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1. Crystalline beta-lactamase I from Bacillus cereus 569/H yielded only amino acids on acid hydrolysis, but crystalline beta-lactamase II from the same organism yielded also substantial quantities of neutral sugars and amino sugars. 2. Analysis with an amino acid analyser indicated that the two enzymes were similar though not identical in overall amino acid composition. Analysis of neutral and amino sugars as their silyl derivatives by gas-liquid chromatography showed that the carbohydrate moiety of beta-lactamase II contained residues of glucose, galactose, mannose, fucose, glucosamine and galactosamine. 3. After oxidation and hydrolysis both beta-lactamases gave small amounts of cysteic acid. After treatment of inactive Zn(2+)-free beta-lactamase II with N-ethylmaleimide or iodoacetate enzymic activity was not restored by the addition of Zn(2+).  相似文献   

Metal cofactor requirement of β-lactamase II   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. The apoenzyme obtained on removal of Zn(2+) from beta-lactamase II from Bacillus cereus 569/H/9 showed less than 0.001% of the activity of the Zn(2+)-containing enzyme. 2. Removal of Zn(2+) led to a conformational change in the enzyme and partial unmasking of a thiol group. 3. Replacement of Zn(2+) by Co(2+), Cd(2+), Mn(2+) or Hg(2+) gave enzymes with significant, but lower, beta-lactamase activity. No activity was detected in the presence of Cu(2+), Ni(2+), Mg(2+) or Ca(2+). 4. Equilibrium dialysis indicated that the enzyme had at least two Zn(2+) binding sites. With benzylpenicillin as substrate the variation in activity with concentration of Zn(2+) indicated that activity paralleled binding of Zn(2+) to the site of highest affinity. 5. Replacement of Zn(2+) by Co(2+) and Cd(2+) gave enzymes with absorption bands at 340 and 245nm respectively, and raised the question of whether the thiol group in the enzyme is a metal-ion ligand. 6. Reduction of the product obtained by reaction of denatured beta-lactamase II with Ellman's reagent [5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid)] gave a protein which could refold to produce beta-lactamase II activity in high yield.  相似文献   

1. A procedure was devised which is suitable for the isolation of beta-lactamase I and beta-lactamase II from Bacillus cereus 569/H/9 on a large scale. After adsorption on to Celite both enzymes were eluted in good yield and separated by chromatography on Sephadex CM-50. 2. beta-Lactamase I was separated into three main components by isoelectric focusing and into two components by chromatography. 3. The Zn(2+)-requiring beta-lactamase II obtained by this procedure had a lower molecular weight (22000) than beta-lactamase I (28000) and also differed from the latter in containing one cysteine residue. 4. The beta-lactamase II contained no carbohydrate, but showed the thermostability of the enzyme isolated earlier as a protein-carbohydrate complex. 5. Amino acid analyses and tryptic-digest ;maps' indicate that some degree of homology between beta-lactamase I and beta-lactamase II is possible, but that beta-lactamase I is not composed of the entire sequence of beta-lactamase II together with an additional peptide fragment. 6. A 6-methylpenicillin and a 7-methylcephalosporin showed much lower affinities for both enzymes than did penicillins and cephalosporins themselves.  相似文献   

An efficient synthesis of a 5-fluorouracil-cephalosporin prodrug is described for use against colorectal and other cancers in antibody and gene-directed therapies. The compound shows stability in aqueous media until specifically activated by β-lactamase (βL). The kinetic parameters of the 5-fluorouracil-cephalosporin conjugate were determined in the presence of Enterobacter cloacae P99 βL (ECl βL) revealing a Km = 95.4 μM and Vmax = 3.21 μMol min?1 mg?1. The data compare favorably to related systems that have been reported and enable testing of this prodrug against cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

1. Pseudomonas pyocyanea N.C.T.C. 8203 produces a beta-lactamase that is inducible by high concentrations of benzylpenicillin or cephalosporin C. Methicillin appeared to be a relatively poor inducer, but this could be attributed in part to its ability to mask the enzyme produced. Much of the enzyme is normally cell-bound. 2. No evidence was obtained that the crude enzyme preparation consisted of more than one beta-lactamase and the preparation appeared to contain no significant amount of benzylpenicillin amidase or of an acetyl esterase. 3. The maximum rate of hydrolysis of cephalosporin C and several other derivatives of 7-aminocephalosporanic acid by the crude enzyme was more than five times that of benzylpenicillin. Methicillin, cloxacillin, 6-aminopenicillanic acid and 7-aminocephalosporanic acid were resistant to hydrolysis, and methicillin and cloxacillin were powerful competitive inhibitors of the action of the enzyme on easily hydrolysable substrates. 4. Cephalosporin C, cephalothin and cephaloridine yielded 2 equiv. of acid/mole on enzymic hydrolysis, and deacetylcephalorsporin C yielded 1 equiv./mole. Evidence was obtained that the opening of the beta-lactam ring of cephalosporin C and cephalothin is accompanied by the spontaneous expulsion of an acetoxy group and that of cephaloridine by the expulsion of pyridine. 5. A marked decrease in the minimum inhibitory concentration of benzylpenicillin and several hydrolysable derivatives of 7-aminocephalosporanic acid was observed when the size of the inoculum was decreased. This suggested that the production of a beta-lactamase contributed to the factors responsible for the very high resistance of Ps. pyocyanea to these substances. It was therefore concluded that the latter might show synergism with the enzyme inhibitors, methicillin and cloxacillin, against this organism.  相似文献   

β-Lactamase inhibitory protein (BLIP) binds and inhibits a diverse collection of class A β-lactamases. Widespread resistance to β-lactam antibiotics currently limits the treatment strategies for Staphylococcus infections. The goals of this study were to determine the binding affinity of BLIP for Staphylococcus aureus PC1 β-lactamase and to identify mutants that alter binding affinity. The BLIP inhibition constant (Ki) for PC1 β-lactamase was measured at 350 nM, and isothermal titration calorimetry experiments indicated a binding constant (Kd) of 380 nM. Twenty-three residue positions in BLIP that contact β-lactamase were randomized, and phage display was used to sort the libraries for tight binders to immobilized PC1 β-lactamase. The BLIPK74G mutant was the dominant clone selected, and it was found to inhibit the PC1 β-lactamase with a Ki of 42 nM, while calorimetry indicated a Kd of 26 nM. Molecular modeling studies suggested that BLIP binds weakly to the PC1 β-lactamase due to the presence of alanine at position 104 of PC1. This position is occupied by glutamate in the TEM-1 enzyme, where it forms a salt bridge with the BLIP residue Lys74 that is important for the stability of the complex. This hypothesis was confirmed by showing that the PC1A104E enzyme binds BLIP with 15-fold greater affinity than wild-type PC1 β-lactamase. Kinetic measurements indicated similar association rates for all complexes with variation in affinity due to altered dissociation rate constants, suggesting that changes in short-range interactions are responsible for the altered binding properties of the mutants.  相似文献   

β-Lactamase II has two metal-binding sites. The electronic spectra of Cd(II)- and Co(II)-substituted β-lactamase II have been investigated. It is suggested that a thiol ligand is involved in metal binding at the first site. The stoichiometric dissociation constants for Co(II) binding to β-lactamase II were estimated to be 0.13 and 2.66 mM (pH 6.0, 4°C, 1 M NaCl) by equilibrium dialysis. Competition between Zn(II) and Co(II) for the first metal binding site suggests a value of 0.7 μM (pH 6.0, 30°C, 1 M NaCl) for the dissociation constant o Zn(II).The electronic spectra of the Co(II) enzyme lead to the suggestion that the coordination geometries around the metal ions in the first and second sites are related to those of a distorted tetrahedron and octahedron, respectively.  相似文献   

A membrane fraction from etiolated 6-day-old primary radish roots (Raphanus sativus L. var hortensis) contained β-glucuronosyltransferases (GlcATs) involved in the synthesis of the carbohydrate moieties of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs). The GlcATs transferred [14C]GlcA from UDP-[14C]GlcA on to β-(1 → 3)-galactan as an exogenous acceptor substrate, giving a specific activity of 50–150 pmol min?1 (mg protein)?1. The enzyme specimen also catalyzed the transfer of [14C]GlcA on to an enzymatically modified AGP from mature radish root. Analysis of the transfer products revealed that the transfer of [14C]GlcA occurred preferentially on to consecutive (1 → 3)-linked β-Gal chains as well as single branched β-(1 → 6)-Gal residues through β-(1 → 6) linkages, producing branched acidic side chains. The enzymes also transferred [14C]GlcA residues on to several oligosaccharides, such as β-(1 → 6)- and β-(1 → 3)-galactotrioses. A trisaccharide, α-l-Araf-(1 → 3)-β-Gal-(1 → 6)-Gal, was a good acceptor, yielding a branched tetrasaccharide, α-l-Araf-(1 → 3)[β-GlcA-(1 → 6)]-β-Gal-(1 → 6)-Gal. We report the first in vitro assay system for β-GlcATs involved in the AG synthesis as a step toward full characterization and cloning.  相似文献   

Rhodnius prolixus Nitrophorin 4 (abbreviated NP4) is an almost pure β-sheet heme protein. Its dynamics is investigated by X-ray structure determination at eight different temperatures from 122 to 304 K and by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy. A comparison of this β-sheet protein with the pure α-helical protein myoglobin (abbreviated Mbmet) is performed. The mean square displacement derived from the Mössbauer spectra increases linearly with temperature below a characteristic temperature T c. It is about 10 K larger than that of myoglobin. Above T c the mean square displacements increase dramatically. The Mössbauer spectra are analyzed by a two state model. The increased mean square displacements are caused by very slow motions occurring on a time scale faster than 140 ns. With respect to these motions NP4 shows the same protein specific modes as Mbmet. There is, however, a difference in the fast vibration regime. The B values found in the X-ray structures vary linearly over the entire temperature range. The mean square displacements in NP4 increase with slopes which are 60% larger than those observed for Mbmet. This indicates that nitrophorin has a larger structural distribution which makes it more flexible than myoglobin.  相似文献   

A new class of benzoxaborole β-lactamase inhibitors were designed and synthesized. 6-Aryloxy benzoxaborole 22 inhibited AmpC P99 and CMY-2 with Ki values in the low nanomolar range. Compound 22 restored antibacterial activity of ceftazidime against Enterobacter cloacae P99 expressing AmpC, a class C β-lactamase enzyme. The SAR around the arylbenzoxaboroles, which included the influence of linker and substitutions was also established.  相似文献   

A commercial enzyme preparation, of fungal origin, contained a mixture of β-D-glucanases which were fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography to give a mixture of an endo-(1→4)- and an exo-(1→3)-β-D-glucanase. These two enzymes were then separated by molecular-sieve chromatography on Sephadex G-150. The purified exo-(1→3)-β-D-glucanase has a relatively high specificity for (1→3)-β-D-glucosidic linkages, and has no action on lichenin.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that many proteins start to fold cotranslationally before the entire polypeptide chain has been synthesized on the ribosome. One class of proteins that a priori would seem particularly prone to cotranslational folding is repeat proteins, that is, proteins that are built from an array of nearly identical sequence repeats. However, while the folding of repeat proteins has been studied extensively in vitro with purified proteins, only a handful of studies have addressed the issue of cotranslational folding of repeat proteins. Here, we have determined the structure and studied the cotranslational folding of a β-helix pentarepeat protein from the human pathogen Clostridium botulinum—a homolog of the fluoroquinolone resistance protein MfpA—using an assay in which the SecM translational arrest peptide serves as a force sensor to detect folding events. We find that cotranslational folding of a segment corresponding to the first four of the eight β-helix coils in the protein produces enough force to release ribosome stalling and that folding starts when this unit is ~ 35 residues away from the P-site, near the distal end of the ribosome exit tunnel. An additional folding transition is seen when the whole PENT moiety emerges from the exit tunnel. The early cotranslational formation of a folded unit may be important to avoid misfolding events in vivo and may reflect the minimal size of a stable β-helix since it is structurally homologous to the smallest known β-helix protein, a four-coil protein that is stable in solution.  相似文献   

Summary Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strains 69 V and CCM 5593 formed a -lactamase that was predominantly found extracellularly in the culture medium. The enzyme has the characteristics of an inducible chromosomally mediated cephalosporinase. Neither cell lysis nor periplasmic leakage are responsible for the extracellular location. The mechanism of secretion is not known.Offprint requests to: P. Borneleit  相似文献   

Acid -l-fucosidase (EC was obtained from human liver and purified to homogeneity. The enzyme consists of four subunits; each of these has a molecular mass of 50 kDa and bears oneN-linked carbohydrate chain. The structures of these chains were studied at the glycopeptide level by methylation analysis and 500-MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy. Oligomannoside-type chains andN-acetyllactosamine-type chains are present in an approximate ratio of 31. While the oligomannoside-type chains show some heterogeneity in size (Man5–8GlcNAc2), theN-acetyllactosaminetype chains are exclusively bi-(2–6)-sialyl, bi-antennary in their structure.These observations on the carbohydrate moieties of -l-fucosidase substantiate our hypothesis [Overdijket al. (1986) Glycoconjugate J 3:339–50] with respect to the relationship between the oligosaccharide structure of lysosomal enzymes and their residual intracellular activity in I-cell disease. For the series of enzymes examined so far, namely, -N-acetylhexosaminidase, -l-fucosidase and -galactosidase, the relative amount ofN-acetyllactosamine-type carbohydrate increases, while the residual intracellular activity in I-cell disease tissue decreases in this order. The system which is responsible for preferentially retaining hydrolases with (non-phosphorylated) oligomannoside-type chains both in I-cells and in normal cells has yet to be identified.  相似文献   

Bacteria express beta-lactamases to counteract the beneficial action of antibiotics. Benzo[b]-thiophene-2-boronic acid (BZB) derivatives are β-lactamase inhibitors and, as such, promising compounds to be associated with β-lactam antibacterial therapies. The uncharged form of BZB, in particular, is suggested to diffuse through the outer membrane of gram negative bacteria. In this study, through the combination of electrophysiological experiments across reconstituted PC/n-decane bilayers and metadynamics-based free energy calculations, we investigate the permeation mechanism of boronic compounds. Our experimental data establish that BZB passes through the membrane, while computer simulations provide hints for the existence of an aqueous, water-filled monomolecular channel. These findings provide new perspectives for the design of boronic acid derivatives with high membrane permeability.  相似文献   

The clinical and environmental infections caused by AmpC β-lactamases have been increasingly reported recently. In this study, we characterize the novel chromosome-encoded AmpC β-lactamase SFDC-1 identified in Serratia fonticola strain R28, which was isolated from a rabbit raised on a farm in southern China. SFDC-1 shared the highest amino acid identity of 79.6% with the functionally characterized AmpC β-lactamase gene blaYRC-1, although it had highly homologous functionally uncharacterized relatives in the same species from different sources, including some of the clinical significance. The cloned blaSFDC-1 exhibited resistance to a broad spectrum of β-lactam antibiotics, including most cephalosporins with the highest resistance to ampicillin, cefazolin and ceftazidime, with increased MIC levels ≥128-fold compared with the control strains. The purified SFDC-1 showed catalytic activities against β-lactams with the highest catalytic activity to cefazolin. The genetic context of blaSFDC-1 and its relatives was conserved in the chromosome, and no mobile genetic elements were found surrounding them.  相似文献   

This paper describes the synthesis of a β-cyclodextrin (β-CyD) derivative conjugated with a C,C-glucopyranoside containing a benzene unit. Its doxorubicin-inclusion ability and structure are also discussed. SPR analysis revealed that the β-CyD conjugate had a high inclusion association value of 3.8 × 106 M−1 for immobilized doxorubicin. NMR structural analysis suggested that its high doxorubicin-inclusion ability was due to the formation of the inclusion complex as a result of the π–π stacking interaction between the benzene ring of the conjugate and the A ring of doxorubicin.  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are engineered structures that collect, concentrate, and treat human waste, ultimately releasing treated wastewater into local environments. While WWTPs efficiently remove most biosolids, it has been shown that many antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria can survive the treatment process. To determine how WWTPs influence the concentration and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant genes into the environment, a functional metagenomic approach was used to identify a novel antibiotic resistance gene within a WWTP, and quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to determine gene copy numbers within the facility and the local coastal ecosystem. From the WWTP metagenomic library, the fosmid insert contained in one highly resistant clone (MIC, ≈ 416 μg ml(-1) ampicillin) was sequenced and annotated, revealing 33 putative genes, including a 927-bp gene that is 42% identical to a functionally characterized β-lactamase from Staphylococcus aureus PC1. Isolation and subcloning of this gene, referred to as bla(M-1), conferred ampicillin resistance to its Escherichia coli host. When normalized to volume, qPCR showed increased concentrations of bla(M-1) during initial treatment stages but 2-fold-decreased concentrations during the final treatment stage. The concentration ng(-1) DNA increased throughout the WWTP process from influent to effluent, suggesting that bla(M-1) makes up a significant proportion of the overall genetic material being released into the coastal ecosystem. Average discharge was estimated to be 3.9 × 10(14) copies of the bla(M-1) gene released daily into this coastal ecosystem. Furthermore, the gene was observed in all sampled coastal water and sediment samples surrounding the facility. Our results suggest that WWTPs may be a pathway for the dissemination of novel antibiotic resistance genes into the environment.  相似文献   

Class C β-lactamases have previously been shown to be efficiently inactivated by O-aryloxycarbonyl hydroxamates. O-Phenoxycarbonyl-N-benzyloxycarbonylhydroxylamine (1) and O-phenoxycarbonyl-N-(R)-[(4-amino-4-carboxy-1-butyl)oxycarbonyl]hydroxylamine (2), for example, were found to be effective inactivators. The present paper describes a structure-activity study of these molecules to better define the important structural elements for high inhibitory activity. The results show that a well-positioned hydrophobic element (which may interact with the Tyr221 residue of the enzyme) and a negatively charged element, e.g. a carboxylate group (which may interact with Arg204), are required for high reactivity with the enzyme. The new compounds were found to inactivate by forming a carbonyl cross-linked enzyme (probably Ser64OCONHLys 315) as for 1 rather than the inert hydroxamoyl derivative observed with 2.  相似文献   

X-ray crystallography has been a useful tool in the development of site-directed spin labeling by resolving rotamers of the nitroxide spin-label side chain in a variety of α-helical environments. In this work, the crystal structure of a doubly spin-labeled N8C/K28C mutant of the B1 immunoglobulin-binding domain of protein G (GB1) was solved. The double mutant formed a domain-swapped dimer under crystallization conditions. Two rotameric states of the spin-label were resolved at the solvent-exposed α-helical site, at residue 28; these are in good agreement with rotamers previously reported for helical structures. The second site, at residue 8 on an interior β-strand, shows the presence of three distinct solvent-exposed side-chain rotamers. One of these rotamers is rarely observed within crystal structures of R1 sites and suggests that the H(α) and S(δ) hydrogen bond that is common to α-helical sites is absent at this interior β-strand residue. Variable temperature continuous wave (CW) experiments of the β-strand site showed two distinct components that were correlated to the rotameric states observed in crystallography. Interestingly, the CW data at room temperature could be fit without the use of an order parameter, which is consistent with the lack of the H(α) and S(δ) interaction. Additionally, double electron electron resonance (DEER) spectroscopy was performed on the GB1 double mutant in its monomeric form and yielded a most probable interspin distance of 25 ± 1 ?. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the measured DEER distance, the rotamers observed in the crystal structure of the domain-swapped GB1 dimer were modeled into a high-resolution structure of the wild type monomeric GB1. The distances generated in the resulting GB1 structural models match the most probable DEER distance within ~2 ?. The results are interesting as they indicate by direct experimental measurement that the rotameric states of R1 found in this crystal provide a very close match to the most probable distance measured by DEER.  相似文献   

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