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The glycogen branching enzyme gene (glgB) from Pectobacterium chrysanthemi PY35 was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The glgB gene consisted of an open reading frame of 2196bp encoding a protein of 731 amino acids (calculated molecular weight of 83,859Da). The glgB gene is upstream of glgX and the ORF starts the ATG initiation codon and ends with the TGA stop codon at 2bp upstream of glgX. The enzyme was 43-69% sequence identical with other glycogen branching enzymes. The enzyme is the most similar to GlgB of E. coli and contained the four regions conserved among the alpha-amylase family. The glycogen branching enzyme (GlgB) was purified and the molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 84kDa by SDS-PAGE. The glycogen branching enzyme was optimally active at pH 7 and 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic bacterium Pectobacteium chrysanthemi PY35 secretes Cel5Z endoglucanase belonging to the glycoside hydrolase family 5 of EC The mutation of cel5Z::Omega gene was constructed by cloning the 2.0-kb SmaI fragment containing the streptomycin/spectinomycin-resistance gene of pHP45(Omega) into the BalI site of pPY100. The insertion of Omega fragment generated a new stop codon, removing the Ser/Thr-rich linker region and the cellulose binding domain (CBD) in the C-terminal region of cel5Z gene. By subsequent subcloning from this 4.9-kb fragment (pPY1001), a 1.0-kb (pPY1002) fragment was obtained and designated as cel5Z::Omega. The cel5Z::Omega gene had an open reading frame (ORF) of 1011 bp, encoding 336 amino acids, starting with an ATG codon and ending with a new TGA stop codon. The molecular mass of the Cel5Z::Omega protein in E. coli transformant appeared to be 32 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis in the presence of carboxymethyl-cellulose (CMC). The Cel5Z::Omega protein hydrolyzed CMC with 1.7-fold higher activity than the intact Cel5Z cellulase.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomal mutations of the celZ and celY genes which encode two different endoglucanases in Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937 were obtained by a three-step procedure: (i) in Escherichia coli, insertions of lacZ fusion-forming mini-Mu bacteriophages in the cel genes cloned on plasmids and screening of cel-lac fusions, (ii) Mu-mediated transduction in E. chrysanthemi of the plasmids carrying the fusions, (iii) recombinational exchange between the plasmidic mutated and the wild-type chromosomal alleles. These mutations allowed mapping of celZ between ura and pan and celY between xyl and met on the linkage map of E. chrysanthemi. The -galactosidase activity of these strains indicated that celZ is expressed in the late exponential and stationary growth phases, while celY expression is almost undetectable.  相似文献   

Summary Erwinia chrysanthemi (EC16) produces four extracellular pectate lyases (Pels) that are resolved by their isoelectric pH (pI): Pel A, pI 4.2; Pel B, pI 8.8; Pel C, pI 9.0; and Pel E, pI 10.0. To investigate the organization of the pel genes and to compare the properties of the enzymes, the cognate structural genes were isolated from an EC16 cosmid library. Physical analysis of the Pel+ plasmids revealed that pelA and pelE were present on a 8.2 kb DNA segment, while pelB and pelC were present on a 5.9 kb DNA segment. These four pel genes were resolved by subcloning or Tn5 mutagenesis. The properties of each Pel, obtained from the Escherichia coli periplasm, were determined. The pIs of the enzymes were identical to those of the EC16 extracellular enzymes. While each Pel was of the endo-type, differences among them were noted in the quantities of the various reaction products. Pel E was found to be most effective in causing maceration and inducing electrolyte loss and cell death in potato tuber tissue, followed by Pel B and Pel C. In contrast to these basic Pels, the acidic enzyme, Pel A, did not macerate plant tissue or induce electrolyte loss and cell death. These findings are discussed in the context of the plant pathogenicity of E. chrysanthemi.  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic bacteriumErwinia chrysanthemi produces the monocatecholate siderophore chrysobactin under conditions of iron deprivation. Only the catecholate hydroxyl groups participate in metal coordination, and chrysobactin is therefore unable to provide full 1:1 coordination of Fe(III). The stoichiometry in aqueous solution is a variable dependent on pH and metal/ligand ratio, in addition to being concentration dependent. At neutral pH and concentrations of about 0.1mm, ferric chrysobactin exists as a mixture of bis and tris complexes. Chrysobactin and its isomers form optically active tris complexes. The dominant configuration depends on the chirality of the amino acid to which the catecholate moiety is attached.  相似文献   

The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the bacterium Pectobacterium atrosepticum SCRI 1039 was hydrolyzed and the products were separated. A study of the obtained O-polysaccharide by means of chemical methods, GLC, GLC–MS, and NMR spectroscopy allowed us to identify a branched polymer with a pentasaccharide repeating unit of the structure shown below, in which the fucose residue was partially O-acetylated at C-2, C-3 or C-4.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced rRNA operons of Clostridium perfringens strain 13 and analyzed the sequence structure in view of the phylogenesis. The organism had ten copies of rRNA operons all of that comprised of 16S, 23S and 5S rDNAs except for one operon. The operons clustered around the origin of replication, ranging within one-third of the whole genome sequence as it is arranged in a circle. Seven operons were transcribed in clockwise direction, and the remaining three were transcribed in counter clockwise direction assuming that the gyrA was transcribed in clockwise direction. Two of the counter clockwise operons contained tRNAIle genes between the 16S and 23S rDNAs, and the other had a tRNAIle genes between the 16S and 23S rDNAs and a tRNAAsn gene in the place of the 5S rDNA. Microheterogeneity was found within the rRNA structural genes and spacer regions. The length of each 16S, 23S and 5S rDNA were almost identical among the ten operons, however, the intergenic spacer region of 16S-23S and 23S-5S were variable in the length depending on loci of the rRNA operons on the chromosome. Nucleotide sequences of the helix 19, helix 19a, helix 20 and helix 21 of 23S rDNA were divergent and the diversity appeared to be correlated with the loci of the rRNA operons on the chromosome.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (APX), swAPX1 , was isolated from cell cultures of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) by cDNA library screening, and its expression in the context of various environmental stresses was investigated. swAPX1 contains an ORF of 250 amino acids (27.5 kDa) encoding a protein with a pI value of 5.32. The swAPX1 ORF does not code for a transit peptide, suggesting that the product is a cytosolic isoform. RNA blot analysis showed that swAPX1 gene is expressed in cultured cells and mature leaves, but not in stems, non-storage or storage roots of sweetpotato. The level of swAPX1 RNA progressively increased during cell growth in suspension cultures. In leaf tissues, the gene responded differentially to various abiotic stresses, as revealed by RT-PCR analysis. swAPX1 was highly induced in leaves by wounding, and treatment with methyl viologen (50 M), hydrogen peroxide (440 mM), abscisic acid (ABA; 100 M) or exposure to high temperature (37°C). In addition, the gene was strongly induced in the leaves following inoculation with a bacterial pathogen (Pectobacterium chrysanthemi). These results indicate that swAPX1 may be involved in hydrogen peroxide-detoxification and thus help to overcome the oxidative stress induced by abiotic and biotic stresses.Communicated by G. Jürgens  相似文献   

A protocol for the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tomatillo was developed. Up to 40 transgenic plants could be obtained in experiments using 60 cotyledon expiants. The transformed nature of the regenerated plants was confirmed by NPT II and Southern blot hybridization analysis. Using the b-glucuronidase system the tissue specific and developmental patterns of expression of the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter were determined in transgenic tomatillo plants. It was found that this promoter is developmentally regulated during fruit and seed formation.  相似文献   

In order to study the expression in plants of therolD promoter ofAgrobacterium rhizogenes, we have constructed chimaeric genes placing the coding region of thegusA (uidA) marker gene under control of tworolD promoter fragments of different length. Similar results were obtained with both genes. Expression studies were carried out in transformed R1 progeny plants. In mature transformed tobacco plants, therolD-gus genes were expressed strongly in roots, and to much lower levels in stems and leaves. This pattern of expression was transmitted to progeny, though the ratio of the level of expression in roots relative to that in leaves was much lower in young seedlings. The degree of root specificity inrolD-gus transformants was less than that of a gene constructed with domain A of the CaMV 35S promoter,domA-gus, but the level of root expression was much higher than with the latter gene. However, the level of expression of therolD-gus genes was less than that of agus gene with a 35S promoter with doubled domain B, 35S2-gus. TherolD-gus genes had a distinctive pattern of expression in roots, compared to that of the two other genes, with the strongest GUS activity observed in the root elongation zone and in vascular tissue, and much less in the root apex.  相似文献   

A strain named as HJ35 was isolated from the skin of sixty-five men and fourteen women for acne therapy, in order to find an effective antimicrobial agent againstPropionibacterium acnes. Isolate HJ35 was identified asEnterococcus faecium based on 16 rDNA sequence and produced enterocin HJ35 having antimicrobial activities against most lactic acid bacteria,Enterococcus spp.,Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Clostridium perfringens, some bacilli,Micrococcus flavus, Listeria monocytogenes, L. ivanovii, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens andPropionibacterium acnes, in the modified well diffusion method. Especially, enterocin HJ35 showed a bactericidal activity againstPropionibacterium acnes P1. The antimicrobial activity of enterocin HJ35 was disappeared completely with the use of protease XIV. But enterocin HJ35 activity is very stable at high temperature (up to 100°C for 30 min), in wide range of pH 3.0∼9.0), and by treatment with organic solvents. The apparent molecular mass of enterocin HJ35 was estimated to be approximately 4∼4.5 kDa on detection of its bactericidal activity after SDS-PAGE. In batch fermentation ofE. faecium HJ35, enterocin HJ35 was produced at the midlog growth phase, and its maximum production was obtained up to 2,300 AU/mL at the late stationary phase. By employing fed-batch fermentation, the enhanced production of enterocin HJ35 was achieved up to 12,800 AU/mL by feeding with 10 g/L glucose or 6 g/L lactate.  相似文献   

In this study, evidence for at least three independent losses of photosynthesis in the freshwater cryptophyte genus Cryptomonas is presented. The phylogeny of the genus was inferred by molecular phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (nuclear ITS2), partial nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA), and nucleomorph small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA, NM). Both concatenated and single data sets were used. In all data sets, the colorless Cryptomonas strains formed three different lineages, always supported by high bootstrap values (maximum parsimony, neighbor joining and maximum likelihood) and posterior probabilities (Bayesian analyses). The three leukoplast-bearing lineages displayed differing degrees of accelerated evolutionary rates in nuclear and nucleomorph rDNA. Also an increase in A+T-content in highly variable regions of the nucleomorph SSU rDNA was observed in one of the leukoplast-bearing lineages.This article contains three online-only supplementary tables.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Yves Van de Peer  相似文献   

The complete genome sequences of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactococcus lactis, and Lactobacillus johnsonii were used to compare location, sequence, organisation, and regulation of the ribosomal RNA (rrn) operons. All rrn operons of the examined LAB diverge from the origin of replication, which is compatible with their efficient expression. All operons show a common organisation of 5'-16S-23S-5S-3' structure, but differ in the number, location and specificity of the tRNA genes. In the 16S-23S intergenic spacer region, two of the five rrn operons of Lb. plantarum and three of the six of Lb. johnsonii contain tRNA-ala and tRNA-ile genes, while L. lactis has a tRNA-ala gene in all six operons. The number of tRNA genes following the 5S rRNA gene ranges up to 14, 16, and 21 for L. lactis, Lb. johnsonii and Lb. plantarum, respectively. The tRNA gene complements are similar to each other and to those of other bacteria. Micro-heterogeneity was found within the rRNA structural genes and spacer regions of each strain. In the rrn operon promoter regions of Lb. plantarum and L. lactis marked differences were found, while the promoter regions of Lb. johnsonii showed a similar tandem promoter structure in all operons. The rrn promoters of L. lactis show either a single or a tandem promoter structure. All promoters of Lb. plantarum contain two or three -10 and -35 regions, of which either zero to two were followed by an UP-element. The Lb. plantarum rrnA, rrnB, and rrnC promoter regions display similarity to the rrn promoter structure of Esherichia coli. Differences in regulation between the five Lb. plantarum promoters were studied using a low copy promoter-probe plasmid. Taking copy number and growth rate into account, a differential expression over time was shown. Although all five Lb. plantarum rrn promoters are significantly different, this study shows that their activity was very similar under the circumstances tested. An active promoter was also identified within the Lb. plantarum rrnC operon preceding a cluster of 17 tRNA genes.  相似文献   

The EcoRI chromosomal fragment (6782 bp) containing the lux operon of Photorhabdus luminescens was cloned in pUC18 and completely sequenced. Enteric repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC), an imperfect palindrome (125–127 bp) characteristic of Enterobacteriaceae genomes, was found in three sites. Strain Zm1 proved to differ in the ERIC number and location from strains Hb, Hm, and Hw. Nucleotide substitution analysis showed that luxC and luxB, which are more than 1 kb away from ERIC, are similar to the corresponding Hb genes, whereas luxD, luxA, and luxE, which are close to ERIC, are intermediate between their Hb and Hw counterparts. The Hb/Hw nucleotide substitution ratio was 1:1 in regions adjacent to ERIC. Hence ERIC can be thought to be recombination hot spots in the bacterial genome.  相似文献   

Summary Efficient in vivo expression of the biodegradative threonine dehydratase (tdc) operon of Escherichia coli is dependent on a regulatory gene, tdcR. The tdcR gene is located 198 base pairs upstream of the tdc operon and is transcribed divergently from this operon. The nucleotide sequence of tdcR and two unrelated reading frames has been determined. The deduced amino acid sequence of TdcR indicates that is is a polypeptide of Mr 12000 with 99 amino acid residues and contains a potential helix-turnhelix DNA binding motif. Deletion analysis and minicell expression of the tdcR gene suggest that TdcR may serve as a trans-acting positive activator for the tdc operon.  相似文献   

The genomic sequence of the porcine (Sus scrofa) glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene (5.7 kb), encoding glucocerebrosidase (glucosylceramidase; acid beta-glucosidase; EC, was determined and compared with human (Homo sapiens) GBA and GBAP (pseudogene). The porcine gene harbours 11 exons and 10 introns, and the genomic organization is identical with human GBA. The exon sequences, coding for signal peptide and mature protein, show 81% and 90% sequence identity, respectively, with the corresponding human GBA sequences. Short interspersed elements, SINEs (PREs), are present in introns 2, 4 and 7. There is no evidence of a pseudogene in pig. The deduced protein sequence of GBA consists of 39 amino acids of signal peptide (long form) and 497 amino acids of the mature protein; the latter shows 90% sequence identity with the human protein. Four polymorphisms were observed within the porcine gene: insertion/deletion of one of the two SINEs (PREs) in intron 2 (locus PREA); deletion of a 37- to 39-bp stretch in intron 4 (one direct repeat and 5′ end of PRE); deletion of a 47-bp stretch in the middle part of PRE in intron 4 (locus PREB); and single-base transition (C–T) in intron 6 (locus HaeIII–RFLP). GBA was assigned to chromosome 4q21 by FISH and was localized to the same region by linkage analysis and RH mapping, i.e., to the chromosome 4 segment where quantitative trait loci for growth and some carcass traits are located.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MTs) are cysteine-rich proteins required for heavy metal tolerance in animals and fungi. Recent results indicate that plants also possess functional metallothionein genes. Here we report the cloning and characterization of five metallothionein genes fromArabidopsis thaliana. The position of the single intron in each gene is conserved. The proteins encoded by these genes can be divided into two groups (MT1 and MT2) based on the presence or absence of a central domain separating two cysteine-rich domains. Four of the MT genes (MT1a,MT1c,MT2a andMT2b) are transcribed inArabidopsis. Several lines of evidence suggest that the fifth gene,MT1b, is inactive. There is differential regulation of the MT gene family. MT1 mRNA is expressed highly in roots, moderately in leaves and is barely detected in inflorescences and siliques. MT2a and MT2b mRNAs are more abundant in leaves, inflorescences and in roots from mature plants, but are also detected in roots of young plants, and in siliques. MT2a mRNA is strongly induced in seedlings by CUSO4, whereas MT2b mRNA is relatively abundant in this tissue and levels increase only slightly upon exposure to copper.MT1a andMT1c are located within 2 kb of each other and have been mapped to chromosome 1.MT1b andMT2b map to separate loci on chromosome V, andMT2a is located on chromosome III. The locations of these MT genes are different from that ofCAD1, a gene involved in cadmium tolerance inArabidopsis.  相似文献   

Translation fidelity in Saccharomyces yeasts is determined by genetic and epigenetic (prion) factors. A study was made of S. cerevisiae strains containing the nonchromosomal determinant [ISP +], described earlier. Some of its properties suggest that [ISP +] is a prion. [ISP +] is expressed phenotypically as an antisuppressor of two sup35 mutations and can be cured with guanidine chloride (GuHCl). It was shown that sup35 mutants containing [ISP +] carried additional sup45 mutations. These mutations caused amino acid substitutions in different regions of translation termination factor eRF1, encoded by SUP45. Strains bearing the sup35-25 mutation contained the sup45 mutation that caused amino acid substitution at position 400 of eRF1; strains bearing sup35-10 contained the mutation that altered eRF1 at position 75. Thus, the antisuppressor phenotype of the [ISP +] strains proved to depend on the interaction of sup35 and sup45 mutations, as well as on the GuHCl-curable epigenetic determinant. Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 844–849. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

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