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The in vivo distribution of snRNPs has been analysed by microinjecting fluorochrome-labelled antisense probes into the nuclei of live HeLa and 3T3 cells. Probes for U2 and U5 snRNAs specifically label the same discrete nuclear foci while a probe for U1 snRNA shows widespread nucleoplasmic labelling, excluding nucleoli, in addition to labelling foci. A probe for U3 snRNA specifically labels nucleoli. These in vivo data confirm that mammalian cells have nuclear foci which contain spliceosomal snRNPs. Co-localization studies, both in vivo and in situ, demonstrate that the spliceosomal snRNAs are present in the same nuclear foci. These foci are also stained by antibodies which recognize snRNP proteins, m3G-cap structures and the splicing factor U2AF but are not stained by anti-SC-35 or anti-La antibodies. U1 snRNP and the splicing factor U2AF closely co-localize in the nucleus, both before and after actinomycin D treatment, suggesting that they may both be part of the same complex in vivo.  相似文献   

Over the past decade many studies have revealed a complex web of interconnections between the numerous steps required for eukaryotic gene expression. One set of interconnections link nuclear pre-mRNA splicing and the subsequent metabolism of the spliced mRNAs. It is now apparent that the means of connection is a set of proteins, collectively called the exon junction complex, which are deposited as a consequence of splicing upstream of mRNA exon-exon junctions.  相似文献   

Mannose-binding sites were detected at the ultrastructural level in nuclei of lizard granulosa cells in situ by means of mannosylated ferritin. When ultrathin sections of material embedded in glycol methacrylate were incubated with mannosylated ferritin, a strong labelling was observed over nucleoli, chromatin and the external leaflet of the nuclear envelope, but no labelling was detected in the perinuclear space except for nuclear pores. This labelling was clearly inhibited when sections were incubated in a solution containing both mannosylated ferritin and a sugar-related neoglycoprotein (mannosylated serum albumin). These ultrastructural data supporting the existence of nuclear lectin-like components in reptilian cells are in agreement with our previous findings about such components in nuclei isolated from mammalian cells. Owing to the unique organization of the granular component of the nucleoli in specialized granulosa cells, we are able to show that some of the mannose-binding sites are associated with ribosomal precursors.  相似文献   

The exon junction complex (EJC) is deposited on mRNA after splicing and participates in several aspects of RNA metabolism, from intracellular transport to translation. In this work, the functional and molecular interactions of Arabidopsis homologues of Mago, Y14, and PYM, three EJC components that participate in intron-mediated enhancement of gene expression in animals, have been analysed. AtMago, AtY14, and AtPYM are encoded by single genes that show similar expression patterns and contain common regulatory elements, known as site II, that are required for expression. AtPYM and AtY14 are phosphorylated by plant extracts and this modification regulates complex formation between both proteins. In addition, overexpression of AtMago and AtY14 in plants produces an increase in AtPYM protein levels, while overexpression of AtPYM results in increased formation of a complex that contains the three proteins. The effect of AtMago and AtY14 on AtPYM expression is most likely to be due to intron-mediated enhacement of AtPYM expression, since the AtPYM gene contains a leader intron that is required for expression. Indeed, transient transformation asssays indicated that the three proteins are able to increase expression from reporter constructs that contain leader introns required for the expression of different genes. The results indicate that the plant homologues of Mago, Y14, and PYM are closely interconnected, not only through their function as EJC components but also at different steps of their own gene expression mechanisms, probably reflecting the importance of their interaction for the correct expression of plant genes.  相似文献   



The exon junction complex (EJC) is a dynamic multi-protein complex deposited onto nuclear spliced mRNAs upstream of exon-exon junctions. The four core proteins, eIF4A3, Magoh, Y14 and MLN51, are stably bound to mRNAs during their lifecycle, serving as a binding platform for other nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. Recent evidence has shown that the EJC is involved in the splicing regulation of some specific events in both Drosophila and mammalian cells.


Here, we show that knockdown of EJC core proteins causes widespread alternative splicing changes in mammalian cells. These splicing changes are specific to EJC core proteins, as knockdown of eIF4A3, Y14 and MLN51 shows similar splicing changes, and are different from knockdown of other splicing factors. The splicing changes can be rescued by a siRNA-resistant form of eIF4A3, indicating an involvement of EJC core proteins in regulating alternative splicing. Finally, we find that the splicing changes are linked with RNA polymerase II elongation rates.


Taken together, this study reveals that the coupling between EJC proteins and splicing is broader than previously suspected, and that a possible link exists between mRNP assembly and splice site recognition.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0551-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We present a new in vitro system for characterizing the binding and mobility of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-labeled nuclear proteins by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching in digitonin-permeabilized cells. This assay reveals that SRm160, a splicing coactivator and component of the exon junction complex (EJC) involved in RNA export, has an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent mobility. Endogenous SRm160, lacking the EGFP moiety, could also be released from sites at splicing speckled domains by an ATP-dependent mechanism. A second EJC protein, RNPS1, also has an ATP-dependent mobility, but SRm300, a protein that binds to SRm160 and participates with it in RNA splicing, remains immobile after ATP supplementation. This finding suggests that SRm160-containing RNA export, but not splicing, complexes have an ATP-dependent mobility. We propose that RNA export complexes have an ATP-regulated mechanism for release from binding sites at splicing speckled domains. In vitro fluorescence recovery after photobleaching is a powerful tool for identifying cofactors required for nuclear binding and mobility.  相似文献   

A rapidly sedimenting DNA-protein complex was isolated from nuclear lysates in 2 M NaCl and characterized with regard to its polypeptide composition and the DNA-binding properties of the purified proteins. The complex consists of the nuclear matrix with attached DNA. Electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gels revealed two major and five minor polypeptide bands, mainly in the 60 to 75 kDa molecular weight region. The DNA-matrix complex dissociated into free DNA and proteins in the presence of 2 M NaCl and 5 M urea. The proteins could be purified by chromatography on hydroxyapatite and showed a strong tendency to reassociate at 0.15 M NaCl concentration in the absence of urea. DNA was bound to the reassociated proteins at 0.15 M NaCl concentration. Part of the DNA-protein complex was stable at 1 M NaCl concentration. The binding appeared to be random with regard to the DNA sequence.  相似文献   

The metazoan proteins UAP56, REF1, and NXF1 are thought to bind sequentially to mRNA to promote its export to the cytoplasm: UAP56 is thought to recruit REF1 to nascent mRNA; REF1 acts as an adaptor protein mediating the association of NXF1 with mRNA, whereas NXF1 translocates the mRNA across the nuclear pore complex. REF1 is a component of the exon-exon junction complex (EJC); thus, the EJC is thought to play a role in the export of spliced mRNA. NXF1 and UAP56 are essential for mRNA export. An essential role for metazoan REF1 or the additional EJC proteins in this process has not been established. Contrary to expectation, we show that REF1 and the additional components of the EJC are dispensable for export of bulk mRNA in Drosophila cells. Only when REF1 and RNPS1 are codepleted, or when all EJC proteins are simultaneously depleted is a partial nuclear accumulation of polyadenylated RNAs observed. Because a significant fraction of bulk mRNA is detected in the cytoplasm of cells depleted of all EJC proteins, we conclude that additional adaptor protein(s) mediate the interaction between NXF1 and cellular mRNAs in metazoa. Our results imply that the essential role of UAP56 in mRNA export is not restricted to the recruitment of REF1.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Ag-NOR (silver-stained Nucleolar Organizer Region) proteins and the functional-structural organization of the nucleolar ribosomal chromatin was studied in regenerating and cortisol-stimulated rat hepatocytes. Statistical analysis of Ag-NOR proteins, carried out with an automated image analyzer, indicated that in regenerating rat hepatocytes the quantity of Ag-NOR proteins mainly increased between the 4th and 12th h of regeneration, reaching a level twice that of resting hepatocytes. Also the synthesis of pre-ribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) was stimulated after the 4th h of regeneration. Cycloheximide administered to rats at a dose of 0.025 mg/100 g body weight (bw) prevented any increase in Ag-NOR proteins but did not hinder the stimulation of pre-rRNA synthesis. In 8 h cortisol-stimulated hepatocytes no significant change in amount of Ag-NOR protein was observed whereas pre-rRNA synthesis was highly increased as in 12 h regenerating hepatocytes. These results indicated that in rat hepatocytes Ag-NOR proteins and stimulation of pre-rRNA synthesis are not related. The relationship between the Ag-NOR proteins and the distribution of the completely extended intranucleolar ribosomal chromatin was also studied in regenerating rat hepatocytes. At 12 h after partial hepatectomy an increased amount of completely extended ribosomal chromatin was observed, contemporaneously with an increased quantity of Ag-NOR proteins. These ribosomal chromatin changes preceded the beginning of DNA synthesis and were prevented by cycloheximide-induced inhibition of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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