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This study was undertaken to validate the potential of 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) as a noninvasive alternative for transvenous endomyocardial biopsy in detecting cardiac allograft rejection. Donor hearts from either Lewis rats (L) or Brown-Norway rats (BN) were transplanted into the neck of L rats resulting in a non-rejecting group L-L and a rejecting group L-BN. L-L and L-BN rats were serially studied by means of 31P MRS from postoperatine day 1–8. In addition, rejection was confirmed by histology. A similar, marked decrease in phosphocreative/-adenosinetriphosphate (PCr/ATP) ratio from day 1–3 was observed in both L-L and L-BN hearts. This ratio levelled off on postoperative day 3 and remained depressed on subsequent postoperative days in both groups, although histology showed an increase in the severity of rejection in L-BN. However, the PCr signal/noise ratio in L-BN started to decrease after day 4, coinciding with the histologic evidence of severe rejection (score IV), whereas in L-L hearts (score 0) this ratio remained unaltered until day 8. Since high-energy phosphate metabolism is affected by the unloaded status of the heterotopically transplanted heart, irrespective of rejection, the PCr/ATP ratio appears not to be a specific marker for the detection of acute rejection in this model. In contrast, the PCr S/N ratio appears to be a specific and sensitive marker of acute rejection, but only in a late, severe stage.  相似文献   

The development of microsurgical techniques has facilitated the establishment of fully vascularized cardiac transplantation models in small mammals. A particularly useful model that has evolved for the study of cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) is a heterotopic (abdominal) vascularized murine cardiac transplantation model. Using this model has permitted the elucidation of genetic, immune and non-immune factors contributing to the development of this inexorable pathological condition, which compromises half of all human cardiac transplants. This protocol details methods for performing the transplant, histomorphometric assessment of the graft vasculature and functional evaluation of the transplanted heart. In experienced hands, the surgical procedure requires approximately 75 min to complete, and vasculopathy results are obtained at 2 months. This model entails a fully vascularized implantation technique in which the donor ascending aorta and pulmonary artery are sutured end-to-side to the recipient abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava, respectively. As this model reliably reproduces immunological and non-immunological features of CAV, investigators can thoroughly explore contributory mechanisms, diagnostic modalities and therapeutic approaches to its mitigation.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) signaling is critical for organismal development and homeostasis. To elucidate Bmp2 function in the vascular/hematopoietic lineages we generated a new transgenic mouse line in which ectopic Bmp2 expression is controlled by the Tie2 promoter. Tie2CRE/+;Bmp2tg/tg mice develop aortic valve dysfunction postnatally, accompanied by pre-calcific lesion formation in valve leaflets. Remarkably, Tie2CRE/+;Bmp2tg/tg mice develop extensive soft tissue bone formation typical of acquired forms of heterotopic ossification (HO) and genetic bone disorders, such as Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP). Ectopic ossification in Tie2CRE/+;Bmp2tg/tg transgenic animals is accompanied by increased bone marrow hematopoietic, fibroblast and osteoblast precursors and circulating pro-inflammatory cells. Transplanting wild-type bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells into lethally irradiated Tie2CRE/+;Bmp2tg/tg mice significantly delays HO onset but does not prevent it. Moreover, transplanting Bmp2-transgenic bone marrow into wild-type recipients does not result in HO, but hematopoietic progenitors contribute to inflammation and ectopic bone marrow colonization rather than to endochondral ossification. Conversely, aberrant Bmp2 signaling activity is associated with fibroblast accumulation, skeletal muscle fiber damage, and expansion of a Tie2+ fibro-adipogenic precursor cell population, suggesting that ectopic bone derives from a skeletal muscle resident osteoprogenitor cell origin. Thus, Tie2CRE/+;Bmp2tg/tg mice recapitulate HO pathophysiology, and might represent a useful model to investigate therapies seeking to mitigate disorders associated with aberrant extra-skeletal bone formation.Subject terms: Mechanisms of disease, Central control of bone remodelling, Haematopoietic stem cells  相似文献   

Nonsurgical transplantation of the mouse embryos at the blastocyst stage into the uterus was performed using a device of original construction. The use of this device made it possible to exclude the loss of embryos, to reduce the amount of culture medium introduced together with the embryos, to lessen the damage of genital tract and ensured guaranteed "ejection" of embryos into the uterus. The females of the third day of pregnancy were used of recipients. Transplantation was performed between the mice of strains CBA/Lac, C57BL/6 and tetrahybrid CBWA. The level of newborn attained 65% of the number of transplanted blastocysts.  相似文献   

Since 1990, the development of tacrolimus-based immunosuppression and improved surgical techniques, the increased array of potent immunosuppressive medications, infection prophylaxis, and suitable patient selection helped improve actuarial graft and patient survival rates for all types of intestine transplantation. Patients with irreversible intestinal failure and complications of parenteral nutrition should now be routinely considered for small intestine transplantation. However, Survival rates for small intestinal transplantation have been slow to improve compares increasingly favorably with renal, liver, heart and lung. The small bowel transplantation is still unsatisfactory compared with other organs. Further progress may depend on better understanding of immunology and physiology of the graft and can be greatly facilitated by animal models. A wider use of mouse small bowel transplantation model is needed in the study of immunology and physiology of the transplantation gut as well as efficient methods in diagnosing early rejection. However, this model is limited to use because the techniques involved is an extremely technically challenging. We have developed a modified technique. When making anastomosis of portal vein and inferior vena cava, two stay sutures are made at the proximal apex and distal apex of the recipient s inferior vena cava with the donor s portal vein. The left wall of the inferior vena cava and donor s portal vein is closed with continuing sutures in the inside of the inferior vena cava after, after one knot with the proximal apex stay suture the right wall of the inferior vena cava and the donor s portal vein are closed with continuing sutures outside the inferior vena cave with 10-0 sutures. This method is easier to perform because anastomosis is made just on the one side of the inferior vena cava and 10-0 sutures is the right size to avoid bleeding and thrombosis. In this article, we provide details of the technique to supplement the video.  相似文献   

Based on the changes in the field of heart transplantation and the treatment and prognosis of patients with heart failure, these updated guidelines were composed by a committee under the supervision of both the Netherlands Society of Cardiology and the Netherlands Association for Cardiothoracic surgery (NVVC and NVT). The indication for heart transplantation is defined as: ‘End-stage heart disease not remediable by more conservative measures’. Contraindications are: irreversible pulmonary hypertension/elevated pulmonary vascular resistance; active systemic infection; active malignancy or history of malignancy with probability of recurrence; inability to comply with complex medical regimen; severe peripheral or cerebrovascular disease and irreversible dysfunction of another organ, including diseases that may limit prognosis after heart transplantation. Considering the difficulties in defining end-stage heart failure, estimating prognosis in the individual patient and the continuing evolution of available therapies, the present criteria are broadly defined. The final acceptance is done by the transplant team which has extensive knowledge of the treatment of patients with advanced heart failure on the one hand and thorough experience with heart transplantation and mechanical circulatory support on the other hand. (Neth Heart J 2008;16:79-87.)  相似文献   

Heart failure is becoming a major issue for public health in western countries and the effect of currently available therapies is limited. Therefore cell transplantation was developed as an alternative strategy to improve cardiac structure and function. This review describes the multiple cell types and clinical trials considered for use in this indication. Most studies have been developed in models of post-ischemic heart failure. The transplantation of fetal or neonatal cardiomyocytes has proven to be functionally successful, but ethical as well as immunological and technical reasons make their clinical use limited. Recent reports, however, suggested that adult autologous cardiomyocytes could be prepared from stem cells present in various tissues (bone marrow, vessels, adult heart itself, adipose tissue). Alternatively, endothelial progenitors originating from bone marrow or peripheral blood could promote the neoangiogenesis within the scar tissue. Hematopietic stem cells prepared from bone marrow or peripheral blood have been proposed but their differentiation ability seems limited. Finally, the transplantation of skeletal muscle cells (myoblasts) in the infarcted area improved myocardial function, in correlation with the development of skeletal muscle tissue in various animal models. The latter results paved the way for the development of a first phase I clinical trial of myoblast transplantation in patients with severe post-ischemic heart failure. It required the scale-up of human cell production according to good manufacturing procedures, started in june 2000 in Paris and was terminated in november 2001, and was followed by several others. The results were encouraging and prompted the onset of a blinded, multicentric phase II clinical trial for skeletal muscle cells transplantation. Meanwhile, phase I clinical trials also evaluate the safeness and efficacy of various cell types originating from the bone marrow or the peripheral blood. However, potential side effects related to the biological properties of the cells or the delivery procedures are being reported. High quality clinical trials supported by strong pre-clinical data will help to evaluate the role of cell therapy as a potential treatment for heart failure.  相似文献   

Only a few randomized clinical trials have been performed so far in heart transplant recipients, mainly because of the relatively small number of heart transplants performed worldwide each year. The main focus of the few controlled trials that have been completed has been the prevention and treatment of heart allograft rejection. In the area of pharmacologic immunosuppression, both biological agents and drugs have been the subject of investigation. Among the biological agents, chimeric monoclonal antibodies directed against the interleukin (IL)-2 receptor, which have been found to be safe and effective in renal transplant recipients, are now undergoing the test of controlled trials in heart transplant recipients. Immunosuppressive drugs that have been studied in controlled trials include calcineurin inhibitors (such as the microemulsion formulation of cyclosporine and tacrolimus) and inhibitors of purine synthesis, such as mycophenolate mofetil. Non-pharmacologic prophylactic immunosuppression with photopheresis has also been tested in a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial. New immunosuppressive regimens, such as mycophenolate mofetil combined with a monoclonal antibody against the IL-2 receptor, are being tested with the aim to reduce or eliminate calcineurin inhibitors or corticosteroids. Although clinical approaches to the induction of tolerance have undergone preliminary clinical evaluation, the ability to induce tolerance to an allograft in humans remains an elusive goal.  相似文献   

Summary The interaction ofDrosophila syncytial blastoderm nuclei and cortical cytoplasm in the control of somatic developmental commitments was studied by transplanting genetically marked nuclei and surrounding cytoplasm between anterior and posterior flanks. After completion of cellularization the host egg was cut. Host anterior or posterior partial embryos were cultured in adult abdomens for 8–10 days, then the larval tissue removed and injected into larval hosts for metamorphosis. Differentiated ectodermal implants were recovered from emerged adults and characterized. One hundred sixteen clearly interpretable control and experimental implants were found. Of the 73 experimental implants 15 were derived from donor nuclei.Among the 15 donor implants, 14 autonomously formed donor site anterior (head and thoracic) or posterior (abdomen and genital) structures. This donor autonomy is interpreted to mean that nuclear and cytoplasmic factors necessary for anterior and posterior somatic commitments are present and transplantable prior to the completion of cellularization. Since donor nuclei injected directly into host flanks, or premixed with host cytoplasm, would have been well exposed to any host cytoplasmic factors, donor nuclei appear to have adopted anterior or posterior somatic commitments which are stable to significant cytoplasmic alterations.In 14 implants, host nuclei exposed to donor material altered somatic fate and formed donor type structures. These conversions are interpreted to imply that cytoplasmic factors controlling anterior or posterior somatic fates are present in the syncytial balstoderm embryo.  相似文献   

Background aimsDecreased bone formation with age is believed to arise, at least in part, because of the influence of the senescent microenvironment. In this context, it is unclear whether multipotent stromal cell (MSC)-based therapies would be effective for the treatment of bone diseases.MethodsWith the use of a heterotopic bone formation model, we investigated whether MSC-derived osteogenesis is impaired in aged mice compared with young mice.ResultsWe found that bone formation derived from MSCs is not reduced in aged mice. These results are supported by the unexpected finding that conditioned media collected from ionizing radiation–induced senescent MSCs can stimulate mineralization and delay osteoclastogenesis in vitro.ConclusionsOverall, our results suggest that impaired bone formation with age is mainly cell-autonomous and provide a rationale for the use of MSC-based therapies for the treatment of bone diseases in the elderly.  相似文献   

The reconstructive potential of microvascular transplantation of skeletal growth plates was investigated through heterotopic transfers. The distal radius was resected in two series of puppies of a known large breed and substituted with a microsurgically revascularized transplant from the proximal fibula. Evaluation was conducted through serial roentgenograms, goniometric registration of joint mobility, volume measurements, histology, and fluorescent bone labeling. In the first series, development of neuropathic-like destruction of the weight-bearing graft ensued in the majority of the animals. In the second series, prolonged protection from weight bearing inhibited this destruction and resulted in hypertrophy of the revascularized epiphyseal end of the transplant but clearly reduced longitudinal growth, with only one transplant exhibiting longitudinal growth that exceeded 50 percent of the value for the control. This experiment demonstrates that skeletal growth plates possess a capacity for hypertrophy under the influence of increased loads. Whether this adaptability is sufficient to allow microvascular transplantation of growth plates to become a clinically useful procedure in children remains unclear. Further laboratory investigations are mandatory prior to clinical application of microvascular transfers of epiphyseal growth plates.  相似文献   

Transplantation of testicular tissue onto the back of immunodeficient nude mice provides a tool to examine testicular development and preserve fertility in mammals. There is no immunodeficient model in birds, but we recently transplanted ovarian tissue between newly hatched chicks from two lines of chickens and produced donor-derived offspring, showing that experimental transplantation is possible in newly hatched chicks. In the present study testicular tissue from newly hatched Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR) chicks was transplanted under the skin of the back, under the skin of the abdomen, or in the abdomen of White Leghorn chicks that had been surgically castrated and immunocompromised. Recipient birds were killed at 10 mo of age. Transplanted tissue was observed in one of five hosts receiving tissue under the skin of the back, two of five hosts receiving tissue under the skin of the abdomen, and three of five chicks with grafts inside the abdominal cavity. In recipients with no regeneration of host testes, testicular transplants grew to the size of normal testes, and histologic analysis showed active spermatogenesis. Subsequent collection of sperm from two successful transplants and surgical insemination of the sperm into the magna of the oviducts of BPR hens resulted in the production of 24 donor-derived chicks. These results demonstrate that the combination of testicular tissue transplantation with intramagnal insemination can produce viable, normal chicks, which could provide a simple approach for the recuperation of live offspring in avian species.  相似文献   

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