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Rho proteins: linking signaling with membrane trafficking   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Rho proteins are well known for their effects on the actin cytoskeleton, and are activated in response to a variety of extracellular stimuli. Several Rho family members are localized to vesicular compartments, and increasing evidence suggests that they play important roles in the trafficking of vesicles on both endocytic and exocytic pathways. In particular, RhoA, RhoB, RhoD, Rac and Cdc42 have been shown to affect various steps of membrane trafficking. The underlying molecular basis for these effects of Rho proteins are incompletely understood, but in the case of Cdc42 it appears that it can drive vesicle movement through Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin polymerization at the surface of the vesicle. This is similar to what is believed to happen when Rac and Cdc42 stimulate actin polymerization at the plasma membrane. Rho proteins may also affect membrane trafficking by altering phosphatidylinositide composition of membrane compartments, or through interactions with microtubules.  相似文献   

How an organ develops its characteristic shape is a major issue. This is particularly critical for the eye lens as its function depends on having appropriately ordered three-dimensional cellular architecture. Recent in vitro studies indicate that Wnt signaling plays key roles in regulating morphological events in FGF-induced fiber cell differentiation in the mammalian lens. To further investigate this the Wnt signaling antagonist, secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (Sfrp2), was overexpressed in lens fiber cells of transgenic mice. In these mice fiber cell elongation was attenuated and individual fibers exhibited irregular shapes and consequently did not align or pack regularly; microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments were clearly disordered in these fibers. Furthermore, a striking feature of transgenic lenses was that fibers did not develop the convex curvature typically seen in normal lenses. This appears to be related to a lack of protrusive processes that are required for directed migratory activity at their apical and basal tips as well as for the formation of interlocking processes along their lateral margins. Components of the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) pathway were downregulated or inhibited. Taken together this supports a role for Wnt/PCP signaling in orchestrating the complex organization and dynamics of the fiber cell cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Convergent extension movements occur ubiquitously in animal development. This special type of cell movement is controlled by the Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Here we show that Xenopus paraxial protocadherin (XPAPC) functionally interacts with the Wnt/PCP pathway in the control of convergence and extension (CE) movements in Xenopus laevis. XPAPC functions as a signalling molecule that coordinates cell polarity of the involuting mesoderm in mediolateral orientation and thus selectively promotes convergence in CE movements. XPAPC signals through the small GTPases Rho A and Rac 1 and c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Loss of XPAPC function blocks Rho A-mediated JNK activation. Despite common downstream components, XPAPC and Wnt/PCP signalling are not redundant, and the activity of both, XPAPC and PCP signalling, is required to coordinate CE movements.  相似文献   

Brennwald P  Rossi G 《FEBS letters》2007,581(11):2119-2124
Exocytosis is the major mechanism by which new membrane components are delivered to the cell surface. In most, if not all, eukaryotic cells this is also a highly spatially regulated process that is tightly coordinated with the overall polarity of a cell. The Rho/Cdc42 family of GTPases and the lethal giant larvae/Sro7 family are two highly conserved families of proteins which appear to have dual functions both in cell polarity and exocytosis. Analysis of their functions has begun to unravel the coordination between these processes and propose a model for polarized vesicle docking and fusion at the site of asymmetric cell growth.  相似文献   

Rnd3/RhoE has two distinct functions, regulating the actin cytoskeleton and cell proliferation. This might explain why its expression is often altered in cancer and by multiple stimuli during development and disease. Rnd3 together with its relatives Rnd1 and Rnd2 are atypical members of the Rho GTPase family in that they do not hydrolyse GTP. Rnd3 and Rnd1 both antagonise RhoA/ROCK‐mediated actomyosin contractility, thereby regulating cell migration, smooth muscle contractility and neurite extension. In addition, Rnd3 has been shown to have a separate role in inhibiting cell cycle progression by reducing translation of cell cycle regulators, including cyclin D1 and Myc. We propose that Rnd3 could act as a tumour suppressor to limit proliferation, but when mutations bypass this activity of Rnd3, it can promote cancer invasion through its effects in the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic development relies on dynamic cell shape changes and segregation of fate determinants to achieve coordinated compartmentalization at larger scale. Studies in invertebrates have identified polarity programmes essential for morphogenesis; however, less is known about their contribution to adult tissue maintenance. While polarity‐dependent fate decisions in mammals utilize molecular machineries similar to invertebrates, the hierarchies and effectors can differ widely. Recent studies in epithelial systems disclosed an intriguing interplay of polarity proteins, adhesion molecules and mechanochemical pathways in tissue organization. Based on major advances in biophysics, genome editing, high‐resolution imaging and mathematical modelling, the cell polarity field has evolved to a remarkably multidisciplinary ground. Here, we review emerging concepts how polarity and cell fate are coupled, with emphasis on tissue‐scale mechanisms, mechanobiology and mammalian models. Recent findings on the role of polarity signalling for tissue mechanics, micro‐environmental functions and fate choices in health and disease will be summarized.  相似文献   


Studies on cell polarity proteins and planar cell polarity (PCP) proteins date back to almost 40?years ago in Drosophila and C. elegans when these proteins were shown to be crucial to support apico-basal polarity and also directional alignment of polarity cells across the plane of an epithelium during morphogenesis. In adult mammals, cell polarity and PCP are most notable in cochlear hair cells. However, the role of these two groups of proteins to support spermatogenesis was not explored until a decade earlier when several proteins that confer cell polarity and PCP proteins were identified in the rat testis. Since then, there are several reports appearing in the literature to examine the role of both cell polarity and PCP in supporting spermatogenesis. Herein, we provide an overview regarding the role of cell polarity and PCP proteins in the testis, evaluating these findings in light of studies in other mammalian epithelial cells/tissues. Our goal is to provide a timely evaluation of these findings, and provide some thought provoking remarks to guide future studies based on an evolving concept in the field.  相似文献   

Polarity is the basis for the generation of cell diversity, as well as the organization, morphogenesis, and functioning of tissues. Studies in Caenorhabditis elegans have provided much insight into PAR-protein mediated polarity; however, the molecules and mechanisms critical for cell polarization within the plane of epithelia have been identified in other systems. Tissue polarity in C. elegans is organized by Wnt-signaling with some resemblance to the Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, but lacking core PCP protein functions. Nonetheless, recent studies revealed that conserved PCP proteins regulate directed cell migratory events in C. elegans, such as convergent extension movements and neurite formation and guidance. Here, we discuss the latest insights and use of C. elegans as a PCP model.  相似文献   

The Drosophila eye and the wing display specific planar cell polarity. Although Frizzled (Fz) signaling has been implicated in the establishment of ommatidial and wing hair polarity, evidence for the Wnt gene function has been limited. Here we examined the function of a Drosophila homolog of Wnt4 (DWnt4) in the control of planar polarity. We show that DWnt4 mRNA and protein are preferentially expressed in the ventral region of eye disc. DWnt4 mutant eyes show polarity reversals mostly in the ventral domain, consistent with the ventral expression of DWnt4. Ectopic expression of DWnt4 in the dorsoventral (DV) polar margins is insufficient to induce ommatidial polarity but becomes inductive when coexpressed with Four-jointed (Fj). Similarly, DWnt4 and Fj result in synergistic induction of hair polarity toward the source of expression in the wing. Consistent with genetic interaction, we provide evidence for direct interaction of DWnt4 and Fj transmembrane protein. The extracellular domain of Fj is required for direct binding to DWnt4 and for the induction of hair polarity. In contrast to the synergy between DWnt4 and Fj, DWnt4 antagonizes the polarizing effect of Fz. Our results suggest that DWnt4 is involved in ommatidial polarity signaling in the ventral region of the eye and its function is mediated by interacting with Fj.  相似文献   

The evolutionary conserved PAR proteins control polarization and asymmetric division in many organisms. Recent work in Caenorhabditis elegans demonstrated that nos-3 and fbf-1/2 can suppress par-2(it5ts) lethality, suggesting that they participate in cell polarity by regulating the function of the anterior PAR-3/PAR-6/PKC-3 proteins. In Drosophila embryos, Nanos and Pumilio are homologous to NOS-3 and FBF-1/2 respectively and control cell polarity by forming a complex with the tumor suppressor Brat to inhibit Hunchback mRNA translation. In this study, we investigated the possibility that Brat could control cell polarity and asymmetric cell division in C. elegans. We found that disrupting four of the five C. elegans Brat homologs (Cebrats) individually results in suppression of par-2(it5ts) lethality, indicating that these genes are involved in embryonic polarity. Two of the Cebrats, ncl-1 and nhl-2, partially restore the localization of PAR proteins at the cortex. While mutations in the four Cebrat genes do not severely impair polarity, they display polarity-associated defects. Surprisingly, these defects are absent from nos-3 mutants. Similarly, while nos-3 controls PAR-6 protein levels, this is not the case for any of the Cebrats. Our results, together with results from Drosophila, indicate that Brat family members function in generating cellular asymmetries and suggest that, in contrast to Drosophila embryos, the C. elegans homologs of Brat and Nanos could participate in embryonic polarity via distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cell migration is essential during development, regeneration, homeostasis, and disease. Depending on the microenvironment, cells use different mechanisms to migrate. Yet, all modes of migration require the establishment of an intracellular front–rear polarity axis for directional movement. Although front–rear polarity can be easily identified in in vitro conditions, its assessment in vivo by live‐imaging is challenging due to tissue complexity and lack of reliable markers. Here, we describe a novel and unique double fluorescent reporter mouse line to study front–rear cell polarity in living tissues, called GNrep. This mouse line simultaneously labels Golgi complexes and nuclei allowing the assignment of a nucleus‐to‐Golgi axis to each cell, which functions as a readout for cell front–rear polarity. As a proof‐of‐principle, we validated the efficiency of the GNrep line using an endothelial‐specific Cre mouse line. We show that the GNrep labels the nucleus and the Golgi apparatus of endothelial cells with very high efficiency and high specificity. Importantly, the features of fluorescent intensity and localization for both mCherry and eGFP fluorescent intensity and localization allow automated segmentation and assignment of polarity vectors in complex tissues, making GNrep a great tool to study cell behavior in large‐scale automated analyses. Altogether, the GNrep mouse line, in combination with different Cre recombinase lines, is a novel and unique tool to study of front–rear polarity in mice, both in fixed tissues or in intravital live imaging. This new line will be instrumental to understand cell migration and polarity in development, homeostasis, and disease.  相似文献   

Scribble, a member of the LAP protein family, contributes to the apicobasal polarity (ABP) of epithelial cells. The LAP-unique region of these proteins, which is essential and sufficient for ABP, includes a conserved Leucine-Rich Repeat (LRR) domain. The major binding partners of this region that could regulate ABP remain unknown. Here, using proteomics, native gel electrophoresis, and site-directed mutagenesis, we show that the concave surface of LRR domain in Scribble participates in three types of mutually exclusive interactions—(i) homodimerization, serving as an auto-inhibitory mechanism; (ii) interactions with a diverse set of polarity proteins, such as Llgl1, Llgl2, EPB41L2, and EPB41L5, which produce distinct multiprotein complexes; and (iii) a direct interaction with the protein phosphatase, PP1. Analogy with the complex between PP1 and LRR domain of SDS22, a well-studied PP1 regulator, suggests that the Scibble-PP1 complex stores a latent form of PP1 in the basolateral cell cortex. Such organization may generate a dynamic signaling network wherein PP1 could be dispatched from the complex with Scribble to particular protein ligands, achieving fast dephosphorylation kinetics.  相似文献   

Cell polarity is fundamentally important to plant growth and development, yet the mechanism governing its development is understood poorly. Several studies have revealed a role for Rop GTPases in pollen polar tip growth. Rop is also localized to the future site of root hair development and the tip of root hairs, and expression of constitutively active Rop mutants impacts on the morphogenesis of tip-growing root hairs as well as on non-tip-growing cells. These findings highlight the importance of Rop as a common switch in cell polarity control in plants.  相似文献   

Fu Y  Wu G  Yang Z 《The Journal of cell biology》2001,152(5):1019-1032
Tip-growing pollen tubes provide a useful model system to study polar growth. Although roles for tip-focused calcium gradient and tip-localized Rho-family GTPase in pollen tube growth is established, the existence and function of tip-localized F-actin have been controversial. Using the green fluorescent protein-tagged actin-binding domain of mouse talin, we found a dynamic form of tip-localized F-actin in tobacco pollen tubes, termed short actin bundles (SABs). The dynamics of SABs during polar growth in pollen tubes is regulated by Rop1At, a Rop GTPase belonging to the Rho family. When overexpressed, Rop1At transformed SAB into a network of fine filaments and induced a transverse actin band behind the tip, leading to depolarized growth. These changes were due to ectopic Rop1At localization to the apical region of the plasma membrane and were suppressed by guanine dissociation inhibitor overexpression, which removed ectopically localized Rop1At. Rop GTPase-activating protein (RopGAP1) overexpression, or Latrunculin B treatments, also recovered normal actin organization and tip growth in Rop1At-overexpressing tubes. Moreover, overexpression of RopGAP1 alone disrupted SABs and inhibited growth. Finally, SAB oscillates and appears at the tip before growth. Together, these results indicate that the dynamics of tip actin are essential for tip growth and provide the first direct evidence to link Rho GTPase to actin organization in controlling cell polarity and polar growth in plants.  相似文献   

The animal cell polarity regulator Par-3 recruits the Par complex (consisting of Par-6 and atypical PKC, aPKC) to specific sites on the cell membrane. Although numerous physical interactions have been reported between Par-3 and the Par complex, it is unclear how each of these interactions contributes to the overall binding. Using a purified, intact Par complex and a quantitative binding assay, here, we found that the energy required for this interaction is provided by the second and third PDZ protein interaction domains of Par-3. We show that both Par-3 PDZ domains bind to the PDZ-binding motif of aPKC in the Par complex, with additional binding energy contributed from the adjacent catalytic domain of aPKC. In addition to highlighting the role of Par-3 PDZ domain interactions with the aPKC kinase domain and PDZ-binding motif in stabilizing Par-3–Par complex assembly, our results indicate that each Par-3 molecule can potentially recruit two Par complexes to the membrane during cell polarization. These results provide new insights into the energetic determinants and structural stoichiometry of the Par-3–Par complex assembly.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the second most common birth defect in humans. Despite many advances in the understanding of NTDs and the identification of many genes related to NTDs, the fundamental etiology for the majority of cases of NTDs remains unclear. Planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway, which is important for polarized cell movement (such as cell migration) and organ morphogenesis through the activation of cytoskeletal pathways, has been shown to play multiple roles during neural tube closure. The disrupted function of PCP pathway is connected with some NTDs. Here, we summarize our current understanding of how PCP factors affect the pathogenesis of NTDs.  相似文献   

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