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Results are presented on the intracellular localization of some of the enzymes of gluconeogenesis, of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and of related enzymes in Astasia and Euglena grown with various substrates. The results indicate the particulate nature of at least part of the malate synthase of Astasia and of part of the malate synthase and isocitrate lyase in Euglena. However, the presence of glyoxysomes (microbodies) in Astasia and Euglena is still open to question, since it has not, so far, been possible to separate the enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle from succinate dehydrogenase in the particulate fraction.  相似文献   

Glutamate decarboxylase, gamma-aminobutyrate-alpha-ketoglutarate aminotransferase and NAD-linked and NADP-linked succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase, all constituting the GABA (gamma-aminobutyrate)-shunt pathway of glutamate metabolism are localized in the mitochondrial matrix in a streptomycin-bleached mutant of Euglena gracilis strain Z. Glutamate dehydrogenase, requiring NADP as the cofactor, was distributed in the cytoplasm. An improved version of the controlled digestion method for preparing Euglena mitochondria, which involves use of trypsin and a trypsin inhibitor and removal of broken cells before mechanical disruption of cells, is also described.  相似文献   

Euglena gracilis strain Z, green, dark-brown, and "bleached" with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, was found to contain 2 soluble enzymes which reduce nitrofurans. A small amount of activity was demonstrated also in a particulate fraction of sonic extracts, but none in isolated chloroplasts. The reduction of 5 nitrofurans, having widely differing bleaching activities, by each of the 2 enzymes was examined.  相似文献   

1. Lowering of the concentration of carbon dioxide in air available to phototrophically growing Euglena cultures from 5% to the normal value (0.03%) resulted in an increased specific activity of glycollate oxidoreductase. 2. The effects of chloramphenicol and cycloheximide suggested that this increase in activity was due to enzyme synthesis de novo on cytoplasmic ribosomes. 3. The K(m) for glycollate oxidation by the enzyme in crude cell extracts was 3.0x10(-3)m. 4. Differential centrifugation established that glycollate oxidoreductase present in phototrophically grown Euglena is a particulate enzyme. The enzyme was partially solubilized by the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100. 5. Sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation achieved the separation of the particulate glycollate oxidoreductase from chloroplasts and mitochondria. 6. Glutamate-glyoxylate aminotransferase was associated with particulate glycollate oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

1. Chloroplast DNA was isolated from autotrophically and mixotrophically grown Euglena gracilis cells. 2. Aliquots of chloroplast DNA were mechanically degraded to an average molecular weight of 4-7 X 10(6) and G+C-rich DNA fragments (density 1.701 g/cm3) were separated from the bulk DNA (density 1.685 g/cm3) using preparative CsCl density gradients. 3. Total chloroplast DNA and its DNA subfractions, which first were characterized with respect to average G+C content and hybridization capacity for chloroplast rRNA, were hydrolysed with restriction endonucleases (endo R-EcoRI, end R-HindII, endoR-HindIII, endo R-HindII+III, endoR-Hpal, endo R-HpaII and endoR-HaeIII). The fragments were separated on gels under a variety of electrophoretic conditions. 4. With each enzyme tested, a rather large number of bands was obtained. In all cases, different banding patterns were obtained for total DNA, and the DNA subfractions. 5. Chloroplast DNA from autotrophically and mixotrophically grown cells gave identical banding patterns. 6. Digestion of total DNA with the endoR-HaeIII yielded 51-52 fragments separated in the gels in a total of 36 bands of which 11-12 bands were composed of 2-3 fragments as estimated by densitometry. The molecular weights of all fragments combined was 87 X 10(6) or 95% of the genome (92 X 10(6)). 7. Chloroplast RNA hybridized to 5.1% with total chloroplast DNA, equal to three RNA cistrons per genome (Mr92 X 10(6)). These cistrons are located on seven different types of endo R-HaeIII fragments. The hybridising fragments are preferentially found in the G+C-rich subfraction and in bands which are composed of 2-3 fragments.  相似文献   

In photoorganotrophically grown, mid-log phase cells of Euglena gracilis, enzymes of pyrimidine degradation including uracil reductase, dihydrouracil dehydrogenase, dihydropyrimidinase, and beta-ureidopropionase, were detected in a crude extract. beta-Ureidopropionase (N-carbamoyl-beta-alanine amidohydrolase, EC was purified 100-fold by heat treatment, ammonium sulphate fractionation and chromatography using Sepharose 6B and DEAE-Sephadex A-25. The enzyme follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Km of beta-ureidopropionase for beta-ureidopropionate 3.8 . 10(-5) M, Hill coefficient n = 1). Other enzyme properties are: pH optimum 6.25, temperature optimum 60 degrees C, stimulation by Mg2+, inhibition by Cu2+, Mr approximately 1.5--2 . 10(6). beta-Ureidoisobutyrate, the intermediate of thymine degradation, and beta-ureidopropionate are competing substrates of beta-ureidopropionase (Ki = Km of beta-ureidopropionase for beta-ureidoisobutyrate 1.8 . 10(-5) M). Structural analogues of beta-ureidopropionate, isobutyrate and propionate are competitive inhibitors (Ki of beta-ureidopropionase 0.3 and 0.16 mM, respectively). There were no indications of regulatory function of beta-ureidopropionase in pyrimidine degradation.  相似文献   

The effect of light and carbon nutrition on the synthesis of citrate synthase (EC and malate dehydrogenase (EC in dark-grown resting (carbon deficient) and in phototrophic division-synchronized cultures of Euglena gracilis Klebs strain z were investigated. Exposure of dark-grown Euglena to white or red light produced a transient increase in the specific activities of citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase but blue light (of equal energy) was ineffective. Citrate-synthase activity increased at the end of the light phase and in early dark phase in phototrophic cultures division-synchronized by a regime of 14 h light-10 h dark. The addition of ethanol or malate produced a twofold increase in citrate-synthase activity compared with phototrophic cultures. White and blue light, but not red light, produced a transient repression of the metabolite-induced increase in citrate-synthase activity in division-synchronized cultures. Since only red light could effect a transient increase in the specific activity of mitochondrial enzymes, and the blue-red plastid receptor should respond to both blue and red light, the synthesis of mitochondrial enzymes in regreening cultures may be under the control of a new photoreceptor responding only to red light. In division-synchronized phototrophic cells the primary effector of synthesis of mitochondrial enzymes is not light but carbon nutrition.  相似文献   

Methods are presented for the intramitochondrial localization of various diphosphopyridine nucleotide and triphosphopyridine nucleotide-linked dehydrogenases in tissue sections. The cytochemical reactions studied involve the oxidation of the substrates by a specific pyridino-protein. The electron transfer of tetrazolium salt is mediated by the diaphorase system associated with the dehydrogenase. The final electron acceptor was either p-nitrophenyl substituted ditetrazole (nitro-BT) or N-thiazol-2-yl monotetrazole (MTT), the latter giving rise to metal formazan in the presence of cobaltous ions. Mitochondrial localization of the formazan precipitate could be achieved by using hypertonic incubating media containing high concentrations of substrate and co-enzyme. A fast reduction of tetrazolium salt was obtained by chemically blocking the respiratory chain enzymes beyond the flavoproteins. Although diaphorase systems are implicated in the reduction of tetrazolium salts, specific dehydrogenases are solely responsible for the distinct distribution pattern obtained in tissues with various substrates. The present findings in tissue sections are discussed in conjunction with existing biochemical evidence from differential centrifugation experiments.  相似文献   

1. Formation of labeled ADP in the ADP-(32)P -exchange reaction, the inherent property of the dinucleosideoligophosphate (DNOP) phosphorylase demonstrated recently in Euglena gracilis can be used to detect specifically the enzyme activity in crude extracts among interfering enzymes like phosphodiesterase I, adenylate kinase or non-specific phosphatases. 2. The initial velocity was measured in an incubation mixture lacking Mg(2+) but containing EDTA and/or Ap(5)A an inhibitor of the adenylate kinase. 3. Using different sucrose-density gradients and controlling activities of the marker enzymes it has been proved that the DNOP phosphorylase is a cytosolic enzyme in E. gracilis.  相似文献   

Purified flagella from Euglena yield a unique high molecular weight glycoprotein when treated with low concentrations of nonionic detergents. This glycoprotein termed "xyloglycorien" cannot be extracted from other regions of the cell, although a minor component that coextracts with xyloglycorien does have a counterpart in deflagellated cell bodies. Xyloglycorien is tentatively identified with a flagellar surface fuzzy layer that appears in negatively stained membrane vesicles of untreated flagella but not in similar vesicles after Nonidet P-40 extraction. The localization of xyloglycorien is further confirmed to be membrane associated by reciprocal extraction experiments using 12.5 mM lithium diiodosalicylate (LIS), which does not appreciably extract xyloglycorien, visibly solubilize membranes, or remove the fuzzy layer. Rabbit antibodies directed against the two major flagellar glycoproteins (xyloglycorien and mastigonemes) to some extent cross react, which may in part be caused by the large percentage of xylose found by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) analysis to be characteristic of both antigens. However, adsorption of anti- xyloglycorien sera with intact mastigonemes produced antibodies responding only to xyloglycorien, and vice versa, indicating the nonidentity of the two antigens. Antibodies or fragments of these antibodies used in immunofluorescence assays demonstrated that xyloglycorien is confined to the flagellum and possibly the adjacent reservoir and gullet. Binding could not be detected on the cell surface. The sum of these experiments suggests that, in addition to mastigonemes, at least one major membrane glycoprotein in Euglena is restricted to the flagellar domain and is not inserted into the contiguous cell surface region.  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase and malate synthase are specific enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, used here as glyoxysomal markers. Both enzymes were found in the mitochondrial fraction after organelle fractionation by isopycnic centrifugation. Electron microscopy of this fraction indicated that mitochondria were the only recognizable organelles. Using an immunogold labeling method with anti-(malate synthase) antiserum, the only organelles stained in cells were the mitochondria. These results show that the glyoxylate cycle is present in mitochondria in Euglena.  相似文献   

A. M. Flinn  D. L. Smith 《Planta》1967,75(1):10-22
Summary Enzyme activity is not uniformly distributed through the cotyledon of Pisum arvense. Initially the peripheral region, certain scattered cells of the storage tissue and the procambium show a high level of activity of succinic dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase, acid phosphatase and esterase. Activity of acid phosphatase declines sharply after the first day of germination; activity of the other enzymes declines after about three days. In the storage tissue, where activity is lower initially, it declines after about five days and is correlated with the disappearance of the reserves. The pattern of alkaline phosphatase activity is similar except that activity is lower in the procambium but increases in the sieve-elements during differentiation of the phloem. 5-nucleotidase and glucose-6-phosphatase activity is low throughout the cotyledon but it also increases to a significant level in the sieve-elements. Activity of starch synthesizing enzymes is high in the parenchymatous bundle sheath, where they may be involved in the pathway from lipids to soluble carbohydrates.  相似文献   

On the basis of morphological and biochemical differences, the exocrine pancreatic tissue has been divided in peri- and teleinsular regions. In the present study the enzymatic profile of these regions has been investigated by the immunofluorescent technique using antibodies against nine pancreatic enzymes (alpha-amylase, lipase, chymotrypsinogen A, trypsinogen, elastase, carboxypeptidase A and B, DNase and RNase A). These antibodies were specific to their antigens without cross reaction. By immunofluorescence, most acinar cells of the normal rat pancreas were positive to the nine enzymes tested. However, an inhomogeneity in the staining pattern was found; specifically, the cells located in the periinsular region of many islets showed a brighter fluorescence than acinar cells in the teleinsular tissue. These data add a new parameter to describe the inhomogeneity of the exocrine pancreas.  相似文献   

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