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森林风景功能的计量评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用被视频度、林型权重、被视可能性 ,对富阳市富春江两岸风景森林进行计量评价 ,为两岸风景防护林的配置、管理提供正确的决策。通过地形及土地利用图、数值地形模型和视线入射角来确定景观的被视频度 ;引进人口重力模型来表示森林的被视可能性 ;采取一对一比较法判断林型权重 ;利用 Thurstone的比较判断矩阵得到各景观的评价值。通过使用林型权重 ,可判断景区森林布局的合理性 ,而评价值 (Li)的高低可作为森林景观是否需要改造的标志值。研究表明 ,景观的评价值 (Li)受被视可能性 (Gi)和林型权重 (Vi)的影响。景观评价值最高的为杨树苏柳银芽柳条带状混交林、杨树香椿枫香复层林两种木森林类型 ,其次为杨树河柳林带、杨柳枫杨桤木香樟块状混交林、桤木纯林、杨树纸浆林、柳树纸浆林、街道公园绿化带、枫杨纯林、桑树。森林是以小班为单位经营管理的 ,植被、林龄等在同一小班内基本一致 ,森林风景管理也至少要求对每个小班进行评价 ,因此 ,研究时网格大小起码在小班内含有几个网格 ,最适大小为 5 0 m× 5 0 m。  相似文献   

A novel metric for the validation of musculoskeletal models is proposed, the reachable 3-D workspace (RWS). This new metric was used to compare a generic model scaled in a standard manner to a more subject-specific model. An experimental protocol for assessing the RWS was performed by ten participants for four distinct hand-payload cases. In addition, isometric individual strength measurements were collected for 12 different directions. The strength of subject-specific musculoskeletal models was then computed using the following assumptions: (1) standard routines including the length-mass-fat (LMF) scaling law; (2) the isometric strengths of the muscle elements were optimized to the individual strength measurements using joint strength factors (JSF). The RWS of each participant was subsequently estimated from each of the scaling approaches, LMF and JSF, for the four load cases. The experimental RWS showed that the volume and shape decreased with increasing hand-payload for every participant. The lateral and frontal far-from-torso aspects of the RWS were reduced the most. These trends were reproduced by both strength scaling approaches, but the LMF-scaled models were not able to track the overall RWS volume decrease with increasing payload, since they proved to be weaker than the participants. On the other hand, the optimised JSF subject-specific models performed better on the prediction of the RWS for all payload cases across participants. The RWS can potentially be further used as a subject-specific musculoskeletal model validation, enabling quantification of the volume and shape differences between experimentally and model-predicted RWSs.  相似文献   

Cell-based quantitative evaluation of the MTT assay   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the bioreduction of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) on a per cell basis and evaluate its modulation as a function of different stages of cell metabolism. STUDY DESIGN: Following MTT bioreduction, total optical density (TOD), cell area and specific activity (TOD/area) of V79 cells and cultured macrophages were recorded for individual cells by means of digital image analysis. The effect of different serum (0-10% vol/vol) or genistein (0-100 microM) concentrations was used to modulate the MTT-specific activity response. RESULTS: As cells in culture are heterogeneous in cell size, the contribution of each cell to the total amount of formazan formed per dish is variable. The production of formazan per cell as a result of MTT bioreduction was found to be proportional to cell size. CONCLUSION: Specific MTT-reducing activity was analyzed in phagocytes and nonphagocyte cells, revealing the utility of this variable in evaluating the MTT assay at the single-cell level.  相似文献   

I-A-expressing transfected murine L cells were analyzed as model antigen-presenting cells. Four features of accessory cell function were explored: antigen processing, interaction with accessory molecules (LFA-1, L3T4), influence of Ia density, and ability to stimulate resting, unprimed T lymphocytes. I-A+ L cells could present complex protein antigens to a variety of T cell hybridomas and clones. Paraformaldehyde fixation before but not subsequent to antigen exposure rendered I-A+ L cells unable to present intact antigen. These results are consistent with earlier studies that made use of these methods to inhibit "processing" by conventional antigen-presenting cells. The ability of anti-L3T4 antibody to inhibit T cell activation was the same for either B lymphoma or L cell antigen-presenting cells. In striking contrast, anti-LFA-1 antibody, which totally blocked B lymphoma-induced responses, had no effect on L cell antigen presentation, measured as interleukin 2 (IL 2) release by T hybridomas, proliferation, IL 2 release, or IL 2 receptor upregulation by a T cell clone. I-A+ L cell transfectants were found to have a stable level of membrane I-A and I-A mRNA, even after exposure to interferon-gamma-containing T cell supernatants. In agreement with earlier reports, a proportional relationship between the (Ia) X (Ag) product and T cell response was found for medium or bright I-A+ cells. However, dull I-A+ cells had a disproportionately low stimulatory capacity, suggesting that there may be a threshold density of Ia per antigen-presenting cell necessary for effective T cell stimulation. Finally, I-A-bearing L cells were shown to trigger low, but reproducible primary allogeneic mixed lymphocyte responses with the use of purified responder T cells, indicating that they are capable of triggering even resting T cells. These studies confirm the importance of antigen processing and I-A density in antigen-presenting cell function, but raise questions about the postulated role of the LFA-1 accessory molecule in T cell-antigen-presenting cell interaction. They also illustrate the utility of the L cell transfection model for analysis and dissection of antigen-presenting cell function.  相似文献   



There have been scant reports on the cumulative effects of atherosclerotic risk factors on steatohepatitis.


We defined cases of steatohepatitis (n = 124) from one health examination center at National Taiwan University Hospital from January to December 2002. We selected controls, matched by age, gender and drinking status. Metabolic syndrome was defined by the modified ATP-III guidelines. High-dimensional interactions of risk factors for steatohepatitis were evaluated.


Steatohepatitis cases had the highest C-reactive protein, lymphocytes, Framingham scores and predicted coronary risks. The odds ratio (OR) of metabolic syndrome for steatohepatitis was the highest (OR = 9.9), followed by high glucose status (OR = 4.5) and obesity (OR = 3.6). The highest area under the ROC curve was metabolic syndrome (area = 0.80), followed by obesity (0.75) and high glucose level (0.73). Metabolic syndrome was the highest population-attributable risk factor (0.59). Significant interaction was found with a three-factor model, including obesity, metabolic syndrome and Framingham risk status, with lesser average prediction error (22.6%), higher average cross-validation consistency (6.3) and lower average prediction error (24.3%). Compared with persons with no risk factors, OR increased as the number of risk factors increased (OR = 3.0 with one risk factor, 17.5 with two risk factors, 10.8 with three risk factors, respectively).


Metabolic syndrome, inflammation markers and atherosclerotic risk scores are significantly related to steatohepatitis status among the healthy examinee population in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The application of tissue-engineered cartilage in a clinical setting requires a noninvasive method to assess the biophysical and biochemical properties of the engineered cartilage. Since articular cartilage is composed of 70-80% water and has dense extracellular matrixes (ECM), it is considered that the condition of the water molecules in the tissue is correlated with its biomechanical property. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) represents a potential approach to assess the biophysical property of the engineered cartilage. In this study, we test the hypothesis that quantitative MRI can be used as a noninvasive assessment method to assess the biophysical property of the engineered cartilage. To reconstruct a model of cartilaginous tissue, chondrocytes harvested from the humeral head of calves were embedded in an agarose gel and cultured in vitro up to 4 weeks. Equilibrium Young's moduli were determined from the stress relaxation tests. After mechanical testing, MRI-derived parameters (longitudinal relaxation time T1, transverse relaxation time T2, and water self-diffusion coefficient D) were measured. The equilibrium Young's modulus of the engineered cartilage showed a tendency to increase with an increase in the culture time, whereas T1 and D decreased. Based on a regression analysis, T1 and D showed a strong correlation with the equilibrium Young's modulus. The results showed that T1 and D values derived from the MRI measurements could be used to noninvasively monitor the biophysical properties of the engineered cartilage.  相似文献   

The present microscopic study evaluates precisely the density of ferritin-particules in several substructures of the glomerular barrier, particularly the endothelial barrier, and the glomerular basement membrane, 15 and 60 minutes after the injection of the tracer. This quantitative method opens the way to numerous studies on the pathway of this protein-tracer through the glomerular substructures in the normal and pathologic rat.  相似文献   

It is shown that the performance evaluation using a vector-valued objection function whose components are the product productivity, the product concentration, and the substrate conversion is quite useful in getting deeper insight into the development of new processes and in determining the operating point. Particular attention is focused on the ethanol fermentation using variety of systems such as the conventional chemostat system, multiple fermentor system, cell recycle system, extractive fermentor system, cell recycle system, extractive fermentor system, and immobilized cell system. The contour map and the projection of the noninferior set are used in investigating the performance improvement and the trade-offs among performance indexes.  相似文献   

Summary The different factors influencing the accuracy of quantitative microradiography have been investigated. The evaluation of densitometric measurements for dry mass determinations has been improved considerably by the introduction of polynomial regression analysis of the output signals for the reference system. Computer analysis has made it possible to extend the number of measurements thereby increasing the precision. The total random error varied between 4 and 5 per cent.  相似文献   

A quantitative comparison of gene frequency change by mutation, selection, and mutation and selection combined, demonstrates that even when the mutation rate is quite high (1/10,000 per generation), and favorable selection almost imperceptibly small (.0025 per gene per generation) selection becomes the principal force changing gene frequency as soon as the new gene has reached the level of 4%.  相似文献   

Methods developed for the cytophotometric analysis of archival tumor specimens used in retrospective studies were evaluated quantitatively. May-Grünwald-Giemsa-stained cytologic slides up to 20 years old could be restained by the Feulgen reaction with excellent results if they were destained in methanol and refixed in formaldehyde prior to Feulgen staining. Storage time had only a minor influence on Feulgen stainability. However, a considerable variation in the intensity of the Feulgen stain was observed between different slides stained simultaneously; this variation was not related to storage time. As a consequence of this variation, the use of internal staining controls, such as granulocytes, is an absolute necessity in the quantitative comparison of different slides. By expressing DNA data from the tumor cells in relative values (c values) related to the internal staining control (with a defined mean value of 2c), Feulgen ploidy level determinations could be made as accurately from measurements on old, destained slides as on cells obtained from fresh tumor material. The ploidy level could also be accurately determined in most cases of prostatic carcinoma from measurements on histopathologic sections.  相似文献   

Arriving at the native conformation of a polypeptide chain characterized by minimum most free energy is a problem of long standing interest in protein structure prediction endeavors. Owing to the computational requirements in developing free energy estimates, scoring functions--energy based or statistical--have received considerable renewed attention in recent years for distinguishing native structures of proteins from non-native like structures. Several cleverly designed decoy sets, CASP (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) structures and homology based internet accessible three dimensional model builders are now available for validating the scoring functions. We describe here an all-atom energy based empirical scoring function and examine its performance on a wide series of publicly available decoys. Barring two protein sequences where native structure is ranked second and seventh, native is identified as the lowest energy structure in 67 protein sequences from among 61,659 decoys belonging to 12 different decoy sets. We further illustrate a potential application of the scoring function in bracketing native-like structures of two small mixed alpha/beta globular proteins starting from sequence and secondary structural information. The scoring function has been web enabled at www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/utility/proteomics/energy.jsp.  相似文献   

Several putative peptide-processing endoproteases have been identified by homology to the yeast Kex2 endoprotease, including furin, PC2, and PC1. However, the question is still open as to which might be involved in peptide posttranslational processing. To enable detailed comparisons of physiological changes in peptide processing with biochemical and molecular biological studies, we cloned rat pituitary cDNAs for PC1 and PC2. The amino acid sequence homologies among rat, human, and mouse PC1, PC2, and furin are consistent with each being a highly conserved but distinct member of a larger family of mammalian subtilisin-like proteases. PC1 and PC2 mRNAs show a restricted distribution among rat tissues and cultured cell lines, consistent with a role in tissue-specific peptide processing; the occurrence of furin mRNA among these tissues and cell lines is much more widespread, being high in many nonneuroendocrine tissues. In the neurointermediate pituitary, PC1 and PC2 mRNAs are strikingly regulated in response to dopaminergic agents, in parallel with mRNAs for POMC, peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase, and carboxypeptidase-H. In AtT-20 cells, PC1 mRNA is coregulated with POMC and peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase mRNAs in response to CRH and glucocorticoids. When the endogenous PC1 mRNA level in AtT-20 cells is significantly and specifically decreased by stable expression of antisense RNA to PC1, biosynthetic labeling of newly synthesized POMC-derived peptides shows a substantial blockade of normal POMC processing. These data are consistent with a role for PC1 protein in endoproteolysis, either as a processing endoprotease or as the activator of the actual processing endoprotease(s).  相似文献   

Avulsion injuries of the thumb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Avulsion amputations of the thumb are generally thought to have a worse prognosis after replantation than other amputations. We report the results of 17 thumbs that had an avulsion amputation and were replanted. Fourteen of the 17 survived (82 percent). Our experience indicated that the survival rate was improved by restoring continuity of at least two veins and two arteries, using a Y-shaped vein graft and the princeps pollicis artery for the source of arterial circulation. Nerve grafts were used to bridge defects in avulsed digital nerves. When possible, avulsed tendons were reattached to their muscle. Key pinch strength was 60 percent of normal, and grip strength was always less than that of the normal hand. The age of the patients and the cold ischemia time had no significant effect on either survival or function of the replanted thumb. When excellent venous backflow occurred immediately after the vessel repair and continued for at least 20 minutes, the thumb always survived without complications.  相似文献   

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