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—The redox status of ubiquinone (Q) as an index of mitochondrial respiratory chain activity in chopped telencephalon from the rat was investigated. With 12mm -glucose under aerobic conditions Q was 73% oxidized. Three mm -amytal and 2 μm -rotenone, inhibitors of mitochondrial NADH oxidation, resulted in Q being further oxidized by 14 and 16%, respectively. Thus, amytal and rotenone result in shifts in Q redox status of rat telencephalon slices in accord with the known site of action of these compounds in isolated mitochondria. However, under anaerobic conditions Q redox status shifted to 25% oxidized while incubation with 1 mm -NaCN resulted in a shift to only 58% oxidized. This discrepancy may result from concomitant inhibition in the supply of reducing equivalents to Q from substrate by NaCN or it may reflect a differential sensitivity of neuronal and glial mitochondria to NaCN. Evaluation of Q oxidation-reduction can be used to measure the effects of drugs and physiological perturbations on the redox status of the mitochondrial compartment of intact brain preparations.  相似文献   

—Incorporation of [8-14C]adenine into a rapidly-labelled fraction of RNA derived from the nucleus, and into a cytoplasmic RNA of high molecular weight was studied in brain slices from new born rats. The kinetic behaviour of the two fractions of RNA was compatible with a precursor-product relationship between them. The change in the specific activity of adenine and the reduction of radioactivity in prelabelled RNA of brain slices in the presence of actinomycin D, suggest that the observed degradation of nuclear RNA is not due to random changes, but is limited to a relatively small fraction, presumably messenger RNA.  相似文献   

The use of the glutamate dehydrogenase (EC and β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (EC reactions for the calculation of the mitochondrial redox state of brain has been examined. To prevent post-mortem anoxic metabolism, brains were frozen in less than a second by using a new technique. Levels of ketone bodies in brain were so low relative to the contamination by blood and extracellular fluid that calculation of the mitochondrial redox state using the β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase reaction was not practical. The concentrations of the non-nucleotide substrates of the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction could be accurately measured in brain and themitochondrial [NAD+]/[NADH] ratio calculated from the ratio [α-oxoglutarate] [NH4+]/[glutamate]. The calculation is valid if the ratio [α-oxoglutarate] [NH4+]/[glutamate] in mitochondria is the same as that measured in whole tissue. The evidence supporting this conclusion is the near-equilibrium of the aspartate aminotransferase (EC 2.6.1.l) reaction in brain and the observation by others that the distribution of label between α-oxoglutarate and glutamate in brain, after administration of labelled precursors, conforms to expectation. The alanine aminotransferase (EC reaction was not near equilibrium in brain, probably because of the low in vivo activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract— Protein-methylation activity in various organs of the rat was studied with S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-14C]methionine ([methyl-14C](SAM) as methyl donor. Activity of the enzyme was highest in brain and lowest in liver. Histones comprised approximately 20 per cent of the total radioactivity incorporated, and lysine-rich histone was the most active. Analysis of amino acids of the methylated proteins of rat brain showed arginine to be the amino acid most extensively methylated, but some methylation occurred in lysine residues. An additional [methyl-14C]-labelled amino acid was found near histidine on the amino acid column chromatogram.  相似文献   

Abstract— The incubation of cerebral cortical slices for 15 min in Krebs-Ringer-tris (pH 7.6) solution at 37°C with [1-14C]glucose or [6-14C]glucose as substrates yielded a C-1:C-6 14CO2 ratio of 1.21, whereas this ratio increased to 3.01 after the application of electrical stimulation (ES). Tissue levels of 6-phosphoglu-conate (6PG) and glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), intermediary metabolites of hexose monophosphate (HMP) pathway, were 7 and 180 nmol/g tissue following 15 min incubation, and increased by 33 and 45 per cent respectively following the application of ES. Activities of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH, 6-phospho- d -gluconate: NADP+ 2-oxidoreductase, EC and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH, d -glucose-6-phosphate: NADP+ 1-oxidoreductase, EC, important enzymes in regulating the activity of HMP pathway, in cerebral cortical slices were 689 and 907 pmol/mg protein/min and were increased by 66 and 25 per cent respectively by the application of ES. Synaptosomal G6PDH and 6PGDH activities were maximally activated by the addition of 40 m m -Na+ to the reaction mixture, whereas no activation by Na+ was observed in microsomal G6PDH and 6PGDH. Amobarbital inhibited more strongly the Embden–Meyerhof (EM) pathway than the HMP pathway, while imipramine had a stronger inhibitory effect on HMP pathway than on EM pathway in the electrically stimulated cerebral tissues.
The present results indicate that the HMP shunt pathway in the cerebral cortex is activated by the application of ES in vitro , possibly at synaptic regions and may play an important metabolic and functional role in the brain.  相似文献   


Abstract— The uptake of [14C]guanine and some of its [14C]-labelled derivatives into rat brain was studied in vivo and in vitro. In vivo guanine, guanosine, and hypoxanthine penetrated the brain of adult rats to a very small extent. Inosine was taken up somewhat better. In young animals, also, guanosine was taken up poorly, but guanine was taken up fairly well. When guanine was administered to adult animals, only guanine was found in the brain. In young animals, by contrast, radioactivity from guanine appeared in guanosine and in guanine nucleotides, but no free guanine was found. In vitro guanine was taken up much better and, in fact, remained mostly as guanine in slices from 10-day-old rats. The in vitro conversion of guanine to GMP and its incorporation into RNA was unimpaired by the addition of unlabelled guanosine, an indication that guanine was converted directly to GMP. The uptake of guanine in vitro was not subject to competitive inhibition or influenced by the presence of dinitrophenol. This finding suggested that guanine entered the slice by simple diffusion.  相似文献   

何小瑞 《生理学报》1992,44(2):109-114
我们先前已在麻醉大鼠中用锂清除率方法从全肾水平证实,脑室内注射高张盐水(icv.HS)引起的利尿和利尿钠反应是由于肾小球滤过率增加和近球小管重吸收能力降低。本实验用肾小管微穿刺方法从肾单位水平进一步观察icv.HS对浅表肾单位的单个肾单位肾小球滤过率以及近曲小管和髓袢的重吸收的影响。实验在麻醉大鼠中进行。icv.HS后,单个肾单位肾小球滤过率从39.6±1.9nl/min增加至48.8±2.0nl/min(P<0.001);近曲小管末段小管液流量从20.5±1.4nl/min增加至28.4±2.0nl/min(P<0.001);小管液菊糖浓度与血浆菊糖浓度的比值从1.98±0.98降低至1.69±0.05(P<0.01)。根据上述数据计算得到的近曲小管重吸收分数从49.2±2.2%下降至41.7±1.8%(P<0.001),而近曲小管的绝对重吸收无明显改变。这些结果与用锂清除率方法获得的结果相符合。icv.HS后,髓袢的绝对重吸收升高,而重吸收分数下降。上述结果表明刺激脑内渗透压感受器可增加浅表肾单位的肾小球滤过率,并降低近曲小管的重吸收能力,从而增加髓袢的负荷,使髓袢的绝对重吸收增加。本实验结果不能排除icv.HS对髓袢的重吸收过程具有直接影响的可能性。  相似文献   

Brain cortex slices from fed, 48 h and 120 h fasted rats were incubated and 14CO2 was measured from (a) [U-14C]glucose (5 mm ) either alone or in the presence of l -lcucine (0.1 or 1 mm ), and (b) [U-14C]leucine or [l-14C]leucine at 0.1 or 1 mm with or without glucose (5 mm ). In other experiments, sodium dl -3-hydroxybutyrate (3-OHB) or acetoacetate (AcAc) at 1 or 5 mm were added in the above incubation mixture. The rate of conversion of [U14C]glucose to CO2 was decreased 20% by leucine at 1 mm and 30–50% by 3-OHB at 1 or 5 mm but not by leucine at 0.1 mm . The effects of 3-OHB and of leucine (1 mm ) were not additive. The effects of leucine were similar in the fed and fasted rats. The rate of conversion of [U-14C]leucine or [l-,4C]leucine to 14CO2 at 0.1 mm and 1.0 mm was increased by glucose (35%) in the fed or fasted rats. Ketone bodies in the absence of glucose had no effect on leucine oxidation. However, the stimulatory effect of glucose on the rate of conversion of leucine to CO2 was inhibited by 3-OHB at 5 mm . These results suggest that (a) leucine in increased concentrations (1 mm ) may reduce glucose oxidation by brain cortex while itself becoming an oxidative fuel for brain, and (b) leucine oxidation by brain may be influenced by the prevailing glucose and ketone concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of LiCl on cholinergic function in rat brain in vitro and in vivo have been investigated. The high affinity transport of choline and the synthesis of acetylcholine in synaptosomes were reduced when part (25-75%) of the NaCl in the buffer was replaced with LiCl or sucrose. This appeared to be due to lack of Na+ rather than to Li+, as addition of LiCl to normal buffer had little effect. Following an injection of LiCl (10mmol/kg, i.p.) into rats the concentration of a pulsed dose of [2H4]choline (20 μmol/kg, i.v., 1 min) and its conversion to [2H4]acetylcholine, and the concentrations of [2H2]acetylcholine and [2H0]choline were measured in the striatum, cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. The [2H4]choline and [2H4]acetylcholine were initially (15 min after LiCl) reduced (to ?30% in the cortex) and later (24 h after LiCl) increased (to + 50% in the striatum). There was a corresponding initial increase (to +50% in the cerebellum) and later decrease (to ?30% in the hippocampus) of the endogenous acetylcholine and choline. These results indicate an initial decrease and later increase in the utilization of acetylcholine after acute treatment with LiCl. Following 10 days of treatment with LiCl there was an increased rate of synthesis of [2H4]acetylcholine from pulsed [2H4]choline in the striatum, hippocampus and cortex (P < 0.05). The high affinity transport of [2H4]choline and its conversion to [2H4]acetylcholine was activated (131% of control; P < 0.01) in synaptosomes isolated from brains of 10-day treated rats. Investigation of synaptosomes isolated from striatum, hippocampus and cortex revealed that only striatal [2H4]acetylcholine synthesis was significantly stimulated. Kinetic analysis demonstrated that the apparent KT for choline was decreased by 30% in striatal synaptosomes isolated from rats treated for 10 days with LiCl. Striatal synaptosomes from 10-day treated rats compared to striatal synaptosomes from untreated rats also released acetylcholine at a stimulated rate in a medium containing 35 mM-KCl. These results indicate that LiCl treatment stimulates cholinergic activity in certain brain regions and this may play a significant role in the therapeutic effect of LiCl in neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

—1. The effect of pentamethylene tetrazole (PTZ) or metrazol on rat brain phosphorylase (E.C. was studied in vitro. The inhibitory action of PTZ was dependent on its concentration, being most marked in about 4 mM concentration. The inhibitory effect could be reversed to a great extent by inclusion of 5’AMP in the preincubation mixture. GMP, UMP and pyridoxal phosphate had no protective action under similar conditions. 2. PTZ did not appear to be a general inhibitor of enzymes. It had no effect on the activity of rat brain guanine deaminase, E. coli RNA-polymerase, or E. coli aspartate kinase. The inhibition of rat liver phosphorylase activity by PTZ was of a lower order (20 per cent) in comparison with that of brain phosphorylase (56 per cent). 3. Megimide, another convulsant drug, also inhibited the brain phosphorylase in vitro, but the effect of Nikethamide was not so pronounced. Pentothal sodium (a sedative drug) had very little effect on the brain phosphorylase activity.  相似文献   

—The oxidation to CO2 and the incorporation of [U-14C]glucose and [U-14C]acetate into lipids by cortex slices from rat brain during the postnatal period were investigated. The oxidation of [U-14C]glucose was low in 2-day-old rat brain, and increased by about two-fold during the 2nd and 3rd postnatal weeks. The oxidation of [U-14C]acetate was increased markedly in the second postnatal week, but decreased to rates observed in 2-day-old rat brain at the time of weaning. Both labeled substrates were readily incorporated into non-saponifiable lipids and fatty acids by brain slices from 2-day-old rat. Their rates of incorporation and the days on which maximum rates occurred were different, however, maximum incorporation of [U-14C]glucose and [U-14]acetate into lipid fractions being observed on about the 7th and 12th postanatal days, respectively. The metabolic compartmentation in the utilization of these substrates for lipogenesis is suggested. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, cytosolic NADP-malate dehydrogenase, cytosolic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, ATP-citrate lyase and acetyl CoA carboxylase were measured in rat brain during the postnatal period. All enzymes followed somewhat different courses of development; the activity of acetyl CoA carboxylase was, however, the lowest among other key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway, and its developmental pattern paralleled closely the fatty acid synthesis from [U-14C]glucose. It is suggested that acetyl CoA carboxylase is a rate-limiting step in the synthesis de novo of fatty acids in developing rat brain.  相似文献   

Abstract— (1) The sum of the values of total (tissue + medium) amino acid-N of glutamate, glutamine, γ-aminobutyrate, and aspartate (referred to as the glutamate system) and of ammonia-N of incubated rat brain cortex slices is approximately constant under a variety of metabolic conditions (presence or absence of glucose or of oxygen or in the presence of metabolic inhibitors such as aminooxyacetate, malonate, methionine sulfoximine, fluoroacetate, ouabain, 2:4 dinitrophenol, or Amytal). Fluctuations in the value of one constituent are compensated by fluctuations in the values of other constituents. The same applies to infant rat brain cortex slices and to rat brain synaptosome preparations. It is suggested that the constancy of the glutamate-ammonia system implies a coupling of neurons and glia in such a manner that glutamate released from the neurons during excitation is taken up by the glia and there converted to glutamine. The glutamine is returned to the neurons where it is hydrolysed to glutamate and ammonia. The glia, on this view, exercise an important buffering effect on the extracellular content of the excitatory amino acid, glutamate, and possibly on that of other functionally active amino acids emanating from the neurons. (2) The magnitude of the glutamate-ammonia system in the infant rat brain cortex is about 43% of that in the adult. It is suggested that, with maturity, the development of the glutamate-ammonia system is linked with the development of the citric acid cycle of operations. (3) The ammonia in the system is tightly linked to the activity of the ATP-controlled glutamine synthetase. (4) Proteolytic ammonia and amino acids are formed, during the incubation, to values that seem to be independent of a wide variety of metabolic conditions. The total value is approximately 10 μmol/g in the first h of incubation. (5) As the ammonium ion is necessary for the return of glutamate to the neuron in the form of glutamine, it is inferred that the ion plays a functional role in the nervous system by helping to maintain the steady state of glutamate in the neuron.  相似文献   

 本文研究了几种蛋白激酶活化剂及吗啡对脑细胞膜蛋白质磷酸化的调节。cAMP刺激了一种68KDa蛋白质和几种60KDa相关的蛋白质的磷酸化作用,Ca~(++)刺激68KDa和50KDa蛋白质的磷酸化。μ吗啡受体的特异性兴奋剂D-脑啡肽(DAGO)增加68KDa蛋白质的磷酸化,而吗啡K受体的特异性兴奋剂,Bremazocyne抑制这一蛋白质的磷酸化。蛋白激酶c的特异性活化剂——磷脂酰丝氨酸(PS)和甘油二油酸酯(DO)不促进这一磷酸化。相反,却抑制cAMP、Ca~(++)、和DAGO所刺激的68KDa蛋白质的磷酸化。结果表明,在鼠脑细胞膜存在一种68KDa专一的蛋白激酶,其活性受吗啡及几种细胞内信使分子,如cAMP、Ca~(++)和DO的调节。  相似文献   

The ability of 11-day-old rat glial and neuronal cells to biosynthesize sterol was studied as a function of time in vivo and in vitro. The in vitro experiments utilized [2-14C]mevalonic acid as precursor. Glial-enriched cell preparations demonstrated a greater ability to incorporate [2-14C]mevalonic acid into isoprenoid material than did neuronal-enriched preparations. Approximately 4 h were required for maximal uptake of labelled mevalonate by the glial preparations. Further metabolism of the isoprenoid material, involving squalene turnover and sterol demethylation, was still evident even after 15 h of incubation. In vivo, sterol biosynthesis was studied by intraperitoneal injection of sodium [2-14C]acetate and [U-14C]glucose, sacrifice of the animals at 2 or 24 h, subsequent isolation of glial- and neuronal-cell enriched fractions and analysis of labelled isoprenoid material. Glial-enriched fractions again contained the bulk of the labelled isoprenoid material.  相似文献   

Abstract— (1) Swelling of synaptosomes was measured spectrophotometrically by recording changes in extinction at 520 nm.
(2) Synaptosomes behaved as osmometers in NaCl solutions. When the tonicity of the medium was changed, synaptosome volume changed in accordance with Boyle and van't Hoff's Law. These changes were reversed on restoring the tonicity of the medium.
(3) The rate at which a solute entered the synaptosome was determined from the rate of swelling in the presence of that solute. Permeability of synaptosomes to non-electrolytes was in the order glucose ≪ glycerol < thiourea = formamide < propylene glycol = dimethylsulphoxide.
(4) Synaptosomes were freely permeable to ammonium and acetate ions and impermeable to Ca2+, Mg2+, PO42−, SO42− and oxalate ions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Kinetic parameters of the sulphotransferase reaction in rat brain were investigated in vitro at pH 7.4. Evidence is presented that the enzyme phenol sulphotransferase (EC can be assayed with 4-methylumbelliferone or 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol as the substrate. Both assays give identical Vmax values, whereas Km values are 0.026 mm and 0.039 mm , respectively. Normetanephrine, metanephrine and the catecholamines adrenaline and dopamine, having a positive charge on the side chain at pH 7.4, do not inhibit 4-methylumbelliferone and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethy-leneglycol sulphotransferase at this pH. Their deaminated metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol, 3,4-dihydroxymandelic acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethylene glycol, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenethanol and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid inhibit both the enzyme activities. The type of inhibition is noncompetitive with the exception of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylethyleneglycol, which is a competitive inhibitor of 4-methylumbelliferone sulphation. 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxy-mandelic acid does not inhibit the enzyme activities. It is concluded that the catecholamines themselves are not sulphated by rat brain in vitro at pH 7.4.  相似文献   

Abstract— A highly active in vitro protein synthesizing system (S-28) has been prepared from rat brain. Poly (U)-dependent [3H] phenylalanine incorporation by brain S-28 system is significantly inhibited by D-amphetamine. The extent of inhibition by amphetamine is significantly higher than by other biogenic amines such as dopamine and serotonin. At the 100°g level of amphetamine, the inhibition is about 70°. Experiments with ribosomes and soluble enzymes from control and amphetamine-treated systems indicate that the observed inhibition may be due to the effect of the drug on the ribosomes. Kinetic analysis of the reaction mixture in the presence as well as absence of D-amphetamine indicate that this sympathomimetic drug inhibits polysome formation in vitro.  相似文献   

郑素泉  谢荣 《动物学报》1989,35(2):130-134
作者分别取出孕9.5天和孕11.5天大白鼠全胚胎于体外培养各48小时,重点观察9.5天至11.5天胚胎生长发育的形态学变化。  相似文献   

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