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A selective gas–liquid chromatographic method with mass spectrometry (GC–MS) for the simultaneous confirmation and quantification of ephedrine, pseudo-ephedrine, nor-ephedrine, nor-pseudoephedrine, which are pairs of diastereoisomeric sympathomimetic amines, and methyl-ephedrine was developed for doping control analysis in urine samples. O-Trimethylsilylated and N-mono-trifluoroacetylated derivatives of ephedrines — one derivative was formed for each ephedrine — were prepared and analyzed by GC–MS, after alkaline extraction of urine and evaporation of the organic phase, using d3-ephedrine as internal standard. Calibration curves, with r2>0.98, ranged from 3.0 to 50 μg/ml depending on the analyte. Validation data (specificity, % RSD, accuracy, and recovery) are also presented.  相似文献   

Methods for the determination of celecoxib in human plasma and rat microdialysis samples using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry are described. Celecoxib and an internal standard were extracted from plasma by solid-phase extraction with C18 cartridges. Thereafter compounds were separated on a short narrow bore RP C18 column (30×2 mm). Microdialysis samples did not require extraction and were injected directly using a narrow bore RP C18 column (70×2 mm). The detection was by a PE Sciex API 3000 mass spectrometer equipped with a turbo ion spray interface. The compounds were detected in the negative ion mode using the mass transitions m/z 380→316 and m/z 366→302 for celecoxib and internal standard, respectively. The assay was validated for human plasma over a concentration range of 0.25–250 ng/ml using 0.2 ml of sample. The assay for microdialysis samples (50 μl) was validated over a concentration range of 0.5–20 ng/ml. The method was utilised to determine pharmacokinetics of celecoxib in human plasma and in rat spinal cord perfusate.  相似文献   

An off-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) and ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) method was developed and validated for determining procyanidins, catechin, epicatechin, dimer, and trimer in plasma samples. In the validation procedure of the analytical method, linearity, precision, accuracy, detection limits (LODs), quantification limits (LOQs), and the matrix effect were studied. Recoveries of the procyanidins were higher than 84%, except for the trimer, which was 65%. The LODs and LOQs were lower than 0.003 and 0.01 μM, respectively, for all the procyanidins studied, except for the trimers, which were 0.8 and 0.98 μM, respectively. This methodology was then applied for the analysis of rat plasma obtained 2 h after ingestion of grape seed phenolic extract. Monomers (catechin and epicatechin), dimer and trimer in their native form were detected and quantified in plasma samples, and their concentration ranged from 0.85 to 8.55 μM. Moreover, several metabolites, such as catechin and epicatechin glucuronide, catechin and epicatechin methyl glucuronide, and catechin and epicatechin methyl-sulphate were identified. These conjugated forms were quantified, in reference to the respective unconjugated form, showing concentrations between 0.06 and 23.90 μM.  相似文献   

A simple and selective method was developed for determining the concentration of hexaconazole in river and sea water samples by using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry with an electrospray ionization interface in the positive ion mode and selective reaction monitoring mode. Trace amounts of hexaconazole were collected in a Sep-Pak Plus tC18 cartridge that was eluted with methanol. The detection limit for hexaconazole was 6 ng/l. The recovery of a standard aqueous solution containing 1 microg/l was 96%. The recovery of hexaconazole in the river and sea water samples was 95% and 90%, respectively. Hexaconazole was not detected in the sea water samples. Trace peaks of hexaconazole were found in the river water samples, the concentration being less than 6 ng/l in all cases. The biological degradation of hexaconazole was tested by using river water. No degradation of hexaconazole was apparent in river water incubated at 20 degrees C for 3 weeks.  相似文献   

For use in clinical studies, a fast and sensitive assay method was developed for the determination of nifedipine in human plasma samples. The assay method is based on tandem mass spectrometry detection (HPLC–MS–MS). The effect of flow injection as well as HPLC separation on the results of the nifedipine determination were evaluated. The limit of quantification is 0.5 ng/ml and the accuracy (as determined by spiking recovery) was found to be good.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatographic/tandem mass spectrometric methods using pneumatically assisted electrospray ionisation (LC-ESI-MS/MS) was developed for determination of 18 mycotoxins and metabolites-ochratoxin A, zearalenone, alpha-zearalenol, beta-zearalenol, alpha-zearalanol (zeranol), beta-zearalanol (taleranol), fumonisin B1, fumonisin B2, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, T-2 triol, diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), 15-monoacetoxyscirpenol (MAS), deoxynivalenol (DON), 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-AcDON), 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-AcDON), deepoxy-deoxynivalenol (DOM-1) and aflatoxin M1--in milk. The mycotoxins were extracted and cleaned up simultaneously. Extraction and removal of lipophilic compounds was performed at pH 2 using a two-phase mixture of acetonitrile and hexane. The acetonitrile concentration of the aqueous phase was reduced and the pH was adjusted to 8.5 before clean up by solid phase extraction (SPE) on Oasis HLB. The toxins DON, DOM-1, 3-AcDON, 15-AcDON, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, alpha-zearalenol, beta-zearalenol, alpha-zearalanol and beta-zearalanol were detected in negative ion mode after separation on a Hypersil ENV analytical column, while the toxins T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, T-2 triol, DAS, MAS, fumonisin B1, fumonisin B2 and aflatoxin M1 were detected in positive ion mode after separation on a Luna C18 column. Two transition products were monitored for each compound. The extraction and SPE conditions were optimised to obtain maximum recovery and minimum signal suppression/enhancement. The detection capabilities related to the transition products of lowest abundance were in the range 0.020-0.15 microg/l. The mean true recoveries were in the range 76-108% at levels of 0.2-10 microg/l.  相似文献   

In this paper we performed focused analyses of phospholipids by using the data of precursor ion scanning and neutral loss scanning of their polar head groups and fatty acyl moieties for the specific search of categorical phospholipids. By using precursor ion scanning or neutral loss scanning of polar head groups in the positive ion mode, more sensitive identification were obtained than that in the negative ion mode. Precursor ion scanning of carbonic anions in the negative ion mode was also effective to identify molecular species of phospholipids having specified fatty acyl moieties. By using these analytical methods, the detection limits of individual metabolites are going up to 5-20-fold of former conventional methods. The important factor is that by focusing in some limited categories of molecules, detection limit is greatly enhanced, thus minor but important molecules can be detected. Moreover, combination of LC-MS/MS and focused scanning for head group was revealed to be useful to identify very minor molecular species in the focused class of phospholipids.  相似文献   

A sensitive method using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection (LC-MS/MS) was developed and validated for the analysis of antihistamine drug azatadine in human plasma. Loratadine was used as internal standard (IS). Analytes were extracted from human plasma by liquid/liquid extraction using ethyl acetate. The organic phase was reduced to dryness under a stream of nitrogen at 30 °C and the residue was reconstituted with the mobile phase. 5 μL of the resulting solution was injected onto the LC-MS/MS system. A 4.6 mm × 150 mm, I.D. 5 μm, Agilent TC-C(18) column was used to perform the chromatographic analysis. The mobile phase consisted of ammonium formate buffer 0.010 M (adjusted to pH 4.3 with 1M formic acid)/acetonitrile (20:80, v/v) The chromatographic run time was 5 min per injection and flow rate was 0.6 mL/min. The retention time was 2.4 and 4.4 min for azatadine and IS, respectively. The tandem mass spectrometric detection mode was achieved with electrospray ionization (ESI) iron source and the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) (291.3 → 248.2m/z for azatadine, 383.3 → 337.3m/z for IS) was operated in positive ion modes. The low limit of quantitation (LLOQ) was 0.05 ng/mL. The intra-day and inter-day precision of the quality control (QC) samples was 8.93-11.57% relative standard deviation (RSD). The inter-day accuracy of the QC samples was 96.83-105.07% of the nominal values.  相似文献   

To determine the protein content of formula, gel electrophoresis was performed on the infant formula samples and the entire protein patterns were analyzed by nano-high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (nano-HPLC/ESI/MS/MS). From the commercial infant formula profiled in this study, a total of 154 peptides, corresponding to 31 unique proteins were identified by nano-HPLC/ESI/MS/MS. Each of the identified peptides was reconfirmed by a strict integrated approach using tandem mass spectra. This protein profiling method using gel electrophoresis coupled with nano-HPLC/ESI/MS/MS and manual evaluation is a sensitive and accurate method for protein identification as well as a powerful tool for monitoring various types of food products.  相似文献   

A simple, sensitive, and specific liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the determination of bile acids in human bile has been developed. The bile acids were extracted with a C(18) (octadecyl) reversed-phase column and identified and quantified by simultaneous monitoring of their parent and daughter ions, using the multiple reaction monitoring mode. Identification and quantification of conjugated bile acids in bile was achieved in 5 min. The detection limit was 1 ng, and the determination was linear for concentrations up to 100 ng. The percent recovery of standards made of single conjugated (glycine and taurine) bile acid or of mixture of glycine- or taurine-conjugated cholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, deoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, and lithocholic acid averaged 71.73% to 95.92%. The percent recovery of the same standard bile acids was also determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), using the selected ion monitoring mode, and averaged 66% to 96%. A biliary bile acid profile of human gallbladder bile was obtained by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS.The results showed a good correlation between the two techniques and no significant differences between the two methods were observed. The LC-MS/MS method was also used for the analysis of serum, urine, and fecal bile acids. In conclusion, LC-MS/MS is a simple, sensitive, and rapid technique for the analysis of conjugated bile acids in bile and other biological samples. - Perwaiz, S., B. Tuchweber, D. Mignault, T. Gilat, and I. M. Yousef. Determination of bile acids in biological fluids by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. J. Lipid Res. 2001. 42: 114;-119.  相似文献   

An LC-ESI-MS-MS method for the analysis of metabolites of four nitrofurans (furazolidone, furaltadone, nitrofurazone and nitrofurantoin) in raw milk has been developed. The samples were achieved by hydrolysis of the protein-bound drug metabolites, derivatization with 2-nitrobenzaldehyd (2-NBA) and clean-up extraction liquid-liquid with ethyl acetate. LC separation was achieved by using a Phenomenex Luna C-18 column. The mass spectrometer operated in multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) with positive electro-spray interface (ESI). The method validation was done according to the criteria laid down in Commission Decision No. 2002/657 EC. The validation includes the determination of linearity, repeatability, within-laboratory reproducibility, accuracy, decision limit (CCalpha) and detection capability (CCbeta). The calibration curves were linear, with typical (R(2)) values higher than 0.991. The coefficient of variation (CV, %) was lower than 9.3% and the accuracy (RE, %) ranged from -9.0% to 7.0%. CV within-laboratory reproducibility was lower than 13%. The limits of decision (CCalpha) and detection capability (CCbeta) were 0.12-0.29 microg/kg and 0.15-0.37 microg/kg, thus below the minimum required performance limit (MRPL) set at 1 microg/kg by the UE. This validated method was successfully applied for the determination of nitrofuran metabolites in a large number of milk samples.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS-MS) method has been developed at our center for the determination of glimepiride in human plasma. After the addition of the internal standard, plasma samples were extracted by liquid-liquid extraction technique using diethyl ether. The compounds were separated on a prepacked C18 column using a mixture of acetonitrile, methanol and ammonium acetate buffer as mobile phase. A Finnigan LCQDUO ion trap mass spectrometer connected to an Alliance Waters HPLC was used to develop and validate the method. The analytical method was validated according to the FDA bioanalytical method validation guidance. The results were within the accepted criteria as stated in the aforementioned guidance. The method was proved to be sensitive and specific by testing six different plasma batches. Linearity was established for the range of concentrations 5.0-500.0 ng/ml with a coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.9998. Accuracy for glimepiride ranged from 100.58 to 104.48% at low, mid and high levels. The intra-day precision was better than 12.24%. The lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) was identifiable and reproducible at 5.0 ng/ml with a precision of 7.96%. The proposed method enables the unambiguous identification and quantitation of glimepiride for pharmacokinetic, bioavailability or bioequivalence studies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a very sensitive and selective method for the determination of scopolamine in serum with a rapid and simple sample preparation. A capillary column gas chromatographic-ion trap tandem mass spectrometric technique has been applied. Scopolamine and the internal standard mexiletine were extracted from serum samples and cleaned up by using a single step liquid-liquid extraction. Derivatization was carried out using 2,2,2-trifluoro-N-methyl-N-trimethylsilylacetamide. The mass spectrometer was operated with positive ions in the selected reaction mode with chemical ionisation using methane. The sum of peak height of two daughter ions was used for quantification. The detection limit was 50 pg/ml in serum.  相似文献   

Characteristic fragment ions of the various chromophores of the pyoverdin siderophore family obtained by collision activated dissociation of the [M+2H]2+ ions are reported allowing unambiguous identification. Tandem mass spectrometrical studies revealed the existence of the first example of a ferribactin with a succinamide side chain, and they add some information to the problem in which way a malic acid side chain is attached to the chromophore.  相似文献   

We present an optimized and validated liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous measurement of concentrations of different ceramide species in biological samples. The method of analysis of tissue samples is based on Bligh and Dyer extraction, reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography separation, and multiple reaction monitoring of ceramides. Preparation of plasma samples also requires isolation of sphingolipids by silica gel column chromatography prior to LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis. The limits of quantification were in a range of 0.01-0.50 ng/ml for distinct ceramides. The method was reliable for inter- and intraassay precision, accuracy, and linearity. Recoveries of ceramide subspecies from human plasma, rat liver, and muscle tissue were 78 to 91%, 70 to 99%, and 71 to 95%, respectively. The separation and quantification of several endogenous long-chain and very-long-chain ceramides using two nonphysiological odd chain ceramide (C17 and C25) internal standards was achieved within a single 21-min chromatographic run. The technique was applied to quantify distinct ceramide species in different rat tissues (muscle, liver, and heart) and in human plasma. Using this analytical technique, we demonstrated that a clinical exercise training intervention reduces the levels of ceramides in plasma of obese adults. This technique could be extended for quantification of other ceramides and sphingolipids with no significant modification.  相似文献   

The determination of residues of benzimidazole using liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS–MS) with ion spray ionization is described. Swine muscle tissue was spiked with a mixture of fifteen benzimidazoles, including metabolites of fenbendazole and albendazole. As clean-up procedure, an ethyl acetate extraction followed by solid-phase extraction on styrol-divinyl-benzene cartridge was used. The evaluation was performed by selecting the characteristic product ions for the benzimidazoles and using multiple reaction mode. 2-n-Butylmercaptobenzimidazole was used as internal standard. Blank muscle samples were fortified in the concentration range of 1–22 μg/kg. The limits of detection were below 6 μg/kg and the limits of quantification for most benzimidazoles were below 10 μg/kg. The matrix effect was checked using spiked muscle tissues of cattle and sheep as well as liver of cattle. Practical application will be shown by incurred egg material from laying hens treated with flubendazole. The recovery of the clean-up was mostly above 50% in muscle tissue and 70% in egg yolk.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry (MS–MS) procedure was developed for the determination of iodide (I). A gold (Au) and I complex was formed immediately after the addition of the chelating agent NaAuCl4 to I solution, and was extracted with methyl isobutyl ketone. One to five microliters of the extract were injected directly into an ESI–MS–MS instrument. I quantification was performed by selecting reaction monitoring of the product ion I at m/z 127 derived from the precursor ion 197AuI2 at m/z 451. I concentration was measured in the quantification range from 10−7 to 10−5 M using 50 μL of solution within 10 min. Iodate was reduced to I with ascorbic acid and determined. I concentration in reference urine 2670a was measured after treatments.  相似文献   

A simple, sensitive and selective liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method was developed for the determination of tacrolimus (FK506) in rabbit aqueous humor. After a simple protein-precipitation by methanol, the post-treatment samples were separated on a reversed-phase, Thermo-Hypersil-BDS-C18 column with a mobile phase of a mixture of 0.1% formic acid in water, methanol and acetonitrile (5:85:10, v/v/v). Tacrolimus and ritonavir (internal standard, IS) were all detected by the selected reaction-monitoring (SRM) mode. The method developed was validated in rabbit aqueous humor with a daily working range of 0.5-100 ng/ml with correlation coefficient, r>0.99 and a sensitivity of 0.5 ng/ml as lower limit of quantification, respectively. This method was fully validated for the accuracy, precision, possible matrix effect and stability. The method proved to be accurate and specific, and was applied to the pharmacokinetic study of tacrolimus in rabbit aqueous humor.  相似文献   

A sensitive and specific high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) was developed for the determination of bulleyaconitine A (BLA) in human plasma. BLA and internal standard (I.S.) ketoconazole were extracted from the plasma by a liquid-liquid extraction. The supernatant was evaporated to complete dryness and reconstituted with acetonitrile containing 0.1% acetic acid before injecting into an ODS MS column. The gradient mobile phase was composed of a mixture of acetonitrile (containing 0.1% acetic acid, v/v) and 0.1% acetic acid aqueous solution eluted at 0.3 ml/min. BLA and I.S. were determined by multiple reaction monitoring using precursor-->product ion combinations at m/z 644.6-->584.3 and 531.2-->81.6, respectively. Linearity was established for the concentration range of 0.12-6 ng/ml. The recoveries of BLA ranged from 96.93 to 113.9% and the R.S.D. was within 20%. The method is rapid and applicable to the pharmacokinetic studies of BLA in human.  相似文献   

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