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Summary Parthenocarpy, the production of fruits without viable seeds, is a widespread phenomenon in plants. While failure to effect pollination or fertilization is often cited as the cause of parthenocarpy, this explanation alone is inadequate to explain why plants produce, maintain and further develop fruits. Wild parsnips (Pastinaca sativa) frequently produce parthenocarpic fruit. When parsnip webworms (Depressaria pastinacella), specialist feeders on wild parsnip, were given choices between normal fruit and parthenocarpic fruit, they exhibited a strong preference for parthenocarpic fruit. However, on parthenocarpic fruit, insects fed less efficiently and grew more slowly than insects fed normal fruit. Parthenocarpic fruits, then, may act as decoys that divert herbivores away from fruits that contain plant offspring.  相似文献   

Local adaptation of interacting species to one another indicates geographically variable reciprocal selection. This process of adaptation is central in the organization and maintenance of genetic variation across populations. Given that the strength of selection and responses to it often vary in time and space, the strength of local adaptation should in theory vary between generations and among populations. However, such spatiotemporal variation has rarely been explicitly demonstrated in nature and local adaptation is commonly considered to be relatively static. We report persistent local adaptation of the short‐lived herbivore Abrostola asclepiadis to its long‐lived host plant Vincetoxicum hirundinaria over three successive generations in two studied populations and considerable temporal variation in local adaptation in six populations supporting the geographic mosaic theory. The observed variation in local adaptation among populations was best explained by geographic distance and population isolation, suggesting that gene flow reduces local adaptation. Changes in herbivore population size did not conclusively explain temporal variation in local adaptation. Our results also imply that short‐term studies are likely to capture only a part of the existing variation in local adaptation.  相似文献   

Several studies have documented local adaptation by sedentary insects to individual phenotypes of their host plants. Here, I examined whether a similar phenomenon could be found in a mobile, specialized insect, the sumac flea beetle. Previous work has shown that sumac individuals differ in their suitability as hosts for these beetles and that differences have both an environmental and a genetic basis. Using beetle populations collected as eggs from eight different sumac clones along an east-west transect, a reciprocal transfer experiment was conducted to determine whether there was any evidence for local adaptation by beetles to individual plant clones or to site. Variables examined were larval survivorship past first instar, development time, weight at pupation and patterns of predation by enemies. While no evidence for local adaptation was found, there were significant effects of plant clone on which larvae developed, origin of the larval population and the interaction of these effects on larval performance. For larval weight at pupation, there was also some indication that trade-offs may exist in ability of larvae to use different host plant clones. In addition, there were significant environmental effects on several measures of larval performance. Predation rates differed by plant clone, but not by site or with respect to origin of larvae. While no evidence for local adaptation was found in this study, prerequisites for finding such patterns may exist in this system. Received: 23 May 1996 / Accepted: 26 September 1996  相似文献   

Specialist herbivores feed on a restricted number of related plant species and may suffer food shortage if overexploitation leads to periodic defoliation of their food plants. The density, size and quality of food plants are important factors that determine the host plant choice of specialist herbivores. To explore how all these factors influence their oviposition behaviour, we used the cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae and the hybrids of a cross between Jacobaea vulgaris and J. aquatica as a study system. While defoliation by the cinnabar moth is common in the coastal area of The Netherlands, it is relatively rare in inland ragwort population. Ragworts contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) and those that are found in coastal areas are rich in jacobine-like PAs while those that occur inland are rich in erucifoline-like PAs. We tested how the oviposition preference was influenced by plant size, nitrogen and water content and PA composition. We used cinnabar moth populations from a regularly defoliated area, Meijendel, and Bertogne, a rarely defoliated area. Our results revealed no effects of nitrogen or water content on oviposition preference. Moths from both populations laid larger egg batches on the plants rich in jacobine-like PAs. Moths from Meijendel preferred larger plants and spread their eggs over more egg batches that were, on average, smaller than those of Bertogne moths. These results suggest that Meijendel moths adopted a oviposition strategy to cope with potential defoliation.  相似文献   

  • 1 The independent and interacting effects of plant genotype and site (i.e. environment) on the acceptability of white spruce, Picea gluaca (Moench) Voss, to the spruce bud moth, Zeiraphera canadensis Mut. & Free. and on plant suitability for egg development, were studied at four sites in New Brunswick, Canada.
  • 2 A greater proportion of shoots on trees in two half-sib families, previously designated as highly susceptible, were partially eaten by spruce bud moths than shoots on trees in two half-sib families with low susceptibility.
  • 3 At the site with the highest bud moth population, oviposition was highest on trees in susceptible families and on branches damaged by bud moth larvae. Oviposition was not higher on trees in susceptible families at the other three sites, resulting in a strong tree genotype × site interaction for oviposition.
  • 4 Although there was a significant tree genotype × site interaction for egg predation, egg survival was higher on trees in susceptible families at all sites, due to lower levels of egg parasitism and predation.
  • 5 Egg densities were positively but weakly correlated to shoot length and diameter. There were no consistent relationships between shoot length, shoot diameter, needle length or needle density and per cent egg survival, parasitism or predation.
  • 6 Because egg survival was higher on trees in susceptible families at all sites but egg densities were only higher on trees in susceptible families at one site, host plant acceptability and suitability were positively related at only one site. We speculate that Z.canadensis does not distinguish between hosts of different suitability until trees are heavily damaged.

The most valuable organs of plants are often particularly rich in essential elements, but also very well defended. This creates a dilemma for herbivores that need to maximise energy intake while minimising intoxication. We investigated how the specialist root herbivore Diabrotica virgifera solves this conundrum when feeding on wild and cultivated maize plants. We found that crown roots of maize seedlings were vital for plant development and, in accordance, were rich in nutritious primary metabolites and contained higher amounts of the insecticidal 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIMBOA) and the phenolic compound chlorogenic acid. The generalist herbivores Diabrotica balteata and Spodoptera littoralis were deterred from feeding on crown roots, whereas the specialist D. virgifera preferred and grew best on these tissues. Using a 1,4-benzoxazin-3-one-deficient maize mutant, we found that D. virgifera is resistant to DIMBOA and other 1,4-benzoxazin-3-ones and that it even hijacks these compounds to optimally forage for nutritious roots.  相似文献   

Plant monocultures are commonly believed to be more susceptible to herbivore attacks than stands composed of several plant species. However, few studies have experimentally tested the effects of tree species diversity on herbivory. In this paper, we present a meta-analysis of uniformly collected data on insect herbivore abundance and damage on three tree species (silver birch, black alder and sessile oak) from seven long-term forest diversity experiments in boreal and temperate forest zones. Our aim was to compare the effects of forest diversity on herbivores belonging to different feeding guilds and inhabiting different tree species. At the same time we also examined the variation in herbivore responses due to tree age and sampling period within the season, the effects of experimental design (plot size and planting density) and the stability of herbivore responses over time. Herbivore responses varied significantly both among insect feeding guilds and among host tree species. Among insect feeding guilds, only leaf miner densities were consistently lower and less variable in mixed stands as compared to tree monocultures regardless of the host tree species. The responses of other herbivores to forest diversity depended largely on host tree species. Insect herbivory on birch was significantly lower in mixtures than in birch monocultures, whereas insect herbivory on oak and alder was higher in mixtures than in oak and alder monocultures. The effects of tree species diversity were also more pronounced in older trees, in the earlier part of the season, at larger plots and at lower planting density. Overall our results demonstrate that forest diversity does not generally and uniformly reduce insect herbivory and suggest instead that insect herbivore responses to forest diversity are highly variable and strongly dependent on the host tree species and other stand characteristics as well as on the type of the herbivore.  相似文献   

Disentangling the processes underlying geographic and environmental patterns of biodiversity challenges biologists as such patterns emerge from eco‐evolutionary processes confounded by spatial autocorrelation among sample units. The herbivorous insect, Belonocnema treatae (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), exhibits regional specialization on three plant species whose geographic distributions range from sympatry through allopatry across the southern United States. Using range‐wide sampling spanning the geographic ranges of the three host plants and genotyping‐by‐sequencing of 1,217 individuals, we tested whether this insect herbivore exhibited host plant‐associated genomic differentiation while controlling for spatial autocorrelation among the 58 sample sites. Population genomic structure based on 40,699 SNPs was evaluated using the hierarchical Bayesian model entropy to assign individuals to genetic clusters and estimate admixture proportions. To control for spatial autocorrelation, distance‐based Moran's eigenvector mapping was used to construct regression variables summarizing spatial structure inherent among sample sites. Distance‐based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) incorporating the spatial variables was then applied to partition host plant‐associated differentiation (HAD) from spatial autocorrelation. By combining entropy and dbRDA to analyse SNP data, we unveiled a complex mosaic of highly structured differentiation within and among gall‐former populations finding evidence that geography, HAD and spatial autocorrelation all play significant roles in explaining patterns of genomic differentiation in B. treatae. While dbRDA confirmed host association as a significant predictor of patterns of genomic variation, spatial autocorrelation among sites explained the largest proportion of variation. Our results demonstrate the value of combining dbRDA with hierarchical structural analyses to partition spatial/environmental patterns of genomic variation.  相似文献   

Leaf buds, a factor in host selection by Battus philenor butterflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Field and laboratory experiments identified a character intrinsic to Aristolochia reticulata Nutt. host plants, the terminal leaf bud, that is involved in host-selection behaviour by female pipevine swallowtail butterflies (Battus philenor L.) searching for oviposition sites.
  • 2 In the field, the frequency with which females landed on non-host buds declined seasonally as the proportion of host foliage that consisted of buds decreased. Female butterflies did not land on non-host species in proportion to their abundance; rather, females landed on those non-host species whose buds resembled those of A.reticulata.
  • 3 A.reticulata plants whose terminal leaf bud was concealed by plastic tape were less susceptible to oviposition in the field than were control plants.
  • 4 Female butterflies released in a large, outdoor enclosure were conditioned to search for leaf buds only when exposed to a host species bearing a prominent terminal leaf bud.
  • 5 The significance of conditioning of leaf-bud searching behaviour is discussed with respect to discrimination between hosts and non-hosts, between host species, and among plants within a host species.

In this study we investigated whether in a two‐choice set‐up the parasitoid Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) distinguishes between volatiles emitted by Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Brassicaceae) infested with its host, Pieris rapae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and Arabidopsis infested with non‐host herbivores. Four non‐host herbivore species were tested: the caterpillars Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) and Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), both chewing insects, the spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae), which punctures parenchymal cells, and the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea), which is a phloem‐feeder. Compared with undamaged plants, C. rubecula females were more attracted to Arabidopsis plants infested by P. rapae, P. xylostella, S. exigua, or T. urticae, but not to plants infested by M. persicae. The parasitoids preferred host‐infested plants to spider mite‐ or aphid‐infested plants, but not to plants infested with non‐host caterpillars (P. xylostella or S. exigua). The data show that when Arabidopsis plants are infested with a leaf tissue‐damaging herbivore they emit a volatile blend that attracts C. rubecula females and the wasps only discriminate between a host and non‐host herbivore when the type of damage is different (chewing vs. piercing). When Arabidopsis is infested with a herbivore that hardly damages leaf tissue, C. rubecula females are not attracted. These results may be explained by differences in the amount of damage and in the relative importance of different signal‐transduction pathways induced by different types of herbivores.  相似文献   

1. Generalist herbivores are often widespread and occur in a variety of environments. Due to their broad distribution, it is likely that some populations of generalists will encounter host plants with geographic variation in traits that could affect the herbivore's growth and survival (i.e. performance). However, the geographic pattern of performance has rarely been studied for generalists, especially across large geographic ranges. 2. This study used one of the most generalist herbivore species known, the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea Drury 1773, Erebidae, Lepidoptera), to experimentally test how the performance of a local population of fall webworms varies with increasing geographic distance of the host plant population from the local herbivore population. Specifically, a transplant experiment was used to compare the performance of one fall webworm population feeding on its local host plants with its performance on host populations from two other locations, 1300 and 2600 km away. 3. It was found that fall webworms performed better on their local host plant populations than on populations from other regions, with performance at its lowest when reared on hosts of the same species from the farthest region. It was also found that local fall webworms do not perform well on hosts commonly used by fall webworms at the other two, more distant sites. 4. This study helps to elucidate how the performance of generalist herbivores varies along their geographic range and suggests possible local adaptation to different sets of hosts across sites.  相似文献   

Plant stress and larval performance of a dipterous gall former   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
L. De Bruyn 《Oecologia》1995,101(4):461-466
According to the plant vigour hypothesis, galling insects should respond positively and perform better on vigorous plants or plant parts, the opposite of the predictions of the plant stress hypothesis. I carried out field experiments to analyse the effects of sustained abiotic stress on the interactions between the common reed (Phragmites australis) and a gall-forming fly (Lipara lucens). The reed shoot diameter (a measure of plant vigour) is strongly affected by environmental conditions, where dry and/or nutrient-poor habitats produce thinner (stressed) shoots. L. lucens gall density is negatively correlated with shoot diameter. In a survival experiment with a wide range of shoot diameters, larval mortality was also highly correlated with shoot quality. Gall formation was higher on thinner, stressed shoots. An analysis of the gall tissues revealed that galls induced by L. lucens contain a high amount of a nutrient-rich feeding tissue. The impact of L. lucens is higher on thinner shoots. The results of this study showed that L. lucens performs better on stressed hosts, which contradicts the plant vigour hypothesis for galling insects. The low nutrient availability in the stressed shoots can be compensated by the production of galls with a nutrient-rich feeding tissue.  相似文献   

Crop domestication and improvement often concurrently affect plant resistance to pests and production of secondary metabolites, creating challenges for isolating the ecological implications of selection for specific metabolites. Cucurbitacins are bitter triterpenoids with extreme phenotypic differences between Cucurbitaceae lineages, yet we lack integrated models of herbivore preference, cucurbitacin accumulation, and underlying genetic mechanisms. In Cucurbita pepo, we dissected the effect of cotyledon cucurbitacins on preference of a specialist insect pest (Acalymma vittatum) for multiple tissues, assessed genetic loci underlying cucurbitacin accumulation in diverse germplasm and a biparental F2 population (from a cross between two independent domesticates), and characterized quantitative associations between gene expression and metabolites during seedling development. Acalymma vittatum affinity for cotyledons is mediated by cucurbitacins, but other traits contribute to whole-plant resistance. Cotyledon cucurbitacin accumulation was associated with population structure, and our genetic mapping identified a single locus, Bi-4, containing genes relevant to transport and regulation – not biosynthesis – that diverged between lineages. These candidate genes were expressed during seedling development, most prominently a putative secondary metabolite transporter. Taken together, these findings support the testable hypothesis that breeding for plant resistance to insects involves targeting genes for regulation and transport of defensive metabolites, in addition to core biosynthesis genes.  相似文献   

The butterfly Boloria aquilonaris is a specialist of oligotrophic ecosystems. Population viability analysis predicted the species to be stable in Belgium and to collapse in the Netherlands with reduced host plant quality expected to drive species decline in the latter. We tested this hypothesis by rearing B. aquilonaris caterpillars from Belgian and Dutch sites on host plants (the cranberry, Vaccinium oxycoccos). Dutch plant quality was lower than Belgian one conferring lower caterpillar growth rate and survival. Reintroduction and/or supplementation may be necessary to ensure the viability of the species in the Netherlands, but some traits may have been selected solely in Dutch caterpillars to cope with gradual changes in host plant quality. To test this hypothesis, the performance of Belgian and Dutch caterpillars fed with plants from both countries were compared. Dutch caterpillars performed well on both plant qualities, whereas Belgian caterpillars could not switch to lower quality plants. This can be considered as an environmentally induced plastic response of caterpillars and/or a local adaptation to plant quality, which precludes the use of Belgian individuals as a unique solution for strengthening Dutch populations. More generally, these results stress that the relevance of local adaptation in selecting source populations for relocation may be as important as restoring habitat quality.  相似文献   

1. It is widely accepted that density-dependent processes play an important role in most natural populations. However, persistent challenges in our understanding of density-dependent population dynamics include evaluating the shape of the relationship between density and demographic rates (linear, concave, convex), and identifying extrinsic factors that can mediate this relationship. 2. I studied the population dynamics of the cactus bug Narnia pallidicornis on host plants (Opuntia imbricata) that varied naturally in relative reproductive effort (RRE, the proportion of meristems allocated to reproduction), an important plant quality trait. I manipulated per-plant cactus bug densities, quantified subsequent dynamics, and fit stage-structured models to the experimental data to ask if and how density influences demographic parameters. 3. In the field experiment, I found that populations with variable starting densities quickly converged upon similar growth trajectories. In the model-fitting analyses, the data strongly supported a model that defined the juvenile cactus bug retention parameter (joint probability of surviving and not dispersing) as a nonlinear decreasing function of density. The estimated shape of this relationship shifted from concave to convex with increasing host-plant RRE. 4. The results demonstrate that host-plant traits are critical sources of variation in the strength and shape of density dependence in insects, and highlight the utility of integrated experimental-theoretical approaches for identifying processes underlying patterns of change in natural populations.  相似文献   

1. It has become increasingly recognised that several herbivores switch from folivory (leaf‐feeding) to florivory (flower‐feeding) during larval development. Yet, it remains poorly understood which cues influence this behaviour, whether a switch to florivory is consistently shown on different hosts, and to what extent florivory could be hindered by plant traits. 2. Using the sawfly Athalia rosae and two Brassicaceae differing in architecture and surface structure, the cues that influence larval movement to the flowers were investigated. A broad set of behavioural assays was employed and physical and chemical plant traits potentially affecting the larvae were analysed. Furthermore, the consequences of folivory versus florivory on insect performance were studied. 3. The larvae preferred flowers over leaves. Consumption of particular flower parts correlated partly with measured plant traits such as glucosinolate distribution. Visual cues were of higher importance than volatile cues. The initial position of newly hatched larvae on plants influenced the probability of the larvae reaching the flowers during development. Trichomes and surface waxes hindered the larvae from moving upwards to the flowers. Larvae developed slower and gained less body mass when feeding on inflorescences of Brassica nigra than when feeding on leaves, in contrast to the patterns observed before on Sinapis alba, where florivory led to an improved performance. 4. This study demonstrates that florivory depends on various host plant traits. It reveals new insights into different parameters influencing this multifaceted phenomenon and into the expected impact on the ecology and fitness of both the attacking herbivores and the plants.  相似文献   

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