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The glycosphingolipid (GSL) lysosomal storage diseases are a family of human metabolic diseases that, in their severest forms, cause death in early infancy, as a result of progressive neurodegeneration. They are caused by mutations in the genes encoding the glycohydrolases or the activator proteins that catabolise GSLs within lysosomes. In these diseases the GSL substrate of the defective enzyme accumulates in the lysosome, where it is stored and leads to cellular dysfunction and disease. The therapeutic options for treating these diseases are relatively limited; in fact, there are currently no available therapies for most of these disorders. The problem is further compounded by difficulties in delivering therapeutic agents to the central nervous system, which is where the pathology is frequently manifested. To date, research effort has mainly focused on strategies for augmenting enzyme concentrations to compensate for the underlying defect. These strategies include bone-marrow transplantation, enzyme-replacement therapy and gene therapy. Our group has been exploring the alternative strategy of substrate deprivation. This approach aims to balance the rate of GSL synthesis with the impaired rate of GSL breakdown. Studies using an asymptomatic mouse model of Tay-Sachs disease have shown that substrate deprivation prevents GSL storage. In a severe neurodegenerative mouse model of Sandhoff disease, substrate deprivation delayed the onset of symptoms and disease progression, and significantly increased life expectancy. The implications of this research for human therapy have been discussed.  相似文献   

Most lysosomal storage diseases (LSD) exhibit neurological symptoms and there has been limited success in their treatment. Innovative treatments employing novel therapy or gene therapy may offer the prospect of improvement. Recent attempts to treat the neurological forms of LSD include neural stem cell therapy, mesenchymal stem cell therapy, hematopoietic stem cell therapy and gene therapy. Additional approaches have included substrate deprivation/chaperone therapy for the treatment of LSD. This article reviews these new technologies, discusses recent progress, and suggests their possible application.  相似文献   

A problem of management of patients with lysosomal storage diseases in own experience with over 100 children with such diseases has been discussed. Symptomatic therapy of carpal tunnel syndrome, Pudenz valves, splenectomies, plasty of hernia, locomotive rehabilitation and various forms of cooperation with patients' families have been used in the treatment. An attempt of the treatment of the storage diseases with implantation of fetal membranes has been undertaken in view of the fact, that such membranes are the source of deficit enzyme.  相似文献   

There are more than 40 different forms of inherited lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) known to occur in humans and the aggregate incidence has been estimated to approach 1 in 7000 live births. Most LSDs are associated with high morbidity and mortality and represent a significant burden on patients, their families, and health care providers. Except for symptomatic therapies, many LSDs remain untreatable, and gene therapy is among the only viable treatment options potentially available. Therapies for some LSDs do exist, or are under evaluation, including heterologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT), enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), and substrate reduction therapy (SRT), but these treatment options are associated with significant concerns, including high morbidity and mortality (BMT), limited positive outcomes (BMT), incomplete response to therapy (BMT, ERT, and SRT), life-long therapy (ERT, SRT), and cost (BMT, ERT, SRT). Gene therapy represents a potential alternative therapy, albeit a therapy with its own attendant concerns. Animal models of LSDs play a critical role in evaluating the efficacy and safety of therapy for many of these conditions. Naturally occurring animal homologs of LSDs have been described in the mouse, rat, dog, cat, guinea pig, emu, quail, goat, cattle, sheep, and pig. In this review we discuss those animal models that have been used in gene therapy experiments and those with promise for future evaluations.  相似文献   

Of the various gene therapy approaches under investigation for the treatment of genetic diseases, hematopoietic stem cell-mediated gene therapy has attracted the most interest. Enriched populations of hematopoietic stem cells can be obtained from diseased individuals, genetically modified to express normal gene products, and then transplanted back into these individuals without the risk of graft versus host disease. Following transplantation and engraftment, hematopoietically-derived cells can repopulate various sites of pathology and express the normal gene product in vivo. Such a procedure has been accomplished in several mouse models of human genetics diseases, leading to partial or complete correction of the disease phenotype, and current efforts are now focused on adapting the success of murine systems to larger animals, including man. This review will focus on the use of hematopoietic stem cell-mediated gene therapy for the treatment of lysosomal storage disorders, and discuss recent data obtained in the laboratory using a murine knock-out mouse model of Types A and B Niemann-Pick disease (NPD).  相似文献   

Lysosomal storage disorders are collectively important because they cause significant morbidity and mortality. Patients can present with severe symptoms that include somatic tissue and bone pathology, developmental delay and neurological impairment. Enzyme-replacement therapy has been developed as a treatment strategy for patients with a lysosomal storage disorder, and for many of these disorders this treatment is either in clinical trial or clinical practice. One major complication arising from enzyme infusion into patients with a lysosomal storage disorder is an immune response to the replacement protein. From clinical trials, it is clear that there is considerable variability in the level of immune response to enzyme-replacement therapy, dependent upon the replacement protein being infused and the individual patient. Hypersensitivity reactions, neutralizing antibodies to the replacement protein and altered enzyme targeting or turnover are potential concerns for patients exhibiting an immune response to enzyme-replacement therapy. The relative occurrence and significance of these issues have been appraised.  相似文献   

Lysosomal storage disorders are a group of inherited diseases that can result in severe and progressive pathology due to a specific lysosomal dysfunction. Current treatment strategies include bone-marrow transplantation, substrate reduction, chemical-chaperone and enzyme-replacement therapy. However, each of these treatments has its limitations. Enhanced stop-codon read-through is a potential alternative or adjunct therapeutic strategy for treating lysosomal-storage-disorder patients. Premature stop-codon mutations have been identified in a large cohort of patients with a lysosomal storage disorder, making stop-codon read-through a possible treatment for this disease. In lysosomal-storage-disorder cells (mucopolysaccharidosis type I, alpha-L-iduronidase deficient), preclinical studies have shown that gentamicin induced the read-through of premature stop codons, resulting in enzyme activity that reduced substrate storage.  相似文献   

Nunoi H  Ishibashi F 《Human cell》1999,12(3):103-108
The possibility of gene therapy for inherited diseases with a single gene mutation in Figure 1 had been verified by the successful treatment with bone marrow transplantation. As the gene therapy method and theory has been progressing rapidly, it is expected that gene therapy will overcome the complications of bone marrow transplantation. Of these inherited diseases, chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is the one of the most expected disease for gene therapy. CGD is an inherited immune deficiency caused by mutations in any of the following four phox genes encoding subunits of the superoxide generating phagocyte NADPH oxidase. It consists of membranous cytochrom b558 composed of gp91 phox and p22 phox, and four cytosolic components, p47 phox, p67 phox, rac p21 and p40 phox, which translocate to the membrane upon activation. In our group study, more than 220 CGD patients has been enrolled. The incidence of CGD patients was estimated as 1 out of 250,000 births. The expected life span of the CGD patients is 25 to 30 years old by the Kaplan Meier analysis. Comparing with the ratio of CGD subtype in US and Europe, that with p47phox deficiency is lower (less than 10%/o vs. 23%) and that of gp91 phox deficiency is higher (more than 75% vs. 60%). Prophylactic administration of ST antibiotics and IFN-gamma and bone marrow transplantation have been successfully employed in our therapeutic strategy. However, it is necessary to develop the gene therapy technology for CGD patients as more promising treatment. In the current study we constructed two retrovirus vectors; MFGS-gp91/293 SPA which contains only the therapeutic gp91 phox gene, a bicistronic retrovirus pHa-MDR-IRES-gp91/PA317 which carries a multi drug resistant gene (MDR1) and the gp91phox gene connected with an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). We demonstrate high efficiency transduction of gp 91 phox to CGD EB virus established cell line with high levels of functional correction of the oxidase by MFGS-gp91 and by pHa-MDR-IRES-gp91, respectively. We also demonstrate sufficient transduction of gp91 phox to CD34+ hematopoietic stem cell from the patients with gp91 phox deficiency by MFGS-gp91/293 SPA. Our current studies suggest that the combination of the 293-SPA packaging system and the bicistronic retrovirus system inserted MDR1 gene make our CGD gene therapy more feasible for clinical application.  相似文献   

Cell therapy was born in 1968 with the first allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells for two immune deficiency disorders: the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome and the Severe Combined ImmunoDeficiency (SCID). From this pioneering experience, thousands of patients affected with inherited or acquired diseases of the hematopoietic system have benefited from this therapeutic approach. Unfortunately, immunologic obstacles, represented by the compatibility in the major histocompatibility HLA system, still dictate today important limitations for a larger therapeutic utilization of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). In this review, we have summarized the difficulties and the scientific advances leading us to improve the clinical results; the therapeutic research's track for primary immunodeficiencies is also discussed.  相似文献   

Lysosomal storage diseases comprise a group of about 40 disorders, which in most cases are due to the deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme. Since lysosomal enzymes are involved in the degradation of various compounds, the diseases can be further subdivided according to which pathway is affected. Thus, enzyme deficiencies in the degradation pathway of glycosaminoglycans cause mucopolysaccharidosis, and deficiencies affecting glycopeptides cause glycoproteinosis. In glycolipid storage diseases enzymes are deficient that are involved in the degradation of sphingolipids. Mouse models are available for most of these diseases, and some of these mouse models have been used to study the applicability of in vivo gene therapy. We review the rationale for gene therapy in lysosomal disorders and present data, in particular, about trials in an animal model of metachromatic leukodystrophy. The data of these trials are compared with those obtained with animal models of other lysosomal diseases.  相似文献   

An urgent current need in regenerative medicine is that of identifying a plentiful, safe and ethically acceptable stem cell source for the development of therapeutic strategies to restore functionality in damaged or diseased organs and tissues. In this context, human term placenta represents a prime candidate, as it is available in nearly unlimited supply, is ethically problem-free and easily procured. Placental cells display differentiation capacity toward all three germ layers, while also displaying immunomodulatory effects, therefore supporting the possibility that they could be applied in an allogeneic transplantation setting. Although promising data have been reported to date, further study is required to fully characterize the differentiation potential of placenta-derived cells and to identify their possible clinical applications. Here, we provide a snapshot of current knowledge regarding the potential of cells from the amniotic membrane of human term placenta to address current shortcomings in the field of regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Lysosomal storage diseases result from defects in the activity of the lysosomal enzymes that break down macromolecules in the cell. These enzyme defects contribute to over 30 separate storage diseases that result in nearomuscular and intellectual impairment and, in some cases, early childhood death. This report describes a new method for identifying defects in the lysosomal enzymes and in the metabolic pathway that functions in the degradation of complex carbohydrates. The method involves identifying abnormal carbohydrates in the urine of affected patients using fluorescent carbohydrate tags and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Currently, the method can be used as a simple screen for the identification of at least 12 different lysosomal storage diseases using a single electrophoretic procedure. Both oligosaccharidoses and mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) can be identified, and in many cases the MPS subtype can be determined. In addition, the method can be used to confirm enzymatically the results of the initial screening test. We believe that this method will become extremely useful not only in the diagnosis of these diseases but in the management of patients on therapy.  相似文献   

线粒体是细胞内的一种多功能细胞器,主要负责能量产生、细胞凋亡等生命过程。线粒体缺陷与临床上百种疾病相关。越来越多的研究已表明,细胞外的线粒体可被细胞内吞,进入到细胞内,然后以完整的形态发挥作用。研究发现,线粒体是对氧含量和酸碱度极为敏感的细胞器,细胞内环境可影响线粒体的功能。外源线粒体进入到生理环境中的细胞后,将提高细胞能量供应、促进细胞存活;但线粒体进入到缺氧和酸性的肿瘤组织后,将大量产生氧自由基、诱发细胞死亡。线粒体这种环境响应性的药理特性,可应用于清除肿瘤细胞、恢复受损组织的功能。目前线粒体已用于治疗中枢神经系统疾病(帕金森氏病、抑郁症、精神分裂症等)、外周系统疾病(缺血性心肌损伤、脂肪肝、肺气肿等)和肿瘤等,为线粒体相关疾病的治疗提供了新的方法。文中对这种新型生物治疗方法的研究进展、医学应用和存在的挑战进行综述。  相似文献   

Aspartylglucosaminuria (AGU) is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the gene for aspartylglucosaminidase (AGA). This enzyme participates in glycoprotein degradation in lysosomes. AGU results in progressive mental retardation, and no curative therapy is currently available. We have here characterized the consequences of AGA gene mutations in a compound heterozygous patient who exhibits a missense mutation producing a Ser72Pro substitution in one allele, and a nonsense mutation Trp168X in the other. Ser72 is not a catalytic residue, but is required for the stabilization of the active site conformation. Thus, Ser72Pro exchange impairs the autocatalytic activation of the AGA precursor, and results in a considerable reduction of the enzyme activity and in altered AGA precursor processing. Betaine, which can partially rescue the AGA activity in AGU patients carrying certain missense mutations, turned out to be ineffective in the case of Ser72Pro substitution. The Trp168X nonsense allele results in complete lack of AGA polypeptide due to nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) of the mRNA. Amlexanox, which inhibits NMD and causes a translational read-through, facilitated the synthesis of a full-length, functional AGA protein from the nonsense allele. This could be demonstrated as presence of the AGA polypeptide and increased enzyme activity upon Amlexanox treatment. Furthermore, in the Ser72Pro/Trp168X expressing cells, Amlexanox induced a synergistic increase in AGA activity and polypeptide processing due to enhanced processing of the Ser72Pro polypeptide. Our data show for the first time that Amlexanox might provide a valid therapy for AGU.  相似文献   

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