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Impatiens pingxiangensis H. Y. Bi & S. X. Yu (Balsaminaceae), a new species from the limestone areas in Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to I. obesa in having succulent stems, subsessile peduncle, tufted pedicel and the lower petal in each pair of lateral united petals being connate, but differs from the latter by having perennial stems, leaf blades with 7–9 pairs of lateral veins, 1–2‐flowered racemes, ovate inner lateral sepals, and elliptic capsule. Moreover, the pollen and seed coat characters also support the recognition of the new species.  相似文献   

A new species of the orchid genus Myoxanthus, M. oliviae, is described based on Peruvian material. The novelty resembles M. serripetalus from which it differs by the 7–8‐veined lateral sepals (versus 6‐ or 9‐veined), the petals contracted below the apex and expanded again into a sagittate apex (versus apex caudate) and entire lip middle lobe (versus fimbriate). The flowers of M. oliviae are pale brownish‐purple, internally intensively suffused with yellow, dark‐purple spotted. The new species grows among rocks at the elevation of 2700–3100 m a.s.l. A key to Peruvian Myoxanthus representatives is provided.  相似文献   

Impatiens pterocaulis S. X. Yu et L. R. Zhang, a new species of the Balsaminaceae from Yancha, Longlin, Guangxi Region, is described and illustrated. This species is similar to I. wilsonii in having nearly white flowers, 4 lateral sepals and a racememos inflorescence, but differs by having winged stems, very short‐spurred lower sepal, yellowish flowers and an acuminate dorsal petal apex. Pollen characters and leaf epidermal micro‐characters of these two species were studied, and the results support that the two species should be kept separate.  相似文献   

Bulbophyllum huangshanense, a new species of orchid from Anhui, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is close to B. taeniophyllum with pseudo‐bulbs closely spaced along the rhizome, leathery leaf, entire dorsal sepal, toothed petals, the lateral edges of lateral sepals connate and fleshy lip, but differs from the latter in having roots arising from the node with the pseudo‐bulb, inflorescence much shorter than leaf, flowers pure yellow, lip mobile, and stelidia broadly triangular.  相似文献   

Stellaria devendrae sp. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) is here described and illustrated from the Uttarakhand state of the Indian western Himalaya. It differs from the allied S. monosperma Buch.‐Ham. ex D. Don and S. paniculata Edgew. in having sub‐sessile, oblanceolate or obovate leaves with non amplexicaul, rounded to sub‐auricled leaf base; an inflorescence of a terminal, regularly and simply branched panicle of cymes; larger flowers (5–8 mm across); 5‐lobed floral disc; relatively larger sepals (4–7 mm long); petal lamina lobed for more than 1/2 to 4/5 of the lamina; filaments opposite sepals with prominent nectar glands at base; adjoining filaments not fused at base, and an inconspicuously reticulate‐papillate seed surface.  相似文献   

A new species, Hoya longipedunculata (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), discovered in Quang Nam Province in central Vietnam is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to H. fusca, but differs by having a weak and shorter stem, thin leaf blade, umbel‐like inflorescence, longer hairy peduncle and long pedicel, as well as broad, narrowly‐ovate to triangular sepals, and wider, white opalescent (sometime abaxially with purple tint) corolla with strongly reflexed segments.  相似文献   

The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3), potassium nitrate (KNO3), prechilling, temperature, salt stress and osmotic potential on seed germination and sowing depth on seedling emergence and burial depth on seed viability of hoary cress (Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.), were studied in a series of laboratory, glasshouse and outdoor experiments. The optimal temperature for hoary cress seed germination was 20°C, both in light/dark and darkness regimes. Seed germination of hoary cress at 400 ppm concentration of GA3 in a light/dark regime was maximal. Potassium nitrate concentrations increased the percentage of germination in comparison with the control treatment. Increasing the duration of dry prechilling to 30 and 45 days promoted the seed germination of hoary cress. Germination of hoary cress markedly decreased as salt and drought stress increased. Seed germination of hoary cress occurred at a range of pH from 3 to 11. Seedling emergence significantly decreased as planting depth increased. Total seed viability decreased with increasing burial depth. The maximum increase in mortality occurred in seeds that were buried at 5‐cm depth.  相似文献   

Impatiens quadriloba K. M. Liu et Y. L. Xiang sp. nov. collected from the Siguniang Mountains Nature Reserve in northwestern Sichuan, China, is described and illustrated. The seed‐coat and pollen morphology of the new species are described and diagnostic morphological characters that distinguish the new species from the related I. falcifer Hook. f. are discussed.  相似文献   

Stromanthe bahiensis Yoshida‐Arns, Mayo & J. M. A. Braga sp. nov. (Marantaceae) is described as an endemic to the Atlantic Forest coast of southern Bahia State in Brazil. It is similar to S. hjalmarssonii (Körn.) Petersen, which is restricted to Central America, but differs from it by the following characteristics: petiole 14–70 cm long, leaf blade oblong‐ovate to ovate‐lanceolate, fertile bracts 18–30×2–4 mm, narrowly lanceolate to ovate‐lanceolate, sepals 4–6 mm long, corolla lobes 3.0–3.5 mm long, outer staminodes 2.0–3.5×1–2 mm, pale bluish or purplish, callose staminode 2–3×1–2 mm, cucullate staminode 2–3 mm long and ovary hirsute. The new species is described and illustrated with diagnostic characters, taxonomic comments and remarks on its conservation status.  相似文献   

Impatiens menghuochengensis Q Luo. (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Shimian county in southwestern Sichuan province, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to I. tortisepala J. D. Hooker, but differs in having stem unbranched in lower portion; lateral sepals transparent, obliquely ovate; dorsal petal with central columnar cristate swelling; lateral united petals with distal lobes oblong‐dolabriform, apically retuse; lower sepal saccate with purple–red veins, abruptly narrowed at belly into an incurved spur 20–25 mm. The morphological characteristics and surface patterning of the seeds and pollen of the new species are examined under SEM and compared with those of I. tortisepala.  相似文献   

The seed‐coat of several species of Hybanthus subg. Ionidium from South America were studied by SEM (scanning electronic microscopy). Three different levels of sculpture were observed on the seed coat. The micro‐morphological patterns showed great variation between the species and should be considered as additional characters in future taxonomic treatments. The presence of a conspicuous elaiosome was observed; this structure is well known in the genus Viola and is most likely related to seed dispersal mediated by ants.  相似文献   

A re‐evaluation of the armoured catfish species of Hypostomus in the Rio Jaguaribe, north‐eastern Brazil, was prompted by the discovery of specimens with pale spots on a dark background collected from that basin c. 1936 and deposited at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Recent field collections in the Rio Jarguaribe basin confirmed the presence of the pale‐spotted specimens and its distinctiveness as a new species. Hypostomus sertanejo n. sp. is diagnosed from other species of Hypostomus by having fins and dermal‐plated regions of head and body with pale spots or vermiculations on darker background, teeth slender, asymmetrically bicuspid and numerous (34–75) on dentary and premaxilla, depressed dorsal‐fin spine not reaching adipose spine, unbranched pectoral‐fin spine longer than unbranched pelvic‐fin ray, seven branched dorsal‐fin rays and one (rarely two) predorsal plate(s) bordering supraoccipital. Ancistrus salgadae Fowler 1941 is hypothesized to be a junior synonym of Hypostomus carvalhoi (Miranda‐Ribeiro, 1937), a dark‐spotted Hypostomus described from the Rio Granjeiro, a tributary to the upper Rio Salgado.  相似文献   

Two new species of Microlicia (Melastomataceae) endemic to campos rupestres in Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil, are described, illustrated and compared with their putative relatives. Microlicia rugosa sp. nov. is similar to M. minutiflora and M. martiana by having fastigiate branches, ascending, lanceolate or oblanceolate leaves with obtuse apex, attenuate base and entire margin, flower with short pedicels (1?2 mm long), magenta petals, and dimorphic stamens. Microlicia rugosa is further characterized by wrinkled surface of hypanthium and sepals, and both leaf surfaces with distinct depressions, which sometimes contain short‐stalked glandular trichomes. Microlicia viscida sp. nov. is similar to M. martiana, M. furnensis and M. rugosa mainly by having fastigiate branches, terete stems without leaves at the base and the bark gradually peeling to reveal the underlying brownish wood and leaves with similar size and shape. Microlicia viscida is characterized by a conspicuous secretion covering branches, leaves, hypanthium and sepals, giving a smooth and bright appearance. The leaf anatomy of both new species is briefly described. Microlicia rugosa and M. viscida are assessed as ‘Endangered’ and ‘Critically Endangered’ respectively, due to its limited extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, according to the IUCN categories and criteria.  相似文献   

A new species of Orchidaceae, Micropera tibetica from Medog County, Tibet, China, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to M. mannii, from which it differs by having creamy white flowers, not twisted column, strongly oblique lateral sepals with emarginated apex, and very small lateral lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

Keraunea Cheek & Simão‐Bianchini gen. nov. (Convolvulaceae) from Brazil is described and illustrated as the third known neuropeltoid genus. It appears allied to the Old World genera of Neuropeltis Wall and Neuropeltopsis Ooststr. in having wind‐dispersed fruits not by enlarged sepals, but subtended by an enlarged papery bract to which the pedicel is adnate, and flowers in which the bracteoles are absent or usually very inconspicuous. Keraunea brasiliensis, the single species thus far known, is here assessed as ‘Endangered’.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Crossoglossa, C. frontinoensis Szlach. & Kolan. sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on Colombian material. The new species appears to be similar to Crossoglossa tipuloides, but it is easily separable by distinctly narrower lip with pandurate basal part and long‐acuminate apical part, much narrower, long‐acuminate sepals and petals and narrower leaves. Information about its habitat, ecology and distribution is provided.  相似文献   

Pseudostellaria tianmushanensis G. H. Xia & G. Y. Li, collected from the Tianmu Mountains Nature Reserve in northwestern Zhejiang, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to P. rupestris Pax., but differs by having a string of fusiform or ovoid‐globose tubers, leaves that are narrow elliptic‐lanceolate, glabrous, with cuneate base with scattered multi‐nodulate hairs, papillate margins and basipetalous variation in floral morphology. Moreover, the seed tubercle ornamentation also supports the recognition of the new species. A key to the species of Pseudostellaria in Zhejiang province is provided.  相似文献   

In a Pinus halepensis Mill. forest, a field experiment was designed to evaluate post-fire seed predation as affected by combinations of seed colour and soil substrates: light grey and black seeds combined with light grey ash, dark grey ash and pale brown sand. A survey of bird species inhabiting the area was also carried out and polyphenolic content of seed coat was assessed in seed lots of different colour. Light grey seeds were observed to be less predated on light grey ash, suggesting eucrypsis as a protective strategy against bird predation. On the contrary, no clear pattern was observed for the predation of black seeds on different substrates. In the study area both bird species breaking the seed coat and eating the endosperm and bird species swallowing the whole seed were monitored. We have estimated that more seeds were swallowed than broken, in all colour categories. Light grey seeds, which were found to have a higher content of polyphenols, were predated more than black seeds when exposed on the same substrate. Thus, no evidence was produced that the amount of polyphenols in seed coat could protect seeds from predation.  相似文献   

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