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Healthy albino male rats were exposed to a simulated high altitude (HA) equivalent to 25000 ft (7620 m) for 6 h daily, continuously for 21 days to study the feeding behaviour. The 24-h food and water intake and body weight once in 3 days were recorded. Blood samples were drawn once a week from the retro-orbital venous plexus for blood sugar analysis. All the parameters were recorded before, during and after exposure to simulated HA. The results show a decrease in 24-h food and water intake and decreased gain in body weight during hypoxic exposure, which showed a tendency to come back to control during the post-exposure period. The blood sugar reflected a state of mild hyperglycaemia during exposure to HA.  相似文献   

A study was made of pain stimulus (amputation of 1/3 of the tail) on the mitotic activity in the corneal epithelium of 21-day fetuses, 1-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 7-, 10-, 15-, 20- and 25-day rats. In 45 minutes after the infliction of trauma no significant change was seen in the cornea of the fetuses and of the one-day-old ratlings. A gradual establishment of the reactive inhibition of mitoses in response to pain occurred between the 3rd and the 10th day of postnatal development. This reaction became more intense after the 10th day, reaching the maximum by the 25th day. Reactive inhibition of the mitotic activity was connected with the inhibition of the entrance of cells into mitosis.  相似文献   

Livy DJ  Elberger AJ 《Teratology》2001,63(1):15-22
BACKGROUND: Fetal alcohol exposure in humans can cause a variety of brain and behavioral abnormalities. The brain abnormalities include defects in the corpus callosum that range from total absence (agenesis) to reduction in size or thickness. Determination of the critical alcohol level or time period of exposure to produce these effects is difficult because of the lack of control of possible mitigating factors. METHODS: The present study was undertaken to examine possible relationships between midsagittal corpus callosum dimensions and prenatal alcohol level as measured by blood alcohol concentration, as well as prenatal period of exposure as measured by first- or second- or first- plus second-trimester equivalents in a rat model. In addition to the corpus callosum, the hippocampal and anterior commissures were also examined. Pregnant mothers were given a single daily dose of alcohol by intragastric gavage; four different doses were tested in different mothers. Peak blood alcohol concentration was determined at one of four hourly intervals thereafter. Control pregnant mothers were pairfed to individual alcohol treated mothers and handled accordingly, but no alcohol was given. Other controls consisted of normal, untreated pregnant mothers. RESULTS: The results show all measures of corpus callosum and anterior commissure were not affected by any dose of alcohol during any time period. However, higher BAC levels during prolonged periods of alcohol exposure were associated with reduced size of the hippocampal commissure. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that additional experimental factors not included in the present study are responsible for the effects observed in humans.  相似文献   

Reciprocal cross-fostering of control Wistar and catalepsy-prone GC rat pups resulted in a decrease in duration of cataleptic reactions of GC rats estimated at the age of two weeks, one month, and six months and a tendency to its decrease in Wistar rats at the age of one month. In-fostering did not exert this effect.  相似文献   

Effect of chronic cadmium exposure on locomotor behaviour of rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growing male rats were exposed to cadmium (Cd, 100 micrograms/kg, ip) for 51 days and the effect on the different components of locomotor behaviour was assessed on days 38, 46 and 51 of Cd exposure. Significant decrease in distance travelled, stereotypic time and movements, ambulatory time and vertical movements were observed in Cd-exposed rats, whereas the time of rest was increased. The number of entries into the inner as well as the outer squares and the total time spent in the inner squares of the floor area were significantly reduced. Results indicate that Cd exposure results in a general depression in all aspects of motor behaviour leading to decrease in gross locomotor activity. The involvement of an exaggerated emotional reactivity in the behavioural expression of the Cd-treated animals is also emphasized.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on anaesthetized rats from three age groups (15-20, 25-30 days of postnatal life, adult ones), studies have been made on water basins of the organism after peroral injection of hypertonic (2.5-5%) solutions of NaCl (5 and 10 ml per 100 g of the body weight). It was demonstrated that during ontogenesis, total content of water decreases mainly at the expense of extracellular fluid. Infusion of saline solutions into the stomach of rats decreases fluid content in all water basins, especially in the interstitial one. The level of changes depends on the volume of the injected solution and, to a greater extent, on the concentration of the latter and the age of animals. The described response is due to osmotic transport of water into the alimentary tract, as suggested by the decrease of water content in this tract. The role of the digestive tract in osmotic and volume regulation during peroral salt loading is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the ionic and osmotic indices of the blood, as well as on the content of water and electrolytes in different tissues of rats from 2 age groups (adult animals over 90 days and 18-24 days old ones) in the course of water deprivation within 7 days. It was demonstrated that concentration of sodium in and osmolarity of the blood plasma increased earlier and to a greater extent in young animals as compared to adult ones. In most of the tissues investigated, these changes were accompanied by the increase in the content of electrolytes and water. In the subcutaneous tissue, accumulation of cations and dehydration were observed. Adult rats exhibited mainly ion-accumulating processes in all the tissues investigated, whereas young animals showed mainly shifts in water content of the tissues.  相似文献   

Several authors have not been able to find any antilipolytic effect of insulin in adipose tissue "in vitro". We investigated the possible role of cell size and/or age of donors on this phenomenon. The lipolytic rates (glycerol release per cell) were lower in the small cells of the 4-6 weeks old rats than in the larger cells of the 25-30 weeks old animals; however, the difference disappeared when the data were expressed per unit of cell surface area. Insulin (0.5-50 ng/ml) failed to inhibit both maximally and submaximally noradrenaline stimulated lipolysis in the adipocytes of the young rats, but its antilipolytic action was fully restored by using glucose-free medium. Therefore, at our experimental conditions, a glucose dependent factor, possibly involving the preferential hydrolysis of newly synthetized triglycerides, seems to blunt or to mask the insulin induced inhibition of glycerol release. Relatively higher rates of glucose metabolism and a lower lipolysis in small fat cells might explain the difference in the action of insulin on glycerol release in the adipose tissue of young rats as compared to the older ones.  相似文献   

In order to determine the effects of chronic exercise on the kidneys at different ages, young, adult, and old rats swam 1 hour either daily or twice a week for 10 weeks and then were killed along with unexercised controls. The kidneys were removed and sections were prepared for histometric analysis including planimetric measurements on camera lucida drawings of renal components and line sampling. With both degrees of exercise young rats showed lower kidney weight, fewer glomeruli and less medullary tissue than unexercised controls. In the adult group no significant differences were noted between exercised and unexercised rats. In old rats both degrees of exercise resulted in a loss of kidney weight and medullary and cortical mass, and a decrease in size of glomeruli while total number of glomeruli remained unchanged. Thus the effects of chronic exercise on the kidneys varied with age. Retarded kidney development occurred in young animals; a loss of renal tissue in old animals; and no change in adult animals.  相似文献   

The effect of hyperchylomicronemia and hyperprebetalipo-proteinemia on the vascular wall of 6--10 and 26--30-month-old rats was studied. These animals were injected intravenously with the blood serum taken from rats, preliminarily treated with Triton WR 1339 (intraperitoneal administration). The electron microscopy study revealed the presence of inclusion of chylomicrons and lipoproteins of very low density in the endothelium of old animals only. Swelling of the Golgi complex and mitochondria, expansion of the cysterns of endoplasmic reticulum in the endothelial cells of young rats pointed to the activation of intracellular metabolic processes. The study under these conditions of the biosynthesis of some lipid classes in the aorta showed a similar inhibition of free cholesterol biosynthesis in rats of various age. An increase of phospholipid biosynthesis was recorded in young animals only.  相似文献   

Na, K- and Mg-ATPase activity of the cerebral cortex microsomal fraction has been studied and compared in adult and old rats. The activity of Na, K-ATPase decreases while that of Mg-ATPase increases with age. The total ATPase activity remains unchanged. The effect of acetylcholine on ATPase activity has been found to be age-dependent.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments on 27 late, postnatal, pubertate, and adult rats, organization of the waking-sleep cycle was studied after long-lasting emotional stressing. The pattern of disturbances in the limbico-neocortical mechanisms, responsible for organization of the above cycle, is shown to be age-dependent. In late postnatal and pubertate rats, stressing decreased the duration of the waking phase and prolonged the stage of slow-wave deep sleep. In adult rats, the waking phase became longer, while the stage of deep slow-wave sleep was stabilized Changes in the paradoxical sleep phase were insignificant.  相似文献   

The influence of cadmium sulfate on concentration of glucose, lactate, piruvate, alpha-ketoglutarate, malate, oxaloacetate in blood of 3-, 6- and 18-month-old poisoned rats was established the results of our researches. It was found, that poisoning of rats by cadmium sulfate causes the rise of concentration of glucose, metabolites of citric acid cycle and glycolysis in blood of animals of all age groups explored. The research results prove that in blood of 3-month-old poisoned rats the level of glycolysis and citric acid cycle activation is considerably higher in comparison with that of 6- and 18-month-old animals. As a result, a comparison of age-specific dynamics of changes of carbohydrate metabolism indices in the blood of rats, poisoned by cadmium showed that the organism of 3-month-old rats is more sensitive to toxic influence of cadmium.  相似文献   

The effect of various doses of acetylcholine on the content of myocardial cGMP was studied in rats of different age. The degree of changes was shown to depend on acetylcholine dosage and animals' age. Low doses produced more potent effect in adult rats. It is suggested that these features of alteration of cGMP content may be a reason for increased myocardial sensitivity to acetylcholine in old age.  相似文献   

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