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山黄连的生长习性及开发价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山黄连是一种野生中药材。分布比较广 ,是很好的镇痛药 ,有多项药用价值和高效杀虫、杀菌功能。具备研制、开发有价值的人药、兽药及农用杀虫、杀菌剂的潜力。山黄连栽培方法简单 ,产量高 ,可采收多年 ,前景看好。现将它介绍如下 ,以飨读者。1 形态特征山黄连Chelidon  相似文献   

竹芋科观叶植物是十分走俏的居室绿饰,其中天鹅绒竹芋和红背竹芋即是近年颇受青睐的观叶佳品。 天鹅绒竹芋(Calathea zebri-na),别名斑马竹芋、斑叶竹芋,为竹芋科肖竹芋属多年生常绿草本植物,是竹芋科中的大叶种之一。株高约50厘米,植株具地下茎。叶片长椭圆形,长30—60厘米,宽10—20厘米。  相似文献   

孔雀竹芋的组织培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以孔雀竹芋的蘖芽为材料进行组织培养,获得组培苗,试验表明:蘖芽生长的合适培养基为MS BA3mg/L NAA0.3mg/L,芽增殖培养基为MS BA5mg/L NAA0.3mg/L,生根培养基为MS NAA l.5mg/L。  相似文献   

竹芋科——用叶片写诗的家族   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹竽科是被子植物中叶最为绚丽多彩的家族之一。如果你踏上南美大陆,必定会将大自然精雕细镂的它铭刻在心。叶片上升起“彩虹”在巴西,有一种矮小却很美丽的植物——彩虹肖竹竽(Calathearoseo-picta),叶卵圆形,叶面深绿色,中脉红色,叶面近边缘...  相似文献   

美丽竹芋的组织培养   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7  
1 植物名称 美丽竹芋 (Calatheaornatacv .roseo lineata)。2 材料类别 地下芽。3 培养条件 诱芽培养基 :( 1 )MS 6 BA 2mg·L-1(单位下同 ) ;( 2 )MS 6 BA 5 IAA0 .2 ;( 3)MS 6 BA 5 IAA 1 ;( 4 )MS 6 B  相似文献   

近年的花卉市场真是琳琅满目,美不胜收,尤其是观叶植物,格外火暴,让人大开眼界。在形形色色的观叶盆花中,一些竹芋科的种类尤为可人。由于这一科在以往的植物分类学教学中没有涉及,因此引起了我的兴趣。 比较悟出科特征 竹芋科是单子叶植物中的科之一。有30属400种以上,皆为多年生草本,主要分布在南美  相似文献   

孔雀竹芋(Calathea makoyana)又名蓝花焦,原产巴西,是竹芋科肖竹芋属的多年生常绿草本植物,它是一种美丽的观叶盆裁植物,是装饰花卉中的佼佼者,适合于客厅、居室、办公室以及会议室等场所摆放。  相似文献   

唇凤梨的生长习性及栽培管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唇凤梨以其叶色鲜艳、观赏期持久以及栽培养护容易已成为近年来风靡市场的时尚花卉。本文介绍唇凤梨的形态特征、生长习性以及在厦门地区的栽培养护管理方法。  相似文献   

鹤望兰催芽与幼苗生长习性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用95%H2SO4浸鹤望兰种子3-5min,能有效地除去种皮表层蜡质,疏松种皮,不损伤种子,缩短萌芽时间,1N NaOH处理效果次之。95%乙醇洗脱无明显效果。幼苗移栽前适当处理能有效地掐御病害,提高幼苗成活率。栽培基质以透水保湿多肥的酸性土最好。  相似文献   

银叶竹芋的组织培养和快速繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1植物名称银叶竹芋(Ctenanthe setosa‘Greystar’)。2材料类别当年生茎节。3培养条件芽诱导培养基:(1)MS+BA1mg·L-1(单位下同)+NAA0.1;(2)继代增殖培养基MS+BA6+NAA0.05;(3)生根培养基MS+NAA0.5。以上培养基均附加3%蔗糖(生根培养基中为2%)、0.6%琼脂。pH5.8,培养温度(26±1)℃,每天光照12h,光强40μmol·m-2·s-1。4生长与分化情况4.1无菌材料的获得取当年生茎节,除去根状物,自来水冲洗表面20min。将茎节切成约2cm的小段,每段一芽,在超净工作台上,用75%的酒精浸泡30s,再置于0.1%升汞溶液(加1~2滴吐温20)中消毒10min,然后用无…  相似文献   

Arrowroot biomass and processing residues were evaluated as as a feed, fuel and fiber resource. Ensiled aerial biomass and coarse and fine arrowroot processing residues contained 10.8–21.1% crude protein; 11.1–30.2% crude fiber; 3.8–17.0% ash; and an in vitro dry matter digestibility of 38.5–60.3%. Theoretical yields of 0.27 and 1.60 l of methane at standard temperature and pressure per liter of rhizome wash water and starch-settling water were calculated, respectively. Fuel alcohol production potential from yeast-supplemented aerial biomass and coarse residue were identified. Laboratory pulping of coarse residue was performed. The coarse residue has qualities that may be suited to tear-resistant specialty grade papers, such as wrapping paper and bags. The utilization of arrowroot by-products may lead to increased cultivation of this species as a food, feed, fuel and fiber resource. By-product utilization will also reduce environmental pollution presently resulting from direct discharge of unused by-products.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to characterise and establish the phenological stages of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.) by employing the extended BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie) scale system and reporting a detailed biometric evaluation. An experiment with individual plants grown in separate pots was set up in a greenhouse for the identification and characterisation of phenological stages (the phenotypic characterisation and tuberisation process was accompanied by histological analyses every 2 months) and for biometric evaluation (plant height, root volume, dry biomass, leaf area and accumulated starch). We identified 36 secondary stages within eight principal stages of arrowroot growth which comprise: (0) sprouting; (1) leaf development–main stem; (2) formation of lateral stems; (3) elongation–main stem; (4) rhizome formation and tuberisation; (5) inflorescence emergence; (6) flowering, and (9) senescence. Results were categorised and recorded by way of photographs and technical drawings. The total growth cycle in this experiment was 230 days, concluding at the point of harvest. It was possible to observe the phenological events that characterised the changes at each stage (colouration, flag leaf emission, inflorescence and the rhizome tuberisation process). The BBCH system was efficient in identifying arrowroot phenological data. It constitutes a tool for agricultural calendar delineation and contributes to the standardisation of research on the species.  相似文献   

Maranta subgen. Maranta includes species related to M. arundinacea L. It is characterized by aerial shoots with a strong monopodial tendency, absence of root tubers, simple inflorescences or few-branched, often diffuse synflorescences, florescences with few, herbaceous spathes, and comparatively large, distinctly pedicellate flowers. There are occasional exceptions to all these characters. Most species are partial selfers, only two or three being allogamous. Sixteen species are recognized, eight of which are new: M. linearis, M. sobolifera, M. lindmanii, M. zingiberina, M. incrassata, M. rupicola, M. amazonica , and M. tuberculata. The new species are described, and all species are defined and discussed, data being given about distribution and habitat. Growth habit and rhizome structure are essential taxonomic characters, but leaf shape and indument distribution are more useful characters for routine identification. Of the species referred to subgen. Automaranta by Schumann in Das Pflanzenreich, three are excluded: M. cordata, M. pohliana , and M. foliosa.  相似文献   

We have developed the first molecular marker suitable for the selection of determinate growth habit in faba bean using the candidate gene approach. We obtained the sequences of TFL1/CEN like genes from public databases and designed primers on conserved domains. We used three cultivars with determinate growth habit and four accessions (two cultivars and two lines) with indeterminate growth habit. All these genotypes are used in our faba bean breeding program. A single monomorphic PCR fragment was obtained. A set of restriction enzymes was assayed. The enzyme Hind1II produced a clear polymorphism between determinate and indeterminate genotypes. This new cleaved amplified polymorphism (CAP) marker was tested using an F2 population contrasting for growth habit derived from the cross ‘Verde Bonita’ × 2N52. This marker showed 100% efficiency in discriminating both types of genotypes. Moreover, the codominancy of this marker allows the detection of heterozygous individuals facilitating the breeding process when pyramiding different genes. The perfect cosegregation of the marker with the trait indicates that an orthologue of TFL1/CEN controls the growth habit in faba bean. This marker has been tested in all the genotypes used in our faba bean breeding program as donors of the determinate growth habit. Therefore, it is expected to work well in all the crosses performed with these parental lines as happens in the F2 tested. The CAPS marker developed in this work will be useful for Marker Assisted Selection programs. In addition, this marker is useful for quality control to determinate the percentage of outsider seeds in commercial seed lots. Moreover, it is a valuable tool to breeders when submitting new faba bean varieties for registration since the method allows guaranteeing that outsider plants remains under the requested limit for registration.  相似文献   

VOSE  P. B. 《Annals of botany》1962,26(2):197-206
Dormancy in reed canary-grass can be overcome by removing thepalea from the caryopsis, by scarifying the seed, or by prickingthe palea with a pin. The dormancy appears to be due to a water-solubleinhibitor which is present either in the caryopsis or the embryo. There is apparently an interaction between the inhibitor andoxygen, as the effect of the inhibitor passes off quickly underconditions of good aeration. It is possible that free oxygenmay be required to act as hydrogen acceptor in an aerobic dehydrasesystem. Inhibitory effect of the aqueous extract is only shownin the light; when caryopses are germinated in aqueous extractof caryopses in darkness no inhibition of germination is found.The inhibitor has no effect on the germination of lettuce seed. These feature are discussed in relation to other work on seeddormancy and the means of improving germination in the field.  相似文献   

Summary Five F1 plants have been obtained after extensive crossing between different ecotypes or varieties of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and Dactylis glomerata L. The success did not appear to depend on specific treatments (spraying with -aminocaproic acid or gibberellic acid or pre-pollination with killed pollen from the seed parent), but the crossability is limited to exceptional plants.F1 hybrids showed characteristics of both the parents. In four hybrids various developmental disturbances were observed (low viability, aneusomaty, absence of development of inflorescences). Only one hybrid consistently showed 2n=35 chromosomes, good viability and growth, however, it was sterile. After clonal propagation, attempts for polyploidization were started.  相似文献   

四川南充市白头鹎的繁殖习性及雏鸟的生长发育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
2005年3~8月对南充市的白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)的繁殖习性进行了观察,研究了其雏鸟生长发育模式。结果表明,白头鹎于3月底开始营巢,营巢期(6±1)d,4月初产卵,一般为(3.50±0.50)枚,孵卵期(11±1)d,巢内育雏(13±1)d,雏鸟外部器官的形态学参数用Logistic曲线方程拟合,拟合度高,体长、翼长及10日龄前体重等生长曲线均呈“S”型。  相似文献   

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