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During embryonic development of the inner ear, the sensory primordium that gives rise to the organ of Corti from within the cochlear epithelium is patterned into a stereotyped array of inner and outer sensory hair cells separated from each other by non-sensory supporting cells. Math1, a close homolog of the Drosophila proneural gene atonal, has been found to be both necessary and sufficient for the production of hair cells in the mouse inner ear. Our results indicate that Math1 is not required to establish the postmitotic sensory primordium from which the cells of the organ of Corti arise, but instead is limited to a role in the selection and/or differentiation of sensory hair cells from within the established primordium. This is based on the observation that Math1 is only expressed after the appearance of a zone of non-proliferating cells that delineates the sensory primordium within the cochlear anlage. The expression of Math1 is limited to a subpopulation of cells within the sensory primordium that appear to differentiate exclusively into hair cells as the sensory epithelium matures and elongates through a process that probably involves radial intercalation of cells. Furthermore, mutation of Math1 does not affect the establishment of this postmitotic sensory primordium, even though the subsequent generation of hair cells is blocked in these mutants. Finally, in Math1 mutant embryos, a subpopulation of the cells within the sensory epithelium undergo apoptosis in a temporal gradient similar to the basal-to-apical gradient of hair cell differentiation that occurs in the cochlea of wild-type animals.  相似文献   

The cochlea of the mammalian inner ear contains three rows of outer hair cells and a single row of inner hair cells. These hair cell receptors reside in the organ of Corti and function to transduce mechanical stimuli into electrical signals that mediate hearing. To date, the molecular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of these delicate sensory hair cells are unknown. We report that targeted disruption of Barhl1, a mouse homolog of the Drosophila BarH homeobox genes, results in severe to profound hearing loss, providing a unique model for the study of age-related human deafness disorders. Barhl1 is expressed in all sensory hair cells during inner ear development, 2 days after the onset of hair cell generation. Loss of Barhl1 function in mice results in age-related progressive degeneration of both outer and inner hair cells in the organ of Corti, following two reciprocal longitudinal gradients. Our data together indicate an essential role for Barhl1 in the long-term maintenance of cochlear hair cells, but not in the determination or differentiation of these cells.  相似文献   

Gfi1 was first identified as causing interleukin 2-independent growth in T cells and lymphomagenesis in mice. Much work has shown that Gfi1 and Gfi1b, a second mouse homolog, play pivotal roles in blood cell lineage differentiation. However, neither Gfi1 nor Gfi1b has been implicated in nervous system development, even though their invertebrate homologues, senseless in Drosophila and pag-3 in C. elegans are expressed and required in the nervous system. We show that Gfi1 mRNA is expressed in many areas that give rise to neuronal cells during embryonic development in mouse, and that Gfi1 protein has a more restricted expression pattern. By E12.5 Gfi1 mRNA is expressed in both the CNS and PNS as well as in many sensory epithelia including the developing inner ear epithelia. At later developmental stages, Gfi1 expression in the ear is refined to the hair cells and neurons throughout the inner ear. Gfi1 protein is expressed in a more restricted pattern in specialized sensory cells of the PNS, including the eye, presumptive Merkel cells, the lung and hair cells of the inner ear. Gfi1 mutant mice display behavioral defects that are consistent with inner ear anomalies, as they are ataxic, circle, display head tilting behavior and do not respond to noise. They have a unique inner ear phenotype in that the vestibular and cochlear hair cells are differentially affected. Although Gfi1-deficient mice initially specify inner ear hair cells, these hair cells are disorganized in both the vestibule and cochlea. The outer hair cells of the cochlea are improperly innervated and express neuronal markers that are not normally expressed in these cells. Furthermore, Gfi1 mutant mice lose all cochlear hair cells just prior to and soon after birth through apoptosis. Finally, by five months of age there is also a dramatic reduction in the number of cochlear neurons. Hence, Gfi1 is expressed in the developing nervous system, is required for inner ear hair cell differentiation, and its loss causes programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Isolation and culture of hair cell progenitors from postnatal rat cochleae   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Cochlear hair cells are a terminally differentiated cell population that is crucial for hearing. Although recent work suggests that there are hair cell progenitors in postnatal mammalian cochleae, isolation and culture of pure hair cell progenitors from a well-defined cochlear area have not been reported. Here we present an experimental method that allows isolation and culture of hair cell progenitors from postnatal rat cochleae. These progenitor cells are isolated from the lesser epithelial ridge (LER, or outer spiral sulcus cell) area of pre-plated neonatal rat cochlear segments. They express the same markers as LER cells in vivo, including ZO1, Islet1, Hes1, and Hes5. When these cells are induced to express Hath1, they show the potential to differentiate into hair cell-like cells. Interestingly, these cells can be lifted from monolayer cultures and maintained in aggregate cultures in which spheres can be formed. Hair cell progenitors in the spheres display their proliferating capability and express only epithelial markers. Furthermore, when these spheres are mixed with dissociated mesenchymal cells prepared from postnatal rat utricular whole mounts, and replated onto a collagen substratum, the epithelial progenitor cells are able to differentiate into cells expressing markers of hair cells and supporting cells in epithelial islands, which mirrors the inner ear sensory epithelium in vivo. Successful isolation and culture of hair cell progenitors from the mammalian cochlea will facilitate studies on gene expression profiling and mechanism of differentiation/regeneration of hair cells, which are crucial for repairing hearing loss.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that the Notch signaling pathway regulates the differentiation of sensory hair cells in the vertebrate inner ear [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]. We have shown previously that in mice homozygous for a targeted null mutation of the Jagged2 (Jag2) gene, which encodes a Notch ligand, supernumerary hair cells differentiate in the cochlea of the inner ear [7]. Other components of the Notch pathway, including the Lunatic fringe (Lfng) gene, are also expressed during differentiation of the inner ear in mice [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. In contrast to the Jag2 gene, which is expressed in hair cells, the Lfng gene is expressed in non-sensory supporting cells in the mouse cochlea [10]. Here we demonstrate that a mutation in the Lfng gene partially suppresses the effects of the Jag2 mutation on hair cell development. In mice homozygous for targeted mutations of both Jag2 and Lfng, the generation of supernumerary hair cells in the inner hair cell row is suppressed, while supernumerary hair cells in the outer hair cell rows are unaffected. We also demonstrate that supernumerary hair cells are generated in mice heterozygous for a Notch1 mutation. We suggest a model for the action of the Notch signaling pathway in regulating hair cell differentiation in the cochlear sensory epithelium.  相似文献   

The induction of inner ear hair cells from stem cells or progenitor cells in the inner ear proceeds through a committed inner ear sensory progenitor cell stage prior to hair cell differentiation. To increase the efficacy of inducing inner ear hair cell differentiation from the stem cells or progenitor cells, it is essential to identify comprehensive markers for the stem cells/progenitor cells from the inner ear, the committed inner ear sensory progenitor cells and the differentiating hair cells to optimize induction conditions. Here, we report that we efficiently isolated and expanded the stem cells or progenitor cells from postnatal mouse cochleae, and induced the generation of inner ear progenitor cells and subsequent differentiation of hair cells. We profiled the gene expression of the stem cells or progenitor cells, the inner ear progenitor cells, and hair cells using aRNA microarray analysis. The pathway and gene ontology (GO) analysis of differentially expressed genes was performed. Analysis of genes exclusively detected in one particular cellular population revealed 30, 38, and 31 genes specific for inner ear stem cells, inner ear progenitor cells, and hair cells, respectively. We further examined the expression of these genes in vivo and determined that Gdf10+Ccdc121, Tmprss9+Orm1, and Chrna9+Espnl are marker genes specific for inner ear stem cells, inner ear progenitor cells, and differentiating hair cells, respectively. The identification of these marker genes will likely help the effort to increase the efficacy of hair cell induction from the stem cells or progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Retinoblastoma gene (Rb1) is required for proper cell cycle exit in the developing mouse inner ear and its deletion in the embryo leads to proliferation of sensory progenitor cells that differentiate into hair cells and supporting cells. In a conditional hair cell Rb1 knockout mouse, Pou4f3-Cre-pRb-/-, pRb-/- utricular hair cells differentiate and survive into adulthood whereas differentiation and survival of pRb-/- cochlear hair cells are impaired. To comprehensively survey the pRb pathway in the mammalian inner ear, we performed microarray analysis of pRb-/- cochlea and utricle. The comparative analysis shows that the core pathway shared between pRb-/- cochlea and utricle is centered on E2F, the key pathway that mediates pRb function. A majority of differentially expressed genes and enriched pathways are not shared but uniquely associated with pRb-/-cochlea or utricle. In pRb-/- cochlea, pathways involved in early inner ear development such as Wnt/β-catenin and Notch were enriched, whereas pathways involving in proliferation and survival are enriched in pRb-/-utricle. Clustering analysis showed that the pRb-/- inner ear has characteristics of a younger control inner ear, an indication of delayed differentiation. We created a transgenic mouse model (ER-Cre-pRbflox/flox) in which Rb1 can be acutely deleted postnatally. Acute Rb1 deletion in the adult mouse fails to induce proliferation or cell death in inner ear, strongly indicating that Rb1 loss in these postmitotic tissues can be effectively compensated for, or that pRb-mediated changes in the postmitotic compartment result in events that are functionally irreversible once enacted. This study thus supports the concept that pRb-regulated pathways relevant to hair cell development, encompassing proliferation, differentiation and survival, act predominantly during early development.  相似文献   

Inner ear mechanosensory hair cells transduce sound and balance information. Auditory hair cells emerge from a Sox2-positive sensory patch in the inner ear epithelium, which is progressively restricted during development. This restriction depends on the action of signaling molecules. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling is important during sensory specification: attenuation of Fgfr1 disrupts cochlear hair cell formation; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Here we report that in the absence of FGFR1 signaling, the expression of Sox2 within the sensory patch is not maintained. Despite the down-regulation of the prosensory domain markers, p27Kip1, Hey2, and Hes5, progenitors can still exit the cell cycle to form the zone of non-proliferating cells (ZNPC), however the number of cells that form sensory cells is reduced. Analysis of a mutant Fgfr1 allele, unable to bind to the adaptor protein, Frs2/3, indicates that Sox2 maintenance can be regulated by MAP kinase. We suggest that FGF signaling, through the activation of MAP kinase, is necessary for the maintenance of sensory progenitors and commits precursors to sensory cell differentiation in the mammalian cochlea.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial coordination of multiple cell fate decisions is essential for proper organogenesis. Here, we define gene interactions that transform the neurogenic epithelium of the developing inner ear into specialized mechanosensory receptors. By Cre-loxP fate mapping, we show that vestibular sensory hair cells derive from a previously neurogenic region of the inner ear. The related bHLH genes Ngn1 (Neurog1) and Math1 (Atoh1) are required, respectively, for neural and sensory epithelial development in this system. Our analysis of mouse mutants indicates that a mutual antagonism between Ngn1 and Math1 regulates the transition from neurogenesis to sensory cell production during ear development. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the transition to sensory cell production involves distinct autoregulatory behaviors of Ngn1 (negative) and Math1 (positive). We propose that Ngn1, as well as promoting neurogenesis, maintains an uncommitted progenitor cell population through Notch-mediated lateral inhibition, and Math1 irreversibly commits these progenitors to a hair-cell fate.  相似文献   



At least five bHLH genes regulate cell fate determination and differentiation of sensory neurons, hair cells and supporting cells in the mammalian inner ear. Cross-regulation of Atoh1 and Neurog1 results in hair cell changes in Neurog1 null mice although the nature and mechanism of the cross-regulation has not yet been determined. Neurod1, regulated by both Neurog1 and Atoh1, could be the mediator of this cross-regulation.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used Tg(Pax2-Cre) to conditionally delete Neurod1 in the inner ear. Our data demonstrate for the first time that the absence of Neurod1 results in formation of hair cells within the inner ear sensory ganglia. Three cell types, neural crest derived Schwann cells and mesenchyme derived fibroblasts (neither expresses Neurod1) and inner ear derived neurons (which express Neurod1) constitute inner ear ganglia. The most parsimonious explanation is that Neurod1 suppresses the alternative fate of sensory neurons to develop as hair cells. In the absence of Neurod1, Atoh1 is expressed and differentiates cells within the ganglion into hair cells. We followed up on this effect in ganglia by demonstrating that Neurod1 also regulates differentiation of subtypes of hair cells in the organ of Corti. We show that in Neurod1 conditional null mice there is a premature expression of several genes in the apex of the developing cochlea and outer hair cells are transformed into inner hair cells.


Our data suggest that the long noted cross-regulation of Atoh1 expression by Neurog1 might actually be mediated in large part by Neurod1. We suggest that Neurod1 is regulated by both Neurog1 and Atoh1 and provides a negative feedback for either gene. Through this and other feedback, Neurod1 suppresses alternate fates of neurons to differentiate as hair cells and regulates hair cell subtypes.  相似文献   

Retinoblastoma gene (Rb1) is required for proper cell cycle exit in the developing mouse inner ear and its deletion in the embryo leads to proliferation of sensory progenitor cells that differentiate into hair cells and supporting cells. In a conditional hair cell Rb1 knockout mouse, Pou4f3-Cre-pRb™/™, pRb™/™ utricular hair cells differentiate and survive into adulthood whereas differentiation and survival of pRb™/™ cochlear hair cells are impaired. To comprehensively survey the pRb pathway in the mammalian inner ear, we performed microarray analysis of pRb™/™ cochlea and utricle. The comparative analysis shows that the core pathway shared between pRb™/™ cochlea and utricle is centered on e2F, the key pathway that mediates pRb function. A majority of differentially expressed genes and enriched pathways are not shared but uniquely associated with pRb™/™ cochlea or utricle. In pRb™/™ cochlea, pathways involved in early inner ear development such as Wnt/β-catenin and Notch were enriched, whereas pathways involved in proliferation and survival are enriched in pRb™/™ utricle. Clustering analysis showed that the pRb™/™ inner ear has characteristics of a younger control inner ear, an indication of delayed differentiation. We created a transgenic mouse model (ER-Cre-pRbflox/flox) in which Rb1 can be acutely deleted postnatally. Acute Rb1 deletion in the adult mouse fails to induce proliferation or cell death in inner ear, strongly indicating that Rb1 loss in these postmitotic tissues can be effectively compensated for, or that pRb-mediated changes in the postmitotic compartment result in events that are functionally irreversible once enacted. This study thus supports the concept that pRb-regulated pathways relevant to hair cell development, encompassing proliferation, differentiation and survival, act predominantly during early development.Key words: hair cells, retinoblastoma, Rb1, proliferation, regeneration, apoptosis, inner ear  相似文献   

Precursors of cochlear and vestibular hair cells of the inner ear exit the cell cycle at midgestation. Hair cells are mitotically quiescent during late-embryonic differentiation stages and postnatally. We show here that the retinoblastoma gene Rb and the encoded protein pRb are expressed in differentiating and mature hair cells. In addition to Rb, the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor (CKI) p21 is expressed in developing hair cells, suggesting that p21 is an upstream effector of pRb activity. p21 apparently cooperates with other CKIs, as p21-null mice exhibited an unaltered inner ear phenotype. By contrast, Rb inactivation led to aberrant hair cell proliferation, as analysed at birth in a loss-of-function/transgenic mouse model. Supernumerary hair cells expressed various cell type-specific differentiation markers, including components of stereocilia. The extent of alterations in stereociliary bundle morphology ranged from near-normal to severe disorganization. Apoptosis contributed to the mutant phenotype, but did not compensate for the production of supernumerary hair cells, resulting in hyperplastic sensory epithelia. The Rb-null-mediated proliferation led to a distinct pathological phenotype, including multinucleated and enlarged hair cells, and infiltration of hair cells into the mesenchyme. Our findings demonstrate that the pRb pathway is required for hair cell quiescence and that manipulation of the cell cycle machinery disrupts the coordinated development within the inner ear sensory epithelia.  相似文献   

Notch-mediated lateral inhibition has been reported to regulate auditory hair cell and supporting cell development from common precursors. While the Notch effector genes Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 are expressed in the developing cochlea, inactivation of either of them causes only mild abnormality, suggesting their functional redundancy. To explore the roles of Hes/Hey genes in cochlear development, we examined compound heterozygous or homozygous mutant mice that lacked Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 alleles. We found that a reduction in Hes/Hey gene dosage led to graded increase of hair cell formation. However, if at least one allele of Hes1, Hes5 or Hey1 was intact, excessive hair cells were accompanied by overproduction of supporting cells, suggesting that the hair cell increase does not occur at the expense of supporting cells, and that each Hes/Hey gene functions to induce supporting cells. By contrast, when all alleles of Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 were inactivated, the number of hair cells increased more drastically, whereas that of supporting cells was unchanged compared with control, suggesting that supporting cell formation was balanced by their overproduction and fate conversion into hair cells. The increase of the cell numbers seemed to occur after the prosensory domain formation in the mutants because the proliferation state and the size of the prosensory domain were not affected. Thus, Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 cooperatively inhibit hair cell formation, and one allele of Hes1, Hes5 or Hey1 is sufficient for supporting cell production probably by lateral inhibition in the sensory epithelium. Strikingly, Hes/Hey mutations lead to disorganized cell alignment and polarity and to hearing loss despite hair cell overproduction. These results suggest that Hes/Hey gene dosage is essential not only for generation of appropriate numbers of hair cells and supporting cells by controlling cell proliferation and lateral inhibition but also for the hearing ability by regulating the cell alignment and polarity.  相似文献   

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