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Structural analysis, biochemistry and model studies have provided new insights into the mechanism of action of photolyases. The light-driven electron and energy transfer events that lead to the photolyase-catalyzed repair of lethal, mutagenic and carcinogenic UV-light-induced DNA lesions have all been examined in the past few years.  相似文献   

DNA photolyase catalyzes the repair of pyrimidine dimers in UV-damaged DNA in a reaction which requires visible light. Class I photolyases (Escherichia coli, yeast) contain 1,5-dihydroFAD (FADH2) plus a pterin derivative (5,10-methenyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate). In class II photolyases (Streptomyces griseus, Scenedesmus acutus, Anacystis nidulans, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum) the pterin chromophore is replaced by an 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin derivative. The two classes of enzymes exhibit a high degree of amino acid sequence homology, suggesting similarities in protein structure. Action spectra studies show that both chromophores in each enzyme tested act as sensitizers in catalysis. Studies with E. coli photolyase show that the pterin chromophore is not required when FADH2 acts as the sensitizer but that FADH2 is required when the pterin chromophore acts as sensitizer. FADH2 is probably the chromophore that directly interacts with substrate in a reaction which may be initiated by electron transfer from the excited singlet state (1FADH2*) to form a flavin radical plus an unstable pyrimidine dimer radical. Pterin, the major chromophore in E. coli photolyase, may act as an antenna to harvest light energy which is then transferred to FADH2.  相似文献   

Sun light energy is used by plants to trigger their growth and development. However, an increase of UV-B light may lead to DNA damage. DNA photolyases are enzymes that repair the cyclobutane pyridine dimer (CPD) and 6–4 photoproduct lesions formed through UV irradiation of DNA. Many aspects of the repair process are under intense scientific investigation but still poorly understood. Here we have computationally analysed DNA-photolyases using the resonant recognition model (RRM), a physico-mathematical approach based on digital signal processing methods. The RRM proposes that protein interactions represent the transfer of resonant electromagnetic energy between interacting molecules at the particular frequency. Within this study we have determined photolyases characteristic frequency, “hot spots” amino acids corresponding to the functional mutations and functional active/binding sites, and designed photolyase peptide analogous. A mutual relationship between photolyase and p53 tumour suppressor protein has also been investigated. The results obtained provide new insights into the structure–function relationships of photolyase protein family.  相似文献   

Class I and class II CPD photolyases are enzymes which repair pyrimidine dimers using visible light. A detailed characterization of class I CPD photolyases has been carried out, but little is known about the class II enzymes. Photolyases from rice are suitable for functional analyses because systematic breeding for long periods in Asian countries has led to the selection of naturally occurring mutations in the CPD photolyase gene. We report the biochemical characterization of rice mutant CPD photolyases purified as GST-form from Escherichia coli. We identified three amino acid changes, Gln126Arg, Gly255Ser, and Gln296His, among which Gln but not His at 296 is important for complementing phr-defective E. coli, binding UV-damage in E. coli, and binding thymine dimers in vitro. The photolyase with Gln at 296 has an apoenzyme:FAD ratio of 1 : 0.5 and that with His at 296 has an apoenzyme:FAD ratio of 1 : 0.12-0.25, showing a role for Gln at 296 in the binding of FAD not in the binding of thymine dimer. Concerning Gln or Arg at 126, the biochemical activity of the photolyases purified from E. coli and complementing activity for phr-defective E. coli are similarly proficient. However, the sensitivity to UV of cultivars differs depending on whether Gln or Arg is at 126. The role of Gln and Arg at 126 for photoreactivation in rice is discussed.  相似文献   

A selection of interesting papers that were published in the two months before our press date in major journals most likely to report significant results in structural biology.  相似文献   

A selection of interesting papers that were published in the two months before our press date in major journals most likely to report significant results in structural biology.  相似文献   

A selection of interesting papers that were published in the two months before our press date in major journals most likely to report significant results in structural biology.  相似文献   

A selection of interesting papers that were published in the two months before our press date in major journals most likely to report significant results in structural biology.  相似文献   

Protein crystallography has become a major technique for understanding cellular processes. This has come about through great advances in the technology of data collection and interpretation, particularly the use of synchrotron radiation. The ability to express eukaryotic genes in Escherichia coli is also important. Analysis of known structures shows that all proteins are built from about 1000 primeval folds. The collection of all primeval folds provides a basis for predicting structure from sequence. At present about 450 are known. Of the presently sequenced genomes only a fraction can be related to known proteins on the basis of sequence alone. Attempts are being made to determine all (or as many as possible) of the structures from some bacterial genomes in the expectation that structure will point to function more reliably than does sequence. Membrane proteins present a special problem. The next 20 years may see the experimental determination of another 40,000 protein structures. This will make considerable demands on synchrotron sources and will require many more biochemists than are currently available. The availability of massive structure databases will alter the way biochemistry is done.  相似文献   

A selection of interesting papers that were published in the two months before our press date in major journals most likely to report significant results in structural biology.  相似文献   

A selection of interesting papers that were published in the two months before our press date in major journals most likely to report significant results in structural biology.  相似文献   

A selection of interesting papers that were published in the two months before our press date in major journals most likely to report significant results in structural biology.  相似文献   

G B Sancar 《Mutation research》1990,236(2-3):147-160
DNA photolyases catalyze the light-dependent repair of cis,syn-cyclobutane dipyrimidines (pyrimidine dimers). Although the phenomenon of enzymatic photoreactivation was first described 40 years ago and photolyases were the first enzymes shown unequivocally to effect DNA repair, it has only been in the last 8 years that sufficient quantities of the enzymes have been purified to permit detailed studies of their physical properties, identification of their intrinsic chromophores, and elucidation of the mechanisms of dimer recognition and photolysis. In addition several of the genes encoding these enzymes have now been cloned and sequenced. These studies have revealed remarkable functional and structural conservation among these evolutionarily ancient enzymes and have identified a new role for photolyases in dark-repair processes which has implications for the mechanism of nucleotide excision repair in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Photolyases are ubiquitously occurring flavoproteins for catalyzing photo repair of UV-induced DNA damages. All photolyases described so far have a bilobal architecture with a C-terminal domain comprising flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as catalytic cofactor and an N-terminal domain capable of harboring an additional antenna chromophore. Using sequence-similarity network analysis we discovered a novel subgroup of the photolyase/cryptochrome superfamily (PCSf), the NewPHLs. NewPHL occur in bacteria and have an inverted topology with an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal domain for sealing the FAD binding site from solvent access. By characterizing two NewPHL we show a photochemistry characteristic of other PCSf members as well as light-dependent repair of CPD lesions. Given their common specificity towards single-stranded DNA many bacterial species use NewPHL as a substitute for DASH-type photolyases. Given their simplified architecture and function we suggest that NewPHL are close to the evolutionary origin of the PCSf.  相似文献   

DNA photolyases that catalyze light-dependent repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) were extracted and partially purified from sorghum and cucumber. The action spectra of CPD photolyases in these plant species had a maximum at 400 nm, which differ from those in Drosophila, Escherichia coli and Anacystis.  相似文献   

Magnetoreception is a hallmark ability of animals for orientation and migration via sensing and utilizing geomagnetic fields. Magnetoreceptor (MagR) and cryptochromes (Cry) have recently been identified as the basis for magnetoreception in Drosophila. However, it has remained unknown whether MagR and Cry have conserved roles in diverse animals. Here we report the identification and expression of magr and cry genes in the fish medaka (Oryzias latipes). Cloning and sequencing identified a single magr gene, four cry genes and one cry-like gene in medaka. By sequence alignment, chromosomal synteny and gene structure analysis, medaka cry2 and magr were found to be the orthologs of human Cry2 and Magr, with cry1aa and cry1ab being coorthologs of human Cry1. Therefore, magr and cry2 have remained as single copy genes, whereas cry1 has undergone two rounds of gene duplication in medaka. Interestingly, magr and cry genes were detected in various stages throughout embryogenesis and displayed ubiquitous expression in adult organs rather than specific or preferential expression in neural organs such as brain and eye. Importantly, magr knockdown by morpholino did not produce visible abnormality in developing embryos, pointing to the possibility of producing viable magr knockouts in medaka as a vertebrate model for magnet biology.  相似文献   

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