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Studies on the visual processing of primates, which have well developed visual systems, provide essential information about the perceptual bases of their higher-order cognitive abilities. Although the mechanisms underlying visual processing are largely shared between human and nonhuman primates, differences have also been reported. In this article, we review psychophysical investigations comparing the basic visual processing that operates in human and nonhuman species, and discuss the future contributions potentially deriving from such comparative psychophysical approaches to primate minds.  相似文献   

The sophisticated analysis of gestures and vocalizations, including assessment of their emotional valence, helps group-living primates efficiently navigate their social environment. Deficits in social information processing and emotion regulation are important components of many human psychiatric illnesses, such as autism, schizophrenia and social anxiety disorder. Analyzing the neurobiology of social information processing and emotion regulation requires a multidisciplinary approach that benefits from comparative studies of humans and animal models. However, many questions remain regarding the relationship between visual attention and arousal while processing social stimuli. Using noninvasive infrared eye-tracking methods, we measured the visual social attention and physiological arousal (pupil diameter) of adult male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) as they watched social and nonsocial videos. We found that social videos, as compared to nonsocial videos, captured more visual attention, especially if the social signals depicted in the videos were directed towards the subject. Subject-directed social cues and nonsocial nature documentary footage, compared to videos showing conspecifics engaging in naturalistic social interactions, generated larger pupil diameters (indicating heightened sympathetic arousal). These findings indicate that rhesus monkeys will actively engage in watching videos of various kinds. Moreover, infrared eye tracking technology provides a mechanism for sensitively gauging the social interest of presented stimuli. Adult male rhesus monkeys' visual attention and physiological arousal do not always trend in the same direction, and are likely influenced by the content and novelty of a particular visual stimulus. This experiment creates a strong foundation for future experiments that will examine the neural network responsible for social information processing in nonhuman primates. Such studies may provide valuable information relevant to interpreting the neural deficits underlying human psychiatric illnesses such as autism, schizophrenia and social anxiety disorder.  相似文献   

We review evolutionary views on honesty and deception and their application to studies of nonhuman primate communication. There is evidence that some primate signals are likely to be accurate on the basis of costliness. They appear most often in contexts that include overtly competitive interactions in which unrelated individuals have limited access to information about one another. However, both game theoretic models and most empirical work suggest that costly signals are not often likely to be the basis for honest communication in nonhuman primates. Inexpensive signaling can exist in contexts wherein communication occurs among related animals, something common among many nonhuman primate societies. Another condition in which inexpensive signaling is possible and that is also typical of nonhuman primates, is when sender and receiver both benefit from coordinated interactions. Additionally, when individuals interact repeatedly and can use past interactions to assess the honesty of signals and to modify future response to signals, low-cost signals can evolve. Nonhuman primates appear to deal with the problem of deception via skeptical responding, which can be largely accounted for by learning rules and the fact that they live in stable social groups and can recognize one another and recall past interactions.  相似文献   

Many people have devoted considerable effort to enhancing the environments of nonhuman primates in captivity. There is substantial motivation to develop experimental, analytical, and interpretational frameworks to enable objective measurements of the value of environmental enrichment/behavioral management efforts. The consumer-demand approach is a framework not frequently implemented in studies of nonhuman primate welfare but profitably used in studies of the welfare of nonhuman animals in agriculture. Preference studies, in which primates can voluntarily choose to socialize or to participate in training, may be the best current examples of a consumer-demand-like approach to assessing the effects of captive management strategies on primate welfare. Additional work in this area would be beneficial; however, there are potential ethical constraints on purposefully subjecting primates to adverse circumstances to measure their demand for a resource. Primate welfare researchers need to design consumer-demand studies with obstacles that will help measure the relative value of resources to captive primates without compromising the welfare they are attempting to evaluate and enhance.  相似文献   

Use of primates in research: a global overview   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We assessed the use of nonhuman primates and nonhuman primate biological material in research by reviewing studies published in 2001 in peer-reviewed journals. The number and species of primates used, the origin of the animals, the type of study, the area of research of the investigation, and the location at which the research was performed were tabulated. Additionally, factors related to the animals that may have affected the outcome of the experiments were recorded. A total of 2,937 articles involving 4,411 studies that employed nonhuman primates or nonhuman primate biological material were identified and analyzed. More than 41,000 animals were represented in the studies published in 2001. In the 14% of studies for which re-use could be determined, 69% involved animals that had been used in previous experiments. Published studies most commonly used nonhuman primates or nonhuman primate biological material from the species Chlorocebus aethiops (19%), Macaca mulatta (18%), M. fascicularis (9%), and Papio spp. (6%). Of these studies, 54% were classified as in vitro studies, 14% as noninvasive, 30% as chronic, and 1% were considered acute. Nonhuman primates were primarily used in research areas in which they appear to be the most appropriate models for humans. The most common areas of research were microbiology (including HIV/AIDS (26%)), neuroscience (19%), and biochemistry/chemistry (12%). Most (84%) of the primate research published in 2001 was conducted in North America, Europe, and Japan. The animals and conditions under which they were housed and used were rarely described. Although it is estimated that nonhuman primates account for an extremely small fraction of all animals used in research, their special status makes it important to report the many husbandry and environmental factors that influence the research results generated. This analysis has identified that editors rarely require authors to provide comprehensive information concerning the subjects (e.g., their origin), treatment conditions, and experimental procedures utilized in the studies they publish. The present analysis addresses the use of primates for research, including the effects of a shortage of suitable nonhuman primate subjects in many research areas.  相似文献   

Many people have devoted considerable effort to enhancing the environments of nonhuman primates in captivity. There is substantial motivation to develop experimental, analytical, and interpretational frameworks to enable objective measurements of the value of environmental enrichment/behavioral management efforts. The consumer-demand approach is a framework not frequently implemented in studies of nonhuman primate welfare but profitably used in studies of the welfare of nonhuman animals in agriculture. Preference studies, in which primates can voluntarily choose to socialize or to participate in training, may be the best current examples of a consumer-demand-like approach to assessing the effects of captive management strategies on primate welfare. Additional work in this area would be beneficial; however, there are potential ethical constraints on purposefully subjecting primates to adverse circumstances to measure their demand for a resource. Primate welfare researchers need to design consumer-demand studies with obstacles that will help measure the relative value of resources to captive primates without compromising the welfare they are attempting to evaluate and enhance.  相似文献   

Primates have long been a favorite subject of evolutionary biologists, and in recent decades, have come to play an increasingly important role in biomedical research, including comparative genetics and phylogenetics. The growing list of annotated genome databases from nonhuman primate species is expected to aid in these endeavors, allowing many analyses to be performed partially or even entirely in silico. However, whole genome sequence data are typically derived from only one, or at best a few, individuals. As a consequence, information in the databases does not capture variation within species or populations, nor can the sequence of one individual be taken as representative across all loci. Furthermore, the vast majority of primate species have not been sequenced, and only a small percentage of species are currently slated for whole genome sequencing efforts. Finally, for many species data on patterns and levels of RNA expression will be lacking. Thus, there will continue to be a demand for samples from nonhuman primates as raw material for genetic and phylogenetic analyses. Gathering such samples can be complicated, with many legal and practical barriers to obtaining samples in the field or transporting samples between research centers and across borders. Here, we provide basic but critical advice for those initiating studies requiring genetic material from nonhuman primates, including some guidance on how to locate and obtain samples, brief overviews of common protocols for handling and processing samples, and a table of useful links for locating resources related to the acquisition of samples. We also advocate for the creation of curated banks of nonhuman primate samples, particularly renewable sources of genetic material such as immortalized cell lines or fibroblasts, to reduce the need for repeated or redundant sampling from living animals.  相似文献   

The recent literature on plant secondary compounds and their influence on primate feeding behavior is reviewed. Many studies of nonhuman primates document the extreme selectivity that primates, particularly herbivorous species, demonstrate in their food choice. Until quite recently investigators interpreted this to mean that herbivorous primates were not food limited. This view has been challenged in the past 10 years by researchers concentrating on the primate–plant interaction. Chemical analyses have demonstrated that plant parts are of varying quality due to differences in nutrient and secondary compound content. The assumption that all leaves (or fruits, flowers, and insects) are potential foods of equal value to the primates eating them is refuted. The observed selectivity and preferences of primates for specific plant or insect species and parts are now viewed as strategies for dealing with the nutrient and secondary compound content variation in these foods.  相似文献   

Social living is assumed to be a critical feature of nonhuman primate existence inasmuch as most primate species live in social groups in nature. Recent USDA legislation emphasizes the importance of social contact in promoting psychological well-being and recommends that laboratory primates be housed with companions when consistent with research protocols. Our goals were to examine the link between social housing and psychological well-being and to explore the idea that research may be compromised when primates are studied in environments that vary too greatly from their natural ecological setting (individual cage housing versus group housing). Three general points emerge from these examinations. First, providing companionship may be a very potent way in which to promote psychological well-being in nonhuman primates; however, social living is not synonymous with well-being. The extent to which social housing promotes psychological well-being can vary across species and among individual members of the same species (for example, high- and low-ranking monkeys). Secondly, housing conditions can affect research outcomes in that group-housed animals may differ from individually housed animals in response to some manipulation. Social interaction may be a significant variable in regulating the biobehavioral responses of nonhuman primates to experimental manipulations. Finally, a larger number of socially housed subjects than individually housed subjects may be necessary for some biomedical research projects to yield adequate data analysis. Thus, social living has significant benefits and some potential costs not only for the animals themselves, but for the research enterprise.  相似文献   

Similarities in developmental biology between human and nonhuman primates have resulted in the use of macaque species as models in perinatal research. Studies have frequently included invasive surgical procedures or may have required "blind" injections. Several techniques have been established in human subjects using ultrasound as a guide such as cordocentesis and fetal therapy. These techniques have been applied to the nonhuman primate laboratory setting, which significantly decreases the risk of pregnancy loss due to experimental intervention.  相似文献   

The striatum is a region of the brain specifically tied to the experience and anticipation of pleasure, reward, appropriate behavioral sequencing, cognition, learning, and social modulation. Furthermore, the striatum is connected neurologically and functionally to other brain regions associated with the exhibition of social play, such as the neocortex, cerebellum, and limbic system. For these reasons, the striatum is especially interesting to researchers of play behavior. Moreover, the caudate-putamen area of the striatum has been specifically implicated in laboratory studies of social play behavior. This study uses the phylogenetic comparative method of independent contrasts to test for an evolutionary relationship between striatum volume and a measure of social play in nonhuman primates. Relative volume of the primate striatum correlates with rate of social, but not nonsocial, play behavior across species, suggesting a coevolution of traits. The pleasurable and procedural aspects of social play behavior may be mediated in part by the striatum and further to its connection to dopaminergic pathways in the primate brain.  相似文献   

朱毅  张大均 《人类学学报》2010,29(3):282-292
人类关注公正, 非人灵长类也表现出公正行为。本文先以现有研究资料为基础, 以理毛为例分析后认为, 非人灵长类关注投入—收益的对称性, 说明它们可能具备不公正规避这一心理特质; 关于非人灵长类公正行为的实验也表明, 它们不仅比较自身的投入—收益对称性, 而且能在社会比较过程中与其它个体相比。有实验得出期望假设和挫折效应能更好地解释被试的行为, 本文认为, 这些实验结论不一致的主要原因, 是研究者未充分考虑"投入"对被试行为的影响。文章在最后进行了总结并提出了三点研究展望。  相似文献   

类社会行为的局限及可能原因。目前,对非人灵长类社会中的亲缘选择研究正逐步深入,其中分子遗传学技术的应用是重要的推动力量。同时,依然存在诸如汉密尔顿规则参数估计和新大陆猴的亲缘选择研究案例的难点,有待研究者进一步探究。  相似文献   

People are an inescapable aspect of most environments inhabited by nonhuman primates today. Consequently, interest has grown in how primates adjust their behavior to live in anthropogenic habitats. However, our understanding of primate behavioral flexibility and the degree to which it will enable primates to survive alongside people in the long term remains limited. This Special Issue brings together a collection of papers that extend our knowledge of this subject. In this introduction, we first review the literature to identify past and present trends in research and then introduce the contributions to this Special Issue. Our literature review confirms that publications on primate behavior in anthropogenic habitats, including interactions with people, increased markedly since the 2000s. Publications concern a diversity of primates but include only 17% of currently recognized species, with certain primates overrepresented in studies, e.g., chimpanzees and macaques. Primates exhibit behavioral flexibility in anthropogenic habitats in various ways, most commonly documented as dietary adjustments, i.e., incorporation of human foods including agricultural crops and provisioned items, and as differences in activity, ranging, grouping patterns, and social organization, associated with changing anthropogenic factors. Publications are more likely to include information on negative rather than positive or neutral interactions between humans and primates. The contributions to this Special Issue include both empirical research and reviews that examine various aspects of the human–primate interface. Collectively, they show that primate behavior in shared landscapes does not always conflict with human interests, and demonstrate the value of examining behavior from a cost–benefit perspective without making prior assumptions concerning the nature of interactions. Careful interdisciplinary research has the potential to greatly improve our understanding of the complexities of human–primate interactions, and is crucial for identifying appropriate mechanisms to enable sustainable human–primate coexistence in the 21st century and beyond.  相似文献   

Abstract: The genetic similarity between humans and nonhuman primates makes nonhuman primates uniquely suited as models for genetic research on complex physiological and behavioral phenotypes. By comparison with human subjects, nonhuman primates, like other animal models, have several advantages for these types of studies: 1) constant environmental conditions can be maintained over long periods of time, greatly increasing the power to detect genetic effects; 2) different environmental conditions can be imposed sequentially on individuals to characterize genotype-environment interactions; 3) complex pedigrees that are much more powerful for genetic analysis than typically available human pedigrees can be generated; 4) genetic hypotheses can be tested prospectively by selective matings; and 5) essential invasive and terminal experiments can be conducted. Limitations of genetic research with nonhuman primates include cost and availability. However, the ability to manipulate both genetic and environmental factors in captive primate populations indicates the promise of genetic research with these important animal models for illuminating complex disease processes. The utility of nonhuman primates for biomedical research on human health problems is illustrated by examples concerning the use of baboons in studies of osteoporosis, alcohol metabolism, and lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Agroecosystems cover more than one quarter of the global land area (ca. 50 million km2) as highly simplified (e.g. pasturelands) or more complex systems (e.g. polycultures and agroforestry systems) with the capacity to support higher biodiversity. Increasingly more information has been published about primates in agroecosystems but a general synthesis of the diversity of agroecosystems that primates use or which primate taxa are able to persist in these anthropogenic components of the landscapes is still lacking. Because of the continued extensive transformation of primate habitat into human‐modified landscapes, it is important to explore the extent to which agroecosystems are used by primates. In this article, we reviewed published information on the use of agroecosystems by primates in habitat countries and also discuss the potential costs and benefits to human and nonhuman primates of primate use of agroecosystems. The review showed that 57 primate taxa from four regions: Mesoamerica, South America, Sub‐Saharan Africa (including Madagascar), and South East Asia, used 38 types of agroecosystems as temporary or permanent habitats. Fifty‐one percent of the taxa recorded in agroecosystems were classified as least concern in the IUCN Red List, but the rest were classified as endangered (20%), vulnerable (18%), near threatened (9%), or critically endangered (2%). The large proportion of threatened primates in agroecosystems suggests that agroecosystems may play an important role in landscape approaches to primate conservation. We conclude by discussing the value of agroecosystems for primate conservation at a broad scale and highlight priorities for future research. Am. J. Primatol. 74:696‐711, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite great adaptability, most nonhuman primates require regular tactile contact with conspecifics for their psychological well being. By illustrating the inherent value of social contact and by providing clues to the best ways of satisfying this need, behavioral studies are useful in designing social enrichment programs. Although group housing is ideal for most gregarious primates, space constraints and protocol requirements may preclude such environments for macaques housed indoors. Pair housing is an effective and practical alternative. Furthermore, such social experience facilitates integration into future social groups, including those in postresearch retirement facilities. This article references common research protocols that accommodate pair housing and includes scientific recommendations for institutional animal care and use committees (IACUCs) to facilitate providing physical social contact for nonhuman primates in laboratories.  相似文献   

Efforts to develop animal models for human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) vaccine testing have focused on lentivirus infection of nonhuman primates. A long-term goal of this primate research is to utilize the models to understand the mechanisms of pathogenesis leading to AIDS. Because the time to disease is compressed relative to HIV infection in humans, therapeutic strategies and compounds can be tested in nonhuman primate models in a shorter time frame and under more controlled conditions than are possible in many clinical studies. Recent interventive studies in primates using antiviral drugs or passive immune globulin (IgG) have demonstrated that multiple log reductions in plasma virus can be achieved and sustained, with accompanying health benefits. Information gained about timing and dosage may be of utility in designing clinical studies. The development of reliable and predictable animal models for effective therapies and vaccines against AIDS remains a critical priority for primate research.  相似文献   

Among the visual preferences that guide many everyday activities and decisions, from consumer choices to social judgment, preference for curved over sharp-angled contours is commonly thought to have played an adaptive role throughout human evolution, favoring the avoidance of potentially harmful objects. However, because nonhuman primates also exhibit preferences for certain visual qualities, it is conceivable that humans’ preference for curved contours is grounded on perceptual and cognitive mechanisms shared with extant nonhuman primate species. Here we aimed to determine whether nonhuman great apes and humans share a visual preference for curved over sharp-angled contours using a 2-alternative forced choice experimental paradigm under comparable conditions. Our results revealed that the human group and the great ape group indeed share a common preference for curved over sharp-angled contours, but that they differ in the manner and magnitude with which this preference is expressed behaviorally. These results suggest that humans’ visual preference for curved objects evolved from earlier primate species’ visual preferences, and that during this process it became stronger, but also more susceptible to the influence of higher cognitive processes and preference for other visual features.  相似文献   

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