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Synopsis The reproductive behaviour ofRudarius ercodes is described from undersea observations in Aburatsubo Bay, Japan. Reproductive behaviour can be separated into four parts: (1) Prespawning Search = searching for spawning sites by females and searching for gravid females by males, (2) Spawning Parade = males follow a gravid female in a line, competing with each other to reach the head of the queue, (3) Spawning = the female takes the spawning position, males rush to the side of the female, and mating occurs between one female and several anterior males of the spawning parade, (4) Parental Care = females attach adhesive eggs to seaweed with the mouth and guard them until embryos hatch. There is no male parental care. The reproductive season ranges from May to October and spawning occurs early in the morning every day. Females begin feeding early in the morning, but males feed little at this time.R. ercodes shows neither territorial behaviour nor fixed-pair spawning. One male might spawn several times in one morning. One female spawns at most once every 5 days. The mating system of this species is promiscuous. The probable function of the spawning parade as a style allowing female choice is discussed.  相似文献   

Bulldog fish (Marcusenius macrolepidotus) generate short (<1 ms) electric-organ discharges (EODs), separated by much longer and highly variable interdischarge intervals (IDIs). We observed overt behaviour and electrical activity during reproductive behaviour in a male and in a female bulldog, and identified IDI patterns with putative signal functions. In contrast to Pollimyrus adspersus and Pollimyrus isidori, in which an elaborate and extended courtship precedes spawning proper, our fish started spawning almost immediately when we allowed the female to enter the males territory. The male did not construct a nest, and neither parent provided parental care. The male showed very little aggression towards the intruding female. Fish spawned in bouts near the males hiding place, and eggs were scattered by the females vigorous tail flips as she left the spawning site, only to return shortly thereafter. During spawning bouts, both fish generated highly stereotyped IDI patterns: the male generated a series of IDIs gradually decreasing from about 200 ms to about 55 ms that was abruptly terminated by a long IDI. The female generated a series of relatively regular IDIs (about 54 ms) that was followed by a marked increase in IDI duration (the probable time of spawning). Finally, a sharp decrease in IDIs to about 20 ms accompanied the females sudden escape from the spawning site. In between spawning bouts, both fish generated series of very short IDIs (high discharge rate, HD) that alternated abruptly with very low-rate inter-HD activity (especially in the male). IDIs as short as 9 ms (male) or 11 ms (female) occurred during HD displays. No visible aggression, in fact very little overt behaviour, occurred during these HD displays in both fish. Agonistic interactions between male and female, outside a reproductive context, were similar to those previously described in male pairs, including overt behavioural patterns such as parallel swimming, antiparallel display and attack, as well as HD displays. When not interacting, fish did not generate HD displays. We suggest the HD display is a communication signal in both reproductive and agonistic contexts.  相似文献   

Mating system, social structure and reproductive behaviour of the gobiid fish Trimma okinawae were studied at Akamizu, Kagoshima, Japan. Mating system of this species is polygyny. There were two types of habitat-related distribution patterns of male and female home ranges: females have home ranges outside a small territory of the male; female home ranges are covered by male territory. Spawnings take place with a cycle of four to five days during the spawning season of June to Sept. In the morning of the day of spawning, males stay at the spawning sites. Females visit the site and spawn with the male. On days between spawnings males exhibit courtship displays at female home ranges. Higher reproductive success is not connected with frequency of such courting of the male, but with male size. The largest female of a social unit changes into a male when the dominant male is removed, which shows that T. okinawae is a hermaphrodite.  相似文献   

Synopsis Serranus tabacarius (Serranidae), the tobaccofish, is a simultaneous hermaphrodite which belongs to a group of seabasses that exhibit a wide variety of social and mating systems. The reproductive behavior of tobaccofish is similar to other hermaphroditic seabasses, with individuals assuming sex-specific spawning behaviors that allow for the assignment of male and female roles in a mating sequence. Virtually all matings involved pairs of individuals, although streaking, an alternative male mating tactic, was observed once. Pairs engage in egg trading, where individuals divide their daily clutch into a series of sequentially released parcels and take turns releasing eggs for their partner to fertilize. Individuals mate over a late afternoon spawning period with a number of partners sequentially. Larger individuals have both more total matings and more spawning partners. Egg trading is not symmetrical, the number of male and female matings for an individual in a spawning sequence is often unequal. Overall, the ratio of male to female matings increases with individual size. Large individuals are socially dominant, chase conspecifics during the reproductive period, and are more likely to end a spawning bout with a partner immediately after mating in the male role. In addition, larger individuals are less likely to reciprocate female matings by a partner, either by only mating once (as a male) in a spawning bout or by mating consecutively as a male within a series of matings. Although larger individuals show this relative specialization in the male role, they maintain their simultaneous hermaphroditism and obtain a substantial percentage of their mating success through female function. Egg trading appears to reduce the opportunity for large individuals to specialize as pure males, and thus interacts with the environmental potential for polygamy in shaping the mating system and sex allocation pattern in this species.  相似文献   

In the small filefishRudarius ercodes inhabiting temperatre seaweed beds, 2–10 males follow a gravid female, in a line until spawning early in the morning. Formation of the spawning parade and change of male order were investigated in a large aquarium. Males competed for the position nearest to the female during the parade, while the female controlled the parade by her swimming speed and course. During the parade, male members and their order changed frequently. The male order in the parade was related with the intensity of nuptial coloration, which changed according to the social rank. The female sometimes tried to take a spawning posture but rejected spawning when male positioning was not good for her, for example, far different from parading order. The female spawned with 2–5 males on each side. The nearest mating positions to the female were usually occupied by two males that had been staying at an anterior position in the parade for a long time. During the spawning parade over a long distance and time, females ofR. ercodes can choose multiple suitable males in a variable environment like a temperate seaweed bed.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spawning by the banded butterflyfish,Chaetodon multicinctus (Chaetodontidae) was observed on coral reefs off Kona, Hawaii. These fish occurred in male-female pairs during normal daytime activities, a behavior which is typical for the family. Courtship is also a paired male-female activity. During spawning, however, other individuals (males?) may intrude on the spawning pair. Spawning typically takes place at least a meter or two above the bottom. The spawning position consists of the male below and behind the female with his snout against the female's ventral flank or anal fin area. Intruding individuals may join in when the pair is in position and about to spawn. Intruders line-up against the male in the same position as he is against his female. Underwater photographs are included to illustrate these behaviors.  相似文献   

Calcium-regulating system is important for the functional activity of myocardium. However, little is known about the role of this system in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. Blood samples from the patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) caused by ischaemic disease (coronary artery disease) (NYHA class I-IV) were used to analyze the levels of calcium, inorganic phosphate, sodium, potassium, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP). The heart beat rate and arterial blood pressure were chosen as additional tests for the functional status of cardiovascular system. The alteration of electrolytes homeostasis was found dependent on the severity of the pathology being maximally expressed in the NYHA class IV patients. Similar tendency was demonstrated for circulating PTH and PTHrP with the highest blood concentrations observed in patients of the NYHA class III and IV. The extent of these changes was found more pronounced in the female patients. It is suggested that the calcium-regulating hormonal system is involved in the pathogenesis of the ischaemic heart disease; however the sharp increase of PTH and PTHrP at the severe stages of pathology may play a compensatory role in maintaining the heart function.  相似文献   

The spawning and subsequent copulating behavior of the elkhorn sculpin (Alcichthys alcicornis) were observed in an aquarium. Soon after the female was introduced into the tank, the male approached and initiated courtship behavior by unfolding all fins. Females which carried ovulated eggs eventually accepted the male and spawning progressed. Females which had not ovulated, repeatedly rejected the male’s advances. The onset of spawning in the female was indicated by fluttering of the pectoral fins and successive horizontal undulations of the posterior trunk which served to sweep the spawning site. The laying of several thousand eggs was preceded by the female taking several large inhalations of water through the mouth and a slight raising of the posterior trunk. The male continued various behavior related to courtship while the female approached spawning. After spawning, the female smoothed the egg mass into a thin layer by using the posterior trunk and anal fin. After spawning, and while the female flattened the egg mass, the male copulated repeatedly. No copulation was observed prior to spawning. Semen was observed to be emitted from the tip of the penis and to leak from the female’s genital pore. Eggs were fertilized externally by the emitted sperm in the case of females which had no prior copulating experience in the present breeding season. The entire reproductive behavior of the pair ceased, as the female left the spawning site after flattening the egg mass. The male remained near by, but did not aerate the eggs. During the breeding season, the area around the female’s genital pore and along both sides near the base of the anal fin became slightly distended and soft by the accumulation of a serous fluid. It is presumed that this edematous modification serves to flatten the egg mass for softness without crushing the eggs.  相似文献   

1. The rate of heart beat increased with temperature and was three times as high in the active as in the inactive animal. 2. The rate of shell valve movement rose and the rate of heart beat fell when the foot was extended. 3. The rates of heart beat and shell valve movement decreased when the water was saturated with carbon dioxide. This heart response remained when the visceral ganglion was destroyed. 4. Ventricular contraction occurred simultaneously over the shole chamber. The passage of blood into the posterior aorta could be restricted by the protuberances on its wall. 5. Pericardial cavity pressure rose by about 5 cm H2O at shell valve adduction and 0-25--0-6 cm H2O at ventricular diastole. 6. Pulse pressure changes of 0-25--0-6 cm H2O occurred in the auricle and 1--3 cm H2O in the ventricle and anterior aorta.  相似文献   

Paragobiodon echinocephalus (Pisces; Gobiidae) inhabits the branching coral Stylophora pistillata. Only the largest two fish bred in a coral irrespective of group size, which was larger in larger corals. Breeding pairs consisted of a male and female of similar body size. Eggs were spawned on the coral branch and guarded by the male parent for about 4 days until hatching. Successive spawning occurred usually one day after hatching. The reproductive success of a pair, measured as the number of newly hatched larvae, was positively correlated with the body size of the male as well as the female. That is, not only female fecundity but also male ability of egg guarding were limited by body size almost equally. This should promote size-assortative monogamy in the goby.  相似文献   

Synopsis The status of knowledge of spawning among the five shallow waterChaetodon species in the western Atlantic is reviewed. Spawning has been observed for three species in Puerto Rico, St. Croix and the Bahamas, with possible courtship in a fourth.Chaetodon aculeatus spawned near the time of sunset over objects on the reef as single female/male pairs or as two females and one male, with pair spawning in rapid succession. Spawning occurred during much of the lunar month from February to April and it is uncertain whether any lunar periodicity to spawning exists. Male-male aggression was noted. Spawning sites (coral heads) were alternated daily and it is likely that females spawn only once every two days. A single female produced as many as 2090 eggs in a single spawning.Chaetodon capistratus spawned during much of the lunar month from February to April. It spawned about 5 min afterC. aculeatus, occasionally using the same sites, and alternated sites daily. A female produced as many as 3710 eggs in one spawning.Chaetodon striatus spawned from February to April but it is unknown if it has any lunar spawning cycle. No predation attempts by piscivores on spawning adults were seen. Predation byMelichthys niger on eggs ofC. striatus occurred. No egg predation was observed forC. aculeatus andC. capistratus. With an assumed four month reproductive season, alternate day spawning and observed egg production values,C. aculeatus andC. capistratus produce respectively about 100 000 and 200 000 eggs per large female per year. The reproductive strategy of smaller species may be to produce moderate numbers of eggs per day over a spawning season of at least a few months while larger species may produce more eggs per day for a shorter period.  相似文献   

In resource-based promiscuous mating systems, synchronous spawning of females affects competition among males and variation in the reproductive success of males. We documented the mating behavior of Japanese charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus) through an annual breeding season to examine the relationship between female spawning synchrony and male mating behavior. Females spawned highly synchronously in the population studied, i.e., approximately half the spawning was finished within the first three days of the entire spawning season (11 days). The daily operational sex ratio (OSR) was nearly 1:1 through the spawning period. The number of males around a spawning female was very small (1.21+/-0.49 males per female) over the spawning ground and period, suggesting that a competitive male could effectively chase subordinate males away from a spawning female. A few males attempted to sneak near the oviposition site of females (16%; 9 of 57 breeding groups), while some males adopted sneaking tactics in the initial phase of females' spawning (24%). We did not observe any males to succeed in sneak fertilizations. We conclude that in this Japanese charr population, the synchronous spawning of females was related to the unbiased daily OSR, male aggregation around females, and consequently whether and how efficiently males engaged in sneak mating behavior.  相似文献   

A mismatch in synchrony between male and female gamete release in external fertilizers can result in reduced or failed fertilization, sperm competition, and reduced paternity. In Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), males can adopt either a guard or sneak tactic resulting in both pre‐ and postcopulatory competition between males with alternative reproduction tactics. Here, spawning behavior of free‐living Arctic charr was video‐recorded, and their reproductive behavior was analyzed. From evaluating 157 spawning events, we observed that females mainly spawned with a guarding male and that the female and the guarding male synchronized timing of gamete release under sperm competition. Although sneakers spawned with higher synchrony than the guarding male in single‐male spawning events, the average sneaker released his milt less synchronized with the female than the guarding male under sperm competition. Approximately 50% of the recorded spawning events occurred under sperm competition, where each event included an average of 2.7 males. Additionally, sneakers were more exposed to sperm competition than guarding males. An influx of males, in close proximity to the female, occurred during the behavioral sequences leading up to egg release, but this influx seemed not dependent on egg release, suggesting that something else than gonadal product attracts sneaker males to the spawning female. Just before and during the actual release of gametes, the spawning couple vibrates their bodies in close contact and it seems likely that this vibrational communication between the spawning couple, which results in a larger amplitude sound wave than seen under regular courting, reveals time of gamete release to sneaker males. Thus, vibrational communication may enable synchrony between the guarding male and the female, and this might be traded against the cost of higher detectability from surrounding sneaker males, eavesdropping in close proximity.  相似文献   

Territorial and spawning behavior ofChaetodon trifascialis were investigated on a small patch of reef at Kuroshima Island, Okinawa, Japan. Three males and 8 females inhabited the reef, each individual defending a territory against conspecifics of the same sex. Each male territory included 2 or 3 female territories. In the daytime, each male frequently visited the females living in its territory. At dusk in the full or new moon periods, courtship began within the female territories, pair spawning subsequently occurring within or near those territories. When a male actively courted a female in the territory of a second male, the latter male immediately chased off the intruder. Thus, mating occurred only between a male and females living in former's territory. This is the first report of a haremic mating system among butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae).  相似文献   

Rainbow darters, Etheostoma caeruleum, are promiscuous fish with moderate rates of group spawning (between one and five males may simultaneously mate with one female). In this study, I examined male sperm output and male willingness to spawn under different levels of sperm competition intensity. One male and one female were allowed to spawn in an aquarium where they had visual and olfactory access to one of four treatments: four males, one male, zero males, or one female. Theory predicts that males should reduce sperm output when there are more than the average number of males at a group spawning (four-male treatment) and should increase sperm output when there are fewer than average males at a group spawning (one-male treatment). Mean sperm output did not differ among treatments. However, males released more sperm when spawning in the presence of competing males (four-male and one-male treatments pooled) than when spawning in the absence of competing males (zero-male and one-female treatments pooled). Males were also most likely to forego spawning opportunities when sperm competition intensity was high. Furthermore, male willingness to spawn was size dependent. Large males were more likely to forego spawning opportunities under high sperm competition intensity. Large males may be better off waiting for future spawning opportunities when there is a lower potential for sperm competition intensity.  相似文献   

Post‐release survival and upstream movement of Gulf of Mexico sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the Suwannee River, Florida, were examined following induced spawning using carp pituitary extract (CPE). Six mature females (one CPE‐treated and five control) and 12 mature males (five CPE‐treated and seven control) were implanted with ultrasonic tags in March 2001 during their ingress into the Suwannee River. All CPE‐treated sturgeon and 10 of the 12 control fish were relocated using ultrasonic telemetry during 4 months following their release, resulting in 100% survival of treated fish and 83% known survival of control fish. Two control fish (one female and one male) could not be relocated after 2 weeks post‐release. CPE treatment did not result in mortality but did affect upstream movement behavior, with CPE‐treated males moving upstream at a significantly slower rate than control males and females. Similarly, the maximum observed distance that the fish moved upstream differed among control fish (males and females) and treated males, with control fish moving further upstream than CPE‐treated males. The rate of upstream movement for the single CPE‐treated female was similar to the control females and the maximum upstream distance that this female was located was near a putative spawning area. In general, the environmental parameters of temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity differed over the course of the study but did not differ between treatments and sexes. Treating sturgeon with CPE to induce spawning therefore did not cause mortality but did appear to slow the rate of upstream movement and maximum distance moved in male Gulf sturgeon.  相似文献   

We determined whether female Japanese medaka (Oryzias laiipes)copied the choice of other females or independently preferredactively courting males. We allowed focal females to observeand subsequently choose between a male that courted and potentiallyspawned with a receptive female and a male that courted andwas rejected by an unreceptive female. When the receptive femaledid not spawn, the focal female preferred the male with thehigher courtship rate; whereas when the receptive female spawned,the focal female preferred the spawning male. Our results suggestthat female medaka prefer actively courting males, unless theyhave the opportunity to copy the mate choice of another female.  相似文献   



Cardiovascular responses of traditional resistance (TS) training have been extensively explored. However, the fatigue mechanisms associated with an intra-set rest configuration (ISR) have not been investigated. This study compares two modalities of set configurations for resistance exercise that equates work to rest ratios and measures the central and peripheral fatigue in combination with cortical, hemodynamic and cardiovascular measures.


11 subjects performed two isometric knee extension training sessions using TS and ISR configurations. Voluntary activation (VA), single twitch amplitude, low frequency fatigue (LFF), Mwave, motor evoked potential (MEP), short intracortical inhibition (SICI), intracortical facilitation (ICF) and heart rate variability were evaluated before and after each training session. During each session beat to beat heart rate, blood pressure and rate pressure product (RPP) were also evaluated.


After exercise VA decreased significantly for TS but not for ISR (P < 0.001), single twitch amplitude and LFF values were lower for TS than ISR (P < 0.004), and SICI was reduced only for the TS configuration (P = 0.049). During exercise RPP values were significantly higher for the TS than for ISR (P = 0.001). RPP correlated with VA for TS (r = -.85 P < 0.001) suggesting a relationship between central fatigue and cardiovascular stress.


We conclude that ISR induced lower central and peripheral fatigue as well as lower cardiovascular stress in comparison with TS configuration. Our study suggests that set configuration is a key factor in the regulation of the neuromuscular and cardiovascular responses of resistance training.  相似文献   

This study determined if ejaculate size in male goldfish Carassius auratus is increased by the female preovulatory steroid pheromone 4‐pregnen‐17,20β‐diol‐3‐one (17,20βP), which previously has been shown to affect male behaviour and to increase sperm motility and stripped sperm number, and also to increase paternity in competitive spawning and competitive in vitro fertilization. Experimental males were exposed overnight to 17,20βP whereas control males were not. The morning following exposure, each male was placed with a reproductively active female and, after one to 20 spawning acts, aquarium water was sampled to quantify released sperm. Although exposure to 17,20βP induced a five‐fold difference in the number of sperm that could be stripped, the median number of sperm in first ejaculates of pheromone‐exposed males was >60 sixty times that of control males, a pheromonal effect on ejaculate size that persisted for at least 20 spawning acts. The magnitude of the pheromone effect on ejaculate size indicates that it is a critical component of C. auratus sperm allocation, and that examining this effect in concert with other factors (e.g. presence of competitors, male and female size and frequency of spawning) will reveal the contribution of the preovulatory pheromone to male fitness in this promiscuous species.  相似文献   

Describe reproductive behavior and mating system of the clown goby from field observations. Clown gobies exhibit a loosely haremic mating system. Pairs construct burrows at the base of cattails, the roots of which provide structural support and a spawning substrate. Larger males monopolize multiple burrows, each with an individual female. After spawning, males camouflage burrow entrances with sand and females brood developing young for 4 days. Males continue to guard the covered nests in 50% of observed brooding periods. Burrows are also used as shelter from predators. Both sexes confront intruders but only males exhibit a distinct color response to juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, the most significant predator. The male color response appeared to mimic the color of adult blue crabs, a known predator of juvenile crabs, perhaps acting as a deterrent. The presence of the predatory blue crab may require one parent to perform deterrent displays, promoting female care in this mating system.  相似文献   

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