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We use data from the literature to compare two statistical procedures for estimating mass (or size) of quadrupedal dinosaurs and other extraordinarily large animals in extinct lineages. Both methods entail extrapolation from allometric equations fitted to data for a reference group of contemporary animals having a body form similar to that of the dinosaurs. The first method is the familiar one of fitting a straight line to logarithmic transformations, followed by back-transformation of the resulting equation to a two-parameter power function in the arithmetic scale. The second procedure entails fitting a two-parameter power function directly to arithmetic data for the extant forms by nonlinear regression. In the example presented here, the summed circumferences for humerus plus femur for 33 species of quadrupedal mammals was the predictor variable in the reference sample and body mass was the response variable. The allometric equation obtained by back-transformation from logarithms was not a good fit to the largest species in the reference sample and presumably led to grossly inaccurate estimates for body mass of several large dinosaurs. In contrast, the allometric equation obtained by nonlinear regression described data in the reference sample quite well, and it presumably resulted in better estimates for body mass of the dinosaurs. The problem with the traditional analysis can be traced to change in the relationship between predictor and response variables attending transformation, thereby causing measurements for large animals not to be weighted appropriately in fitting models by least squares regression. Extrapolations from statistical models obtained by back-transformation from lines fitted to logarithms are unlikely to yield reliable predictions for body size in extinct animals. Numerous reports on the biology of dinosaurs, including recent studies of growth, may need to be reconsidered in light of our findings.  相似文献   

The relationship between body mass (M) and metabolic rate was investigated through the assessment of active (RA) and standard (RS) metabolic rate at different life stages in zebrafish Danio rerio (5 day‐old larvae, 2 month‐old juveniles and 6 month‐old adults). Scaling exponents and constants were assessed for standard (RS = 0·273M0·965 in mgO2 g?1 h?1) and active metabolic rate (RA = 0·799M0·926 in mgO2 g?1 h?1). These data provide the basis for further experiments regarding the effects of environmental factors on aerobic metabolism throughout the life cycle of this species.  相似文献   

The existence of an allometric relationship between mortality rates and body mass has been theorized and extensively documented across taxa. Within species, however, the allometry between mortality rates and body mass has received substantially less attention and the consistency of such scaling patterns at the intra-specific level is controversial. We reviewed 73 experimental studies to examine the relationship between mortality rates and body size among seven species of abalone (Haliotis spp.), a marine herbivorous mollusk. Both in the field and in the laboratory, log-transformed mortality rates were negatively correlated with log-transformed individual body mass for all species considered, with allometric exponents remarkably similar among species. This regular pattern confirms previous findings that juvenile abalones suffer higher mortality rates than adult individuals. Field mortality rates were higher overall than those measured in the laboratory, and the relationship between mortality and body mass tended to be steeper in field than in laboratory conditions for all species considered. These results suggest that in the natural environment, additional mortality factors, especially linked to predation, could significantly contribute to mortality, particularly at small body sizes. On the other hand, the consistent allometry of mortality rates versus body mass in laboratory conditions suggests that other sources of mortality, beside predation, are size-dependent in abalone.  相似文献   

Switch‐induced developmental plasticity, such as the diapause decision in insects, is a major form of adaptation to variable environments. As individuals that follow alternative developmental pathways will experience different selective environments the diapause decision may evolve to a cascade switch that induces additional adaptive developmental differences downstream of the diapause decision. Here, we show that individuals following alternative developmental pathways in a Swedish population of the butterfly, Pararge aegeria, display differential optimization of adult body mass as a likely response to predictable differences in thermal conditions during reproduction. In a more northern population where this type of selection is absent no similar difference in adult mass among pathways was found. We conclude that the diapause decision in the southern population appears to act as a cascade switch, coordinating development downstream of the diapause decision, to produce adult phenotypes adapted to the typical thermal conditions of their expected reproductive period.  相似文献   

Phosphaturia is a prominent component of the renal Fanconi syndrome associated with the autosomal recessive disease, hereditary tyrosinemia. Succinylacetone (SA), the metabolic by-product of the enzyme deficiency, can be shown to produce multiple adverse effects on rat renal epithelial cell function in vitro. With the use of this compound, we have examined its interaction with Pi handling by the renal tubule cell in order to form a basis for understanding the effects of endogenously generated SA in causing phosphaturia in the genetically affected kidney. In this report we have shown complete inhibition of sodium-dependent phosphate uptake by renal brush border membrane vesicles, decreased ATP production by the SA-exposed renal tubule, and reversible inhibition of State 3 oxidation of glutamate by isolated renal mitochondria. We conclude that the phosphaturia observed in hereditary tyrosinemia results from multiple metabolic effects of SA on the renal tubule which are additive and lead to intracellular Pi depletion and diminished ATP production.  相似文献   

1. Although carnivores indirectly improve plant fitness by decreasing herbivory, they may also decrease plant reproduction by disrupting plant-pollinator mutualism. The overall magnitude of the resulting net effect of carnivores on plant fitness and the factors responsible for the variations in strength and direction of this effect have not been explored quantitatively to date. 2. We performed a meta-analysis of 67 studies containing 163 estimates of the effects of carnivores on plant fitness and examined the relative importance of several potential sources of variation in carnivore effects. 3. Carnivores significantly increased plant fitness via suppression of herbivores and decreased fitness by consuming pollinators. The overall net effect of carnivores on plant fitness was positive (32% increase), indicating that effects via herbivores were stronger than effects via pollinators. 4. Parasitoids had stronger positive effect on plant fitness than predators. Active hunters increased plant fitness, whereas stationary predators had no significant effect, presumably because they were more prone to disrupt plant-pollinator mutualism. Carnivores with broader habitat domain had negative effects on plant fitness, whereas those with narrow habitat domain had positive effects. 5. Predator effects were positive for plants which offered rewards (e.g. extrafloral nectaries) and negative for plants which lacked any attractors. 6. This study adds new knowledge on the factors that determine the strength of terrestrial trophic cascades and highlights the importance of considering simultaneous contrasting interactions in the same study system.  相似文献   

Summary The regression of egg mass of Passeriformes against female body mass (n=1244) and basal metabolic rate of Passeriformes against body mass (n=159) have similar slopes, indicating that for this group egg mass is directly proportional to basal metabolic rate and that the relative egg mass (% of body mass) is directly proportional to the weight-specific metabolism. This relationship and the average caloric density of passerine eggs (n=38) provides an estimate of the cost of egg production, which for single eggs is 41 % of the basal metabolic rate.
Beziehungen zwischen Eigewicht, Körpergewicht und Stoffwechsel bei Sperlingsvögeln
Zusammenfassung Die Regressionsgeraden von Eigewichten der Passeriformes und weiblicher Körpergewichte (N=1244) einerseits sowie von Ruheumsatz und Körpergewichten (N=159) andererseits haben vergleichbare Steigungen. Das bedeutet, (1) daß für diese Vogelordnung das Eigewicht proportional zum Ruheumsatz und (2) daß das relative Eigewicht (% des Körpergewichtes) proportional zum gewichtspezifischen Stoffwechsel ist. Dieses Verhältnis und der durchschnittliche kalorische Wert der Eier (N=38) erlauben die Kosten der Eiproduktion zu schätzen: sie betragen für das einzelne Ei 41 % des Ruheumsatzes.

Lasting effects of conditions at birth on moose body mass   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Whether cohort effects can be retrieved in adult phenotypes depends on the possibility for individuals to compensate for a good or bad start in life. This ability to compensate may itself depend on the environment and on individual sex. In large polygynous ungulates, male reproductive success relies more on body size than the reproductive success of females, which makes them more sensitive to a bad start in life. Based on current theories of life history evolution and sexual selection, we tested the following predictions in a moose population: 1) cohort effects and year effects occur in both male and female adult body mass, but due to 2) compensatory growth, cohort effects tend to fade away with the individual's age; and 3) males are more sensitive to cohort effects than females. In support of the first prediction, we found that density and climate during the year-of-birth and the year-of-harvest affected moose body mass in both sexes. However, the magnitude of the effects of environmental conditions at birth on adult body mass decreased with increasing age, but less so in males than in females. Thus, as expected based on our third prediction, environmental conditions early in life were more influential on adult body mass of males compared to females. Such a result supports the existence of sex-specific life history tactics, with males maximising growth rate and females rather trading-off growth for reproduction.  相似文献   

The current guideline for exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) was developed through assessment of the biological effects data collected primarily from the rat. The consensus that a lack of hazardous biological effects occurred below a whole-body-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of 4.0 W/kg led to the proposition of a 0.4 W/kg guideline with a built-in safety factor of 10. This paper demonstrates that if the RFR absorption rate in the rat had been normalized with respect to total body surface area rather than body mass, the exposure guideline would be 2.3 W/m2, which translates to an SAR of approximately 0.06 W/kg for an adult human. It is further shown that a given RFR absorption rate, normalized as a fraction of a species' heat loss per unit of surface area, is independent of body mass over a range of 0.03-100 kg; however, a normalization of the RFR absorption rate to heat loss per unit of body mass is highly dependent on the species' mass. Normalizing the rate of RFR absorption to the surface area of the rat indicates that the current RFR exposure guideline of 0.4 W/kg may be too high.  相似文献   

Estimates of body mass often represent the founding assumption on which biomechanical and macroevolutionary hypotheses are based. Recently, a scaling equation was applied to a newly discovered titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur (Dreadnoughtus), yielding a 59 300 kg body mass estimate for this animal. Herein, we use a modelling approach to examine the plausibility of this mass estimate for Dreadnoughtus. We find that 59 300 kg for Dreadnoughtus is highly implausible and demonstrate that masses above 40 000 kg require high body densities and expansions of soft tissue volume outside the skeleton several times greater than found in living quadrupedal mammals. Similar results from a small sample of other archosaurs suggests that lower-end mass estimates derived from scaling equations are most plausible for Dreadnoughtus, based on existing volumetric and density data from extant animals. Although volumetric models appear to more tightly constrain dinosaur body mass, there remains a clear need to further support these models with more exhaustive data from living animals. The relative and absolute discrepancies in mass predictions between volumetric models and scaling equations also indicate a need to systematically compare predictions across a wide size and taxonomic range to better inform studies of dinosaur body size.  相似文献   

Evolutionary Ecology - Body size is an important life history trait that for fossils can be reconstructed by utilizing scaling relationships between body size and measurements on isolated bones...  相似文献   

Large organisms have higher metabolic rates than small organisms but, if we compare their relative metabolic rates (i.e. per gram of tissue), this relationship is very often reversed. The pervasiveness of this phenomenon, called metabolic scaling, has attracted several theoretical explanations, and also produced lingering debate over whether metabolic scaling is a physically constrained and universally constant phenomenon or a more variable and evolutionarily malleable trait. To bring novel insights to this debate, we manipulated male Gryllodes sigillatus crickets' coefficients of inbreeding to determine whether metabolic scaling is sensitive to the manipulation of genetic quality. Because inbreeding depression is inversely related to past selection, our results indicate that selection has favoured an overall lower metabolic rate and a less steep slope of metabolic scaling. Altered metabolic scaling as a result of inbreeding was found to be caused by increased variation in metabolic rate, suggesting the existence of balancing selection towards intermediate metabolic rates. Although we found effects of inbreeding on metabolic scaling, much of the relationship between body mass and metabolic rate remained unexplained, leaving plenty of room for speculation concerning the fixed constraints that might affect evolutionary trajectories. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 309–317.  相似文献   

1. Recent developments in the field of chaotic advection in hydrodynamical/environmental flows encourage us to revisit the population dynamics of competing species in open aquatic systems.
2. We assume that these species are in competition for a common limiting resource in open flows with chaotic advection dynamics. As an illustrative example, we consider a time periodic two-dimensional flow of viscous fluid (water) around a cylindrical obstacle.
3. Individuals accumulate along a fractal set in the wake of the cylinder, which acts as a catalyst for the biological reproduction process. While in homogeneous, well mixed environments only one species could survive this competition, coexistence of competitors is typical in our hydrodynamical system.
4. It is shown that a steady state sets in after sufficiently long times. In this state, the relative density of competitors is determined rather by the fractal nature of the spatial distribution of the advected species, and by their initial conditions, than by their competitive abilities. We argue that two factors, the strong chaotic mixing along a fractal set and the boundary layer around the obstacle, are responsible for the coexistence.  相似文献   



Resveratrol, a natural polyphenolic compound, was shown to protect rodents against high-fat-diet induced diabesity by boosting energy metabolism. To the best of our knowledge, no data is yet available on the effects of resveratrol in non-human primates. Six non-human heterotherm primates (grey mouse lemurs, Microcebus murinus) were studied during four weeks of dietary supplementation with resveratrol (200 mg/kg/day) during their winter body-mass gain period. Body mass, spontaneous energy intake, resting metabolic rate, spontaneous locomotor activity and daily variations in body temperature were measured. In addition, the plasma levels of several gut hormones involved in satiety control were evaluated.  相似文献   

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