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Plants are mosaics of resource quality to insect herbivores. Some leaves are superior to others, resulting in variable insect performance. Certain Salix viminalis L. (Salicaceae) genotypes show an unusually strong resistance to the gall midge Dasineura marginemtorquens Bremi (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). A few leaves are frequently galled on such resistant willows, whereas on the great majority of leaves all larvae die before any galls are formed. We performed a series of greenhouse and field experiments in order to understand in more detail the observed intraplant heterogeneity. First, we tested whether random events (biotic or abiotic) can induce a susceptibility that is expressed later (next season), i.e., delayed induced susceptibility. Second, we performed a combined field and greenhouse experiment to test the possibility that susceptibility was induced by abiotic factors at the time of gall induction (within days), i.e., rapid induced susceptibility. We found support for rapid induced susceptibility, but not for delayed induced susceptibility. Although resistance remained strong, significantly more leaves with surviving larvae and galls were found on potted plants moved to the field compared with identical plants that remained in the greenhouse. Potted field plants were exposed to field conditions during a very short period in connection with gall initiation. Thus, we can exclude soil moisture, nutrient availability, and the history of the plant as factors explaining the induction of susceptibility. We tentatively suggest that radiation interferes with the expression of resistance. Our findings suggest that plasticity in plant resistance may be linked to ambient light conditions, and that heterogeneity in leaf suitability can be of ecological significance in plants that are considered resistant.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse experiment we examined the effect of willow genotype and irrigation regime (moderate drought and well‐watered) on plant growth parameters, foliar nitrogen, and phenolic concentrations, as well as on the preference and performance of the blue leaf beetle, Phratora vulgatissima (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The 10 vegetatively propagated willow genotypes in the experiments were F2 full‐sibling hybrids, originated from a cross between Salix viminalis (L.) (Salicaceae) (high in condensed tannins) and Salix dasyclados (L.) (Salicaceae) (rich in phenolic glycosides). Insect bioassays were conducted on detached leaves in Petri dishes as well as with free‐living insects on intact potted plants. The 10‐week long irrigation treatments caused statistically significant phenotypic differences in the potted willow saplings. Total biomass was somewhat higher in the well‐watered treatment. The root to total biomass ratio was higher in the drought‐treatment plants. There was significant genotypic variation in foliar nitrogen concentrations, and they were higher in the drought‐treatment plants. There was also a strong genotypic variation in each of the phenolic substances analyzed. Condensed tannins, which accounted for the greatest proportion of total phenolic mass, were higher in the well‐watered treatment. There was, however, no difference in levels of the other phenolics (salicylates, cinnamic acid, flavonoids, and chlorogenic acid) between irrigation treatments. The sum of these phenolics was higher in the well‐watered treatment. There was a strong variation in P. vulgatissima larval development on different willow genotypes, and larval performance was negatively correlated with levels of salicylates and cinnamic acid. There was, however, no effect of irrigation treatment on larval performance. Phratora vulgatissima preferred to feed on well‐watered plants, and we found a preference for oviposition there, but neither feeding nor oviposition site preference was affected by willow genotype. Adult feeding and oviposition preferences were not correlated with larval performance.  相似文献   

A pressure collar, assembled around 25cm sections of 4-year-old willow twigs, was used to examine cavitation events under field conditions. When the air pressure inside the collar was raised to between 1–8 and 2–8MPa, ultrasound acoustic emission signals were triggered which indicated the breaking of water columns in the xylem. The hydraulic conductivity of the twig portion inside the chamber decreased markedly. As a result, water potentials and conductances in leaves at the end of the twig decreased. Similar changes were induced at comparable pressures in detached twigs. The equipment used is described in detail, and evidence is presented that the mechanism of this artificial production of emboli follows the air-seeding principle hypothesized for natural cavitation events.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to ascertain whether metal resistance in willow (Salix) clones grown in a hydroponics screening test correlated with data from the same clones grown independently in a field trial. If so, results from a short-term, glasshouse-based system could be extrapolated to the field, allowing rapid identification of willows suitable for planting in metal-contaminated substrates without necessitating longterm field trials. Principal Components Analysis was used to show groups of clones and to assess the relative importance of the parameters measured in both the hydroponics system and the field; including plant response factors such as increase in stem height, as well as metal concentrations in plant tissues. The clones tested fell into two distinct groups. Salix viminalis clones and the basket willow Black Maul (S. triandra) were less resistant to elevated concentrations of heavy metals than a group of hardier clones, including S. burjatica 'Germany,' S.x dasyclados, S. candida and S. spaethii. The more resistant clones produced more biomass in the glasshouse and field, and had higher metal concentrations in the wood. The less resistant clones had greater concentrations of Cu and Ni in the bark, and produced less biomass in the glasshouse and field. Significant relationships were found between the response of the same clones grown the in short-term glasshouse hydroponics system and in the field.  相似文献   

Resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB), deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation, and kernel discoloration (KD) in barley are difficult traits to introgress into elite varieties because current screening methods are laborious and disease levels are strongly influenced by environment. To improve breeding strategies directed toward enhancing these traits, we identified genomic regions containing quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with resistance to FHB, DON accumulation, and KD in a breeding population of F4:7 lines using restriction fragment length polymorphic (RFLP) markers. We evaluated 101 F4:7 lines, derived from a cross between the cultivar Chevron and an elite breeding line, M69, for each of the traits in three or four environments. We used 94 previously mapped RFLP markers to create a linkage map. Using composite interval mapping, we identified 10, 11, and 4 QTLs associated with resistance to FHB, DON accumulation, and KD, respectively. Markers flanking these QTLs should be useful for introgressing resistance to FHB, DON accumulation, and KD into elite barley cultivars. Received: 8 November 1998 / Accepted: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

With the development of genetic maps and the identification of the most-likely positions of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on these maps, molecular markers for lodging resistance can be identified. Consequently, marker-assisted selection (MAS) has the potential to improve the efficiency of selection for lodging resistance in a breeding program. This study was conducted to identify genetic loci associated with lodging resistance, plant height and reaction to mycosphaerella blight in pea. A population consisting of 88 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was developed from a cross between Carneval and MP1401. The RILs were evaluated in 11 environments across the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada in 1998, 1999 and 2000. One hundred and ninety two amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, 13 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and one sequence tagged site (STS) marker were assigned to ten linkage groups (LGs) that covered 1,274 centi Morgans (cM) of the pea genome. Six of these LGs were aligned with the previous pea map. Two QTLs were identified for lodging resistance that collectively explained 58% of the total phenotypic variation in the mean environment. Three QTLs were identified each for plant height and resistance to mycosphaerella blight, which accounted for 65% and 36% of the total phenotypic variation, respectively, in the mean environment. These QTLs were relatively consistent across environments. The AFLP marker that was associated with the major locus for lodging resistance was converted into the sequence-characterized amplified-region (SCAR) marker. The presence or absence of the SCAR marker corresponded well with the lodging reaction of 50 commercial pea varieties.Communicated by H. F. Linskens  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping for susceptibility to a Salmonella Abortusovis vaccinal strain was performed using an experimental design involving 30 Romane sheep sire families (1216 progenies). Nine QTL corresponding to bacterial load, weight variations and antibody response criteria were mapped on eight chromosomes, including the major histocompatibility complex area on chromosome 20. Surprisingly, none was found to be significant in the SLC11A1 region (formerly NRAMP1) that has been shown to influence Salmonella susceptibility in other species.  相似文献   

Rust diseases are a major cause of yield loss in wheat worldwide, and are often controlled through the incorporation of resistance genes using conventional phenotypic selection methods. Slow-rusting resistance genes are expressed quantitatively and are typically small in genetic effect thereby requiring multiple genes to provide adequate protection against pathogens. These effects are valuable and are generally considered to confer durable resistance. Therefore an understanding of the chromosomal locations of such genes and their biological effects are important in order to ensure they are suitably deployed in elite germplasm. Attila is an important wheat grown throughout the world and is used as a slow-rusting donor in international spring wheat breeding programs. This study identified chromosomal regions associated with leaf rust and stripe rust resistances in a cross between Attila and a susceptible parent, Avocet-S, evaluated over 3 years in the field. Genotypic variation for both rusts was large and repeatable with line-mean heritabilities of 94% for leaf rust resistance and 87% for stripe rust. Three loci, including Lr46/Yr29 on chromosome 1BL, were shown to provide resistance to leaf rust whereas six loci with small effects conferred stripe rust resistance, with a seventh locus having an effect only by epistasis. Disease scoring over three different years enabled inferences to be made relating to stripe rust pathogen strains that predominated in different years.  相似文献   

Willows and many other members of the Salicaceae often produce phenolic glycosides, and the concentrations of these are known to vary among plants. We used progeny from a factorial half-sib quantitative genetics experiment with Salix sericea to determine whether the concentration of two phenolic glycosides, salicortin and 2′-cinnamoylsalicortin, show additive heritability. We found that the concentration of salicortin was much higher than 2′-cinnamoylsalicortin, and that both compounds showed additive genetic variation. However, the heritability of these two chemicals differed dramatically. We obtained heritability values of 0.20 for salicortin and 0.59 for 2′-cinnamoylsalicortin. Plant growth parameters were not strongly correlated with the concentrations of these phenolic glycosides.  相似文献   

Fish pasteurellosis is a bacterial disease causing important losses in farmed fish, including gilthead sea bream, a teleost fish of great relevance in marine aquaculture. We report in this study a QTL analysis for resistance to fish pasteurellosis in this species. An experimental population of 500 offspring originating from eight sires and six dams in a single mass‐spawning event was subjected to a disease challenge with Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida (Phdp), the causative agent of fish pasteurellosis. A total of 151 microsatellite loci were genotyped in the experimental population, and half‐sib regression QTL analysis was carried out on two continuous traits, body length at time of death and survival, and for two binary traits, survival at day 7 and survival at day 15, when the highest peaks of mortality were observed. Two significant QTLs were detected for disease resistance. The first one was located on linkage group LG3 affecting late survival (survival at day 15). The second one, for overall survival, was located on LG21, which allowed us to highlight a potential marker (Id13) linked to disease resistance. A significant QTL was also found for body length at death on LG6 explaining 5–8% of the phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot, caused by fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is one of the most devastating diseases in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). We report the identification of Quantitative trait loci (QTL) involved in the resistance to S. sclerotiorum in two segregating populations of DH lines: the HUA population, derived from a cross between a partially resistant Chinese winter line (Hua dbl2) and a susceptible European spring line (P1804); and the MS population, derived from a partially resistant French winter cultivar (Major) and a susceptible Canadian spring cultivar (Stellar). A petiole inoculation technique and two scoring methods, days to wilt (DW) and stem lesion length (SLL), were used for the resistance assessment. A total of eight genomic regions affecting resistance were detected in the HUA population, with four of these regions affecting both measures of resistance. Only one region, which affected both measurements, was detected in the MS population. Individual QTL explained 6–22% of the variance. At five of the QTL from both populations, alleles from the resistant parent contributed to the resistance. QTL on N2 from the HUA population had the highest LOD score and R 2 value and was detected for SLL in the first evaluation. The N12 resistance allele in Hua dbl2 was detected in a region containing a homeologous non-reciprocal transposition (HNRT) from the resistance-containing portion of N2. This result suggests that QTL in the N12.N2 HNRT enhanced the resistance of Hua dbl2 by increasing the dosage of resistance genes. The relationship of QTL from different genetic backgrounds and their associations with other agronomic traits are discussed.  相似文献   

A genome‐wide scan was performed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to the gastrointestinal nematode Haemonchus contortus in a double backcross population of Red Maasai and Dorper sheep. The mapping population comprised six sire families, with 1026 lambs in total. The lambs were artificially challenged with H. contortus at about 6.5 months of age, and nine phenotypes were measured: fecal egg count, packed cell volume decline, two weight traits and five worm traits. A subset of the population (342 lambs) was selectively genotyped for 172 microsatellite loci covering 25 of the 26 autosomes. QTL mapping was performed for models which assumed that the QTL alleles were either fixed or segregating within each breed, combined with models with only an additive QTL effect fitted or both additive and dominance QTL effects fitted. Overall, QTL significant at the 1% chromosome‐wide level were identified for 22 combinations of trait and chromosome. Of particular interest are a region of chromosome 26 with putative QTL for all nine traits and a region of chromosome 2 with putative QTL for three traits. Favorable QTL alleles for disease resistance originated in both the Red Maasai and Dorper breeds, were not always fixed within breed and had significant dominance effects in some cases. We anticipate that this study, in combination with follow‐up work and other relevant studies, will help elucidate the biology of disease resistance.  相似文献   

Summary We report that plant height quantitative trait loci (QTLs) identified in a given small population are not consistent with QTLs identified in other small populations, and that most QTLs are in close proximity to mapped qualitative genetic loci. These observations provide evidence to support the hypothesis that qualitative genetic loci are the same loci that affect quantitative traits, and affirm that these modest experiments probably identify real QTLs.  相似文献   

Blast is an economically important disease of rice. To map genes controlling blast resistance, recombinant inbred lines (RIL) were developed from Khao Dawk Mali 105, an aromatic, blast-susceptible cultivar and the blast resistance donor, CT 9993-5-10-M (CT). A linkage map encompassing 2112 cM was constructed from 141 RILs using 90 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and 31 simple sequence repeats (SSR). Virulent isolates of blast fungus were identified by screening differential host sets against 87 single-spore isolates collected from the north and northeast of Thailand. Fifteen virulent blast isolates were selected for leaf blast screening. Neck blast was evaluated both under natural conditions and controlled inoculations. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for broad resistance spectrum (BRS) to leaf blast were located on chromosomes 7 and 9. In particular, the QTL(ch9) was mapped near the Pi5(t) locus. The QTL(ch7) was located close to a previously mapped partial resistance QTL. Both loci showed significant allelic interaction. Genotypes having CT alleles at both QTL(ch7) and QTL(ch9) were the most resistant. Two neck-blast QTLs were mapped on chromosomes 5 and 6. The inconsistent map locations between the leaf and neck blast QTLs indicate the complexity of fixing both leaf and neck blast resistance. The coincidence of BRS and field resistance QTLs on chromosome 7 supports the idea that BRS may reflect the broad resistance spectrum to leaf blast in rice. These findings laid the foundation for the development of a marker-assisted scheme for improving Khoa Dawk Mali 105 and the majority of aromatic Thai rice varieties that are susceptible to blast.  相似文献   

Stomatal traits are important to cope with changes in levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and with changing availability of water. Thus, they are expected to be involved in the reactions of plants to climate change. They are known to show a plastic physiological response to environmental factors such as elevated CO2 concentrations, but they are also under genetic control and should undergo evolutionary change if selection differs among environments. Stomatal development is regulated by several environmental and genetic signals suggesting a polygenic inheritance. In the present study, F1 progeny derived from a cross between Quercus robur and Q. robur subsp. slavonica were used to map QTLs (quantitative trait loci) for stomatal densities and growth parameters under nonwater stress conditions in 2 and 3 consecutive years, respectively. The positions of QTLs for stomatal density and growth coincided on six linkage groups. The QTL allele associated with the higher stomatal density was generally associated with taller plants and size increment indicating pleiotropic gene effects or close linkage. The phenotypic effects of the individual QTLs were mostly moderate in terms of phenotypic variance explained. However, a considerable amount of the genetically determined variation was explained by QTLs for stomatal density (from 63.6% to 94.4%). Especially, the QTL on linkage group 11 had a strong and highly significant effect on stomatal densities and growth parameters in all years suggesting a major QTL on this linkage group. The importance to analyse the genetic variation controlling complex adaptive traits in keystone species as oaks is discussed with regard to a better understanding of the reactions of ecosystems to global change.  相似文献   

 Stay green in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is characterized by the plant’s ability to tolerate post-flowering drought stress, thereby delaying the premature leaf and plant death. It contributes to normal grain filling and reduces the incidence of stalk lodging and charcoal rot disease during the late stages of grain development. Breeding for improving post-flowering drought tolerance in sorghum hybrids remains an important objective of sorghum breeders. Since evaluation of the stay green response is difficult and unreliable under field conditions, due to the timing and intensity of moisture stress and large environmental interaction, progress in improving drought tolerance by conventional breeding methods has been slow. The objective of the present study was to determine the consistency of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling stay green in sorghum. We re-evaluated the Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL)-mapping population from the cross B35 x Tx7000 in two locations over 2 years and compared it with earlier reports. Analysis using the combined stay green-rating means of seven environments and the expanded molecular map reconfirmed all four stay green QTLs (Stg1, Stg2, Stg3 and Stg4) that were identified earlier by Xu et al. (2000). Similarly, comparison of the stay green QTL locations with earlier reported results indicated that all four stay green QTLs showed consistency across different genetic backgrounds. Examination of the stay green QTL profiles of the best and poorest stay-green lines indicated that three stay green QTLs, Stg1, Stg2 and Stg3, appear to be important for the expression of this trait when the percent phenotypic variation, and the consistency in different backgrounds and different environments, are considered. A significant epistatic interaction involving Stg2 and a region on linkage group C was also identified for the stay green and chlorophyll content. We concluded that Stg2 is the most important QTL controlling stay green, explaining the maximum amount of phenotypic variation. This report further strengthens our view to target the Stg2 QTL region for gene discovery in order to improve the basic understanding of the stay green phenomenon, which might be helpful in manipulating this trait not only in sorghum but also in other cereal crop species. Received: 12 January 2000 / Accepted: 12 February 2000  相似文献   

Partial resistance is considered race-nonspecific and durable, consistent with the concept of 'horizontal' resistance. However, detailed observations of partial resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia hordei) in barley (Hordeum vulgare) revealed small cultivar x isolate interactions, suggesting a minor-gene-for-minor-gene interaction model, similar to so-called 'vertical' resistance. Three consistent quantitative trait loci (QTLs), labelled Rphq2, Rphq3 and Rphq4, that were detected in the cross susceptible L94 x partially resistant Vada have been incorporated into the L94 background to obtain near-isogenic lines (NILs). Three isolates were used to map QTLs on seedlings of the L94 x Vada population and to evaluate the effect of each QTL on adult plants of the respective NILs under field conditions. Rphq2 had a strong effect in seedlings but almost no effect in adult plants, while Rphq3 was effective in seedlings and in adult plants against all three isolates. However, Rphq4 was effective in seedlings and in adult plants against two isolates but ineffective in both development stages against the third, demonstrating a clear and reproducible isolate-specific effect. The resistance governed by the three QTLs was not associated with a hypersensitive reaction. Those results confirm the minor-gene-for-minor-gene model suggesting specific interactions between QTLs for partial resistance and P. hordei isolates.  相似文献   

Two quantitative trait loci (QTLs), (QTLAR1 and QTLAR2) associated with resistance to ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta rabiei, have been identified in a recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross of kabuli×desi chickpea. The population was evaluated in two cropping seasons under field conditions and the QTLs were found to be located in two different linkage groups (LG4a and LG4b). LG4b was saturated with RAPD markers and four of them associated with resistance were sequenced to give sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs) that segregated with QTLAR2. This QTL explained 21% of the total phenotypic variation. However, QTLAR1, located in LG4a, explained around 34% of the total phenotypic variation in reaction to ascochyta blight when scored in the second cropping season. This LG4a region only includes a few markers, the flower colour locus (B/b), STMS GAA47, a RAPD marker and an inter-simple-sequence-repeat and corresponds with a previously reported QTL. From the four SCARs tagging QTLAR2, SCAR (SCY17590) was co-dominant, and the other three were dominant. All SCARs segregated in a 1:1 (presence:absence) ratio and the scoring co-segregated with their respective RAPD markers. QTLAR2 on LG4b was mapped in a highly saturated genomic region covering a genetic distance of 0.8 cM with a cluster of nine markers (three SCARs, two sequence-tagged microsatellite sites (STMS) and four RAPDs). Two of the four SCARs showed significant alignment with genes or proteins related to disease resistance in other species and one of them (SCK13603) was sited in the highly saturated region linked to QTLAR2. STMS TA72 and TA146 located in LG4b were described in previous maps where QTL for blight resistance were also localized in both inter and intraspecific crosses. These findings may improve the precision of molecular breeding for QTLAR2 as they will allow the choice of as much polymorphism as possible in any population and could be the starting point for finding a candidate resistant gene for ascochyta blight resistance in chickpea.  相似文献   

Several methods are available for estimating heritability in disomic species, including parent-offspring regression, realized heritability, intraclass correlations of recombinant inbred lines, and diallel-cross analysis. Estimates were obtained by these various methods for a set of eight bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) lines adapted to the East African highlands, which had been intercrossed and selfed in a half-diallel arrangement to give F1, F2 and F3 generations, and F6 recombinant inbred lines. Significant genetic variation existed among parents and crosses for both grain yield and yellow rust resistance in all generations. Based on the heritability calculated from the analysis of F6 recombinant inbred lines, analysis of the F2 diallel crosses was recommended for determining the heritability of both characters in early segregating generations. The results also suggest that a form of tandem selection may be effective in developing locally adapted germplasm which combines high grain yield with yellow rust resistance. Received: 15 February 1999 / Accepted: 11 March 1999  相似文献   

The potential for populations to become resistant to a particular insecticide treatment regimen is a major issue for all insect pest species. In Hawaii, for example, organophosphate (OP)‐based cover sprays have been the chemical treatment most commonly applied against oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), populations since the 1950s. Moreover, bait spray treatments using spinosad were adopted as a major control tactic in the Hawaii area‐wide fruit fly pest management program beginning in the year 2000. To determine the current level of spinosad and OP tolerance of wild B. dorsalis populations, bioassays were conducted on flies collected from a range of geographic localities within the Hawaiian islands. Adult B. dorsalis flies were tested (1) for the level of susceptibility to spinosad using LC50 diagnostic criteria, and (2) for the presence of alleles of the ace gene previously shown to be associated with OP resistance. Regarding spinosad tolerance, only flies from Puna, the one area lacking prior exposure to spinosad, showed any significant difference compared to controls, and here the difference was only in terms of non‐overlap of 95% fiducial limit values. With respect to OP tolerance, specific mutations in the ace gene associated with resistance to these insecticides were found in only two populations, and in both cases, these alleles occurred at relatively low frequencies. These results suggest that at the present time, populations of B. dorsalis in Hawaii show no evidence for having acquired resistance to the insecticides widely used in control programs.  相似文献   

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