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Agricultural practices lead to losses of natural resources and biodiversity. Maintaining forests alongside streams (riparian forest strips) has been used as a mechanism to minimize the impact of clearing for agriculture on biodiversity. To test the contribution of riparian forest strips to conserve biodiversity in production landscapes, we selected bats as a biodiversity model system and examined two dimensions of diversity: taxonomic and functional. We compared bat diversity and composition in forest, with and without stream habitat, and in narrow forest riparian strips surrounded by areas cleared for agriculture. We tested the hypothesis that riparian forest strips provide potential conservation value by providing habitat and serving as movement corridors for forest bat species. Riparian forest strips maintained 75% of the bat species registered in forested habitats. We found assemblage in sites with riparian forest strips were dominated by a few species with high abundance and included several species with low abundance. Bat species assemblage was more similar between sites with streams than between those sites to forests without stream habitat. These results highlight the importance of stream habitat in predicting presence of bat species. We registered similar number of guilds between forest sites and riparian forest strips sites. Relative to matrix habitats, stream and edge habitats in riparian forest strips sites were functionally more diverse, supporting our hypothesis about the potential conservation value of riparian forest strips. Results from this study suggest that maintaining riparian forest strips within cleared areas for agricultural areas helps conserve the taxonomic and functional diversity of bats. Also, it provides basic data to evaluate the efficacy of maintaining these landscape features for mitigating impacts of agricultural development on biodiversity. However, we caution that riparian forest strips alone are not sufficient for biodiversity maintenance; their value depends on maintenance of larger forest areas in their vicinity.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that species diversity is contingent upon the spatial scale used to analyze patterns and processes. Recent studies using coarse sampling grains over large extents have contributed much to our understanding of factors driving global diversity patterns. This advance is largely unmatched on the level of local to landscape scales despite being critical for our understanding of functional relationships across spatial scales. In our study on West African bat assemblages we employed a spatially explicit and nested design covering local to regional scales. Specifically, we analyzed diversity patterns in two contrasting, largely undisturbed landscapes, comprising a rainforest area and a forest‐savanna mosaic in Ivory Coast, West Africa. We employed additive partitioning, rarefaction, and species richness estimation to show that bat diversity increased significantly with habitat heterogeneity on the landscape scale through the effects of beta diversity. Within the extent of our study areas, habitat type rather than geographic distance explained assemblage composition across spatial scales. Null models showed structure of functional groups to be partly filtered on local scales through the effects of vegetation density while on the landscape scale both assemblages represented random draws from regional species pools. We present a mixture model that combines the effects of habitat heterogeneity and complexity on species richness along a biome transect, predicting a unimodal rather than a monotonic relationship with environmental variables related to water. The bat assemblages of our study by far exceed previous figures of species richness in Africa, and refute the notion of low species richness of Afrotropical bat assemblages, which appears to be based largely on sampling biases. Biome transitions should receive increased attention in conservation strategies aiming at the maintenance of ecological and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Protected areas are valuable in conserving tropical biodiversity, but an insufficient understanding of species diversity and distributions makes it difficult to evaluate their effectiveness. This is especially true on Borneo, a species rich island shared by three countries, and is particularly concerning for bats, a poorly known component of mammal diversity that may be highly susceptible to landscape changes. We reviewed the diversity, distributions and conservation status of 54 bat species to determine the representation of these taxa in Borneo’s protected areas, and whether these reserves complement each other in terms of bat diversity. Lower and upper bound estimates of bat species composition were characterised in 23 protected areas and the proposed boundaries of the Heart of Borneo conservation area. We used lower and upper bound estimates of species composition. By using actual inventories, species representation was highly irregular, and even if some reserves were included in the Heart of Borneo, the protected area network would still exhibit low complementarity. By inferring species presence from distributions, composition between most reserves was similar, and complementarity was much higher. Predicting species richness using abundance information suggested that bat species representation in reserves may lie between these two extremes. We recommend that researchers better sample biodiversity over the island and address the conservation threats faced in Borneo both within and outside protected areas. While the Heart of Borneo Initiative is commendable, it should not divert attention from other conservation areas.  相似文献   

Tropical forests around the world have been lost, mainly because of agricultural activities. Linear elements like riparian vegetation in fragmented tropical landscapes help maintain the native flora and fauna. Information about the role of riparian corridors as a reservoir of bat species, however, is scanty. We assessed the value of riparian corridors on the conservation of phyllostomid bat assemblage in an agricultural landscape of southern Mexico. For 2 years (2011–2013), mist‐netting at ground level was carried out twice during the dry season (December to May) and twice during the wet season (June to November) in different habitats: (1) riparian corridors in mature forest, (2) riparian corridors in pasture, (3) continuous forest away from riparian vegetation, and (4) open pastures. Each habitat was replicated three times. To determine the influence of vegetation structure on bat assemblages, all trees (≥10 cm dbh) were sampled in all habitats. Overall, 1752 individuals belonging to 28 species of Phyllostomidae were captured with Sternodermatinae being the most rich and abundant subfamily. Riparian corridors in mature forest and pastures had the greatest species richness and shared 65% of all species. Open pastures had the lowest richness and abundance of bats with no Phyllostominae species recorded. Six of the 18 species recorded could be considered as habitat indicators. There was a positive relationship between bat species composition and tree basal area. Our findings suggest that contrary to our expectations, bats with generalist habits and naturally abundant could be useful detector taxa of habitat modification, rather than bats strongly associated with undisturbed forest. Also in human‐dominated landscapes, the maintenance of habitat elements such as large trees in riparian corridors can serve as reservoirs for bat species, especially for those that are strongly associated with undisturbed forest.  相似文献   

Most studies on frugivorous bat assemblages in secondary forests have concentrated on differences among successional stages, and have disregarded the effect of forest management. Secondary forest management practices alter the vegetation structure and fruit availability, important factors associated with differences in frugivorous bat assemblage structure, and fruit consumption and can therefore modify forest succession. Our objective was to elucidate factors (forest structural variables and fruit availability) determining bat diversity, abundance, composition and species-specific abundance of bats in (i) secondary forests managed by Lacandon farmers dominated by Ochroma pyramidale, in (ii) secondary forests without management, and in (iii) mature rain forests in Chiapas, Southern Mexico. Frugivorous bat species diversity (Shannon H’) was similar between forest types. However, bat abundance was highest in rain forest and O. pyramidale forests. Bat species composition was different among forest types with more Carollia sowelli and Sturnira lilium captures in O. pyramidale forests. Overall, bat fruit consumption was dominated by early-successional shrubs, highest late-successional fruit consumption was found in rain forests and more bats consumed early-successional shrub fruits in O. pyramidale forests. Ochroma pyramidale forests presented a higher canopy openness, tree height, lower tree density and diversity of fruit than secondary forests. Tree density and canopy openness were negatively correlated with bat species diversity and bat abundance, but bat abundance increased with fruit abundance and tree height. Hence, secondary forest management alters forests’ structural characteristics and resource availability, and shapes the frugivorous bat community structure, and thereby the fruit consumption by bats.  相似文献   

Assessing the ecological requirements of species coexisting within a community is an essential requisite for developing sound conservation action. A particularly interesting question is what mechanisms govern the stable coexistence of cryptic species within a community, i.e. species that are almost impossible to distinguish. Resource partitioning theory predicts that cryptic species, like other sympatric taxa, will occupy distinct ecological niches. This prediction is widely inferred from eco-morphological studies. A new cryptic long-eared bat species, Plecotus macrobullaris, has been recently discovered in the complex of two other species present in the European Alps, with even evidence for a few mixed colonies. This discovery poses challenges to bat ecologists concerned with planning conservation measures beyond roost protection. We therefore tested whether foraging habitat segregation occurred among the three cryptic Plecotus bat species in Switzerland by radiotracking 24 breeding female bats (8 of each species). We compared habitat features at locations visited by a bat versus random locations within individual home ranges, applying mixed effects logistic regression. Distinct, species-specific habitat preferences were revealed. P. auritus foraged mostly within traditional orchards in roost vicinity, with a marked preference for habitat heterogeneity. P. austriacus foraged up to 4.7 km from the roost, selecting mostly fruit tree plantations, hedges and tree lines. P. macrobullaris preferred patchy deciduous and mixed forests with high vertical heterogeneity in a grassland dominated-matrix. These species-specific habitat preferences should inform future conservation programmes. They highlight the possible need of distinct conservation measures for species that look very much alike.  相似文献   

Aim The effects of logging and habitat degradation on the richness and abundance of small mammals in Asian rain forests are largely unknown. This work compares the species richness, dominance and evenness of small non‐volant mammals between logged and unlogged forests, and assesses whether assemblage variability (β‐diversity) is similar between forest types. Location Southeast Asia, northern Borneo (Sabah, Malaysia), Sunda‐shelf. Methods We surveyed species‐rich assemblages of small non‐volant mammals in three unlogged and three logged forests for 2 years. At each forest site, we sampled a permanently marked transect and two additional sites in three trapping sessions. All analyses were performed at both levels to include the effects of local abundances and point estimates, separately from the relative abundances of species on a more regional scale. Results We trapped a total of 1218 individuals of 28 species. Eleven common species accounted for 95% of all captures. Species richness and diversity were significantly higher in unlogged forest (27 species) than in logged forest (17 species). This was mainly attributable to the smaller number of rarely recorded species in logged forest (five compared with 16 in unlogged forest, with a total of fewer than 10 captures). However, all common species were present in both logged and unlogged forests, and our analyses revealed similar patterns of dominance, evenness and fluctuations in abundance. Hence overall assemblage composition in multivariate space did not differ greatly between forest types. Assemblages of Muridae and Tupaiidae showed similar population fluctuations in space and time, indicating that the ecology of these taxa may be partially driven by the same environmental factors. Main conclusions Although species were distributed patchily within sites, analyses at local and regional scales revealed similar patterns in diversity and assemblage variability, suggesting that effects of forest modification did not differ extensively locally and regionally, but had a profound effect on rare species. Our results emphasize the importance and conservation value of logged forest stands that are able to hold a large proportion of the small mammals also found in unlogged forests. Rare and more specialized species are more vulnerable to forest degradation than commonly caught species, resulting in the complete loss, or a decrease in numbers, of certain groups, such as arboreal small mammals and Viverridae.  相似文献   

In this study we attempted to explore patterns of diversity, abundance, climbing and dispersal mode of lianas in relation to disturbance in 40 Indian subtropical dry forests. The sites were selected to represent four disturbance categories: relatively undisturbed, moderately disturbed, much disturbed and heavily disturbed. All lianas ≥1 cm dbh were counted, which resulted in a total amount of 5689 individuals of lianas, representing 77 species in 62 genera and 32 families. Liana species richness and abundance increased with forest disturbance, but the liana basal area values showed an opposite trend, with high scores in undisturbed sites. Twining was the main climbing mechanism (61.3%) and zoochory (59.6%) was the main dispersal mode in all the four forest categories. Application of Bray–Curtis cluster analysis produced three distinct clusters in which the much disturbed category was more distant from the others. High abundance of large lianas in undisturbed sites and that of the invasive Lantana camara in heavily disturbed site signals the conservation significance of the less disturbed study sites. The predominance of zoochorous dispersal indicates the faunal dependence of lianas, besides of host trees, thus underlining the need for a holistic approach in biodiversity conservation of this and similar tropical forests.  相似文献   

The Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) landscape, in the Portuguese central-west coast, harbours a mosaic of wetland habitat types, interspersed by intensive and extensive agricultural fields, pastures, production forests and urban areas. In this study, we aimed to determine the species composition and the structure of the bat assemblages of the different habitats that constitute this heterogeneous landscape and to investigate seasonal changes in the patterns of bat diversity and activity across habitats. We acoustically sampled bats across 24 sampling sites representative of the eight main habitat types that shape the landscape—Bocage, forests, maize fields, marshlands, reed beds, rice fields, sea rushes and urban settlements. We compared bat richness, diversity and evenness across habitat types and seasons. We analysed habitat-specific and season-specific overall bat activity, and because habitat selection by bats is known to reflect morphological characters, foraging strategies and echolocation call structures, we also analysed the activity of individual species and of eco-morphological guilds. From 1,544 bat-passes recorded, we identified 12 species. Pipistrellus pygmaeus, Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Eptesicus serotinus/Eptesicus isabellinus were the most frequently recorded. Species composition and activity were similar across habitats, whilst exhibiting strong seasonal dynamics within habitats. Our results suggest that the mosaicism of the landscape provides several opportunities for bats, enabling them to explore different resources in distinct habitat patches. However, it may also reflect a forced exploitation of less optimal habitats and resources by bats, due to the scarcity of opportunities provided by fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

The recent trend of agricultural intensification in tropical landscapes poses a new threat to biodiversity conservation. Conversion of previously heterogeneous agricultural landscapes to intensive plantation agriculture simplifies and homogenizes the landscape, reducing availability, and connectivity of natural habitat for native species. To assess the impact of agricultural intensification on bats, we characterized the bat assemblage in the Sarapiquí region of Costa Rica, where heterogeneous land uses are being converted to intensive, large‐scale pineapple plantations. In 2012 and 2013, we sampled bats in 20 remnant forest patches surrounded by varying proportions of pasture, mature forest, and pineapple and captured 1821 individual bats representing 39 species. We used ordination analyses to evaluate changes in species composition, where pineapple is the main component of the agricultural matrix. We identified landscape metrics specifically correlated with pineapple and used multiple linear regression to test their effects on bat species richness, diversity, and guild‐specific relative abundance. Results suggest pineapple expansion is driving changes in assemblage composition in remnant forest patches, resulting in new assemblages with higher proportions of frugivorous bats and lower proportions of insectivorous bats than in continuous mature forests. In addition, while pineapple does not diminish total bat species richness and diversity, the reduced forest cover and increased distance between forest patches in pineapple plantations has a significant negative impact on the relative abundance of insectivores. We also identify a potential threshold effect whereby patches surrounded by more than 50 percent forest can retain assemblage composition similar to that found in continuous mature forest.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are the most important causes of biological diversity loss, changing the properties of the remaining environment. The Neotropical Region is one of the most affected areas due to the conversion of natural habitats into agricultural activities and deforestation. In this region, bats represent almost 50% of all mammal species, reaching the highest taxonomic and functional diversity. Bats are valuable indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem health, but their response to habitat loss and fragmentation was poorly studied in Argentina. The aim of this study was to analyze the response of bat assemblages to habitat alteration in Northwestern Argentina. The specimens were collected in eight different localities, four well-preserved and four disturbed sites of the Yungas Forests. To describe the structure of bat assemblages, rank-abundance curves, species richness and Shannon (H’) and Simpson (D’) diversity indexes were calculated. To test the assemblage variations among sites, PCA and NPMANOVA analysis were performed. After 96 sampling nights, a total of 565 bats from 23 species were captured. A great variation in the assemblage structure was registered, regardless the disturbance level of the sites. These variations were not significantly different according to statistical analysis. The results support the hypothesis that areas with moderate fragmentation can sustain a high diversity of bat species. Moreover, these results showed that consistent responses to landscape composition at the assemblage level are harder to identify in fragmented Neotropical Forests. The responses of bats to habitat alteration tend to be highly species-specific.  相似文献   

The social structure of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) was investigated in the Brunei Bay area of Brunei Darussalam (Northern Borneo). Intraspecific variability in social systems had been suggested to occur in this species, with social structure varying with habitat differences. Prior reports for this area suggested that groups contained several males, females, and offspring and were unstable. Contrary to these reports, I found that the monkeys were organized into groups containing one male, several females, and offspring. These groups associated at sleeping sites at the river’s edge, thus forming a secondary level of organization. This is the same social system reported in Sarawak, Malaysia and Kalimantan, Indonesia in different habitat types. It appears that methodological differences may account for the discrepancies between reports. I have found no evidence to suggest that intraspecific variation in social systems occurs in this species.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of bats to land use change depends on their foraging ecology, which varies among species based on ecomorphological traits. Additionally, because prey availability, vegetative clutter, and temperature change throughout the year, some species may display seasonal shifts in their nocturnal habitat use. In the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), and northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius) are species of conservation concern that are threatened by habitat loss. Our objective was to identify characteristics of habitat used by these species during their nightly active period and compare use between summer and winter. We conducted acoustic surveys at 125 sites during May–August and at 121 of the same 125 sites December–March 2018 and 2019 in upland forests, bottomland forests, fields, ponds, and salt marsh and used occupancy models to assess habitat use. The northern long-eared bat and southeastern myotis (i.e., myotis bats) used sites that were closer to hardwood stands, pine stands, and fresh water year-round. We did not identify any strong predictors of tri-colored bat habitat use in summer, but during winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than salt marsh and upland forests. During summer and winter, northern yellow bats used sites close to fresh water and salt marsh. Additionally, during summer they used fields, ponds, and salt marsh more than upland and bottomland forests, but in winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than upland forest and salt marsh. Our results highlight important land cover types for bats in this area (e.g., bottomland forests, ponds, and salt marsh), and that habitat use changes between seasons. Accounting for and understanding how habitat use changes throughout the year will inform managers about how critical habitat features may vary in their importance to bats throughout the year. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

According to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) the development of bioindicators is extremely necessary to achieve the conservation targets by 2010, and insects are considered an effective group for this goal. Drosophilids are regarded as potential indicators, although this idea remains untested. Therefore, we followed up a protocol to test the drosophilid potential indicator for human disturbance in the Brazilian Savanna, one of the richest and most threatened tropical biomes in the world. Sampling was undertaken in one urban environment and two biological reserves, representing four habitat types (undisturbed gallery forest, disturbed gallery forest, undisturbed savanna, and urban environment). We examined differences in the drosophilid assemblages among habitat types and used the Indicator Value (IndVal) method to point out the indicator species. We also tested the two-stage indicator validation, a protocol recently proposed in the literature, to validate the indicator species for undisturbed gallery forest and savannas, in independent samples. The assemblage variables varied mainly in undisturbed gallery forests, and reflected changes from an undisturbed to a disturbed stage. The IndVal associated with the two-stage protocol showed reliable characteristic species, which are very helpful for diagnostic surveys. Likewise, species that can detect changes in the habitats were also found. We found a set of indicators, which together may be very efficient for both assessing and reflecting a variety of conditions, improving the confidence of the bioindication system, expanding the taxonomic options for bioindicators, and therefore, contributing to the conservation of this region.  相似文献   

Aim Working within a system of high structural contrast between fragments and the surrounding matrix, we assessed patterns of species loss and changes in species composition of phyllostomid bats on artificial land‐bridge islands relative to mainland assemblages, and evaluated the responses of bats to forest edges. We further examined the relative influence of local‐scale characteristics (e.g. vegetation structure, island area) versus landscape attributes (e.g. forest cover, patch density) and the importance of spatial scale in determining phyllostomid species richness and composition on islands. Location Islands in Gatún Lake and adjacent mainland peninsulas in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panama. Methods Bats were sampled over a 2‐year period on 11 islands as well as at forest‐edge and interior sites on adjacent mainland, resulting in > 8400 captures. Results The islands harboured a less diverse and structurally simplified phyllostomid bat fauna. Islands far from the mainland were especially species‐poor. This decline in species richness was associated with compositional shifts towards assemblages strongly dominated by frugivores with good dispersal abilities. Members of other ensembles, most importantly gleaning animalivores, were much less common or absent. Although overall species composition was not significantly altered, species richness at continuous forest‐edge sites was significantly lower compared with that at interior sites. Distance from the mainland and amount of forest cover in the landscape were the best predictors of species richness and assemblage composition. Responses were scale‐dependent. At the local scale, species richness was independent of island area but was correlated positively with distance from the mainland. In contrast, area effects became more important at larger spatial scales, suggesting that many species use multiple fragments. Main conclusions Our results underline the conservation value of small habitat remnants, which, even when embedded in a hostile matrix, can support a relatively diverse bat fauna, provided that there is a low degree of patch isolation and spatial proximity to larger tracts of continuous forest. Although the results at the assemblage level were inconclusive, we demonstrate that certain bat species and ensembles, particularly gleaning animalivores, exhibit high edge‐sensitivity. Our results point to habitat loss rather than changes in landscape configuration as the main process after isolation underlying phyllostomid bat responses, suggesting that conservation efforts should focus on habitat preservation instead of trying to minimize fragmentation per se at the expense of habitat amount.  相似文献   

We investigated the bat (Microchiroptera) diversity of four major habitat types within a large Australian subtropical city (Brisbane, Australia) to determine whether species richness was affected by habitat changes associated with urbanization, as suggested from studies elsewhere. Forty sites, ten in each habitat type (remnant bushland, parkland, low‐density residential and high‐density residential) were surveyed using acoustic bat detectors on six non‐consecutive occasions. Fourteen bat species were recorded. The species accumulation curve of the entire Brisbane bat assemblage reached a plateau at 14 species. The total numbers of species in bushland, parkland, low‐density residential and high‐density residential habitats were 14, 13, 14 and 11 species, respectively. Asymptotic estimates of species richness for each habitat were close or equal to these totals. Mean asymptotic estimated species richness differed significantly among habitats, being lowest in high‐density residential sites and highest in low‐density residential sites. Evenness profiles were similar across habitats, and were not strongly dominated by a few species. Partitioning of diversity components showed that landscape (γ) diversity was mainly determined by the high species richness of low‐density residential and bushland habitats (α diversity), rather than high beta (β) diversity among habitats. These findings contradict those of other studies on bat diversity in which species richness was highest within ‘natural’ areas of the urban landscape and assemblages were dominated by one or two species. This highlights the need for caution in making generalizations based on existing information, which is dominated by studies in temperate regions.  相似文献   

Habitat heterogeneity is a determinant cause of biological diversity in natural ecosystems, and therefore its preservation should be a priority when planning conservation strategies. Sierra de Baza, in southern Spain, is a protected natural area in which biotopes of particular interest still remain, but extensive afforestation with pine species has been widespread in recent decades and, in some cases, continues. The aim of this paper is to test the role of habitat heterogeneity at the landscape scale in generating epigaeic beetle diversity in Sierra de Baza. After two-year-long cycles of sampling epigaeic beetles, differences in local diversity at nine sites, and differences in the pattern of species turnover between sites, have been measured. Local communities differed among sites, 74% of the species being scarce (less than 0.41% of total beetle abundance), and thus species replacement differed markedly between sites. Comparisons between habitat types showed that the planted pine forests support less diverse fauna. Our results identify habitat heterogeneity at the landscape scale as the main source of epigaeic beetle diversity at the landscape scale, practices such as extensive afforestation diminishing landscape heterogeneity and consequently local beetle diversity. Preservation of landscape heterogeneity should be encouraged for an adequate beetle biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and Geoffroy’s bats (Myotis emarginatus) are two sympatric species that have undergone a serious population decline in Central Europe. In both species, population decline is likely to have been caused by habitat deterioration and habitat loss resulting in a decrease of carrying capacity. We examined the spatial ecology, habitat use and key landscape features in vital populations in R. ferrumequinum and M. emarginatus in the northern part of their current European distribution in Luxembourg. In total, 3,559 fixes from 26 radiotracked individuals were calculated. The tracked individuals of both species showed commuting flights along hedgerows, streams and small-forested patches. Maximum flight distances, home range sizes and habitat diversity did not differ between species, but R. ferrumequinum had significantly larger foraging ranges than adult M. emarginatus. Contrary to other studies, both bat species preferred semi-open, but richly structured traditional farmland habitats such as orchards, pastures and parkland habitats instead of available large broad-leaved deciduous forests. M. emarginatus frequently preyed on abundant arthropod resources in cowsheds, sometimes even exclusively throughout the night. The landscape configuration around the buffered radio fixes of adult R. ferrumequinum and M. emarginatus differed significantly from that around analysed random buffers. Radio fixes were concentrated in a landscape characterised by higher habitat diversity than in the surrounding region. Our results support the concept of a ‘biocultural link’ between traditional land use and biodiversity, and we therefore strongly recommend the conservation of extensive traditional land use practices, which will help to preserve both endangered bat species along with the local biodiversity.  相似文献   

The impact of landscape and habitat diversity on diets of invasive and native species is an important issue when planning management or conservation of wildlife. The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of the environment on the diets of invasive raccoon dogs Nyctereutes procyonoides and native badgers Meles meles in two spatial scales in southern Finland. We studied the relationship between habitat diversity and diet in several study areas in southern Finland (landscape scale) and the relationship between diet and different habitat patches around latrine sites in one study area (local scale). Diets of both species differed between the study areas. The higher was the diversity of habitats in the landscape, the higher was the diversity of diet. Diversity of diet of omnivorous carnivores may thus be used as an indicator of habitat diversity. Also, the higher was the proportion of gardens, the higher was the diversity of raccoon dog diet. Raccoon dog diet was in all areas more diverse than badger diet. Overlap of diets was the smallest in the most diverse area and highest in a managed area with fields and industrial forests. In local scale, positive relationships between habitat types and raccoon dog diet included those between birds and gardens, small mammals and spruce forest and meadows, and frogs and gardens and deciduous forests. The models for badgers included those between birds and reed beds, frogs and deciduous forests, and cereal and earthworms and fields.  相似文献   

South East Asia is widely regarded as a centre of threatened biodiversity owing to extensive logging and forest conversion to agriculture. In particular, forests degraded by repeated rounds of intensive logging are viewed as having little conservation value and are afforded meagre protection from conversion to oil palm. Here, we determine the biological value of such heavily degraded forests by comparing leaf-litter ant communities in unlogged (natural) and twice-logged forests in Sabah, Borneo. We accounted for impacts of logging on habitat heterogeneity by comparing species richness and composition at four nested spatial scales, and examining how species richness was partitioned across the landscape in each habitat. We found that twice-logged forest had fewer species occurrences, lower species richness at small spatial scales and altered species composition compared with natural forests. However, over 80 per cent of species found in unlogged forest were detected within twice-logged forest. Moreover, greater species turnover among sites in twice-logged forest resulted in identical species richness between habitats at the largest spatial scale. While two intensive logging cycles have negative impacts on ant communities, these degraded forests clearly provide important habitat for numerous species and preventing their conversion to oil palm and other crops should be a conservation priority.  相似文献   

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