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Tooth wear scores (ratios of exposed dentin to total crown area) were calculated from dental casts of Australian Aboriginal subjects of known age from three populations. Linear regression equations relating attrition scores to age were derived. The slope of the regression line reflects the rate of tooth wear, and the intercept is related to the timing of first exposure of dentin. Differences in morphology between anterior and posterior teeth are reflected in a linear relationship between attrition scores and age for anterior teeth but a logarithmic relationship for posterior teeth. Correlations between age and attrition range from less than 0.40 for third molars (where differences in the eruption and occlusion of the teeth resulted in different patterns of wear) to greater than 0.80 for the premolars and first molars. Because of the generally high correlations between age and attrition, it is possible to estimate age from the extent of tooth wear with confidence limits of the order of +/- 10 years.  相似文献   

Contradictory reports on the interreation of caries and attrition concerning their destructive activity at the occlusal surface of teeth required more investigation. Some suggested that the abrasive action of attrition worked against the progress of decay. Others proposed that attrition facilitated the development of caries in dentine exposed due to the dental wear. A comparison of the condition of teeth in western societies from an intermediate stage, with the preceding period characterized by excessive attrition, and with the following period of ongoing reduction of dental wear, might elucidate the mutual relationship. For this reason the almost complete dental assemblage of fifty men, whalers buried during their short sojourn in the Arctic in the 17th and 18th centuries at a Dutch whaling station, and the data of their contemporaries, were evaluated. The results confirmed the proposition that the rise in caries incidence from (pre-) medieval times on, was associated with an ongoing fall of dental attrition. Within this sample of an intermediate phase, one sees that the percentage of carious molars decreases considerably when the degree of dental wear increases. Besides, at the occlusal surface the decay was almost exclusively located in the natural fissures and pits of teeth, not in the exposed dentine due to wear. These findings strongly suggest a competitive relationship between progress of caries and attrition. The best impression of the attrition rate is gained by linkage of degree of dental attrition (i.e. functional age) to age at death. The wide age ranges fitting to the degrees of molar wear make it hazardous to use attrition for age determination.  相似文献   

同口牙齿的磨耗级比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
魏博源 《人类学学报》1988,7(2):160-166
本文比较和分析了同口同侧牙齿的相应的磨耗级,提供了除臼齿以外的牙齿磨耗年龄变化依据。同时还对上下对应牙、两侧对称牙的磨耗级作了比较和分析。  相似文献   

The helicoidal plane of dental occlusion is a composite feature involving axial inclination of teeth and effects of dental attrition. Recent studies disagree on its distribution and significance in hominoid primates. The distribution, development, and functional basis of the helicoidal plane are investigated here, based on quantitative analysis of dental morphology and attrition in 667 human and 60 chimpanzee dentitions. Helicoidal planes are nearly universal in the human and chimpanzee dentitions studied. Increasing axial inclination of molars from M1 to M3 is primarily responsible for the helicoidal plane, although attrition acts to increase its expression. In hominoids, increased molar axial tilt appears to be associated with facial shortening and dental reduction. Population and species comparisons suggest a functional relationship with cranial structure. Progressive axial tilt of molars producing a helicoidal plane is found consistently in mammals with cheek teeth positioned partly under the cranium, as in hominids, pongids, some cebids, macropodids, ursids, and sciurids. Facial shortening is an important trend in hominid evolution and axial inclination of molars might be expected to show progressive change from Australopithecus afarensis to recent Homo sapiens.  相似文献   

Dental attrition scores from two distinct Australian Aboriginal populations were compared by principal axis analysis. The first group was composed of members of the Narrinyeri group who occupied the river basin and mouth of the River Murray. The second group consisted of members of the Kaurna tribe who occupied the coastal plain to the west of the Narrinyeri. The groups were isolated both physically and culturally and as a result differences in patterns of tooth wear might be expected. In the Narrinyeri sample, attrition tended to be more rapid in females for all but the anterior teeth. The only sex difference in the Kaurna was for the maxillary central incisors, which wore more rapidly in females. Interpopulation differences in the pattern of tooth wear were also evident. The incisors, canines, and premolars of Kaurna subjects tended to wear more rapidly, while the rate of posterior tooth wear tended to be greater in the Narrinyeri. The application of the principal axis method to quantitative attrition data provided a sensitive, objective evaluation of tooth wear. The reasons for the observed differences between the two groups are still not completely clear but may relect both functional and morphological differences between groups.  相似文献   

The incidence of tooth wear was studied in a wild troop ofM. fuscata, that had previously been transplanted from Arashiyama, Japan, to Texas. This study was undertaken to determine differences of attrition between males and females, and between maxillary and mandibular dentitions. Contrary to other findings, the rate of wear was not found to be an expression of sex difference, but seemed rather related to function. The following observations may suffice as examples: The mandibular third premolars function as a honing surface for the maxillary canines, and experience greater wear over time in males due to their proximity to smaller canines which leave their neighbors more vulnerable to wear. The degree of attrition intensity is neither the same for males and females, nor the maxillary and mandibular dentitions. Certain maxillary and mandibular teeth “pair up”; although all “pairs” are identical in males and females, they rank differently in the degree of wear experienced. Overall, females express greater attrition in the maxillary, and males in the mandibular dentitions.  相似文献   

Human tooth wear, tooth function and cultural variability   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Among primitive peoples dental attrition appears to be a natural phenomenon. Often the degrees and kinds of tooth wear vary from population to population. This variability is possibly related to certain material aspects of culture such as diet, food preparation techniques and tool usage. In order to learn more about these relationships, extensive cross cultural comparisons must be made. This paper reports on a study of dental attrition among skeletal remains of North American Indians from three areas: California, the Southwest and the Valley of Mexico. A method of comparing worn teeth of these populations was devised so several characteristics of the teeth and supporting bone could be examined by population. This study showed significant differences in type and degree of wear among the three groups as well as differences between sexes within each population. A positive correlation between tooth wear and cultural factors was found. Dietary specialization and division of labor appear to be responsible for the degree and type of wear found in this sample. Further studies of this type are planned to expand the sample size and, if the new data support these correlations, valuable information about human–environmental relationships can be gained.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to bring together data that link tooth morphology with tooth function and tooth growth: We aim to show how the microanatomy of hominoid teeth is providing evidence about rates of tooth growth that are likely to be a consequence of both masticatory strategy and social behaviour. First, we present data about incisor and molar tooth wear in wild short chimpanzees that demonstrate how crown heights are likely to be related to relative tooth use in a broad sense. Following this we review recent studies that describe the microanatomy of hominoid tooth enamel and show how these studies are providing evidence about tooth crown formation times in hominoids, as well as improving estimates for the age at death of certain juvenile fossil hominids. Next, we outline what is known about the mechanisms of tooth growth in the sexually dimorphic canine teeth of chimpanzees and compare these patterns of growth with tooth growth patterns in the canines of three fossil hominids from Laetoli, Tanzania. Finally, we discuss how selection pressures that operate to increase or reduce the size of anterior teeth interact with jaw size. We argue that the space available to grow developing teeth in the mandibles of juvenile hominoids is determined by the growth patterns of the mandibles, which in turn reflect masticatory strategy. The consequences of selection pressure to grow large or small anterior teeth are likely to be reflected in the times at which these teeth are able to emerge into occlusion.  相似文献   

Form and severity of dental attrition was assessed in aboriginal human groups including hunter-gatherers (Eskimos, Australians) and those with dependence to a varying degree on food production (Southwest U.S. and Ohio American Indians). Wear on anterior teeth was both relatively and absolutely greater in the hunter-gatherers, as indicated by comparisons of wear on anterior and posterior teeth which come into occlusion at roughly the same time. Distinct differences in form of anterior wear were also apparent: The hunter-gatherers exhibited steadily increasing incidences of labially rounded wear with greater functional age, while the food-producing groups showed little or no rounding but instead high frequencies of heavily cupped wear (especially in those with premature loss of posterior teeth). These differences were attributed to nonmasticatory utilization of the front teeth in hunter-gatherers and to employment of the anterior teeth in masticatory (grinding) activities necessitated by large-scale molar loss in food producers.  相似文献   

The dental sample recovered from the Sima de los Huesos (SH) Middle Pleistocene cave site of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain) includes 296 specimens. Interproximal wear grooves have been observed in 20 maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth belonging to at least five of the 32 individuals identified so far in the SH hypodigm. Interproximal grooving affected only the adults, and at an age between 25 and 40 years. The appearance, morphology, and location pattern of the SH wear grooves are similar to those reported in other fossil hominids and in more recent human populations. Two alternative proposals, the toothpicking and the fiber or sinew processing hypotheses, compete for explaining the formation of this anomalous wear. The characteristics observed in the wear grooves of the SH teeth are compatible only with the habitual probing of interdental spaces by means of hard and inflexible objects. Dietary grit may also have contributed to the abrasion of the root walls during the motion of the dental probes. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 102:369–376, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Among hunter-gatherers, the sharing of male and female foods is often assumed to result in virtually the same diet for males and females. Although food sharing is widespread among the hunting and gathering Hadza of Tanzania, women were observed eating significantly more tubers than men. This study investigates the relationship between patterns of dental wear, diet, and extramasticatory use of teeth among the Hadza. Casts of the upper dentitions were made from molds taken from 126 adults and scored according to the Murphy dental attrition scoring system. Females had significantly greater anterior occlusal wear than males when we controlled for age. Males exhibited greater asymmetry in wear, with greater wear on the left side in canines, first premolars, and first molars. We suggest that these sex differences in wear patterns reflect the differences seen in the diet, as well as in the use of teeth as tools.  相似文献   

The dental casts made from Aboriginal children during the course of a longitudinal growth study in Central Australia provided material for analyzing tooth wear under known environmental conditions. The wear facets produced on the occlusal surfaces were clearly preserved on the dental stone casts and recorded the progress of enamel attrition from ages 6 to 18. These casts were photographed and traced by electronic planimetric methods that automatically recorded the location and size of wear facets on the first and second permanent molars. These areas of worn tooth surface were compared to the total tooth surface. The worn surface was regressed on age to calculate wear rates of each tooth. Discriminant analyses were also performed to determine the significance of dental attrition differences between the sexes at each age group. The total wear on each tooth was highly correlated with age as expected but females wore their teeth at a significantly higher rate than males. The mandibular molars wore more rapidly than maxillary teeth in both sexes. The discriminant analysis successfully grouped 91% of the cases according to age and sex. Pattern of wear, the location, and size of wear facets also differed between age groups and sex. The questions of why there is a difference between male and female wear or why there is greater wear on one arch or arch region have no ready answers. The differing rates and pattern of dental wear do suggest that arch shape and growth rates may be the answer though it has yet to be tested. However, the occlusal surface wear is useful for age estimation in a population and provides a record of shifting masticatory forces during growth.  相似文献   

Associations between occlusal dental attrition and the lingual tilting of human teeth were investigated in two aboriginal California populations. A literature survey suggests lingual tilting is related geographically and temporally to the helicoidal occlusal plane in humans; if true, lingual tilting should be expected throughout the Homo osteological record. Buccal alveolar abscesses, exposed pulp chambers, extent of tooth attrition, angle of lingual tilt, and amount of overjet were observed for lingually tilted teeth. These attributes were analyzed statistically, leading to a conclusion that lingual tilting is slight and infrequent unless tooth attrition is pronounced. It is suggested that lingual tilting is due in part to masticatory stress. A feedback model considers lingual tilting as one conspicuous manifestation of a more complex “severe attrition syndrome,” the initial stimulus for which may derive from heavy occlusal tooth wear. Untested possibilities should be examined–e.g., age-related changes, the impact of the helicoidal occlusal plane, and the role of masticatory forces.  相似文献   

It is common knowledge, that in archaic populations teeth were used as tools, this behavior can be studied by evaluating attrition patterns. Parafacets were defined as nonmasticatory wear areas that have no antagonist matching wear facets. The presence of the parafacets led to far-reaching conclusions regarding cultural interactions between Near Eastern Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans. This study was aimed to examine the identification of parafacets in some of the Qafzeh specimens. Based on findings of our research we suggest that the attrition facets mistakenly considered as parafacets are in fact the result of the static and dynamic occlusion. Therefore the observations induce much less dramatic interpretation. We here propose several guidelines that would be beneficial in that they aim to evaluate the parafacets with heightened accuracy.  相似文献   

Ala-329 is a prehistoric central California site located on the southeastern margin of San Francisco Bay, dating from approximately 500 AD up to pre-European contact. A large earth mound, Ala-329, has yielded many well preserved burials, approximately 300 of which are included in this study. The most common pathological lesions seen in this population are in the dentition. Advanced attrition is pervasive, affecting all individuals with teeth in occlusion for 2 years or more. Deciduous teeth are involved even in very young children and often show severe wear before replacement. In the permanent dentition, all elements are involved by the second decade; in the oldest age category (41+ years), all individuals show severe wear throughout their dentitions. In fact, by the end of the third decade, the majority of individuals have no enamel remaining. Mild periodontal involvement is found in 74% of adults, socket resorption in 53%, and abscesses in 31% of the relevant sample. Interestingly, although dental abscesses are found more than twice as often among males, socket resorption is seen more often among females. Dental caries are seen in only 10 individuals. The high incidence of periodontal remodeling, socket resorption, and dental abscesses is probably a secondary result of severe dental attrition. It is hypothesized that a large quantity of abrasives in the diet is responsible for the extreme degree of attrition, in fact, among the most severe for any population yet described.  相似文献   

New directions and new questions raised in the study of health in the past justify this reanalysis of the pattern of dental attrition in the Medieval Danish population of Tirup. Dental attrition was scored on all permanent molars from the Tirup skeletal sample. Scores were analyzed by means of logistic regression of the probability of having entered a given stage of wear for a given tooth in a way that is very similar to transition analysis. The primary determinant of dental attrition was age at death. In addition to age, the effects of sex, side, and dating were analyzed. In order to assess the homogeneity of the process of wearing teeth down, a third-order polynomial in age-at-death was also fitted to the transition probabilities. It was found that age is the single most important determinant of dental attrition, and that sex or side did not differentiate the rate of attrition. In several transitions, there was evidence of heterogeneity, indicating both random and systematic interpersonal differences in the rate of attrition and an association between the rate of attrition and age-at-death. It was found that attrition proceeded more quickly after AD 1300 than prior to that date. It is suggested that this was due to a possible general deterioration of living conditions in Northern Europe and an increased reliance on grain for food during the first half of the 14th century. The temporal effect on attrition rate accounts for some but not all the observed heterogeneity wear.  相似文献   

Tooth size and dental pathology in fossil hominids were studied to test for regional differences in these parameters. The results showed little regional variation in tooth size for the Middle and Upper Pleistocene sites compared (except for Krapina) but considerable differences in the severity of attrition and dental pathology. These differences were considered indicative of regional differences in the functional load borne by the teeth, and in view of the similar technological status of the groups studied, were attributed to environmental differences in the diet. Since, in all regions, reduction in tooth size appeared to continue at the same rate for the periods investigated, no association can be established between presumed selective pressures related to differences in functional demands made on the dentition, and tooth reduction.  相似文献   

Daníile  Steyn  J. Hanks 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(2):247-257
The use of eye lens weight, tooth eruption and tooth attrition has been investigated as a method for age determination in the hyrax. Illustrations are presented on the stages of eruption to reduce subjectivity of eruption criteria and to aid age determination. All teeth are fully erupted and in wear by five years of age, from which point age determination can be based on attrition of M3. Growth with age is described by means of the von Bertalanffy equation. Asymptotic weight is reached by 60 months, asymptotic body length and body girth by 40 months, and hindfoot length by 35 months. The asymptotes and the coefficient of catabolism (K) are compared with values obtained in other studies.  相似文献   

The Hoedjiespunt 1 locality is an archaeological and palaeontological site located on the Hoedjiespunt Peninsula at Saldanha Bay, South Africa. In 1996 two human teeth, a left central mandibular incisor and a left lateral mandibular incisor, were discovered during excavations in the late Middle Pleistocene palaeontological layers. These teeth are described and are found to belong to a single subadult individual. Despite their developmental stage, these incisors already display early signs of wear. Their crown diameters are larger than modern and archaeological African comparative material and are most closely comparable with crown diameters of an early Middle Pleistocene and late Middle Pleistocene dental sample from Africa, Europe and Asia. In the light of this metrical evidence, data on two previously excavated maxillary molars, most probably belonging to the same individual, were re-examined. It was found that the Hoedjiespunt 1 hominid possessed dental metrical features (large anterior teeth and small molars) comparable with other African and European hominids referred to the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

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