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Determinants of species richness in southern African fig wasp assemblages   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Summary We investigated the species richness of 24 fig wasp (Hymenoptera) assemblages associated with southern African fig trees (Ficus species, Moraceae). Assemblage sizes ranged between 3 and 30 species on different host tree species, with parasitoids slightly outnumbering gall-forming phytophages. Ten potential taxonomic, geographic and ecological determinants of assemblage richness were examined. Galler richness differed significantly between taxonomic sub-groups of Ficus and was significantly correlated with several ecological characteristics of the host trees, but there was no species-area effect. Parasitoid richness was strongly correlated with galler richness. We conclude that both ecological and historical factors have combined to determine the numbers of species that form fig wasp assemblages.  相似文献   

Each fig tree species (Ficus) is totally dependent on a specific species of wasp for pollination and the larvae of these wasps only develop in the ovules of their specificFicus host. Because the fig crop on any particular tree is generally highly synchronized, the shortlived female wasps must leave their natal tree in order to find figs which are suitable for oviposition. Chemical volatiles produced by figs when they are ready for pollination are thought to be the means by which the wasps detect a suitable host. Gas chromatograms of the fig volatiles of 7 species ofFicus showed them to be species specific. Age related changes in the volatile profiles were noted as extra volatiles are produced when the figs were ready for pollination.  相似文献   

A new species in the previously monotypic, endemic New Caledonian genus Gastrolepis (Stemonuraceae) is described. Gastrolepis alticola differs from G. austrocaledonica by its shorter and thicker petioles, strongly coriaceous leaves with revolute margins, shorter inflorescences, and pubescent corollas. The new species is further distinguished by its ecology, occurring only in high‐altitude maquis on two massifs in southern New Caledonia, Mt. Kouakoué and the Montagne des Sources. Gastrolepis alticola is assigned a preliminary conservation status of ‘Endangered’ using the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List criteria. Comparison of the IUCN threat status for the 19 species endemic to this distinctive, restricted vegetation type reveals a striking lack of consistency and underscores the need for a reassessment of the entire New Caledonian flora. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 775–783.  相似文献   

Estimates of threat form an intrinsic element of World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List criteria, and in the assignment of species to defined threat categories. However, assignment under the IUCN criteria is demanding in terms of the amount of information that is required. For many species adequate data are lacking. Further, many of the terms and parameters used under IUCN criteria are subjective and open to varying interpretations. During the last decade a number of probabilistic statistical models have been developed which use historical sighting data, such as herbarium and museum collections, to generate objective, quantitative inference of threat and extinction without the requirement for extensive formal survey procedures and where little or no other data exists. In this study these statistical models were applied to herbarium data for the genus Guzmania (Bromeliaceae) from Ecuador. The results suggest that, for species for which collection records are adequate, these methods can be of use in strengthening IUCN Red List assessment procedure. Further, these methods present a unique means of prioritising threat when few biological data are available.  相似文献   

Biogeography and conservation of the genus Ficus (Moraceae) in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim The main objective of this study is to document the biogeographical patterns, endemism and degree of conservation of the species of Ficus (Moraceae) in Mexico. There are over 750 species of the genus Ficus distributed worldwide, and Mexico practically represents its northernmost limit in the American continent. Detailed studies at regional scales may help to understand the biogeography of large genera such as Ficus. Location Mexico. Methods The biogeographical patterns of Mexican Ficus were obtained from information of fig specimens available in two of the main herbaria of Mexico (2140 vouchers), collecting figs throughout this country, and revising the specialized literature. The presence of each species of Ficus was recorded for every one of Mexico's states and several tropical countries of America. Besides, the Mexican territory was divided into cells of 1° × 1° and the presence or absence of all species of the genus was recorded. Rarity of species was classified based on the width of geographic distribution, habitat specificity and population size. Results A total of 21 species of Ficus occur in Mexico, including six species (28.6%) that are endemic to this country. Five species are included in subgenus Pharmacosycea and 16 species are documented under subgenus Urostigma. Affinities of Ficus flora with other tropical countries in America generally decreased as geographical distances from Mexico increased. Mexican states and cells with highest values of Ficus species richness (both total and endemic species) were located. Ten species, including three endemics, presented a wide distribution. Five species, including two endemics, possess the three attributes of rarity (narrow geographical distribution, high habitat specificity and scarce local populations). Three species of Ficus, including the endemic and very rare Ficuslapathifolia (Liebm.) Miq., are not recorded in any protected area existing in Mexico. Main conclusions Most of the Mexican Ficus show a great morphological variation and occupy different habitats along their geographic distribution. The biogeographical patterns described here establish a fundamental scenario for ongoing studies on Ficus–pollinator interactions. However, many local populations are considered to be at risk, as there have been significant reductions in the number and size of local populations. Further studies are needed to understand the process of colonization, maintenance and persistence of fig–pollinator mutualism in species with different patterns of geographic distribution. Mexican Ficus require special policies for conservation due to their complex degree of rarity, particularly their geographic distribution in different types of vegetation, ranging from dry scrublands to tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

To assess the conservation status of the Balkans earthworm species from genus Helodrilus and to establish priorities for conservation, we propose an objective and sensitive separate analysis based on the Conservation Priority Index (CPI). Validity of the threatened species in our ranking system was tested by comparing the results with the IUCN (2001) Red List Categories and Criteria: version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. Species were ranked according to their CPI taking into consideration a set of 9 variables (distribution, endemicity, vegetation zones, persistence, density rarity, rarity of occupancy, locality concentration, habitat specificity and habitat rarity). Each of variables was categorized into five ranks (0–4) of increasing risk for survival. The overall score (CPI index) for each species was the sum of all scores for each variable. The index can take values ranging from 0 to 36. We classified threatened species (CPI≥17) in three IUCN (2001) categories. Vulnerable, Endangered and Critically Endangered. All species that had proved to be the VU, EN or CR category according to IUCN (2001) also had a CPI value high enough to be included in some of the categories discussed above (CPI≥17). Our expertise shows that the species which need urgent action are: H. mozsaryorum (CR or EX), H kratochvili (CR), H. deficiens (EN) and H. balcanicus plavensis (EN). H. dinaricus, H. ospensis, H. serbicus, H. jadronensis, H. duhlinskae, H. vagneri, H. slovenicus and H. italicus were known only from the type locality, so we included these species only in suspect CR.  相似文献   

The monotypic genus Canacomyrica Guillaumin is a small tree endemic to the rare remaining fragments of primary forest growing on ultramafic geology in New Caledonia. In the rich flora of this island it is one of many endemics to be threatened by habitat loss due to a variety of factors, most significantly open-cast mining for nickel. Using field observations and data from herbarium specimens the extent of occurrence of Canacomyrica monticola is established to be approximately 1420 km2. Within this area the distribution of C. monticola is very fragmented and limited to just 11 known localities. Six localities are outside protected areas; two of these may be imminently threatened by mining activity and another may be threatened by bush fires. It is recommended that the IUCN Red List status of Endangered (EN B1ab (i,ii,iv,v)) is assigned to this species.  相似文献   

Two species of Pancheria (Cunoniaceae) described here, Pancheria minima J.C. Bradford and Pancheria ouaiemensis J.C. Bradford, draw attention to a recently recognized biodiversity pattern in New Caledonia. Montane maquis on acidic substrates, especially on the Roche Ouaïème, harbors numerous endemic species and is a rare and globally unique ecosystem. We cite 12 species, most described in the past several years, known only from the Roche Ouaïème in an area less than 10km2. Overall, 27 species are known only from montane maquis and currently not found in a well-protected area. The major local threat to montane maquis habitat is anthropogenic fire, with climate change a possible long-term problem. Those montane maquis species known from one or two localities, occupying very small areas, and with declining habitat quality are critically endangered or endangered based on IUCN Red List criteria. Adding the Roche Ouaïème to the reserve system of New Caledonia is recommended to protect and manage a representative area of montane maquis on acidic substrates. A research strategy is proposed to identify species most at risk, locate possible unknown areas of montane maquis, and update taxonomic knowledge. A review of characters that vary among Pancheria species is provided, and the inflorescence architecture is described and diagramed. Both new Pancheria species occur at upper elevations in shrubby habitats. P. minima is remarkable in that the size of plants, leaves and reproductive parts is highly reduced compared to other known species.  相似文献   

Sargassum C. Agardh (1820) is a taxonomically difficult genus distributed worldwide and reported as the most species‐rich genus of the Fucales. It is especially abundant in the Pacific where decreasing species richness is reported to occur from west to east. New Caledonia has been recognized as one of the hotspots of Sargassum diversity; however, species lists available for this region are old and incomplete and have not yet been updated with regard to the latest taxonomic revisions published. This study aimed at revising Sargassum diversity in New Caledonia and to assess its geographic affinities with neighboring Pacific regions. We used combined morphological and DNA analyses on new collections and examined numerous type specimens. Although 45 taxa have been listed in the literature, most of them have been either transferred to synonymy since or misidentified, and in this study, only 12 taxa were recognized as occurring in New Caledonia. They belong to the subgenus Sargassum sect. Binderianae (Grunow) Mattio et Payri (2), sect. Ilicifoliae (J. Agardh) Mattio et Payri (2), sect. Polycystae Mattio et Payri. (1), sect. Sargassum (4), sect. Zygocarpicae (J. Agardh) Setch. (2), and subgenus Phyllotrichia (Aresh.) J. Agardh (1). New Caledonian Sargassum flora appeared as the second richest in the region after the Pacific coast of Australia, with which it has shown high similarity, and shared species with all neighboring regions. One species, S. turbinarioides Grunow, is considered as endemic to New Caledonia. The low genetic diversity detected among several polymorphic species belonging to sect. Sargassum is also discussed.  相似文献   

Cozumel Island in the Mexican Caribbean is inhabited by four carnivores, of which two, the Cozumel coati Nasua nelsoni and pygmy raccoon Procyon pygmaeus, are endemic species. The taxonomic status of a third carnivore, a dwarf gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus, is undetermined, but may deserve subspecific or species-level recognition. The fourth species, the kinkajou (Potos flavus), may be a recent introduction. We review the status of these carnivores, report our field observations and results of line transect and trapping efforts, discuss current threats to these taxa, and make recommendations for their conservation. A population density of 0.43 ± 0.27 coatis/km2, and a total island population size of 150 ± 95 individuals, was estimated from 386 km of line transects in 1994–1995. Intensive trapping efforts (1479 trap-nights) in 2001 at multiple localities were unsuccessful. Pygmy raccoons were observed in the mangrove and coastal wetland areas of the island and in 2001 we captured 11 individuals with the same sampling efforts as for coatis (8.8 raccoons/1000 trap-nights). The gray fox is also apparently very rare on the island. While a few observations of the animals have been made (1984, 1994 and 2001), no animals were seen along transects and none were trapped. The primary threats to the persistence of these taxa include introduced congeners, introduced predators, parasite and disease spill-over from exotic animals, habitat fragmentation, hunting and collection as pets, and hurricanes. We suggest that the Cozumel coati, pygmy raccoon, and the Cozumel population of the gray fox be considered as Critically Endangered according to the IUCN classification system. Current conservation actions focusing on Cozumel carnivores are extremely limited. We recommend eradication of introduced species, maintenance of habitat connectivity, ex situ conservation programs, explicit public policies on land-use and sustainable development, public awareness campaigns, and continuous scientific research and monitoring.  相似文献   

Was realized field studies and ex situ propagation on the vascular flora of Juan Fernández Archipelago during 15 year period. To evaluate the conservation status of a total of 133 species and subspecies of vascular endemic plants I used a IUCN classification founding: 2 species extinct, 1 extinct in it natural habitat, 52 critically endangered, 37 endangered and 9 vulnerable. Thus, 73.8% are contained in a threat category; only 24 taxon can be considered to be of a lesser conservation concern. The largest threat of extinction is a reduction in individuals in local populations resulting in small, isolated populations. This habitat fragmentation and a reduction in endemic flora has also impacted endemic fauna. Besides, during this period was propagated in nurseries a total of 80 of these species and subspecies (60%). It seem clear the necessity to continue to actions conserve this particular ecosystem.  相似文献   

Feral cats have been directly responsible for the extinction of numerous species on islands worldwide, including endemic species of mammals, birds and reptiles. The diet of feral cats in the main habitats of the Canary Islands, as generally occurred on oceanic islands, is mainly composed of introduced mammals, and native species of birds, reptiles and insects. The impact of feral cat upon the endangered species was assessed by evaluating their relative abundance in the cats’ diet and by considering their current conservation status. A total of 68 different preys were identified at species level in all studies carried out in the Canary Islands (5 mammals, 16 birds, 15 reptiles and 32 invertebrates). From all the species preyed by feral cats in the Canary Islands, only four of them are considered threatened by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: one endemic bird Saxicola dacotiae and three endemic giant lizards, Gallotia simonyi, Gallotia intermedia, and Gallotia gomerana. Although some efforts on management control have been carried out, it is necessary to enforce these conservation activities on those areas of Tenerife, La Gomera and El Hierro where giant lizards are still present. Furthermore some local areas where endangered bird species are highly predated should be protected. Nevertheless, it is important to take into account the presence of other introduced species such as rats, mice or rabbits in order to avoid problems derived from the hyperpredation process and mesopredator release effect.  相似文献   

Dendrobium sect. Dendrocoryne is a difficult taxonomic group of allied species and species complexes, occurring on the eastern Australian coastline, Lord Howe Island and New Caledonia. Significant morphological characters were assessed from all key areas of the distribution range. Patterns of variation between species, varieties and hybrids were investigated by principal coordinate analysis. The analyses affirm 12 species in the sect. Dendrocoryne described by Schlechter (1912, 1982) and Dockrill (1969, 1992), including a cluster of small statured D. gracilicaule, D. adae, D. fleckeri, and D. finniganense, and three variable species complexes – D. speciosum, D. kingianum and D. tetragonum. Recently described D. finniganense and D. callitrophilum are interpreted as members of the section. Phylogenetic relationships are presented based on parsimony analysis of 31 morphological characters. Analyses do not support proposals to recognize new genera for D. tetragonum, D. callitrophilum and D. aemulum, or to create new species within D. tetragonum, D. jonesii, D. speciosum and D. kingianum. The phylogeny indicates that rainforest taxa are earlier lineages and xerophytic taxa are more derived.  相似文献   

The Goodeidae is a family of endemic fish from central Mexico. Populations of several species are declining in the wild and two have been reported extinct; Skiffia francesae and Zoogoneticus tequila. Both species were native to just one locality in the Ameca basin. It is difficult to infer the causes of extinction, since limnological data from Teuchitlán prior to the extinction events are not available, and there are no replicate populations. As an alternative approach, we explored the potential links between key environmental variables and events of local extinction of any species in the two genera (four Skiffia spp. and two Zoogoneticus spp.). In 14 localities known to harbour populations of fish of at least one of the six focal species, we conducted limnological surveys in the rainy and in the dry season, and quantified population densities of endemic and introduced fish. In addition, we quantified the concentration of agricultural pollutants in water and mud samples taken from every locality in the dry season. We found that all the focal species face some conservation threat, but we also discovered an extremely small population of the reputedly extinct Zoogoneticus tequila; in contrast, Skiffia francesae was not found. Eutrophication and habitat fragmentation appear to be the main threats to the focal species, with habitat fragmentation exponentially reducing population size and driving populations into refuges where they face stochastic extinction.  相似文献   

Five new species ofHypolytrum Rich. from South America are described and illustrated.Hypolytrum amorimii andH. jardimii, both of sect.Bullata T. Koyama, are species with pseudopetioles and colored leaves, and endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Brazil.Hypolytrum bahiense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with a lax synflorescence and two, free and lightly scabridulous floral bracts, is endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Bahia, Brazil.Hypolytrum leptocalamum (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with lax synflorescence and spike ellipsoid to cylindrical, is restricted to area of tepuis in the Guayana Highland (Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela).Hypolytrum paraense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with three, partly connate and densely scabridulous floral bracts, is restricted to the rain forest of the Amazon Basin, in the state of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   


A new species of Stipa, endemic to Sicily, named Stipa valdemonensis is described here. The new taxon is related to Stipa crassiculmis. Owing to the small number of individuals observed, in few restricted localities only, it is assigned the IUCN threat status “vulnerable”.  相似文献   

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