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Responses of Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) adults to chemicals from citrus fruits were quantified in choice tests conducted in large field cages housing naturally planted orange trees, on the Greek island of Chios. Both sexes responded strongly to chemicals released from artificial cuts made in the pulp of peeled oranges and also to natural or commercial orange juice applied to the surface of yellow 7.0 cm diameter spheres. Males also responded strongly to chemicals released from cuts made in the oily region of the orange peel, or flavedo and less to sour orange and lemon. In contrast, females did not respond to flavedo chemicals. Male response to peel chemicals occurred throughout the day and increased as the number of cuts per fruit increased from 2 to 8. Contact of male mouthparts with sap from cuts, and mating attempts between males on or near the cuts were frequently observed. The males also responded to commercial essential orange oils applied to yellow spheres, but less to essential mandarin oils. The role of citrus chemicals in host finding behaviour of C. capitata and their potential use for the development of effective traps for monitoring and controlling the fly are discussed. The experimental method followed in this study can be used as a standard technique for evaluation of the quality of flies to be used in sterile insect technique programmes.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory tests revealed that exposure to oranges (Citrus sinensis L.) increased the mating success of male Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (medfly). This advantage may have resulted from male exposure to -copaene (a sesquiterpene hydrocarbon and known male attractant) in the peel, as pure -copaene has been shown to increase the mating success of male medflies. Working with orange trees as well, we investigated whether male exposure to nonfruiting trees, leaves (also known to contain -copaene albeit at a lower concentration than fruit), and fruit conferred a mating advantage to wild-like males in field-cage tests. Males exposed to entire nonfruiting trees or leaves had a mating advantage over control males (exposed to a nonhost plant) in trials conducted 1 day but not 3 days after exposure. Males exposed to orange fruits had higher mating success than control males (exposed to apples) in trials conducted 1 and 3 days after exposure. Enhanced mating success was observed only when males were permitted to contact the orange leaves and fruits; aroma alone did not affect male mating success. In addition, we examined whether exposure to commercially available orange oil, which also contains -copaene, enhanced the mating performance of wild-like and mass-reared sterile males. Heightened mating success was observed in trials conducted 1 and 3 days after exposure for both types of males, and in this case aroma alone had a positive effect on male mating success. Future research should attempt to identify the behavioral, physiological, or chemical mechanisms underlying the observed increases in male mating success.  相似文献   



Plant chemicals can affect reproductive strategies of tephritid fruit flies by influencing sex pheromone communication and increasing male mating competitiveness.

Objective and Methodology

We explored whether exposure of Anastrepha fraterculus males to guava fruit volatiles and to a synthetic blend of volatile compounds released by this fruit affects the sexual performance of wild and laboratory flies. By means of bioassays and pheromone collection we investigated the mechanism underlying this phenomenon.


Guava volatile exposure enhanced male mating success and positively affected male calling behavior and pheromone release in laboratory and wild males. Changes in male behavior appear to be particularly important during the initial phase of the sexual activity period, when most of the mating pairs are formed. Exposure of laboratory males to a subset of guava fruit volatiles enhanced mating success, showing that the response to the fruit might be mimicked artificially.


Volatiles of guava seem to influence male mating success through an enhancement of chemical and physical signals related to the communication between sexes. This finding has important implications for the management of this pest species through the Sterile Insect Technique. We discuss the possibility of using artificial blends to improve the sexual competitiveness of sterile males.  相似文献   

In greenhouse behavioural assessments conducted at Seibersdorf, Austria that allowed flies the choice of different types of potted host trees and plants, it was found that mature laboratory mass-reared Mediterranean fruit fly males, Ceratitis capitata (Wied), (Dipt. Tephritidae), strain Vienna-42 (temperature-sensitive lethal genetic sexing strain) showed the same preference for orange foliage, over other plants types and parts, as wild males. They aggregated in leks, released pheromone, and courted approaching females almost exclusively on orange foliage. Even though a number of other trees and plants were available to Vienna-42 males, less than 1% of these sexual activities occurred on the foliage or other plant parts of non-Citrus trees and not a single mating occurred there. In choice tests carried out in Chios, Greece in large field cages housing naturally planted orange trees, it was determined that mature and sterile Mediterranean fruit fly males of the same sexing strain responded to the odour emanating from the flavedo (due to superficial cuts made in the fruit peel containing the oil glands) of ripening sweet, sour oranges and lemons, in a similar intensity, order of fruit preference and time of day as did mature males of the local wild population. Males of both strains were frequently observed contacting with their mouth parts the oils exuding from the cuts made in the flavedo of the orange peel, or exhibiting homosexual activity on, or near the cuts. The results show that mass-reared, sterile males of the Vienna-42, genetic sexing strain behave in a comparable way to wild males in an important component of habitat location (odour of host foliage and host fruit) and hence are competitive with them in these respects. None of the standard international quality control tests for sterile Mediterranean fruit flies evaluates this important habitat location behaviour, which is a prerequisite for the successful encounter of the sexes in a sterile release programme.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of inoculation by Metarhizium guizhouense PSUM02 on mating propensity and mating competitiveness of Bactrocera cucurbitae, with a view on pest management. On day 4 postinoculation, the M. guizhouense-treated male flies had significantly lowered mating propensity and mating competitiveness, while the treated female flies had reduced mating propensity on day 4 and reduced mating competitiveness on day 5. The mating propensity and competitiveness of treated male and female flies then further declined until death. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis of treated male and female flies gave average survival times (AST) of 6.2 ± 0.2 and 5.4 ± 0.3 days in the mating propensity assay, and about 5.0 ± 0.1 and 4.4 ± 0.2 days in the mating competitiveness assay. The AST of untreated flies ranged from 12.8 ± 0.1 to 14.7 ± 0.2 days for comparison (observation up to 15 days). Untreated flies had decreased AST and mating characteristics when exposed to contact with treated male flies, indicating transmission of the fungal infection by such contact also to untreated male flies. Surprisingly, contact with treated female flies did not affect the AST of untreated males or females in the same cage. These results corroborate the potential for pest control by autodissemination with treated male flies, which transmit the fungus to a healthy population better than the treated female flies.  相似文献   

Male Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), are attracted to the synthetic compound trimedlure. Despite the common use of trimedlure in control programs, the underlying basis of male attraction remains unknown. In a series of laboratory trials, we compared the mating success of (treated) males exposed to trimedlure and (control) males not given access to trimedlure. When tested immediately after exposure, treated males mated more frequently than control males. This mating advantage was short-lived, however, and males tested as little as 24 h after exposure had no advantage over control males. When tested immediately after exposure, treated males exhibited higher levels of pheromone calling than control males. Consequently, more females were attracted to treated males than to control males in field tests.  相似文献   

We studied, under laboratory conditions, demographic parameters of adult Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (medfly), obtained from three sweet orange varieties, lemon, and bitter oranges. These data were combined with immature developmental rates and survival on the same hosts to estimate host‐specific population parameters. Pairs of newly emerged adults from each citrus variety were held individually in transparent plastic cages, and females were allowed to oviposit in either red domes (artificial, pre‐punctured plastic oviposition devices), or intact, whole citrus fruits. We found strong effects of larval host (citrus fruits) on adult longevity and fecundity. In all five citrus varieties, females did not manage to deposit eggs into fruit pulp. The proportion of eggs laid in either the flavedo or albedo area of the fruit peel differed depending on the citrus variety. In all cases except bitter oranges, females oviposited fewer eggs in citrus fruits than in the artificial oviposition substrates, suggesting that most citrus fruits cause a significant reduction in the reproductive potential of medflies. Negative correlations were found between fecundity and (a) the density of oil glands, and (b) the amount of essential oils in the flavedo area of citrus fruits. There was no correlation between fecundity and other fruit physical characteristics, such as resistance of fruit peel to pressure and thickness of the flavedo. Apparently, resistance of citrus fruits to medfly infestation is directly related to citrus essential oils. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) was higher in bitter oranges than in the three sweet orange varieties tested. A negative r was estimated for flies that developed and oviposited in lemons, indicating a tendency for population decrease in this host. The suitability of citrus fruits for medfly development and the practical implications of our findings for management of medflies in citrus orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

Mature male and female apple maggot flies mated frequently on a field-caged host tree during a 14-day study. Each sex averaged one mating per day (mean of 1.0 ± 0.1), but some females mated up to eight times per day and some males up to six times per day. Reproductive success was estimated based both on observed numbers of matings in the field cage and on previous work relating fecundity and fertility to female mating status. Male and female flies did not differ in mean or variance in reproductive success, indicating that this is a polygamous mating system consisting of both polygyny and polyandry. We discuss the significance of this with regard to the framework of insect mating control and frequency proposed by others. We also discuss behaviors (such as movements, agonistic encounters, occurrences on fruit, and ovipositions) that do and do not show correlations with mating success in apple maggot flies.  相似文献   

Casual observations suggested that female Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann) exploit fruit wounds (including pre-existing oviposition punctures) as oviposition sites. This behaviour was quantified under field conditions in a citrus grove on the Greek island of Chios. Fruit wounds influenced oviposition behaviour in three ways. First, females were more likely to land on oranges (Citrus sinensis) that were artificially wounded than into unwounded control oranges. Second, having landed, females were more likely to attempt oviposition into a wounded orange than into control oranges. Third, females that attempted oviposition into wounded oranges usually did so directly into or very near the wound. The diameter and depth of the wound significantly influenced the tendency for female flies to land on a fruit but not their propensity, having landed, to attempt oviposition in or near the wound. The significance of this behavior in nature and implications for management of the Mediterranean fruit fly are discussed.
Résumé Des observations fortuites nous ont suggéré que C. capitata Weidemann utilise les blessures des fruits, y compris d'anciennes piqûres de ponte, pour déposer ses oeufs. Ce comportement a été quantifié dans une orangeraie de l'île grecque de Chios. Les blessures des fruits influent sur la ponte de 3 façons. D'abord, les femelles atterissent plus fréquemment sur les oranges, Citrus sinensis, artificiellement blessées que sur les fruits intacts. Ensuite, après atterrissage, les femelles tentent plus souvent de pondre sur une orange blessée que sur des oranges intactes. Enfin, les femelles pondent directement dans la blessure ou à proximité. Le diamètre et la profondeur de la blessure influent sur la tendance à l'atterrissage, mais non sur les tentatives de ponte dans la blessure ou près d'elle. La signification de ce comportement dans la nature et ses conséquences sur la lutte contre C. capitata sont discutées.

Males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, are strongly attracted to various plant odors, and previous work has demonstrated that male exposure to certain odors, including the scent of orange oil (OO) and ginger root oil (GRO), increases their mating success relative to non-exposed males. However, the mechanism(s) underlying this mating increase is not known. Here, we describe several experiments that further investigate the association between GRO- and OO-exposure and male signaling activity, pheromone attractiveness, and mating success in male medflies. Exposure to GRO or OO increased time spent pheromone calling but did not accelerate the rate of male sexual maturation. Using a wind tunnel, we compared female attraction to the pheromone of control, non-exposed males versus males previously exposed to OO or GRO. There was no evidence that GRO exposure enhanced the attractiveness of the male pheromone. The data for OO were inconclusive: females tended to spend more time on spheres emanating pheromone from OO-exposed males than on spheres emanating pheromone from non-exposed males, but the number of female landings did not differ between the two types of pheromone sources. Female choice tests confirmed that GRO- and OO-exposure boost male mating success relative to non-exposed males. Application of GRO directly to the abdomen reduced male mating success, whereas similar application of OO boosted male mating success. The potential role and mode of action of plant chemicals in the mating behavior of male medflies are evaluated in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Previous research revealed that exposure to ginger root oil, Zingiber officinale Roscoe, containing the known male attractant (a-copaene) increased the mating success of male Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), from a newly established laboratory colony. The goal of the current study was to determine whether exposure to ginger root oil likewise enhanced the mating competitiveness of irradiated C. capitata males from a 5-yr-old mass-reared strain. Mating tests were conducted in field cages containing guava trees (Psidium guajava L.) to monitor the mating frequency of irradiated, mass-reared and wild males competing for wild females. In the absence of chemical exposure, wild males outcompeted the mass-reared males and obtained 74% of all matings. However, following exposure to ginger root oil (20 microl for 6 h), the mating frequencies were reversed. Whether exposed as mature (3-d-old) or immature (1-d-old) adults, mass-reared males achieved approximately 75% of all matings in tests conducted 2 or 4 d following exposure, respectively. Irradiated, mass-reared males prevented from contacting the oil directly (i.e., exposed to the odor only for 6 h) still exhibited a mating advantage over wild males. In an additional study, signaling levels and female arrivals were compared between males exposed to ginger root oil and nonexposed males, but no significant differences were detected. The implications of these findings for the sterile insect technique are discussed.  相似文献   



Contrary to other Tephritidae, female but also male olive flies, Bactrocera oleae release pheromones during their sexual communication. Alpha-pinene, a common plant volatile found in high amounts in unripe olive fruit and leaves has been detected as one of the major components of the female pheromone. However, possible effects of α-pinene and that of other host volatiles on the mating behavior of the olive fly have not been investigated.


Using wild olive flies, reared on olive fruit for 3 generations in the laboratory, we explored whether exposure of male and female olive flies to α-pinene affects their sexual performance.


Exposure of sexually mature adult olive flies to the aroma of α-pinene significantly increases the mating performance over non-exposed individuals. Interestingly, exposure to α-pinene boosts the mating success of both males and female olive flies.


This is the first report of such an effect on the olive fly, and the first time that a single plant volatile has been reported to induce such a phenomenon on both sexes of a single species. We discuss the possible associated mechanism and provide some practical implications.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of the predatory mite Kampimodromus aberrans was studied in the laboratory at a constant temperature of 25± 1 °C and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D). Forty pairs of newly emerged virgin females and unmated males, were maintained separately on leaf discs and their mating behavior, was observed continuously under a stereomicroscope. The mean time until first contact of female and male individuals was approximately 8.2 min. After the first contact the male moved to the top of the female’s dorsum and subsequently underneath her in approximately 1.7 min and then the paired mites walked around on the leaf surface for approximately 7.5 min. Afterwards, the mites remained still in the mating position, i.e. the male beneath the female for an average period of 230.5 min. After mating, most of the females had one spermatophore in one of their spermathecae, whereas a few had one spermatophore in both spermathecae.  相似文献   

McInnis DO  Shelly TE  Komatsu J 《Genetica》2002,116(1):117-124
The success of the sterile insect technique (SIT) depends critically upon mating between released sterilized males and wild females. In Hawaii, improvements in the efficiency of sterile males were attempted on two separate fronts – mating enhancement and survival improvement. In the former, two methods have been investigated – selective breeding and aromatherapy. In the latter, flies which survived in field cages for several days were selected and bred to produce progeny with enhanced survival ability compared to control flies. Regarding mating selection, standard laboratory-reared males that successfully mated with wild females in field cages were allowed to breed. F1 offspring were inbred, then the selection procedure was repeated for four additional cycles. In the aromatherapy procedure, laboratory-reared males were exposed to ginger root oil for several hours 1 day prior to testing in field cages. Compared to controls, the selected flies improved the mating competitiveness of male flies ca. 3-fold, irradiation reduced this increase to ca. 2.5-fold. Exposing the selected, hybrid strain raised the fitness of the lab males to ca. 9-fold that of wild males. In the ongoing survival selection study, we have obtained lines in which the selected males survived ca. 2-fold better than laboratory control males over several days in an outdoor field cage, with food and water provided. The goal is to combine the traits of higher survival and mating ability into a single strain for SIT release.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT), used for the control of many tephritid fly pests, is based on the rearing and release of large numbers of sexually competitive sterile insects into a wild population. In the interest of reducing expenses and increasing SIT effectiveness, genetic sexing strains (GSS) have been developed. These strains allow the production and release of only males. The objective of our study was to assess the effects of pre-release adult exposure to methoprene and to females on the mating propensity and mating competitiveness of GSS sterile males of Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae). GSS sterile males were kept on a protein-sugar (protein-fed) or a protein-sugar-methoprene diet and were exposed to different proportions of females for the normal pre-release period of 5 days. Using laboratory and field-cage bioassays, we examined the influence of methoprene and female presence on the mating success of sterile males of 3–9 days old, in competition for wild females with untreated males and with wild males. Methoprene and female exposure had no significant effects on male mating success in the laboratory, whereas age had a positive relationship with the number of copulations observed. However, in field-cage bioassays, males exposed to females obtained a higher number of copulations than unexposed control males. Possible implications of these findings for programs that use GSS and especially for the campaign against Mexican fruit flies are discussed.  相似文献   

Solvent extracts of differing polarity from Citrus aurantium (L.) (Rutaceae) fruit, leaves, and shoots were evaluated for biological activity against adults of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Using a petri dish residual exposure bioassay, we found that the petroleum ether extract from fruit alone showed insecticidal activity against the flies. The extract of the three fruit tissues (flavedo [peel], albedo, and flesh) indicated that bioactivity was limited to the flavedo, and this activity was significantly higher than that of the whole fruit extract. The most effective extract was obtained when fresh flavedo was used, whereas extracts of oven-dried flavedo were inactive. Fruit maturity also affected bioactivity; extracts of ripe fruit were more effective than those of unripe fruit. Our results suggest that C. aurantium flavedo contains secondary metabolites with insecticidal activity against B. oleae adults.  相似文献   

We investigated the lifetime mating potential and the reproductive behavior of male and female turnip moths Agrotis segetum (Schiff.) under field and laboratory conditions. The sex ratio was 1 : 1 in a lab-reared population as well as in two wild populations. Males were capable of mating repetitively a relatively large number of times (mean of 6.7 ± 2.7 matings) when given access to new virgin females throughout their lifetimes. Females seldom mated more than once (mean ± 1.3 ± 0.6 matings), indicating a male-biased operational sex ratio. The mean potential lifetime mating was five times higher in males, while the coefficient of variance was lower in males. There was no differences in longevity between animals that were allowed to mate and animals not allowed to mate, indicating no direct costs or benefits of mating in physiological terms. In males, the number of matings was positively correlated with longevity, but this was not the case in females. Nor was there a correlation between the number of female matings and the number of fertilized eggs. There was a negative correlation between the number of eggs fertilized and the number of times males had previously mated, indicating that male ejaculates were limited. Male spermatophore size also decreased with number of achieved matings. Laboratory-reared females attracted males in the field throughout their lifetimes, with a peak at 3–7 days of age. Wild males, allowed to choose between pairs of caged females in the field, were attracted in equal numbers to females of different ages. Females did not show any mate-rejection behavior in the field. They mated with the first male that courted them. No incidence of mate replacement by males arriving later to already courted females were recorded.  相似文献   

This paper examined the peel (albedo and flavedo) of postharvest lemon fruits after UV-B exposure in order to analyze relationships between soluble carbohydrate metabolism and secondary metabolite accumulation. Lemons (Citrus limon, cv. Limoneira 8A) were harvested in winter months (June to August), treated with 0.43 W m−2 (22 kJ m−2 d−1 UV-BBE) of UV-B radiation during 0 (control), 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 5.0 min, and then stored at 25 °C for 24 h. Peel samples from irradiated areas were obtained with a razor blade and frozen in liquid nitrogen until use for measurements. Data obtained showed that 2 and 3 min of UV-B exposure effectively increased the level of UV-B absorbing compounds and total phenolics in flavedo without causing visual alterations of the peel colour as compared with non-irradiated lemons. By contrast, there were no significant changes in albedo secondary metabolite accumulation. The amount of secondary metabolites was depending upon UV-B time–dose. Exposure over 3.0 min did not further improve the accumulation of UV-B absorbing and phenolic compounds. Soluble sugars (sucrose, glucose and fructose) also accumulated in the lemon peel after UV-B exposure, but the distribution patterns were different. After 3 min time–dose, sucrose and hexoses increased in flavedo, whereas in albedo only increased the sucrose and glucose. This effect was related to UVB-induced changes in the activity of sucrose-hydrolyzing and sucrose-synthesizing enzymes: soluble and cell-bound invertase, sucrose synthase (SS) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS). Data indicate that lemon peel retains the capacity to modify the enzyme activity of sucrose metabolism in response to UV-B exposure. Our results also suggest that the exposure of postharvest lemons to low supplemental UV-B doses produces changes in the carbon allocation of peel tissues including synthesis, but probably not only limited to them, of UV-B absorbing and phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

Hypoderma (=Oedemagena) tarandi L. (Diptera: Oestridae) is characterized by a mating strategy in which both sexes meet and mate at two types of distinct topographical landmarks. In the expansive, treeless vidda (= tundra-like) biome, mating places are unique, rocky areas located along rivers and streams or in rocky areas of drying river and stream beds. In wooded valleys below the vidda, flies mated at certain topographical areas along dirt road tracks/paths. Thermoregulatory activities of males occupying perches at mating places included selection of substratum at perch site, orientation of body to sun's rays, crouching, stilting, and flights into upper cooler air. On warm sunny days males perched for just 1–2 min before flying up into cooler air to promote cooling. Laboratory and field studies revealed that flies could not metabolically cool down when held at 25–38°C. Time spent at mating places depended on temperature, duration of sunshine, and wind velocity. Males were very aggressive in pursuing allHypoderma-sized objects that passed by them or that landed near them, but they did not defend specific perch sites. Males either pursued and caught females in flight, or they hopped onto females that landed near them. During 5 years, 74 males and 14 females were seen at mating places. Dissection of six females caught at mating places revealed them to be recently eclosed flies full of fat body and with all eggs intact; two not paired with males were non-inseminated. Three experimentally paired females remainedin copulo for 10, 13, and 19.5 min.  相似文献   

Mating behavior and factors affecting mating success of males were studied using wild Anastrepha ludens on a fieldcaged host tree. The most common courtship sequence had five components: (1) male calls from the underside of a leaf, (2) female arrives to the maleoccupied leaf, (3) male orients to female and stops calling, (4) one or both approach to a face-to-face position 1–3 cm apart, and (5) male mounts female after 1–2 s. Courtship behavior was almost identical to that of laboratoryculture flies observed previously under laboratory conditions. Most malefemale encounters occurred at a height of 1–2m, well inside the outer canopy of the tree. Differential mating success by males occurred. No male mated more than once per day, owing possibly to a very short sexual activity period. Factors favoring mating success of males were survival ability and tendency to join male aggregations and to fight other males. Thorax length and age (9–11 days difference) had no effects on male copulatory success. Overall win/loss percentage was not related to mating success because the males that were most successful at mating fought mostly among themselves, driving their win/loss percentage down. However, these successful males (at mating) won most of their fights against less successful males. Results confirmed a lek mating system: males aggregated, called, and defended territories; territories did not contain femalerequired resources; and females exercised mate choice, apparently through selection of sites within leks.  相似文献   

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