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Lindernia kinmenensis Y. S. Liang, C. H. Chen, & C. L. Tasi sp. nov. from Kinmen (Taiwan) is described. The new species belongs to section Torenioides and is most similar to L. crustacea. It differs from the latter by the following characters: calyx pubescent between the ridges (vs pubescent on ridges), with (2)3(4) bristles on the ridge near the apex of the calyx‐lobes (vs without such bristles), corolla shorter, 6–8 mm long (vs 7–11 mm long) and pale purple (vs purple or blue), posterior theca with obtuse (vs acute) apex. This species is usually found in sandy wetlands. A line drawing, colour photos and SEM micrographs of pollen and seed as aids for identification are provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Rubiaceae, Spiradiclis glabra, is described and illustrated from China. The species is most similar to S. fusca, but differs by having 5–7 pairs of adaxially unconspicuous secondary veins in the leaves, stipules 2–5 mm long, calyx lobes ovate‐triangular, corollas slightly purple–reddish, tubes 13–15 mm long, inside with a pubescent ring of long hairs at the throat, and stamens near the base in long‐styled form. The conservation status of this new species was assessed as ‘Vulnerable’ (VU) according to IUCN.  相似文献   

Petrocodon retroflexus Q. Zhang & J. Guo, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guizhou, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to Petrocodon viridescens W. H. Chen, Mich. Möller & Y. M. Shui, but differs by its leaf blade being ovate, broadly ovate to elliptic, 8–20 × 5–15 cm and densely pilose on both surfaces, narrowly triangular, 9 mm long, densely pilose bracts, white corolla that is decurved near the middle, with adaxial lip shallowly 4‐partitioned and retroflexed, and pistil ca 1.3 cm long and densely pilose and glandular‐pilose.  相似文献   

Hoya tengchongensis, a new species of Apocynaceae, subfamily Asclepiadoideae from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to Hoya serpens in its creeping habit, bearing small and suborbicular leaves, and adaxially tomentose corolla. However, H. tengchongensis differs from H. serpens in corolla size (ca 7 mm versus ca 12 mm in diam) and corona morphology (corona lobes slightly ascending versus erect).  相似文献   

A new species of Gesneriaceae, Primulina xiziae Fang Wen, Yue Wang & G. J. Hua, from Zhejiang Province, China, is identified, illustrated and described. It resembles the widespread P. eburnea, and the stenochoric P. pseudoeburnea, but differs by the leaf blades being ovate‐elliptic or ovate, chartaceous with ciliate margins, 8.5–13.8 mm long, slender peduncle, ovate, ca 1.2 × 1.0 cm large bracts that are generally withered but persistent before full‐blooming stage, slender tubular‐infundibuliform, ca 25.0 × 7.5 mm corolla tube, limb lobes with acute apices, 3 staminodes, and by forming a dormancy bud in winter.  相似文献   

Malleola tibetica, a new species from southeastern tropical Tibet, China, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, the new species is closely related to M. dentifera, but differs from it by having uniformly green leaves, flowers with entire lateral lobes of the lip and a basally thickened mid‐lobe, and a column that is densely cristaline‐papillose adaxially.  相似文献   

Aspidistra punctatoides Yan Liu & C. R. Lin (Ruscaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in southwestern Guangxi, China, near the border with northern Vietnam. It resembles A. punctata Lindl. in leaf size, a campanulate perianth densely covered with purple spots, lobes adaxially with two fleshy keels, and the peltate stigma, but differs by the stigma being adaxially truncate and densely papillate, and by the margin being 3‐ or 4‐lobed with lobes emarginate at apex.  相似文献   

黄翠莹  孟开开  郭剑强  陈昉  廖文波  凡强 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1429-1437
该文报道了在广东丹霞山发现的报春苣苔属一新种——黄进报春苣苔(Primulina huangjiniana),并对其进行了描述。该新种与同属物种短序报春苣苔(P. depressa)最为相似,但两者在形态特征上能够很好地区别:黄进报春苣苔具有更短的、长2.5~6 mm的苞片(vs. 短序报春苣苔具有长15~30 mm的苞片,顺序下同); 花萼裂片等长(vs. 不等长),花丝基部附近膝状突起,中部以上具腺毛(vs. 于中部膝状突起且无毛); 柱头倒三角形,深2裂成2线形裂片(vs. 片状,稍2浅裂,裂片为三角形),侧膜胎座(vs. 中轴胎座)。加上该新种在内,丹霞山目前共记录有6种报春苣苔属植物,其中丹霞小花苣苔(P. danxiaensis)和该新种均为丹霞地貌特有植物。黄进报春苣苔目前在丹霞山的两个地方有发现,成年植株不超过200株,根据IUCN红色名录标准,属于极危种。  相似文献   

Aspidistra obtusata is described and illustrated as a new species from southern Vietnam. The new species resembles A. truongii, but differs in smaller diameter of perigone (12.6–14.9 mm vs 25–35 mm), shape of tepals (elliptic, obtuse vs triangular‐ovate) and pistil (widely obconic vs mushroom‐shaped). A molecular characterization of the new species (based on data of plastid psbA‐trnH and nuclear 5S‐NTS regions) is also given, and compared with the most similar congeners.  相似文献   

Stipa narynica M. Nobis sp. nov. from the western Tian‐Shan Mts (western Kyrgyzstan) is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to sect. Smirnovia Tzvel. Morphologically the species is similar to S. aktauensis, a species from which it is easily distinguished by its longer glumes (41–)44–55(–62) mm vs 35–45 mm, longer anthecium (11.5–) 12.0–14.2(–14.8) mm vs 9.5–11.2(–11.7) mm, longer hairs on the seta (5.5–)6.0–8.0(–8.5) mm vs (3.0–)3.8–5.5(–6.0) mm and by the top of the lemma which in S. narynica is either glabrous or with a poorly developed ring of short hairs, while in S. aktauensis, the top of lemma is always distinctly and densely pilose. The lemma and leaf blade structure of both species were examined by means of SEM. The main features differentiating S. narynica and S. aktauensis and distribution of the taxa are presented. An original key to the middle Asiatic species of the sect. Smirnovia, the most similar to Stipa narynica is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Capparaceae, Capparis longgangensis X. L. Mo & X. S. Lee ex Y. S. Huang is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to C. micracantha DC., but differs from it by the following characteristics: twigs, gynophore, outer surface of sepals and persistent style densely yellow–brown pannose, leaves densely yellow–brown pannose on both surfaces when young, abaxial surface thinly yellow–brown pannose when mature, petal thinly yellow–brown pannose, fruit 5–7 mm long, ca 6 mm in diameter, apical persistent style 3–4 mm long.  相似文献   

Aristolochia bhamoensis from Myanmar is here described and illustrated. This new species is morphologically similar to A. faviogonzalezii (confined to northern Vietnam) and A. cathcartii (growing in the Himalayan region) but is distinguished from the latter two species by having a cream‐white upper part of the perianth tube, with visible purple ridges, a trumpet‐shaped limb, 5.0–5.5 cm diameter, inner surface of limb lobes densely covered with dark‐purple bristles, a nearly circular mouth, 3.2–3.5 cm wide, upper half of throat being dark‐purple to blackish, without striations or dots, and lower half purple, with conspicuous white striation. Morphological characters such as a 3‐lobed gynostemium and a 3‐lobed limb support a placement of the new species in the subgenus Siphisia. A diagnostic key is provided to the seven Siphisia species known from Myanmar.  相似文献   

A new species of Lamiaceae, Teucrium ramaswamii M. B. Viswan. & U. Manik. is described from the Kalakkad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve (KMTR) in the Agastyamalai hills of the southwestern Ghats in peninsular India. It is allied to T. tomentosum Heyne ex Benth. but differs by stem, leaves and inflorescence being glandular strigose; leaves being deltoid–ovate, crenate–dentate or doubly crenate–dentate at margin, subcoriaceous, sparsely strigose above, densely strigose beneath; bracts being oblong–deltoid, ca 9.4×2.6 mm; calyx with uppermost teeth being lanceolate, ca 2.8×1.9 mm, lateral teeth being broadly triangular, lower teeth being oblong–lanceolate; corolla being glandular strigose outside below lateral lobes and ovary being glandular strigose. Using the IUCN criteria, conservation status of the species is assigned as Critically Endangered based on the field data (2000–2002). Life history studies, population ecology, genome resource banking and wild population management are recommended for conserving this species.  相似文献   

Aspidistra lingyunensis C. R. Lin & L. F. Guo (Asparagaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from limestone areas in northwestern Guangxi, China. It resembles A. obconica C. R. Lin & Yan Liu in leaf size and its obconical and purplish red pistil, but differs by having a yellowish white perianth, with lobes oblong, explanate, 6–7 mm long, subequal to tube and a white stigma surface, ca 3 mm in diameter. The new species is rare, currently known only from northwestern Guangxi.  相似文献   

Aristolochia bidoupensis Do sp. nov. is newly described. This new species, currently only known from southern Vietnam, is most similar to Aristolochia faviogonzalezii (northern Vietnam) and A. moupinensis (China), but can be distinguished from the latter two by the following characters: flowers terminal, axillary, solitary, peduncle 1.3–1.5 cm long, bracteole ovate, 3–4 × 2–3 mm, limb discoid‐shaped with three expanded lobes, not revolute, internal surface uniformly dark purple, smooth, throat uniformly golden without dots. Morphological characters such as a 3‐lobed gynostemium and a 3‐lobed limb place the new species in A. subgen. Siphisia.  相似文献   

Rubia austrozhejiangensis Z. P. Lei, Y. Y. Zhou & R. W. Wang, a new species of Rubiaceae from China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to R. ovatifolia Z. Ying Zhang and R. argyi (H. Lév. & Vaniot) H. Hara ex Lauener, but differs from the former in having stems and branches cylindrical, not quadrate‐angled, long‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate leaf blades, many‐flowered inflorescence, and smaller mericarps, 3–4 mm in diameter. In R. ovatifolia, stems and branches are quadrate‐angled, leaf blades ovate, ovate‐cordate to rounded cordate, and the inflorescences are sparsely flowered. Compared to R. argyi, the new species has cylindrical, not quadrate‐angled stems and branches, leaf blades that are long‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate, 3–5‐veined, and slightly reflexed corolla lobes. In R. argyi, stems and branches are quadrate‐angled or winged, the corolla lobes are spreading, and the mericarps are 5–7 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

Ilex sanqingshanensis, a new species of Aquifoliaceae from Jiangxi, China, is described and illustrated with morphological characteristics and ultrastructure of pollen grains. The new species is easily distinguished from the most similar species I. wugongshanensis C. J. Tseng ex S. K. Chen et Y. X. Feng by having smaller leaves that are elliptic, ovate or elliptic‐ovate, with shorter (0.5–1.0 vs 2–3 mm) teeth on the leaf margin, longer pedicels of staminate flowers (2.0–3.5 vs 1.5 mm), smaller pyrenes (3.5–4.0 × 2.0–2.5 vs 4.5–5.0 × 3.0 mm), and woody pyrenes (vs stony pyrenes).  相似文献   

A new species from Java, Hoya amicabilis S.Rahayu & Rodda is described and illustrated. It was first identified as a new species from pictures posted on social media in 2017. Hoya amicabilis is part of a small group of species that have an unusual shrubby habit, but it is the only one in that group with bright yellow campanulate flowers. Furthermore, Hoya amicabilis is a rather unusual species of Hoya since its staminal corona lobes are oblong, erect, while most species of Hoya have well‐developed generally spreading corona lobes, and its style head is umbonate, brightly coloured and extending above the anther appendages, while most species have a conical style head covered by anther appendages.  相似文献   

Two new species of Centaurea L. sect. Cynaroides Boiss. ex Walp. (Asteraceae), C. shahuensis Ranjbar and Negaresh and C. ravansarensis Ranjbar and Negaresh are described and illustrated from Kermanshah Province, west Iran. They are closely related to C. regia Boiss. subsp. regia. However, C. shahuensis differs from it by median stem leaves broadly oblanceolate or subpandurate, phyllaries densely lanate‐tomentose, appendages small, concealing a minor part of phyllaries, and also median appendage margin entire sometimes with 1–2 cilia, 1.2–3.0 mm long on each side. Centaurea ravansarensis is distinguished by upper stem leaves loosely arachnoid, phyllaries loosely floccose‐tomentose, inner appendages deep brown to blackish, and spine 4.5–6.0 mm long. Habitat, conservation status and the geographical distribution of the new species are given.  相似文献   

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