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树舌亚属是灵芝属(Ganoderma)的重要组成部分。因许多分类学家对这一粪群真菌的分类有不同的处理,所以对它的分类地位时有变动。全面论述这一类群真菌的著作也比较少。现作者比较详细地研究了中国的本亚属标本,综合各国专家历年的论著,对于它的历史与分类地位,宏观与微观特性以及亚属的范围作了比较全面的论述。并有亚属描述和中国已知种检索表。另外报道了2新种 (Ganoderma meijinangense Zhao sp. Nov.; G. shangsienseZhao sp. Nov.),1中国新记录和1疑问种。全部研究标本都保藏于中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

贵州灵芝科Ⅳ.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道贵州灵芝科(Ganodermataceae)灵芝属(Ganoderma)2种,1.多分枝灵芝Ganoderma ramosissimum Zhao;2.任氏灵芝Ganoderma renii He,sP.nov.上述研究标本保藏在贵州科学院生物研究所真菌标本室(HMBAG)。  相似文献   

本文报道贵州灵芝科(Ganodermataceae)灵芝属(Ganoderma)2种,1.多分枝灵芝Ganoderma ramosissimum Zhao;2.任氏灵芝Ganodcrma renii He,sp.nov.上述研究标本保藏在贵州科学院生物研究所真菌标本室(HMBAO).  相似文献   

中国海南岛灵芝科的分类研究Ⅰ.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了海南岛境内的灵芝科真菌4种。其中1新种即尖峰岭灵芝Ganoderma jianfenglingense X.L.Wu sp.nov。岛内新记录有3种即薄盖灵芝Ganoderma capense(Lloyd)Teng;大青山灵芝G.daiqingshanense Zhao;褐树舌G.brownii(Murr.)Gilbn.本文研究的全部标本保藏于贵州科学院真菌标本室。  相似文献   

系贵州地区妙蝇属Myospila Rondani研究的系列论文之一,记述该属1新种群:净妙蝇群M.species-lauta并描述该新种群5新种:冯氏妙蝇M.fengisp.nov.,肖黄基妙蝇M.flavibasisoides sp.nov.,亚黄基妙蝇M.subflavibasis sp.nov.,亚净妙蝇M.sublauta sp.nov.和黄褐妙蝇M.xuthosa sp.nov.。文中给出了净妙蝇群的定义,编制了新种群所有已知种的检索表,描述了新种详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征。新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位。  相似文献   

记述中国铗蠓属辛蠓亚属一新种香山铗蠓 Forciomyia (Synthyridomyia)xiangshanensis Yu, Liu and Chen,sp. nov.,并列举了中国铗蠓辛蠓亚属名表和中国铗蠓辛蠓亚属雄虫分类检索表.3片模式标本保存在军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆内,1片保存在南昌市疾病预防控制中心消杀科.  相似文献   

记述采自辽宁和黑龙江的中国蚋属厌蚋亚属1新种:四丝厌蚋Simulium(Boophthora)quattuorfile sp.nov..研究标本收藏于贵阳医学院生物学教研室.  相似文献   

系贵州地区妙蝇属Myospila Rondani研究的系列论文之一,记述该属1新种群:转妙蝇群M.species- trochanterata并描述新种群8新种:基妙蝇M.basilara sp.nov.,褐妙蝇M.brunneusa sp.nov.,余妙蝇M.cetera sp.nov.,亚毛眼妙蝇M.paralasiophthulma sp.nov.,亚转妙蝇M.paratrochanterata sp.nov.,亚毛爪妙蝇M.piliungulisoides sp.nov.,亚黄胫妙蝇M.subflavitibia sp.nov.和条妙蝇M.villala sp.nov..文中给出了转妙蝇群的定义,编制了新种群所有已知12种的检索表,描述了新种详细的形态特征及其与近缘种的鉴别特征.另外,还记述了毛爪妙蝇M.piliungulis Xue et Yang,1998和毛眼妙蝇M.lasiophthalma( Emden,1965)两种雌性.新种的模式标本保存于作者所在单位.  相似文献   

中国灵芝科真菌资源十分丰富,尤其是海南岛。赵继鼎先生(1989)报道本岛灵芝54种。1996年,本文作者报道了4种,其中1新种。本文继续报道本岛灵芝5种,其中I新种即琼 中灵芝Ganoderma chiungchungense X.L Wu sp nov.,岛内新纪录4种即多分枝灵芝G ramosissimum Zhao, 闽南灵芝G austrofujianense Zhao,Xu et Zhang,背柄紫灵芝G. Cochlear (BI et Ness)Bres.,硬孔灵芝G duropora Lloyd,本文研究的全部标本保藏于贵州科学院真菌标本室(HGAS)。  相似文献   

对中国角潜蝇属莎草潜蝇亚属进行了分类研究,确认我国现知2种:即福建角潜蝇C.(B.)fujianisca sp.nov和苔角潜蝇Cerodontha(Butomomyza)cornigera(dc Meijcrc)。除新种描述并附特征图外,还提供该亚属中国种类分种检索表。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

本文报道安徽灵芝属(Ganoderma)13种,其中,树舌亚属Subgen.Elfvingia)8种,包括一个新种:芜湖灵芝(Ganoderma wuhuense Ren);灵芝亚属(Subgen.Ganoderma)5种。所有研究的标本保藏于安徽师范大学生物系植物标本室。  相似文献   

基于rDNA ITS序列探讨中国栽培灵芝菌株的亲缘关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用ITS序列分析技术对中国栽培灵芝菌株进行了亲缘关系分析。结果发现中国栽培灵芝菌株分布于5个聚类组,其中树舌亚属、紫芝组的菌株各自聚成一组,灵芝组的菌株分成3组,85·7%灵芝组菌株均聚于同一组,表明树舌亚属、紫芝组和灵芝组间的遗传差异较大,灵芝组内虽然存在着一定的遗传差异,但总体上亲缘关系比较近,遗传多样性并不丰富。聚类结果也表明仅仅根据形态学特征并不能将灵芝属菌株进行有效的分类,利用分子生物学的技术手段对灵芝菌种进行分类是一种更有效的方法。  相似文献   

栓菌属和它的亲缘属属界划分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栓菌属(Trametes) 自Fries(1835)建立迄今已有近150年的历史。Fries(1835),Patouillard(1900),Kotlaba & Pouzar(1957),的工作代表了对本属研究的三个比较重要的发展阶段。许多分类学家都认为栓菌属是多孔菌科(Polyporaceae,Basidiomycetes)中最混乱、最不易划清属间界限的一个类群。研究清楚这一属和它的亲缘属的属界以及它们之间的相互关系是研究多孔菌科分类中十分重要的课题。作者多年来在研究这一类群的过程中,常常遇到属界不清,它们之间的相互关系也不易搞清楚等问题。从文献中可以看出,有的种类似乎可以随便地从一个属转移到另一个属,正确与否不易确定。因此,感到搞清楚本属的属界是十分重要的。作者即是在这一情况下进行这一课题研究的。首先搞清楚栓菌属的发展历史,各分类学家对它的不同概念,最后提出作者对本属的概念。然后再搞清楚各亲缘属的属界与其相互关系。凡是作者承认的属都提出自己的概念。  相似文献   

Morphological and cultural studies of Polyporus maculatissimus and P. portentosus are presented. Neolentiporus gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate P. maculatissimus , a species with a striking macromorphological similarity with the north temperate P. squamosus . The new genus is characterized by medium to large stipitate fruitbodies with a poroid hymenophore, circular to flabellate pilei with a scaly surface and an excentric or lateral stipe that sometimes is reduced to a short, robust umbo. The hyphal system is dimitic with clamped, irregularly thick-walled generative hyphae that do not react with cresyl-blue, and terminal, unbranched, thick-walled skeletal hyphae that are strongly metachromatic in cresyl-blue. Spores are cylindric, hyaline, thin-walled, inamyloid and binucleate. The sexuality is bipolar, the nuclear behavior is astatocoeno-cytic and the associated wood-rot is brown. The new genus is regarded as the poroid counterpart of the agaricoid Neolentinus. Polyporus portenrosus is included in Laetiporus on the basis of its yellowish fruitbodies, its soft, punky context, its hyphal system composed of simple septate generative hyphae and binding hyphae, its holocoenocytic nuclear behavior and its associated brown wood-rot. A new code symbol, i.e. '9s' is proposed to codify the presence, in cultures, of simple-septate generative hyphae with irregularly thickened walls.  相似文献   

大孢卧孔菌一新组合   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
戴玉成  李泰辉 《菌物学报》2002,21(4):519-521
本文将刺孢孔菌Pachykytospora中的P. major G. Y. Zheng & Z. S. Bi组合为Megasporoporia major (G.Y. Zheng & Z. S. Bi) Y. C. Dai & T. H. Li,并根据模式标本对该种进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

Three new Perenniporia species, P. lacerata, P. luteola and P. tianmuensis, are described based on morphological and molecular characters. Perenniporia lacerata is characterized by an annual habit, resupinate and papery basidiocarps with lacerate pores, a dimitic hyphal system with weakly dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, truncate and dextrinoid basidiospores. Perenniporia luteola is distinguished by a perennial habit, resupinate basidiocarps with buff-yellow pore surface, a dimitic hyphal system with dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, non-truncate and dextrinoid basidiospores. Perenniporia tianmuensis differs in its annual habit, pileate basidiocarps, a dimitic hyphal system with strongly dextrinoid skeletal hyphae, non-truncate and dextrinoid basidiospores. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS and LSU-rDNA regions revealed five clades for 29 species of Perenniporia used in this study. Both morphological and molecular evidence confirmed the placement of three new species in Perenniporia and showed its relationships with similar species in the genus.  相似文献   

In the present paper a new species of Lasallia Merat is described and placed under a new subgenus Pleiogyra, characterized by having econcentrical multi-gyrate apothecia. In consequence of this finding, the conception of plane disc in the genus Lasallia of Umbilicariaceae becomes untenable. As a result of careful examination of rich materials, the writer considers the difference in disc found by Scholander among all species of the family is of certain significance for classification. Unfortunately, Scholander’s classification is based solely on this rather variable morphological character. If his view be adopted the new species will have to be inserted into the genus Gyrophora Ach. emend. Schol. If accepting Llano’s division of Umbilicariaceae into five genera, namely Lasallia, Agyrophora, Omphalodiscus, Umbilicaria and Actinogyra, the new species will have to be considered a new genus of the family. The present writer considers both Scholander’s and Llano’s systems as being artificial, because the former author emphasizes too much the unstable morphological appearance of disc and the later simply divides the family into five genera simultaneously on the basis of the stable and unstable characters of the various groups. In contrast with Scholander’s and Llano’s systems Frey’s classification neglects wholly the difference in the characters of disc. Such treatment is likewise unsound. The present writer supports the view held by Flotow, Koerber, Elenkin and Savicz (1950). Nevertheless, he does not agree with Savicz in erecting the subgenus Gyrophoropsis (Elenk. et Savicz) Savicz, because muriform spores are present not only in the group having gyrate discs, but also in the groups having plane and omphalic discs of the Genus Umbilicaria Hoffm. emend. Vej. The recognition of this subgenus must therefore deny the basis on which the other four subgenera are established. The system of Umbilicariaceae held by the writer is as follows: I. Genus Lasallia Merat emend. Vej ...... Thallus pustulate; disc plane to econcentrical multi-gyrate; spores 1(2) per ascus, quite large, muriform. 1. Subgenus Lasallia...Disc plane. 2. Subgenus Pleiogyra Vej ...... Disc econcentrical multigyrate. II. Genus Umbilicaria Hoffm. emend. Vej (syn. Gyrophora Ach. emend. Savicz)* ...Thallus non-pustulate; disc plane and smooth or plane with central sterile column (or fissure) or with gyri; spores 8 per ascus, simple, hyaline or becoming brown muriform, small. 1. Subgenns Agyrophora (Nyl.) Savicz ...... Disc plane. (1) Section Agyrophora (syn. sect. Anthracinae emend. Llano). ..... Spores simple and hyaline. (2) Section Dichroae Llano ...... Spores becoming brown muriform. 2. Subgenus Omphalodiscus (Schol.) Savicz ...... Disc with central sterile column or fissure. (1) Section Omphalodiscus (syn. sect. Decussatae Schol.) ...... Spores simple and hyaline. (2) Section Spodochroae Schol. ..... Spores becoming muriform. 3. Subgenus Umbilicaria...Disc with concentrical gyri; spores simple and hyaline or becoming muriform. (1) Section Umbilicaria (syn. sect. Simplices Llano) ...... Spores simple and hyaline. (2) Section Gyrophoropsis (Elenk. et Savicz) A. Zahlbr. (syn. sect. Muriformes Llano) ...... Spores becoming muriform.4. Subgenus Actinogyra (Schol.) Savicz ...... Disc with radial gyri, proper margin absent.  相似文献   

Amyloporia pinea sp. nov. is described and illustrated on the basis of collections from southern China. Morphology and phylogenetic analysis of rDNA ITS sequences support this new species. Morphologically, it is characterized by resupinate, annual basidiocarps, cream to yellowish buff pore surface when fresh, which becomes yellowish brown to clay-buff upon drying, a dimitic hyphal system with clamped generative hyphae and inamyloid skeletal hyphae, fusoid cystidioles, and cylindrical basidiospores; moreover, it causes a brown rot. Molecular phylogeny inferred from ITS sequence data suggested a close relationship between A. pinea and Amyloporia crassa sensu lato. Antrodia subxantha has amyloid skeletal hyphae, and grouped within the Amyloporia clade, hence, it is transferred to Amyloporia, and a new combination Amyloporia subxantha is proposed.  相似文献   

Wu SH  Wang DM  Tschen E 《Mycologia》2007,99(2):302-309
Evidence derived from molecular studies in recent years has revealed that corticioid fungal genera are present in all major clades of Homobasidiomycetes. Brunneocorticium pyriforme, a corticioid fungus is proposed as a new species and placed in a new genus belonging to the euagarics clade. This fungus has been collected in subtropical-tropical Taiwan and southern Yunnan Province, China. Basidiocarps often occur on bark of living Murraya spp. (Rutaceae). Basidiocarps of B. pyriforme are resupinate with a smooth hymenial surface, a dimitic hyphal system, with nodose-septate generative hyphae and abundant yellowish brown skeletal hyphae, and leptocystidia. It has 2-sterigmate basidia and pear-shaped basidiospores. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequence data derived from LSU rDNA included Brunneocorticium in the euagarics clade of Homobasidiomycetes, allied to the agaricoid genera Marasmiellus, Campanella, etc. The molecular analysis indicated that the Brunneocorticium was independent from other corticioid genera with similar morphological features.  相似文献   

Antrodia tropica sp. nov. is described and illustrated on the basis of collections originating from Hainan, southern tropical China. Both the morphology and phylogenetic analysis of rDNA ITS sequences support this new species. Morphologically, it is characterized by resupinate basidiocarps, an annual growth habit, greyish to pinkish buff pore surface, a dimitic hyphal system with clamped generative hyphae, and cylindrical to subfusiform basidiospores. The hymenophoral trama is dominated by generative hyphae, whereas skeletal hyphae are dominant in the subiculum. Molecular phylogeny inferred from ITS sequence data suggested a close relationship between A. tropica and two other Antrodia species, including A. huangshanensis reported from China and A. ramentacea found mostly in boreal Eurasia.  相似文献   

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