red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) exposed to ambient temperatures much colder than all but one previous study of mammal FMR. These measurements revealed levels of energy expenditure that are, unexpectedly, among the lowest ever recorded in homeotherms and that actually decrease as it gets colder. Collectively, these results suggest the metabolic niche space of cold climate endotherms may be much larger than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and degradation are considered major threats to freshwater biodiversity and to invertebrates in particular. These often irreversible processes may lead to local and regional extinctions of species, most notably of stenotopic taxa. In spite of this, a number of studies have shown that small habitat patches can sustain rich and abundant communities. The present work assesses the relevance of a group of four small man-made (secondary) wildlife ponds to Odonata species diversity and abundance. Results obtained on pond recruiting capacity, species richness, abundance and habitat use by means of exuviae collection and monitoring of adults using a capture–mark–recapture (CMR) method indicate the potential suitability of these small aquatic biotopes and the surrounding landscape as habitat providers and stepping stone connectors in the Vallès lowlands (Catalonia, Spain). This region, close to the metropolitan area of Barcelona, has severely degraded natural habitats and high landscape fragmentation due to infrastructure, urban and industrial expansion. A comparison among a greater number of sites (ponds and sections of streams and rivers) distributed across the region showed that adequately managed small waterbodies harbour richer Odonata communities than others that are unmanaged or managed specifically for other types of fauna or uses. Appropriate care of these small biotopes avoids disturbance and keeps them free from vertebrates like fish and waterfowl which, under certain conditions, may have a strong influence on the invertebrate communities because, apart from feeding on larvae, they may have a negative impact on macrophyte development and water quality. While rivers and streams, the only natural aquatic habitats in the area, may be both expensive and technically challenging to restore and manage successfully, the creation and/or restoration of small ponds and short river sections in suitable locations can be a cost-effective method for enhancing freshwater vegetation and invertebrate diversity in this impacted landscape.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in understanding how species respond to the modifications of habitat attributes in urban areas. Patterns in the occurrence and abundance of small mammal communities in 15 isolated patches of remnant natural and semi-natural habitat of Porto Metropolitan Area (Portugal) were assessed against environmental characteristics (from both the patch and the surrounding matrix) of each patch using multiple regressions and canonical correspondence analysis. Four species of common small mammals were found: wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus), greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula), Algerian mouse (Mus spretus) and house mouse (Mus musculus). Our results showed that both relative abundance and species richness were negatively affected by urbanization. The species richness also displayed a negative association with the increase of forest around the patch but relative abundance showed the opposite trend. At the species level, the relative abundance of A. sylvaticus and C. russula showed a negative association with urbanization. Our results reveal that these two species also benefit from a mosaic of habitats and pervious areas in the surrounding matrix. The relative abundance of M. spretus and M. musculus showed a negative effect of forest area around the patch. Understanding how the increase of urbanization affects small mammals will be particularly useful for the managers of urban landscapes, as these animals occupy a pivotal position in the ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ventilation standards for small mammals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Large old trees are keystone organisms that generate a highly connected network of interactions because they provide refuge and feeding sites to mammals with different habitat requirements through their under canopy structure and deadwood. In dry woodlands, these keystone trees are found within agricultural landscapes, where grazing and deadwood removal are the main subsistence activities carried out by local people. These activities can modify the structure of trees and, in turn, affect small mammal communities. Our objective was to assess how different land management types modify the structure of P. flexuosa trees, and to determine the effects of modified tree structure on the abundance and composition of small mammal communities. The study was conducted in P. flexuosa forests within a protected area and in grazing fields. We found that the trees and the vegetation structure beneath their canopies reflect the management history of areas. Trees in the protected area and in an abandoned field were structurally more similar to one another than were those in grazing fields with deadwood removal and, in turn, presented greater total abundances of small mammals. Under tree canopy, the amount of deadwood and grass cover favor the presence of species that need closed and more complex habitats. Also, protection provided by the trees was differentially perceived by species, according to their ecological requirements. We can conclude that different land management scenarios allow for the conservation of the whole rodent assemblage and that, the trees determine the presence of species, particularly of those needing more complex habitats.  相似文献   

Here, we conducted a survey to examine the diversity, distribution and habitat association of small mammals from August 2011 to February 2012 incorporating both wet and dry seasons in Aridtsy forest, Awi Zone, Ethiopia. Using Sherman live traps and snap traps in four randomly selected trapping grids, namely, natural forest, bushland, grassland and farmland, a total of 468 individuals comprising eight species of small mammals(live traps) and 89 rodents of six species(snap traps) were trapped in 2352 and 1200 trap nights, respectively. The trapped small mammals included seven rodents and one insectivore: Lophuromys flavopuntatus(30.6%), Arvicanthis dembeensis(25.8%), Stenocephalemys albipes(20%), Mastomys natalensis(11.6%), Pelomys harringtoni(6.4%), Acomys cahirinus(4.3%), Lemniscomys zebra(0.2%) and the greater red musk shrew(Crocidura flavescens, 1.1%). Analysis showed statistically significant variations in the abundance and habitat preferences of small mammals between habitats during wet and dry seasons.  相似文献   

寒温带牧林交错区生境复杂度对啮齿类物种多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用铗日法对嫩江流域牧林交错区5个生境梯度中啮齿动物的多样性水平进行了研究,以探讨栖息地复杂程度对地面啮齿类物种多样性的影响.结果表明,黑线姬鼠、黑线仓鼠和大林姬鼠是嫩江流域牧林交错区中的优势种和常见种,不同物种在不同生境类型中呈明显的不均匀分布,反映了它们对不同生境的选择倾向性.同时,地面草本植物的覆盖度和丰富度对地面活动的小型哺乳动物的物种组成和群落结构具有较大的影响,啮齿动物的捕获率和生物量与草本植物的多样性水平呈现出显著的相关性关系,其物种丰富度随草本植物多样性指数的增加呈递增的趋势.此外,各生境中啮齿动物的物种多样性指数与草本植物多样性的相关关系并不显著,可能是因为灌丛区和林-灌交错区内大量的低矮灌丛与萌生丛改善了生境的隐蔽条件与食物资源,为更多物种的共存创造了良好的微环境,使得两生境中啮齿动物的物种多样性水平尤为突出.研究表明,小型啮齿动物的物种组成与栖息地的复杂程度有关,但地面植被对小型兽类生物量和物种多样性的影响力度并不是等同的,对地面小型兽类物种多样性影响的研究,统计生境复杂度或异质性时应考虑不同植被型/生境类型距地面的高度,不同植被型对小型兽类物种多样性的贡献程度随其距地面高度的增加而降低.  相似文献   

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